Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 64: The silent creator


The new task released by the protagonist unexpectedly puts a lot of pressure on Su Shi.

Liang Xuanyi fully inherited his father's talents, and the words he wrote were heart-pounding, and understatement can also make people uneasy. However, the composition of the song is full of academic style. I wish that the beginning and end of the song follow the most standard format and put the song into it. I always feel that half of the fun is lost for no reason.

Trying to make up for his mistakes in the beginning, the system deliberately went to other worlds to bring a lot of ready-made sheet music, but Su Shi didn't intend to use it, and the difficulty of the task increased several levels in a blink of an eye.

The original body's talent is enough, and hearing has become a limitation that cannot be ignored.

Su Shi sat in front of the piano all night, and simply used up all the vouchers in the black card, and spent tens of thousands more on himself, so that he could use up his musical talent, which he probably wouldn't be able to use in the future, to the top.

He smoothly blocked the system that was so distressed that the machine was stuck, closed his eyes, raised his hand and pressed the keys.

Brilliant golden light bloomed on the pure black curtain.

The brisk music sounds flowed from the black and white keys, Liang Xuanyi finished the hot cocoa, and was about to push the door, when the sound of the piano outside suddenly stopped.

The temperature in the palm was a little hot, Liang Xuanyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he stopped in his footsteps.

Gong Zhengyu has a gentle nature, and the music he wrote is as light and warm as a human being, but it doesn't quite fit the style of this song.

If you want to make a blockbuster hit with original songs in the battle of kicking the hall, you must use a big song that can live in the field. Quietness and warmth are not enough.

This song is called "Bird", and he wrote it when he was young. At that time, he was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he had just missed the championship of an international competition because of shady scenes. Although he was angry and unwilling, he was still at the age of rampage.

Not afraid of getting into trouble, not afraid of wrestling, not knowing what it is to be discouraged, not knowing pain when knocked to the ground, and unstoppable in one mind.

From his current point of view, the lyrics are actually too sharp, but Gong Zhengyu chose this one.

At the beginning, he just wrote down the lyrics, and later tried to compose the music a few times, but was rejected by his father on the grounds that it was too standard, and it has been shelved until now. It's a bit too much to compose the song in one night.

Liang Xuanyi sighed very lightly, and was about to open the door to go out, when the sound of the piano outside the door suddenly rang.

His hands hang in the air.

The sound of the piano is a style he has never heard before, still light and light, as light as a sword that has just been forged, after being quenched in the cold pool and unsheathed for the first time, it still doesn't know how to restrain the edge, it is so sharp that it seems to be able to break through everything.

After a brief prelude, the tune changed, making one's breath stop.

The young man stood on the pitch-black stage, his fists clenched tightly, the chasing light fell on the center of the stage, and the black and white keys were silent in the darkness.

When the darkness is extremely thick, there is a sharp light shining in the bottom of the eyes, breaking through the barrier, cutting through the darkness, and rushing forward, and then forward.

Then a brilliant light suddenly spread out in front of his eyes, and the scattered golden light jumped on his fingertips.

At that time, I was still young, my heart was higher than the sky, and I never knew what it meant to be afraid.

The last note gradually faded away, and I suddenly woke up, with a thin layer of sweat on my forehead, and my chest was full of joy that I had not seen for a long time.

Bright light lit up in his eyes, Liang Xuanyi couldn't bear it any longer, he opened the door and walked out quickly, meeting the still warm and bright eyes.

The person sitting in front of the piano met his gaze, his chest heaved and heaved, and he was holding on to the edge of the piano to get up, but suddenly it shook.

With his heart almost reaching his throat, Liang Xuanyi rushed over quickly and hugged him tightly.

The body in his arms was cold, the shirt was stuck to his body, and the bangs soaked in sweat were stuck to his forehead. The whole figure seemed to have been washed once.

Gong Zhengyu seemed to be unaware of his own situation, just looked up at him, with a clear smile on his delicate brows and eyes, and his eyes were bright: "Do you like it?"

