Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 81: Everyone loves little uncle


For three full days and three nights, Lu Zhuo successfully completed the task he received from the headquarters.

After all, the bodies of immortal cultivators are different. As the two of them got closer, Su Shi could clearly feel the familiar power pouring into his body, smoothing away all the hidden dangers left by entering the realm too quickly. As long as the Nascent Soul returns to its position, it can jump to the third level or even higher realm of Transcending Tribulation in an instant.

Finding that Yuan Ying hadn't come back, he suddenly remembered the demon that had been left to dry for three days, and sat up, only to realize that the two of them had arrived at the bedroom from the flower hall at some time.

The evil spirits descended from the sky, the Tianxiang Building has long been empty, but the gold and silver are still there, and the extravagant lamps and candles around him make people blush and heartbeat.

Su Shi was in a complicated mood, and he raised his hand to rub his forehead, but was grabbed by his arm again. The body was pulled into the broad embrace, and a gentle voice sounded beside the ear: "He is out."

Su Shi subconsciously nodded his head after not turning around for three days, and suddenly realized: "Going out? He's alone?"

"Bring the pot. Don't worry, as long as he has the pot, he won't be too evasive."

Lu Zhuo smiled and rubbed his head in his arms, and waited for his lover to transform into a suit of clothes and put them on again before holding him and sitting beside him: "When you were sleeping, I took the time to look at the previous situation. The child said that he would Give him the big iron pot, will you?"

So thinking of this incident, the demon took the newly obtained pot and went to the five-year-old protagonist to ask for a bride price, which is very reasonable.

Su Shi nodded, and couldn't help but deeply reflect on his attitude of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

"Don't worry, he has most of your spiritual power, and he won't suffer outside. I will always be with you, and we will return to the sect when the devilish energy washes away in your body leaving traces."

Lu Zhuo pulled up his hair again, took out a black jade hairpin from his bosom, tied it up carefully, and kissed his hair: "Now, let's go do whatever we want first."

After the establishment of the foundation, 90% of the power of the monks is in the Yuanying, but because there is only one Yuanshen, the Yuanying rarely has the opportunity to leave the body. Su Shi's heart demon was born by accident, but he experienced the method of distraction after crossing the catastrophe in advance.

Having seen the behavior style of the demon in a normal state, Su Shi was not worried that he would be bullied, but only worried that he would be too public in the sect. Thinking about the task he was facing, he felt relieved for a moment.

With the arrogant behavior style of the heart demon, as long as he can show off in the sect for a few more days, many people will know that Shu Mo's temperament has changed drastically. At that time, I will take advantage of the opportunity to go back, find a chance to release Di Wenhong, and ask him to frame me again, and the charge of the evil spirit invading the body will most likely be confirmed.

Straightening out the specific process of taking the blame, Su Shi has been embraced by Lu Zhuo, and Yu Jian has left Tianxiang Tower.

The demonic attack was so powerful that almost all the people in the city had run away. The empty streets were full of overturned stalls and goods, and no one could be seen.

As soon as the two of them came out, the soaring demonic energy dissipated naturally. Su Shi looked back at the dark devilish energy, and couldn't help worrying: "Is this the power of this body? Will your power not be affected?"

"This is my own strength."

Lu Zhuo spoke in a warm voice, met his immediately worried gaze, with a smile in his eyes, and pulled him into his arms again, releasing his strength without reservation.

Seeing a cluster of familiar bright golden flames igniting in front of him, Su Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked up curiously, and Lu Zhuo took advantage of the opportunity to kiss lightly on the tip of his brow.

"Before I came, I went to visit an employee who was in confinement and had a friendly conversation with him. There are few people in the system who specialize in villains like him. I asked him to help me buy a Stains that can be specifically dyed for various strengths."

Looking at the surprise in his eyes, the smile in Lu Zhuo's eyes became wider, and with a thought, the cluster of flames turned into pitch black ink.

Only then did he realize that the method of making magic energy was so simple and rude. Su Shi was inexplicably shocked. He raised his hand to touch it, and the flame suddenly went out, and was firmly wrapped by his warm palm: "In order to be more realistic, I also added a proper color after dyeing." Corrosion effect, be careful of injury."

