Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 85: guardian under guardianship


The bedroom suddenly fell silent.

It was so quiet that one could hear the beating of the heart, the wall clock walked unhurriedly, and the two of them were so close that the airflow exhaled by each other was entangled.

Lu Wangjin looked up at him, his eyes were still calm and gentle, but he couldn't find any extra emotion.

Jiang Fuqin trembled, and was about to retreat, but a gentle weight suddenly fell from his back.

"I say this, is it really what you want?"

The voice next to his ear remained patient, as if he was just asking for the most common opinion with him. Jiang Fuqin raised his head and was about to speak, but suddenly lost the courage to answer. He lowered his head in silence, and his eyes fell on the man's slightly thin shoulders.

"If you have made up your mind to be a businessman, you must learn to get rid of those meaningless emotions. Any extra entanglement may affect your decision at the last moment."

The hand on the back patted him reassuringly twice, and then pushed him away slowly, ending the shapeless hug: "If you must answer, Fu Qin, I can't shirk the responsibility for your parents' death. Something I will never deny."

"But if it was really you, how could you become what you are today!"

Jiang Fuqin spoke anxiously, raised his hand and hastily grabbed the other's arm that was about to withdraw, as if he hadn't listened to what he just said, his eyes were so bright that it frightened him,

"With your means, if you really want to make them disappear, you don't need to involve yourself, do you?"

He should have thought of it a long time ago, but Lu Wangjin has always been strong. He has been used to that person's seemingly unchanging calmness. He didn't realize that Lu Wangjin was also in that car accident until he saw the other person fall down and couldn't even stand up by himself. left with eternal regret.

Lu Wangjin never took the initiative to teach him the skills and tricks of business warfare, but when he was interested, he never stopped him from participating.

In the mall, Lu Wangjin is by no means the craziest person, but he must be the most feared opponent.

In people's eyes, this person seems to always be able to do anything with ease, and will always leave an appropriate retreat, just like a chess player who manipulates chess pieces. No matter how fierce the competition is, he will never end in person.

Even Lu Wangjin eight years ago would never have made such an incendiary low-level mistake.

Looking at the bright light in the young man's dark eyes, Su Shi couldn't help but frowned, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

With such a skillful and precise method of breaking the pot, if the other party hadn't picked him up by the collar at the beginning of the game, he might really not be able to help wondering if his lover just pulled a half-grown child and passed through.

Although the method is clearly in the same line, but after all, it is the child brought up by the original owner, and it can be posed as a parent when it is refuted. In the matter of being unreasonable, the identity of the guardian undoubtedly has a natural advantage.

"It's true that the car accident was never planned, but you have to know that improvisation is also deliberate."

Su Shi was silent for a moment, then became ruthless, and his tone suddenly turned cold.

When the car accident happened, the transfer negotiations had ended, and Lu Wangjin was able to get all of Jiang Xiujie's shares a week later. If Jiang and his wife died in a car accident, 20% of the shares in his wife's hands would be transferred to Jiang Xiujie first, and then they would also be owned by Lu Wangjin in the end.

Ignoring emotional factors, Lu Wangjin is undoubtedly the biggest beneficiary of the car accident. It is also for this reason that the report launched the conspiracy theory that the car accident was deliberately caused by him.

"Not all deliberate plans need to be planned in advance. Sometimes the temptation is right in front of you, and it is fleeting. As long as you take a risk... it is difficult for you to refuse it."

The warm and peaceful tone faded away, and it seemed faintly cold. Lu Wangjin sat quietly, his face was cold and hard, revealing a clear sense of alienation and indifference.

"It's a big taboo in shopping malls to always think too well of people. This may be the last thing I can teach you. You'd better remember—"

"I won't remember."

His words were suddenly interrupted by a hoarse voice, and the young man's hand tightened suddenly, the powerful force strangling his wrist bone ached.

Su Shi took a deep breath and looked up at him unmoved.

Facing the indifferent and cold blood in those eyes, which seemed to be mercenary, Jiang Fuqin's heart felt cold, and he pressed him against the head of the bed, his arms could not help shaking slightly.

