Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 76: cold victim


As the mecha glides across the stars, a light pursuit ship suddenly stops in front of it.

Already anxious, and not wanting to waste any more time, Elvis paused the propulsion function, frowned and looked at the pursuit ship that was about to block the way.

"Elvis, maybe we should talk."

The communication was forced to be activated, and the voice of Marshal Lance came from the loudspeaker, with a rare patient tone.

The empire had just suffered heavy losses, and it was the easiest time for other countries and even planets to take advantage of it. The general and deputy generals of the legion left at the same time, which undoubtedly made the government and the military feel strongly uneasy.

"The empire was damaged by the insect plague. According to the "Interstellar Convention", an absolute protection period of six months can be applied for. This period of time is completely enough for the country to recover."

Elvis lowered his gaze, and said in a cold tone, "If you want to talk to me about whether our departure will cause a emptiness in domestic defense, I don't think we really have anything to talk about."

What he wanted to say was choked by him, and the original awareness of affection was also in vain, and Marshal Lance fell silent again.

The Empire did spend a lot of effort in cultivating Elvis, but the other party has already given the same value in return. In the last fierce battle, if Elvis hadn't exhausted his mental power to cover the retreat of the legion, perhaps the entire legion would have been wiped out in the swarm of insects.

When Elvis was held hostage by the Zerg due to exhaustion of mental power, if it weren't for the delay in the game of politicians, the Queen of the Zerg would not have had the opportunity to pollute his energy core.

If it wasn't for Dennis, Elvis would have already died once.

After re-purifying the energy core, the other party is still willing to return to the country and risk his life to solve this fatal crisis. Even as a soldier, he has already completed all the missions he should undertake.

"I'm not trying to say that, Elvis, you're completely free now..."

Marshal Lance's tone was a little slow, and he responded in a low voice, but fell silent again with a heavy heart.

Dennis is still waiting for himself. Elvis didn't want to make more entanglements on the road, and changed direction to avoid the pursuit ship, but found that even the control of the mech was forcibly imposed by the authorities. No matter how he used his mental power to drive, he couldn't make the mech move .

The mood became more and more anxious, and the mental power quickly rippled, mercilessly slamming into the official electromagnetic wave.

"Don't worry, Elvis, we don't talk about this, I just want to show you something."

Faintly aware of the threatening fluctuations produced by his mental power, Marshal Lance hastily opened his mouth, and directly transmitted another document into Elvis' personal terminal.

Seeing the words "Top Secret" marked in red above, Elvis narrowed his eyes slightly, and inexplicably had a vague premonition in his heart. The original thought of rejecting the document paused for a moment, and the file had already been transmitted.

[Records of the first generation of genetically modified human experiments]

As if suddenly realizing something, a strong chill ran up his spine, and an infinite coldness spread in his heart.

Even the rest of his anger had completely dissipated, Elvis remained silent, his mental power that had broken through the SS level was still shaking, trying to find a breakthrough port under the official's airtight control.

Dennis was waiting for him to go back, and he couldn't put it off any longer.

"We read the letter you left, Elvis, you have an extremely upright soul, we understand that you are angry because of the unfair treatment of Lieutenant General Dennis, and hope this record can resolve your doubts."

Unaware of his changes, Marshal Lance continued to speak, even showing a patient and gentle tone.

"Lieutenant Dennis is different from you, Elvis. We didn't treat him as harshly as you imagined, we allowed him to grow up like a normal human being, allowed him to learn, exercise, enjoy resources, and even gave him a Father-"

"Why did you give him a father?"

His words were suddenly interrupted, the water glass next to him burst with a bang, and the shattered plexiglass hit the ground with water splashes, and the voice calling Marshal Lance stopped abruptly.

No wonder Old Mel has no feelings for his son, even at the expense of taking his energy core. It turns out that the source of all violations is hidden in this document.

Even Marshal Lance, who has always been fair and upright, still only regards Dennis as a test product, a failed test product.