The palm was warm and dry, Su Shi's heart was slightly hot, and he held his hand back: "This time you already know my origin, we have to work together to complete the task, so that we will have the opportunity to be together again in the future, right? "

Listening to his lover's consolation and discussion, Lu Zhuo smiled wryly, sighed lightly and clenched his hand, pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay."

He deliberately told him that more pots are not the better, but he was afraid that this would bring him trouble instead. Besides, the two of them are still in the world after all, once the main god finds out, if they are locked up like a dark employee, then they will really have a headache.

This time, he snatched the employee ID and sneaked in. After all, it was a bit too blatant. It's better to follow the other party's wishes, cooperate tacitly to complete the plot, and try not to cause changes in the world.

Seeing that the crowds below had begun to gather gradually, Lu Zhuo led him down the cloud and headed for the city.

"Is this considered reckless?"

Sitting down on the second floor of Zuixian Tower, with exquisite wooden chopsticks stuffed in his hands, a table of delicious food with all colors and flavors was placed in front of him, and a jug of home-brewed fragrant wine was placed beside him.

Su Shi raised his head and looked at the majestic Demon Lord who was going upstairs, feeling more and more uncertain.

"I just went out and circled around. Once the devilish energy dissipated, everyone in the restaurant and on the street ran away completely, which is already counted."

Lu Zhuo nodded calmly, and sat down beside him: "Eat more, although you have inedia, your appetite is different after all."

Thinking of how he had coaxed his lover for several worlds with the cheapest instant food, he felt very guilty. If Su Shizhen hadn't been so easy to be satisfied every time, he might have been unbearable long ago.

It was true that Su Shi hadn't eaten serious food for a long time, and he was too seduced by the aroma to sit still. His eyes fell on the dazzling array of dishes on the table, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath of the aroma.

The squirrel mandarin fish is deep-fried golden yellow, sweet and sour, crisp and tender, melts in the mouth, plum meat is braised soft and delicate, the fish head meat is tender and the soup is fresh, and the water shield is tender and soft, and the custard is smooth. After a meal, he finally made up for it It is a deep regret that I only ate a few dim sum after leaving this world.

It was a rare opportunity to enjoy the delicious food. Su Shi ate to the fullest, and his eyes were filled with warmth.

Lu Zhuo poured wine for him patiently, his eyes were full of warmth, he poured wine for him patiently, and said softly: "When you return to Zongli, after you are planted as a demon by Di Wenhong, there is still a period of time before you will be chased and fled. Life. You don’t have to work too hard, if you and I just hide our names and go away, go out once in a while, just ask them to beat you a few times.”

Probably understood the routine of the plot, and Su Shi also knew how to be flexible, so he nodded before coming down, but suddenly there was a deafening roar outside the building, and even the whole restaurant seemed to shake.

Su Shi Wuyuanying was close to him, and he felt dizzy and dizzy from the shock, and his chest suddenly sank, and Lu Zhuo raised his hand to firmly protect the back of his heart.

"It's okay, it's probably a decent person who came after him and is about to do something."

Shaking his head to indicate that he was fine, Su Shi took a deep breath to cheer himself up, and raised his hand to hold his arm: "Come in quickly, use my body—"

Before the words fell, he was kissed by the other party with his head slightly lowered, and his arms supported him behind him: "Be patient, don't breathe."

The blackness in Lu Zhuo's eyes became thicker and thicker, and finally his whole body became misty, turning into misty mist, pouring into his body from the place where his lips touched.

No wonder he had to ask himself to breathe, if he coughed, he might have coughed his lover in half.

As the cauldron, Su Shi conscientiously held his breath, and finally waited until the two bodies were completely fused, only to feel a trance for a while, and then they were wrapped in an extremely comfortable and warm golden light.

That piece of golden light is extremely pure, without any speck of impurity, it is so dazzling that it makes people's eyes feel sour. Su Shi couldn't help but close his eyes, took a deep breath, and a pale golden air flow silently gathered into his soul body, and some light black impurities were expelled.

Unknowingly, the oppression and dullness hidden in the bottom of my heart that I didn't even realize were vaguely dissipated, leaving only a warm and comfortable feeling.

Guessing that it might be the last shadow left by the other party for him to resolve the previous worlds, Su Shi's heart was burning slightly, he settled down quietly, and concentrated on observing the movement outside.