"like very much… "

Liang Xuanyi lowered his brows and eyes gently, and sat on the piano bench with the person in his arms, his cheek pressed against his cool forehead.

No wonder the other party couldn't produce any evidence to prove originality, no wonder Gong Zhengyu would say that he didn't need ideas at all in court.

Thinking of that lawyer's arrogant attitude, his eyes couldn't help but darken, and he added another item to the list of accounts to be settled.

Su Shi was still worried about the protagonist's business, leaned in his arms, and pulled his sleeves down: "I can't hear the root note clearly, remember to add it yourself. This is just the main theme. You should record the demo as soon as possible and find someone to give it to you." with accompaniment…”

The ending was submerged in an extremely tender kiss.

Liang Xuanyi kissed him softly, taking all the light from those warm pupils into his eyes, and the dark eyes were filled with tiny starlight.

The family education was strict, and he didn't have much experience in intimacy, so he let him go gently after just a taste, with a slightly nervous look in his eyes.

"You stole my hot cocoa..."

Su Shi clutched his clothes, leaned over to look, and sure enough found a familiar mug in his other hand.

His lover's evaluation of kisses was really unique. Liang Xuanyi was slightly startled, a helpless smile quickly flashed in his eyes, he gently kissed his forehead, and handed over the glass that was almost spilled in his hand: "Fortunately, I took a few sips secretly. , is it cold?"


Satisfied, he took a small sip of the cup, and as soon as his highly concentrated mind relaxed, he immediately became very tired. Leaning in the familiar warm embrace, his sleepiness doubled again.

Su Shi narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help yawning.

Liang Xuanyi stroked his hair, and lightly kissed the light-colored lips stained with cocoa: "There is still time, there is no need to work so hard. Go take a bath first, and sleep here today, okay?"

Su Shi didn't intend to go back at first, so he nodded in a daze, holding the cup in one hand, and was led by him to the bathroom.

The hearing aid should not get wet, and the small instrument was taken off again, and the complete silence suddenly returned to the ear, but a faint discomfort appeared again.

Liang Xuanyi was preparing pajamas for him, when he turned around, he suddenly saw that thin figure standing at the door, Wu Che's pupils were filled with a trance that made people breathless.

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Liang Xuanyi's heart tightened, and Liang Xuanyi quickly walked over, seeing the hearing aid in his hand, he immediately understood, hugged him gently into his arms, and gently stroked the top of his forehead.

Gong Zhengyu raised his head silently, his gaze fell on his face.

Liang Xuanyi understood, held his hand, and thoughtfully slowed down his speech: "It's okay, I'll accompany you."

Obviously, when I came here on the first day, I was used to the quiet state, and I had someone to accompany me, so my adaptability was also easy to degrade.

The degraded Su Shi nodded obediently and put down the hearing aid. Let him lead you to the bathroom.

Just take a shower, don't really need to hear anything. As long as someone is with you, you feel that the world is absolutely quiet, and it seems that you are no longer so lonely.

When Yuba's bright light fell, Su Shi squinted his eyes uncomfortably, but was firmly blocked by a tall figure.

The heat was dizzying, and the clothes were neatly folded outside. The hot water with adjusted temperature was sprinkled down, drenching the young man's soft black hair, making him look more docile and docile.

Liang Xuanyi stood under the shower with his people together. In the warm water, he couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed those black eyes that were moistened by the mist even more tenderly.

The hot water took away the cold and tired body, and after taking a shower comfortably, the whole body was completely relaxed, becoming more and more lazy and unwilling to move.

After drying off his body and putting on his pajamas, Su Shi was led into the bedroom by Liang Xuanyi, and then he fell down on the big soft bed consciously.

Seeing the young man's unsuspecting trust, Liang Xuanyi's heart grew warmer, and he could hardly hide a soft smile in his eyes. He put his arms around the man and leaned into his arms: "Dry your hair, or you will get a headache."

Su Shi couldn't hear him, and he wasn't annoyed at being picked up from the bed, and continued to doze off in his arms.

