Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 62: The silent creator


In the video, the young man is sitting in front of the piano, his eyebrows are warm and peaceful, and his fingertips are jumping on the black and white keys.

I can't see any superb skills, and the tune is clear and simple, but it is easy to feel the warmth and warmth through the sound of the piano.

As the music producer of "Superstar", coupled with his talent and arrogance, Yan Sheng's personal Weibo already has a lot of fans. This was the first time he criticized others without harsh words. In just a few tens of minutes, the video had already received over 10,000 views, and more and more replies below.

[Ah, what song is this? ! Ask for the title of the song, please God! QAQ]

[Remind upstairs, your fan's po is the master, and the master said it is an unnamed piano song (:з"∠)_]

[I'm looking for the original song, can't I really find it? QwwwQ is just a complete one with slightly better sound quality!]

[Please add 1 to the original song! After memorizing the book until the sky was dark, I clicked on the video and suddenly felt that I could memorize ten more books!]

[Gone? Gone? ! Gone! !]

[Recently, I feel a lot of pressure every day. After listening to it, I suddenly feel that it is a piece of cake. I don’t know what I was worrying about before? ?]

[Same same! It's so healing, so cured that I want to marry my little brother who plays the piano! !]

[poisonous? ? I have listened to it ten times, who can save me out!]

Su Shi suddenly felt something was wrong.

With more and more comments, someone soon recognized his real identity.

The piano piece he played was usually used by Gong Zhengyu to treat patients, so it was naturally impossible to find it online. As a result, the playback volume of "Prayer" suddenly skyrocketed, and many people who followed suit and criticized plagiarism also clicked on this piano piece for the first time.

When he wrote "Prayer", Gong Zhengyu hadn't connected music and psychotherapy, but his talent and aura had already begun to take shape. Although not as amazing as that video, it still somewhat comforted the intense sadness of netizens who only heard that short piece of piano music.

The bad thoughts became more and more intense, and Su Shi's phone suddenly vibrated desperately.

"Is it a phone?"

Seeing that his expression was not right, Liang Xuanyi raised his hand to support his shoulder, and waited for his eyes to be raised again before he said in a concerned voice: "You are inconvenient now, do you need my help?"

It was He Dong's call, and the other party would definitely not agree to leave written evidence. This call really had to be answered.

Sooner or later, the protagonist will have to know about this. Su Shi hesitated for a moment, then handed over the phone, took a deep breath and met the other party's gaze.

"Help me get back 400,000, I need this money very much."

Liang Xuanyi's heart sank slightly, he calmly shook his wrist lightly: "Okay."

He has been wondering why Gong Zhengyu gave up fighting for his rights, and even took the initiative to explain and apologize last night.

In the environment where he grew up, he never experienced the feeling of embarrassment due to lack of money. He still doesn't know what the 400,000 yuan means to the young man in front of him, but at least he has guessed that it is because of this money that Gong Zhengyu has to bow his head to the plagiarist instead, and has to give up his hard work.

With his eyes downcast, Liang Xuanyi took the phone, pressed a few times to connect, and He Dong's angry voice came out.

"Gong Zhengyu, are you crazy? The verdict is over, what do you want to do—do you want to overturn the case? Or do you want to take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm and just get up? Let me tell you, you will never appear in public again in your life." In front of you! You are now a stain on Yuanwei, Tianyu will never let you have a day in the top, it is useless for you to climb up to anyone... "

Liang Xuanyi held the phone, his eyes quickly turned cold.

The tightly clenched hands were suddenly held firmly, and he subconsciously raised his eyes, those always gentle and clear black eyes were filled with pleading anxiety for the first time.

He really needs the money.

This thought suddenly popped up vividly, causing Liang Xuanyi's chest to feel suffocated, and his clenched hands slowly relaxed, wrapping the man's slightly cold hands gently.

He Dong was still sneering and sarcastic, threatening inside and out, if Gong Zhengyu was dishonest again, he would never get the rest of the money.

Luckily he couldn't hear it.

Unexpectedly, for the first time, he was vaguely thankful because of the other party's deafness. Faced with the vague uneasiness in those eyes, Liang Xuanyi's heart sank, and he raised his hand to cover the youth's soft short hair.

Seeing that he remained silent, Su Shi couldn't help but raise his head and silently mouthed at him: "400,000..."

Liang Xuanyi nodded, rubbed the end of his hair, raised his hand and hung up the phone.

Su Shi sat up straight in astonishment, looking at him in disbelief.

Faced with the astonishment in those eyes, Liang Xuanyi tried his best to soften his gaze, but in the end he couldn't help the pain in his heart, and he clenched that hand tightly.