After the two had completed the exchange, the restaurant had already been thrown open, and the sharp knife slashed at the two of them.

Shu Mo's eyes opened wide, thick black air spread all over his body, he raised his sleeves to shake off the light of the saber, and said sharply, "Young man He Fang, report your name!"

"Come to the Mo Dao Gate to learn! The evil devil heretics, if you don't hurry up, don't blame the Mo Dao for its lack of eyes!"

Wild laughter came from outside the house, and several swordsmen had already lined up, obviously coming prepared.

There was no barrier between the two sides, and they faced each other directly, and Shu Mo's figure naturally fell into the eyes of those people.

Every sect knows the peerless genius who reached the tribulation stage at the age of twenty-five. As soon as they saw his face, the eyes of those few people showed astonishment, they talked in a low voice, and looked at him with contempt and disdain.

"Shu Mo! I thought you were extremely talented, and what an easy way to seek immortality, but I didn't expect that although you entered the realm quickly, your mind is so unstable, and you have fallen into this demonic way!"

"You have entered the stage of crossing the catastrophe now. As long as you devote yourself to cultivating for more than a few hundred years, you can shed your mortal shell and step into the fairyland. I didn't expect that you would not be able to bear this loneliness. What is the point of taking this step? Face to face with your master?"

"Could it be that you are practicing the devil's way at all, and you want to cover it up with the righteous way, so you are advancing so quickly?"

"It must be so! The last son of the heavenly way was born with a transparent foundation, and it took fifty or sixty years to cultivate to the stage of crossing the catastrophe. How can you soar all the way!"

By mistake, the plot actually went back to the original direction.

Su Shi finally settled down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Zhuo really wanted to cooperate with him this time, so he immediately sneered and did not excuse, the black light came out through his body, easily breaking the opponent's trinity formation.

"So what about becoming a fairy, and what about the way of magic?"

Shu Mo's robes were strong, and the black devilish energy was overflowing, and he surrounded the person beside him as well, and laughed proudly: "What you do is righteous and evil, it's nothing more than what you people who claim to be right are just talking about it! I If you don't practice cleanly, don't fasten, don't do the boring practice of the six senses, how can you wait for me?"

The magic energy is bitter, and the slightest touch will cause unbearable burning pain. But Shu Mo didn't move, obviously he didn't feel uncomfortable because of the demonic energy, he must have already fallen into the demonic way.

The faces of these people changed suddenly, and they rushed towards him in formation again.

Immortal path is hard and long, and it is the most difficult to improve skills, so many people can't bear the loneliness and turn to practice magic path in order to improve quickly.

Ink Knife Sect is just a second-rate sect, and the strength of these few people was originally inferior to that of the Demon Lord, but only by virtue of the exquisite formation and the precious sword of Ink Knife Sect, they barely managed to avoid defeat.

This body was used by Su Shi. Although Lu Zhuo fought with several people, he didn't want to damage his body a little. Secretly split the power to protect the whole body, and the power to fight with several people was somewhat dispersed. Seeing these people fighting endlessly without knowing what is good or bad, their eyes gradually showed impatience.

Suddenly, under the cover of the light of the saber, a person threw out the long saber viciously, straight towards Shu Mo's heart.

Lu Zhuo's eyes froze, and he turned around abruptly to try to avoid it, but he was still scratched by the blade on his cuff, cutting a small piece of the fabric that was so precious just by looking at it, and there were faint bloodstains on his wrist.

The man almost succeeded in a blow, so he felt regretful and regretful, but suddenly felt that the temperature on his side suddenly rose, and the demon energy that was still able to resist was suddenly cold, and suddenly became unbearably hot.

"Keep alive, and have to tell them to report back!"

Instantly guessing what his lover was thinking, Su Shi hurriedly spoke out, fearing that Lu Zhuo would get rid of these people together and end the fight in vain.

As soon as he made a sound, the blackness in Lu Zhuo's eyes gradually receded, and the dazzling black light deflected a little bit, piercing the attacker as his chest, and the other two just pierced his shoulders.

Immortal cultivators have extremely strong bodies, especially weapon cultivators. As long as they still have a breath, their injuries will not be difficult to recover. Seeing those people retreating in a hurry, Lu Zhuo stopped chasing them, turned into a black light, and sank straight into the sky.