"You're lying to me, aren't you? You just want to keep me from blaming myself, and don't want me to bear the original sin of my parents, but have you ever thought about it, to me, you are more important than my parents, I would rather Admit that my father was a coward who couldn't afford to lose, and don't want to hear you—"

He suddenly couldn't continue, but he pulled the man into his arms almost as if venting, using a force that was almost gnashing his teeth, but his shoulders and arms were obviously shaking violently.

"You are my ideal, do you know that even in my dreams, I want to be like you..."

The young man's chest was trembling and trembling, and he was confined between his arms and the wall, tightly suppressed, and his breath was scorching hot.

Su Shi's heart shrank slightly, and the cold scolding that had come to his lips suddenly became difficult to speak.

His task is to take care of Jiang Fuqin. Whether the other party can get enough training and help, and whether he can receive correct guidance are very important links. If you blacken him because of your persistence, the loss outweighs the gain.

As long as the misunderstanding is maintained, it is not that there cannot be an alternative explanation. Jiang Fuqin himself must be afraid of the truth, and may not blindly pursue it.

The person in front of him kept his eyes down and remained silent, showing an increasingly silent and recalcitrant posture.

Jiang Fuqin looked down at him, breathing more and more heavily, intense and mixed emotions rolled in his chest, suddenly broke through a certain boundary that he had always guarded, and turned into an almost crazy idea.

If I can no longer stick to that identity, if in the eyes of the other party, I am no longer just a child who needs to be taken care of, but an independent individual who can truly bear and face everything...

The long-standing awe seems to have been washed away by the tyrannical anger, but there is a sudden and seemingly natural hot desire hidden underneath.

With his heart beating violently, Jiang Fuqin instinctively held his breath, and his body silently moved closer, as if he was close enough to see the slightly pale eyebrows of the other party clearly.

Suddenly, a hand landed on his back, gently pressing him into his arms with force, and patted him apologetically twice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't consider your emotions, I take back what I said before."

Lu Wangjin hugged him, his tone became gentle and sincere again, and he stopped suddenly for a moment, then chuckled dumbly, let him go gently, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead: "I'm just—a little angry..."

"You're angry, and you're bluffing me with nonsense nonsense, trying to scare me away?"

Jiang Fuqin stared at him, looking at the gentle apology on that face, he was suddenly discouraged after a while. She squatted down and leaned against the bed, still holding his wrist, her voice muffled.

The high-hanging heart suddenly fell back to its original place, but the delusional thoughts stimulated by anger also shrank back in an instant, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

He was exhausted by the aftermath of the accident, and he didn't even suspect that the other party was deceiving him this time, so he easily and even impatiently believed Lu Wangjin's explanation.

It must be because I am too ignorant. The dispute between Qilin and Huayue has made the other party very tired, but they still want to entangle with these old things. No matter how good-tempered Lu Wangjin is, he will inevitably be attracted by his own pressure There was a real fire.

The shopping mall is the best at punishing people's hearts, and the other party's cruel words must not come from their own heart, they just want to simply force themselves away.

It must be just that.

Lu Wangjin didn't answer his words, but he didn't break away from his grip either. Jiang Fuqin wanted to admit his mistake, but he didn't know how to speak. After a long silence, he put his forehead tentatively on the back of the opponent's hand: "I'm sorry, I won't ask any more questions..."

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with telling you."

Su Shi interrupted him, his tone softened again, and he paused for a moment before continuing to speak slowly.

"Although the car accident wasn't intentional enough, it wasn't entirely accidental—the other day your parents came to negotiate with me, and the conversation was very unpleasant. When the two cars were driving back and forth on the winding mountain road, I saw the car behind suddenly speed up. Don’t say it. The situation was urgent, and I had to judge their intentions immediately, and my judgment at the time was that they wanted to hit my car and take me to death.”

Jiang Fuqin squatted beside the bed, still holding his hand, his palm felt faintly cold: "This possibility is actually not small, is it?"

"At least it's possible, and I certainly can't afford to bet on that outcome."

Meeting his gaze, Su Shi nodded, with a calm and gentle tone: "So I ordered the driver to brake and turn around, and turned on the high beam flash. As expected, his direction deviated, but he still crashed into my car. Falling... When I woke up, I was already lying in the hospital."

"My father had nothing at the time. I knew him. He was the kind of person who could do this kind of thing-if you didn't do it then, if you were hit hard by him, you would be dead!"