"Zhengyu, do you know how much the piece you played just now is worth if you sell it?"

Of course Su Shi knew, but pots were priceless.

There was some anxiety in his eyes, and he wanted to speak again, but the other party's cell phone rang.

Liang Xuanyi frowned, shook his hand, answered the phone and whispered a few words, put away the phone and looked at him: "Zheng Yu, I have to go home, would you like to go see my father with me?" ?”

Embarrassment and bewilderment returned to those eyes, Gong Zhengyu slightly pursed his lips, looked down at the time, and lowered his eyes apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I have to go - you go to work first..."

Liang Xuanyi looked at him, with helpless warmth in his eyes, picked up his mobile phone, called himself, and saved his number for him.

It's not that he can't afford the 400,000 yuan, but he doesn't want the relationship between the two of them to deteriorate in any way.

Gong Zhengyu has no idea what his own talent means, nor does he know how valuable his works are. As long as he goes back to see his father, he will definitely be able to find the most suitable way for him. As long as he can get in, he will never be coerced by others with this money so that he can't hold his head up.

"Send me a message if you have anything, and I can receive it at any time."

Holding that hand to lead him to stand up, he hugged the young man's thin body into his arms, and the cool warmth against his chest made him feel sour all of a sudden.

Gently pulling the cuffs with gentle force, Liang Xuanyi lowered his head, his dark eyes still flashed with uneasiness, he raised his head to look at him.

"Don't explain it to me, they—I've already promised it, and it's over like this..."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything."

The person in his arms was half a head shorter than him, which was just the right height.

Liang Xuanyi took a deep breath, resisting the inexplicable throbbing in his heart, raised his hand to caress the young man's short hair, met his gaze earnestly, and promised word by word.

The other party has already proved his ability, so he doesn't need to do anything, as long as he leads him to go on, Gong Zhengyu can overturn the misunderstanding and slander he has carried on his body.

Only in this way can the most dignified results be obtained.

Time was running out, and with his assurance, Su Shi nodded hastily, picked up his clothes and put them on.

Liang Xuanyi was still a little worried, and held his arm: "Where are you going, is it okay to be alone? Do you want me to see you?"

"I take the subway, it doesn't matter."

The young man shook his head, met his gaze, and smiled slightly: "I am very happy today, thank you..."

The bangs were loosened and scattered between the beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and those eyes became gentle and clear again.

Liang Xuanyi smiled subconsciously, nodded, and walked out of the store with him, watching the figure leave in a hurry.

Sitting in the car, I couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Gong Zhengyu couldn't hear, and he didn't wear a hearing aid. Even if he took the subway, wouldn't it be safe? He left in such a hurry, was he going to meet someone, or was he in a hurry to do something

The car had already driven for a while, Liang Xuanyi finally couldn't bear it anymore, helped the driver's seat and said in a deep voice: "Turn around, I forgot something."

The old man was anxious to tell him to go back, maybe there was something urgent. The driver looked a little embarrassed, but he still didn't dare to disobey Liang Xuanyi's intentions, so he had to make another big circle and drive back the way he came.

When Su Shi walked to the side of the road, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

The subway station is across the road, surrounded by heavy traffic, and the cars are whizzing by, but there is still silence in my ears.

After his hearing aid was broken, Liang Xuanyi stayed by his side all the time. The atmosphere in the restaurant was quiet, so he didn't think it was strange.

It's completely different now.

In the extreme silence, the traffic flow became more and more tense. Even though the sidewalk had turned into a green light, there were still right-turning cars passing by.

No one can easily get rid of the anxiety brought about by the deprivation of basic abilities that have long been used to.

Some cold sweat was faintly seeping from the palm of his hand, Su Shi took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and finally prepared to bite the bullet and rush over quickly.

The arm was suddenly pulled vigorously by someone, and the body could not help but retreat, and fell into a firm embrace.

The green light on the sidewalk flickered and went off, and a sports car sped past him.

With his heart pounding and his embrace so tight that it was almost breathless, Su Shi raised his head and met those dark eyes with lingering fear.

Liang Xuanyi was still in shock, and tightened his arms tightly, as if in this way he could confirm that the other party was still safe and sound, and was still well protected in his arms.

Breathing heavily against his neck, Su Shi pursed his lips apologetically, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

The time to take over this body is too short, and it was better when he had hearing aids, but he still hasn't had time to fully adapt to the current state of complete deafness.

She relaxed her arms a little, and helped him by the shoulders to tell him to turn around.

After checking up and down that there were no injuries, Liang Xuanyi was finally relieved, and hugged him again: "Don't be like this in the future, okay?"