After falling in a cave, Lu Zhuo was not in a hurry to return his body. Sitting on the edge of the stone bed, he carefully wrapped up the wound on his wrist, and luckily stabilized the blood and spiritual power around him, before he escaped from Shu Mo's body.

Su Shi's consciousness flickered, and when he returned to his body, he felt not only not tired, but also much better than his previous state.

"This is great. Not only will they tell me that I have fallen into a demon, but they will also say that Shu Mo is very stingy, and that if he cuts his sleeve, he will kill someone."

Looking at the crack in the cuff, Su Shi used the special effects of the system to restore it as before, and smiled dumbly.

Lu Zhuo half-kneeled beside the stone bed, raised his hands to wrap around his wrists, and raised his eyes to look at him with concern: "Their blades are extremely sharp, and the cuts are not only painful, but also extremely difficult to heal, does it hurt?"

It's just a bloodstain, and it doesn't get in the way. Su Shi shook his head with a smile, and pulled him to sit beside him: "After all, my body is the most talented in a thousand years. It's not that weak. You don't have to be too nervous."

Even if you are born with a fairy body, you will inevitably be nervous. Seeing that he was fine, Lu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, hugged him, leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

Those three people suffered a loss, so they decided to go straight to Weiyangzong to ask for an explanation. Although the demon had already gone back, but because of his paranoid and pure mind, it was difficult to ensure complete safety. The two of them took a short rest, then concentrated their minds and rushed back all the way.

Back to Weiyangzong, Jinping Mountain was indeed surrounded by groups.

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles. The two sides had only been fighting for a few hours, and the news of Shu Mo's infatuation had already spread to all the sects. Powerhouses from all sides gathered in the Weiyang Sect, forcing the sect leader to give an explanation.

It was inconvenient for the two of them to show up, so Lu Zhuo hid their bodies and breath, and watched silently.

"Nonsense, my brother Mo has always been on the mountain!"

Di Wenqing's face was flushed red, and he tried his best to block the demons behind him. He stared fiercely at the many white-bearded old men in front of him, and pointed at the old man in black robes: "The people from the Sutian Sect want to kill me!" , Brother Mo saved my life! Uncle Guo knows it too!"

"Qing'er, Elder Liang is an elder, so don't offend him."

Di Haosi spoke calmly, without any hint of blame in his tone, obviously acquiescing to Di Wenqing's statement.

After Guo Lai returned to the sect, he reported the whole matter, and with Di Wenqing holding Shu Mo's saber in his arms, this matter would never be wrong.

He was so angry at that rebellious son's cultivation of the way of magic. If Shu Mo hadn't arrived in time, his hard work might have cost him his life. Although Shu Mo got out of danger by accident, he was still extremely weak, and he was afraid that this little apprentice would be worried, so he hurriedly coaxed him down the mountain.

After Shu Mo went down the mountain, he specially called Fang Zhuxi to help him repair his meridians, and finally recovered from his hidden illness, but it still took time for his body to recover.

The lives of their father and son were saved by Shu Mo, even if these people said that they broke the sky, he could not agree to call Shu Mo to the Pond of Enlightenment where he had escaped death.

"I'm afraid you are indeed mistaken. On the night when the child came back, the disciples had already returned. Since then, they have been practicing in the alchemy room. They said that they suddenly had a heart attack in alchemy—the alchemy room is only opened once a day and night. But I can testify that he has never left, and he guards the cauldron of frying herbs day and night. If you don’t bother me, with my talent as a disciple, I might have already practiced a pot or two of elixir.”

Di Haosi spoke calmly, with a calm expression, but his tone was faintly displeased.

"Even if Shetu hurt those fellow Daoist Daoists after Xiao'er came back, what would he use to hurt? Qing'er used the Pure Jun Sword to defend himself. Did he punch Your Excellency through the chest with his fist?"


He was at a loss for words when asked, the man from Modaomen blushed, and actually had some self-doubt faintly.

That face was clearly seen, but everyone in the world knew that Shu Mo was a sword repairman, and the Chunjun sword was his natal sword. Thinking about it carefully, the tactics used by the two sides at that time were indeed different from Shu Mo's usual methods.

Could it be—really misidentified the person

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little unpredictable, Su Shi didn't realize it was strange, sighed softly, and signaled silently to Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo immediately understood, nodded calmly, and quietly floated out, rushing towards the Sacrifice Cliff where Di Wenhong was imprisoned.