Within a few words, the powerful mental power has already extracted all the contents of the file. Elvis spoke coldly, and the fluctuation of mental power became more and more violent, and even the hull of the pursuit ship began to faintly resonate.

"You just modified the genes on the embryo, so you regard yourself as a god, and thus deny his qualifications as a human being?"

The direction of Dennis's genetic transformation is to be a double S-level strongman, but he has only reached A-level and B-level. That's why the military has lost interest in this baby who failed in the transformation. Old Mel, as the provider of paternal genes, became his father in name, but he never put in the effort that a father should pay.

In addition to the dense data tracking in the file, there are also videos of different time periods. Except for the top military officials, no one knew Dennis' true identity, not even Dennis himself.

He never understood what he did wrong, so he had to work harder and desperately, thinking that he could change his father's indifferent attitude, but he never got a response.

He is only part of the gene modified, he is still a complete person, he still has feelings, he will feel sad and lost, he will also feel confused and painful.

The thin body curled up in the corner of the training ground, the wound was soaked white with sweat, breaking through the limit one after another, until the last bit of strength in the body was squeezed out, still unaware that there was a cold camera pointed at him, the lens The latter are using an emotionless tone to make evaluations of "failure" and "worthless".

How is it possible not to feel angry.

"He's not an experiment, Marshal Lance, he's human, and always has been."

Elvis opened his mouth slowly, his mental strength was strengthened to the extreme, and the oppressive heartbeat sounded like a drum in everyone's ears.

"When human beings' self-cognition expands beyond the limit, Marshal, what will happen?"

Marshal Lance was stunned by his question, suddenly felt vaguely confused, frowned and fell silent.

"Marshal, the mecha is trying to escape the control of the main ship!"

The subordinates spoke anxiously, reporting the unexpected situation, but Marshal Lance did not speak for a long time, but stood silently in front of the porthole, his gaze fell on the vast sea of stars.

The host who was always worried about being left in the bug nest, the system finally cut a gap in the firewall, and the snake body formed by the data stream bit it hard and flung it vigorously, completely destroying the official control system.

Elvis immediately seized the opportunity, and his mental power was pushed to the extreme, the mecha turned into a streamer, and disappeared into the black awn space in a blink of an eye.


The subordinates became more anxious and wanted to speak, but Marshal Lance stopped him by raising his hand: "Tell them to go."

"But General Elvis, we haven't had time to get his blood and muscle tissue—"

"The infinite development of technology has indeed made human beings too confident, so confident that they have even forgotten the most original awe. Perhaps it is time for us to learn a lesson."

Marshal Lance interrupted him softly, turned around with his hands behind his back, and walked towards the main control room: "Before this, I didn't watch those videos carefully. Al, that's just an ordinary child, the way the child laughed , more like our own son... "

Old Mel walked outside the closed office and stopped.

Wayne stood silent for a while, stepped forward, and lowered his voice: "General, Dennis is no longer here, let's go back."

"Wayne, I didn't care at the time."

Raising his hand to press the cold doorknob, Old Mel said in a low voice with a hoarse voice: "Did he talk to me when he came here?"

"He called your father, General, and he tried to speak to you, but you did not answer him."

The guard's meticulous reply finally brought back his memories. At that time, he was so angry that he was full of extreme hatred and shame for this son, and he didn't even want to have a little conversation.

But the figure of the young man is still vague. He has never paid close attention to this son, never really set his eyes on him, so even if he tries to recall it, it is only a very faint shadow.

"At that time, he walked very quickly, and his eyes were still shining. I think he probably thought that you came to visit him specially, and he must be very happy."

As if he didn't notice the old man's strangeness, Wayne continued to lower his head and continued: "After you left, he was still working hard—in fact, Dennis once told me in private that as long as you can say a word to him, even It doesn't matter if it's a reprimand."

The doorknob is locked, and with the departure of the owner, the room has been completely sealed.