When he saw Gong Zhengyu stepping out towards the road, his whole body was almost out of his mind with fright, his mind went blank, until he pulled him back into his arms forcefully, all consciousness gradually recovered.

Through the vibration, he vaguely felt that the other party was speaking. Su Shi wanted to read his lips, but was held and couldn't move. He lightly pushed him twice, and said helplessly, "This way I can't hear..."

"It's okay, I'll say it again."

Liang Xuanyi let go of him, met those warm black eyes, raised his hand to the top of his head, and spoke softly.

"From now on, I'll be with you in everything, okay?"

It's not a sentence at all, even the length is different.

Su Shi reluctantly pursed his lips, and raised his eyes to meet his gaze, but his body was suddenly pulled closer again, and the familiar warm breath enveloped his whole body, and he could almost feel the other person's still slightly rapid breathing.

It was not the expected kiss, the hand gently stroked the back of his head, asking him to lean on his shoulder.

Su Shi's heart softened suddenly, and Su Shi sighed very lightly, and finally raised his arms to encircle the opponent's body.

The dark eyes were soaked in soft and warm colors, holding his hand, and leading him to the car stuck in the delta state in the wrong direction.

It was no surprise that the young master brought the young man back, and the driver pulled the door with a bitter face. Due to Liang Xuanyi's threat of "in the worst case, go take the subway with him", he didn't dare to make any objections.

The warm air in the car was fully turned on, Liang Xuanyi led him to sit down, and patiently took off his scarf: "I'll see you off, where are you going?"

"City Hospital, I have a patient hospitalized there, I want to visit him."

Su Shi opened his mouth, met the slightly surprised eyes of the other party, smiled slightly, took out a business card and handed it to him: "I haven't had time to introduce myself properly."

It's not that I didn't have time to introduce it well, but I didn't introduce it at all.

He didn't ask the other party where he came from, and he didn't say his own background, yet he was dragged out of the reporter's siege all the way like this.

Habits are really a terrible thing.

The breath beside him was warm and stable, Su Shi chuckled, leaned back relaxedly, and met Liang Xuanyi's curious eyes.

Looking into those eyes, Liang Xuanyi's chest suddenly trembled.

Wu Run's eyes were filled with an unguarded, clear smile, shrewd and clear, without the heaviness and depression in the courtroom, but it was also different from the warmth and quietness in the restaurant.

This is what he was supposed to be like.

"Prayer" is a pure and flawless song, a transparent elf under the sun, the wind blowing around, relaxed and free, without any shackles or obstacles.

If he hadn't been through so much, he should have always been like this.

Unable to bear that hand in his palm, Liang Xuanyi carefully picked up the business card, saw the handwriting on it clearly, and couldn't help being slightly surprised: "Psychological counselor?"

"It's a new career I've found and I love it."

Guessing his doubts, Gong Zhengyu smiled, suddenly took out his phone, and showed him the photos stored in it.

There are handwritten letters from patients, flowers with dew, lovers embracing tightly, and the back view of leaving hand in hand.

Every photo is full of warmth that can't help but smile. Liang Xuanyi felt something in his heart, held his hand tightly, and met his dark eyes with a smile: "You are very powerful, Zheng Yu—maybe you I haven't realized how powerful you are..."

Those eyes blinked, showing some gentle doubts, Liang Xuanyi smiled helplessly, clicked on Yan Sheng's Weibo and handed it to him.

[Can't sleep, think of four million to buy, don't know if it's enough. [sigh]]

For the first time ever, a big name in the music industry who waved his hand was enough to retweet and reply, and the format was unexpectedly very uniform.

[Fang Zian v: Don't think about it, it's not enough. //Jiang Haokuang v: What are you thinking, not enough. //Xu Yangbing v: "Prayer" is almost the same, but this one is not enough.]

[Qian Caiying v: Not enough. You have these 4 million, why didn't you buy "Prayer" when you changed "Through the Wind"?]

Fortunately, Mr. Zheng doesn't use Weibo.

Seeing that even the handle was completely useless, Su Shi was silent, holding the phone as if heartbroken.

Seeing the preoccupation in those eyes again, Liang Xuanyi smiled dumbly, rubbed his hair, and made his eyes turn to himself.

"Don't worry, Tianyu's 400,000 won't be enough for your work. I originally thought that Yan Sheng would take revenge like before, but now it seems that your songs really have the power to cleanse people's hearts."

There is also the power to shake the pot.

Su Shi's mood was terribly complicated, and he threw his head on the opponent's shoulder, full of worries that Yan Sheng had been wiped out too much, and directly reported the inside story of the program group's adaptation of "Crossing the Wind".