It was only then that he remembered that the other party hadn't put the hearing aid back on, Liang Xuanyi couldn't help laughing, and sighed indulgently. He simply hugged him and dried his hair carefully, kissed him on the forehead, and then put him back into the quilt lightly.

In fact, he really wanted to sleep with the other party, but felt that the progress seemed too fast, and worried that Gong Zhengyu would feel frivolous. Sitting on the edge of the bed for a while, seeing that the breathing of the person curled up in the quilt has been steady and long, he raised his hand to turn off the bedside lamp, and left lightly.

Su Shi, who was used to it naturally, was carefully coaxed by the protagonist to stay in his home without realizing it.

Liang Xuanyi will officially participate in the competition two weeks later, and within ten days he must come up with at least three complete works that can be replaced. Apart from running to the hospital as usual, Su Shi almost completely soaks in front of the piano every day. Liang Xuanyi and him were busy working on the works, and at the same time, they were dealing with the aftermath of the suspension of providing lyrics and music to Tianyu, and they also had to find a way to deal with He Yuanwei's increasingly persistent fans.

Both of them were very busy, but they were also full of motivation. Every night, they fell on the bed exhausted and slept much better than before.

With the further fermentation of that video, Gong Zhengyu also quietly became popular on the Internet.

The song in the video that seems to have magical power, although it is only a short section with no beginning and no end, it still spreads more and more widely. Finally, a patient who had received treatment recognized this song, so Gong Zhengyu's identity as a psychological counselor quickly spread on the Internet, and the number of people who suddenly wanted to see a doctor doubled, and soon organized a group A large team of patients.

It is a pity that an insider soon came forward and revealed that after the lawsuit ended, Gong Zhengyu closed the clinic and never received new patients.

With hope but suddenly disappointed, netizens, while regretting, also pointed their finger at Tianyu and He Yuanwei who have been bullying too much. Apart from the original diehard fans, He Yuanwei's popularity has declined rapidly, and he even fell to the brink of being eliminated by "Superstar".

He Yuanwei was arrogant, so he couldn't bear it any longer. Under He Dong's repeated coercion and lure, Lawyer He finally had no choice but to grit his teeth and agree to the other party's request.

He didn't know that the villain was still trying his best to take the blame. Su Shi had just finished compiling the third piece, and he felt that most of his energy had been spent, and he almost fell headlong in front of the piano.

The original body's physical fitness is not good, and he is born with asthma. The high-intensity work these days has already exhausted his body to some extent.

Liang Xuanyi was urged by him to go to the recording studio to record a demo, but he hasn't come back yet. Su Shi propped himself up and fell into the sofa, closed his eyes to relieve his dizziness, and then went to find something to eat, when the phone suddenly rang.

This is the new mobile phone that Liang Xuanyi bought for him. It is directly bound to the APP of the remote control hearing aid. It is very convenient to use and has indeed saved him a lot of trouble.

At the insistence of the other party, he not only changed his mobile phone, but also directly changed the new number. Few people knew this number, except for the hospital, there was almost only one person who would call him.

Su Shi closed his eyes and slid the screen away, brought the phone to his ear, and responded, but his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he sat up straight.

Shen Fei's condition is suddenly in danger, so he is asked to go over and sign immediately.

He couldn't tell the difference between ordinary male voices, so he could only rely on hearing aids instead of headphones to enhance the sound. The boy's condition had gradually stabilized, and there shouldn't be any problems, but now he was suddenly notified, maybe it was something serious.

Liang Xuanyi is still in the recording studio, and it's not certain when he will come out. Su Shi sent him a text message to explain the situation, then got dressed and hurried out the door.

All the way to the hospital, but only a false alarm.

The boy in the intensive care unit has recovered a lot, and under his persistent guidance in the past few days, his eyes have regained their brilliance. After staying for a few more days, he will be transferred to a general ward.

Considering the patient's physical and mental condition, the doctor specially approved him to visit in advance. As soon as he saw Su Shi's figure, the boy's eyes lit up suddenly, holding his hand and refusing to let go, and his pale and thin brows gradually began to show joyful vitality.