The people in the Weiyang Sect were undoubtedly determined not to believe that Shu Mo was possessed, and those who came to complain were stunned by the question and began to doubt their own eyes. At this time, an assist with firm belief is undoubtedly needed.

Only Di Wenhong could be sure that Shu Mo had fallen into a demon. As long as he was told to escape from the Sacrifice Cliff, and then forced to testify against Shu Mo, Shu Mo would always be forced into the Dao Pond.

At that time, the heart demon will carry the big black cauldron that Lu Zhuo condensed with the devil's energy, and it will definitely emit thick black energy, which is naturally beyond debate.

The plot is reasonable and the characters are accurate.

There is a pot.

Lu Zhuo didn't disappoint him. Su Shi held his breath and waited for a long while. Sure enough, he saw Di Wenhong staggering and galloping from a distance. He crashed into the hall in a panic and knelt on the ground: "Father, my child can testify, That Shu Mo has indeed entered the magic way, the boy saw it with his own eyes!"

"evil creature!"

Seeing this son come out again, Di Haosi was so angry that he almost couldn't stand still, and his chest was piercing pain again, Fang Zhuxi supported him: "Master—"

"The old man is fine!"

The head of the sect spoke angrily, his eyes were full of regret that he hated iron but not steel. Looking at Di Wenhong who was kneeling in front of him, his chest couldn't help heaving: "You don't live up to your expectations, so why don't you drag Shu Mo into the water!"

Di Wenhong's eyes were red, and he kowtowed heavily: "Father, it is a fact that my son is not up to date, but it is also a fact that Shu Mo has become a demon! My son dares to bet against Shu Mo here, and my son will enter the pool of proof first. If Shu Mo dares to do it, he pleads not guilty!"

The head of the sect turned pale with anger, and was about to reprimand, but the demon suddenly sneered, and stepped forward with a flick of his robe sleeves: "According to what you said, even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I wouldn't be able to cleanse myself, so why should I be afraid of a testimonial?" Dao Chi! The big deal is to bet against each other!"

"Junior Brother! The Dao Pond is not only harmful to those who are possessed by demons. If your mind is a little unsteady, you will suffer from the pain of burning fire. You—"

Fang Zhuxi's complexion changed suddenly, and he pulled him to speak in a low voice, but Di Wenhong laughed miserably, and jumped into the Dao Pond without hesitation.

The devilish energy in his body has been completely dispelled by Fang Zhuxi himself, and even the dantian has been abolished. At this time, when he entered the Dao Pond, he felt as if his whole body was scorched by needles, and he howled fiercely in a blink of an eye.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the younger brother has a stubborn temper, I'm afraid there is no room for redemption.

Fang Zhuxi heaved a long sigh, lifted him out of the Dao Pond, and threw him aside, releasing his spiritual power to make the water calm and clear again.

With a calm expression, the heart demon bowed to the head of the sect, bowed deeply to Fang Zhuxi, and then stepped into the pool of enlightenment.

The next moment, there was indeed a faint black color escaping from his cuff.

Di Wenhong's eyes lit up, and he rushed over excitedly, and everyone was overjoyed, and they all rushed forward one after another, feeling that the road was turning around.

The master's expression was mournful, and he believed in his heart that his apprentice would never be possessed by demons, so he remained motionless. Although Fang Zhuxi also believed in Shu Mo, he was worried that the junior brother was in an unstable state of mind after all, so he stepped into the pool of enlightenment rashly, fearing that his bones would be hurt, so he couldn't help but look worriedly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the trace of black color became lighter and lighter, until it became completely clear. Shu Mo also had a normal expression, as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

Su Shi was stunned, and turned to look at Lu Zhuo, but the latter's eyes were also full of astonishment.

The demon sat cross-legged for a while, then suddenly lowered his head, and took out a pot from his sleeve.

The big iron pot, which was originally pitch-black, suddenly turned golden and extremely dazzling without knowing when.

Lu Zhuo's complexion changed slightly, and his heart sank suddenly.

"Oops, faded..."

The author has something to say:

Demon: Σ(っДQ!!!

#My Pot#

#So Black A Bite#

#It was still well hidden in the sleeve just now#

#To make trouble#