Being suddenly thrown into his arms by the thin body, Liang Xuanyi was overwhelmed by the flattery, carefully hugged the body in his arms, and patted gently with slow strength: "Okay, don't be afraid, everything will be fine..."

Although he knew that the other party couldn't hear him, he still couldn't help hugging the person who suddenly jumped into his arms, and couldn't help whispering comforting words.

It seems that this can make up for the lost time of three years, and it can comfort the shadow standing alone in the shadow, with no one to comfort and support.

In the past three years, he was obviously the real original creator, but he was always squeezed out and suppressed, with no way to appeal. Obviously they have found a new way out, they have already had a brand new start, but they are dragged back to the repressed and desperate memory three years ago, forced to bow their heads, and even threatened by a manager with cynicism.

He couldn't even imagine how much pressure he would have to bear and how desperate it would be.

Smoothly comforted by the familiar warm breath, Su Shi took a deep breath to regain his strength, sat up straight with his body propped up, and looked at Liang Xuanyi: "Will you go to the competition?"


Liang Xuanyi was slightly taken aback by his question. After thinking for a while, he remembered that he was still holding the invitation letter of "Superstar". After pondering for a moment, he smiled and shook his head: "I haven't thought it through yet. I'll think about it later."

He was originally inclined to participate in the competition, but this incident made him even more disappointed with the "Superstar" program team.

They were all professionals in the circle. When they changed the song for He Yuanwei, those people couldn't have ignored the controversy of plagiarism, but they still carefully adapted the song and made it popular all over the country overnight.

It seems that those musicians who changed their songs were not at fault, but it was their behavior that forced Gong Zhengyu, who had already come out of the shadows three years ago, to be dragged back, and was forced to face a more profound situation again. denigration, repression and despair.

He really doesn't have much inclination to cooperate with this kind of program group.

Su Shi still didn't know his terrible thoughts, and was sitting aside looking at the messages on Weibo, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Under that video, most of the comments are praises for the song, and there are a few high praises in it, which is particularly eye-catching.

[Regardless of the tune, the level of playing the piano is not as good as my amateur level ten, is it too much?]

[Didn't you say he was deaf? Can't sell it anymore?]

[Don't wash your whites here, dare to copy my Wei's song, you're done [smile] Isn't it miserable? When you are human fleshed out, sell yourself miserably.]

The villains who stood firm were the Tianyu people, who knew who was manipulating behind the scenes without even thinking about it. Su Shi felt some inexplicable respect in his heart, and silently quit Weibo.

I don't know how long Tianyu can last, at least before He Yuanwei loses all his fans, he will probably be able to leave a shadow of his popularity.

The car stopped in front of the hospital, and Liang Xuanyi accompanied him to the intensive care unit, just in time for the visit.

The time for ICU visits is fixed, and if you miss it, you can only wait another day. The little guy might be terrified staying alone in the intensive care unit. It is impossible for his parents to come to accompany him, so naturally he can no longer be absent.

Antibacterial clothing should be worn in the intensive care unit, and personal belongings cannot be brought in. Su Shi took off his coat, and Liang Xuanyi took it over, nodding slightly at him: "Go, I'll wait for you outside."

On the way here, he had already told him about Shen Fei's situation, Su Shi nodded, with a warm look of gratitude in his eyes, and hurriedly followed the nurse into the intensive care unit.

Liang Xuanyi sat down outside the monitoring room, and in the pocket of the windbreaker on his arm, the phone suddenly rang.

It was the notification tone of a text message. Liang Xuanyi originally didn't plan to pry into the other party's privacy, so he put his clothes in his arms, but the phone vibrated one after another.

In this short period of time, I have already received a dozen text messages. Liang Xuanyi frowned slightly, worried that there was something urgent to find the other party, took out his phone and looked, but his eyes quickly sank.

Gong Zhengyu's phone number has obviously been leaked, and it was all text messages from He Yuanwei's fans. Fierce abuse, humiliation, unscrupulous attacks, and even real threats mixed in, made people shiver faintly behind.

Only He Yuanwei's agent knew Gong Zhengyu's phone number, and who was behind this matter could be guessed without even thinking about it.

Liang Xuanyi's eyes became colder, the sharp light pierced the bottom of his dark eyes, he turned off his mobile phone, and turned to the driver standing aside: "Tell father, I agree to participate in "Superstar", as a condition, I will suspend all the lyrics and music with Tianyu in the future." Cooperation."

Since sunlight cannot completely disperse the shadows, let Blizzard block the ice.

Gong Zhengyu was responsible for proving his innocence, and he was responsible for telling these people to shut up.

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: Where's the pot shadow! ? ! ? ∑(°口° 三°Д °;)っ