Su Shi stayed with Shen Fei in the intensive care unit for a while before leaving. When he reached the door, he received a call from Liang Xuanyi.

He just came out of the recording studio, saw Gong Zhengyu's text message, fidgeted with worry, and immediately called back.

"Don't worry, it's nothing, it's just a false alarm—it's not that I don't know how to ride a car, don't worry, I'm going home now."

Hearing the particularly nervous voice on the phone, Su Shi raised his hand and pushed the door open, and asked with a smile to comfort the other party, but he also faintly felt something was wrong in his heart.

Since it wasn't a call from a doctor, the call he answered seemed particularly strange.

Tianyu is clear about the fact that he saved a child. He Yuanwei's malice towards him has never lessened, but because of Liang Xuanyi's protection, he hasn't had the chance to touch him yet.

But it was precisely because he hadn't had time to contact him at all, it was difficult for him to deduce which step he was in the plot based on the changes in the situation, and how those people planned to deal with him.

"You stay in the hospital first, and then stay with the child for a while, I'll pick you up right away, okay?"

Liang Xuanyi was extremely anxious, his voice was still soft, but there was obvious tension.

He had seen those threatening contents with his own eyes, but he stubbornly refused to let Gong Zhengyu know. In addition, that person has been concentrating on those few songs recently, and he doesn't have much access to the Internet, let alone how far the situation has developed.

This phone call pinpointed Gong Zhengyu's mind. If something happened to that child, the other party would definitely not stop looking at it. Once he did, there might be serious consequences.

Hearing his anxiety and worry, Su Shi had a rough idea, and stopped insisting: "Okay, then I'll go back and wait for you—"

Before he could finish speaking, a mechanical notification sounding to earn one million experience points suddenly sounded beside his ears.

Su Shi was stunned, and suddenly felt inexplicably familiar.

The next moment, his body was suddenly hit hard, and his mobile phone was snatched away in an instant. Before he could react, he was dragged into the car by his body, and sped towards the familiar road.

A flash of light flashed in Su Shi's eyes, and he was about to raise his hand, but a reminder of being banned suddenly sounded in his mind. Only then did he realize that in order to match his current character design, the [Fighting Technique] card had turned gray at some point.

Unable to resist, he fell back into the seat, and was firmly held down by the lawyer wearing sunglasses, lowering his voice and anxiously leaning towards his ear.

"I'm not going to kidnap you, but I'm going to send you back to your home, where there are fans who have been incited to guard. You still have to write "Shimmer", let's go through the plot, don't be angry, don't hit me, don't Get someone to beat me up..."

Hearing his last words, Su Shi's movements froze.

"Shimmer" is a song of weeping blood, a swan song in which thorns penetrate the chest. He was so well protected by Liang Xuanyi, he didn't have the chance to touch the darkness, no matter how talented he was, he couldn't write the most direct melody.

No wonder the foreign aid is forced to be dispatched. It turns out that I saw an old friend again.

"I see. Don't be afraid, I won't make things difficult for you."

Seeing the terrified expression of the other party who was almost crying, Su Shi had no choice but to answer in a low voice, and his eyes fell on the burly man in black who was driving in front: "Is it okay for them to hear what you say?"

"It's okay, they are the bodyguards I bought, they are just NPCs..."

Seeing that his attitude was moderate, the dark lawyer breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and replied in a low voice, the car had already stopped at Gong Zhengyu's house.

The phone was thrown back into his arms, and before he could react, Su Shi was roughly pushed down.

He Dong had already asked someone to stir up the fans' emotions in advance, and someone with ulterior motives took the lead. As soon as he was spotted, someone blocked him in the alley.

Cold water was poured down the head, drenching the whole body instantly.

On the contrary, those fans seemed to have finally relieved their anger, and laughed triumphantly. Some people leaned forward, sarcastically threatening, and some people even held up their cameras to record.