The old man pressed twice, stood in a daze for a while, and finally said softly: "Wayne, am I a very failed father?"

"I don't think so, General."

Looking at the back of the old man suddenly slumped down, Wayne felt strangely unable to feel anything, but still dutifully stood behind him, and answered calmly.

"In the past twenty years, you have never really become a father at all."

That child walked alone in the dark, no one asked him if he wanted to be born in this world, and no one asked him if he was ready to leave.

That night, Dennis was forced to be alone in the merit room, where he was persecuted, seriously injured, and his faith was completely destroyed in a place that represented the glory of soldiers. Looking back now and talking about regret, apart from making people feel sad, I really can't give birth to more emotions.

The old man's face finally turned pale. He opened his mouth to speak, but fell silent again. After a long time, he tentatively asked softly, "Did he leave anything?"

Wayne shook his head, hesitated for a while, and added: "But the Merit Room has displayed a tomb for him, and there should be some of his things left there. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

Stared at by the words in his mouth, old Mel stood silently for a moment, then walked towards the room of meritorious service.

The room had been cleaned thoroughly, and there were no traces of persecution by the dead hand of the world, but as soon as he entered the room, he seemed to hear the young man's almost sharp questioning.

"I know you've never been proud of me."

"I still want to control the mecha, can you not take away my energy core?"

"I am your son, father, your son wants to live, will you agree?"

The scene at that moment suddenly became very clear, the eyes of the scarred young man were only cold, and the last bit of light disappeared, and the blood spread, piercing the pain in the eyes.

There was a small photo in front of the Clothes Tomb. He walked over and looked at it carefully, his eyes gradually showing consternation.

It turns out that they look so much alike that others can tell they must be the closest father and son just by taking a look at them.

That was his son, and it had nothing to do with whether he participated in the genetic experiment or not, and it had nothing to do with whether he was talented or not. It was the real child conceived by him and his wife, and it was the child who would call him father.

He had just realized it.

"Could he still be alive? Elvis was so nice and protective to him, and maybe he wasn't actually dead—"

The room was silent, only his voice echoed in the air.

The body has long been oppressed and collapsed, and the spiritual power has been polluted for Elvis. How could a person survive in the Zerg territory alone.

Everything could not have come to this point.

The old man's figure finally completely slumped, curled up, and squatted on the ground.

Broken choked sobs overflowed from his throat, hoarse like a trapped animal.

Invisible shackles have been added to his body, and no one will ever be able to take them off.

Su Shi tied himself to the rock, and his consciousness was infinitely close to fuzzy.

The afterglow has subsided, the sky has darkened, and it is hard to tell whether the vision in front of him is getting dimmer, or the night has come.

He might not be able to wait any longer.

For some reason, the polluted body still has no special reaction. Perhaps the worming is an instant thing, perhaps only when the human body exhausts its last vitality, the change will come quietly.

I don't know if it will hurt, or if I need to use two painkillers, so as not to look too ugly when I get it.

Is there any way to make him not sad...

The light and shadow in front of him gradually blurred, and suddenly a brilliant color unfolded.

He almost thought that he had a hallucination of dying for a moment, but the next moment, the colorful wings of the monarch butterfly gently covered him, blocking the biting cold wind for him.

The dragonfly was busy back and forth, collecting the dew under the leaves for him, and the bee mixed a little honey into it, hugging the thin blades of grass and struggling to stir it well.

Two praying mantises held up the blades and poured slightly sweet water into his mouth.

I vaguely feel that there is something wrong with the plot. Su Shi frowned, focused his gaze again, and landed on the half-human, half-worm pitch-black shadow in front of him.

The author has something to say:

Zerg·Darkness·Women's Clothes·Dare to Leave·Emperor:

Yong, brave boy Q^Q

Do you want to grow butterfly wings T^T

Or the tentacles of longhorns? つ^Q

Or the bee's tail needle... (drag away.jpg