"Do you know what you should do? You lost the lawsuit, how do you want to develop in the music industry as a deaf person?"

"It's fine to copy the songs, and I've been jumping around endlessly. If you didn't bribe those old guys, how could I be so angry!"

"Get out of the music world, get out of the entertainment circle!"

"Tell you, we can block you downstairs in your house, as well as in other places. Last time we were able to push you off the airport, this time we can also push you off the roof!"

The thin figure retreated step by step and was completely forced into the shadows.

The drenched clothes were clinging to the body, completely frozen by the wind, and water droplets slid down the tail of the hair, the body trembled unconsciously, and the long-familiar memories came to mind.

The same containment, the same passion. Stepping back step by step, there are ridicules in front of his eyes and accusations in his ears.

The body was pushed hard by someone, and the feet suddenly stepped into the air. Intense fear instantly hit the heart, and the figure fell, and fell heavily on the ground.

Onlookers, dodge, shirk, flustered.

The confinement was completely broken, and the monsters were ferocious, choosing to devour them.

Feeling the strange emotions in his body that didn't belong to him at all, Su Shi's eyes darkened, and the hand hidden in his pocket moved, ending the recording.

Then suddenly exerted force, knocked away the figure in front of him, and ran back outside.

The cold and strenuous running made it harder for him to breathe. He was gasping for breath, but it seemed that he couldn't relieve the suffocation in his heart. Trembling, he pressed the dial key, only to find that the phone card had been removed.

His chest heaved violently, and his heart beat almost to burst. There were still people chasing after him, Su Shi clenched his lower lip in a daze, and ran out from the alley, his eyes gradually turned bright white.

The next moment, he was suddenly pulled into his arms by a pair of arms.

The cold to numb body was infinitely close to the warm chest, and one could vaguely feel that the beating heart in the opposite chest seemed not much more relaxed than his.

"Get out of the way! It's none of your—"

The young man behind caught up, and before he could finish threatening, Liang Xuanyi punched him firmly in the chest.

"No, you can't hit someone..."

The protagonist is about to participate in "Superstar", and the exposure is at its peak. Once this kind of news comes out, it will undoubtedly be a serious blow.

Su Shi gasped for breath, pulled his arm with difficulty, and tried his best to bring back the other's reason: "I feel bad, you take me to the hospital first..."

Arms trembled violently, Liang Xuanyi's eyes were almost bloodshot, he carefully picked him up, and quickly got into the car waiting on the side of the road.

This was the first time that Gong Zhengyu told him so bluntly that he was uncomfortable. The person in his arms closed his eyes, frowned uncomfortably, his lips were pale, and his breathing was worryingly fast.

Regardless of the delay, he sent the person to the hospital immediately, only to realize that it was an asthma attack. The first-aid doctor quickly inhaled oxygen for Gong Zhengyu, and used antispasmodic medicine to relieve pain, and the pain on his pale face finally gradually eased.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's okay..."

Not knowing whether he was comforting the other party or himself, Liang Xuanyi held that cold hand and carefully stroked the young man's short hair that was still slightly damp.

Gong Zhengyu was still wearing a breathing mask, only Ningrun's black eyes were exposed, and the light in his eyes had returned to the gentleness and softness as before. He blinked at him, and the hand being held moved, and gently closed his palm.

The panic in his heart gradually calmed down, and Liang Xuanyi's eyes softened accordingly. He leaned over and kissed him lightly on the forehead: "Rest for a while, I will stay here with you, not going anywhere..."

His body and spirit had reached their limit, Su Shi silently bowed his eyebrows at him, then closed his eyes and fell asleep exhaustedly.

The beating incident was still filmed. That night, the news of #梁玄逸打人# became a trending search.

At the same time, it was also listed on the hot search list, as well as #天娱乐疑着入进接控计划战考#, #何元娜fans surrounded打火#, #天娱律师养被弓走#, and #超星钢友disclosed plagiarism, which quickly caused an uproar Inside – Backstory#.

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: What about me? ? Σ(Q口Q)

#everyone has pot#

#except me#