There was a faint light in his eyes, as if he was eager to prove something, Jiang Fuqin spoke eagerly, but Su Shi calmly took over.

"But if my judgment is wrong, and they just want to overtake, or they just get distracted and accidentally leave the lane, I will be solely responsible for the accident."

Jiang Fuqin was stunned for a while, and finally lowered his head, his voice hoarse: "That's why you said at that time, you can't escape the blame for my parents' death..."

"I don't regret what I did, and likewise, I don't regret paying for it."

Su Shi nodded slightly, and finally withdrew his hand, which was almost blue, and hid his wrist into his cuff: "There will be a bidding meeting tomorrow, you should rest."

His voice became soft and cold again.

Every time Lu Wangjin used such a tone, what he said was completely irrefutable.

Jiang Fuqin shrank back subconsciously, and after a long silence, he got up and said in a low voice: "I'm going back first, you have a good rest..."

The person in front of him didn't respond to him, his familiar warm face was half hidden in the shadows, and there was a little fatigue that was rarely revealed between his brows.

Suddenly regretted uncontrollably in his heart, Jiang Fuqin could hardly help apologizing, wanting to take back the questioning that pushed the relationship between the two to this point, but in the end he still couldn't say a word, just turned around quickly step away.

Seeing him go out, Su Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief, the momentum he had finally gathered suddenly let out, and he leaned back exhausted.

God knows how bad he is at the role of such a strict parent, especially when meeting such familiar eyes, the posture he put on just now almost used all his acting skills and willpower, so he didn't completely soften his heart and admit the truth.

There has never been so much possibility that the car accident was simply deliberate.

At that time, Jiang Xiujie was already full of despair, and he was probably ready to give it a go, either dragging that young opponent to his death, or planting a seed beside Lu Wangjin, so that he could experience the pain of revenge for a child raised by himself.

At that time, Lu Wangjin was still young, didn't have that much experience, and was not decisive enough to strike. When he realized Jiang Xiujie's intentions, it was too late to deal with it, and the two cars rushed down the winding mountain road back and forth.

It was luck that he survived.

The conclusion of the investigation of the car accident was very clear, and it was only at Lu Wangjin's initiative that it was changed into a vaguely worded report.

The culprit who caused the accident was already dead. At that time, Jiang Fuqin was only thirteen years old. If the real investigation results were released, the media would definitely write a special book, and gossip would spread everywhere.

At that time, everyone will know that the boy's father is not only a complete failure in the business game, but also a coward who can't afford to lose, a loser who went to the end because of despair and impulsiveness, but instead harmed others and himself.

For Lu Wangjin at the time, protecting that innocent child from further harm was the most important thing. Knowing that weaving lies is extremely dangerous, but since the day he chose to hide it, Lu Wangjin has actually been on this road

At this moment, only by continuing this lie can it not affect the other party's decision in the bidding meeting. And when the dust settles, only by keeping this lie can Jiang Fuqin not regret what he did back then.

Once a lie is fabricated, countless lies must be used to embellish and make up for it.

If you can be ruthless this time, there will be no problems in the future. Su Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to change his clothes, but his movements suddenly faltered slightly, and his expression couldn't help but collapse.

He was so focused on getting the person away as quickly as possible, he actually forgot to ask Jiang Fuqin to push the wheelchair to the bed first.

This time the body does have great limitations, and he must adapt as soon as possible.

Su Shi took a deep breath, raised his hand to support the edge of the table, found a short-term body repair potion from the system backpack, and tried to stand up.

The sensation in the leg did recover briefly, but the first thing that came was intense pain.

His left knee was probably accidentally sprained when he fell down. He didn't feel his legs at first, so naturally he couldn't feel it. But now trying to get up, his knees suddenly softened because of the unbearable sting, and his body fell down involuntarily.

"Be careful!"

The figure at the door suddenly rushed straight over, caught his fallen body, and was rushed to stand unsteadily and fell down, but still firmly protected him in his arms.

Jiang Fuqin panted heavily, the scene he saw just now made his mind go blank, until he fell heavily on the ground, he still couldn't recover completely.

Lu Wangjin has a dedicated life assistant in his daily life, and he never handles any affairs other than work in front of outsiders. Except for the assistant, no one can see what the young business giant looks like in private.

When he walked to the door and saw the wheelchair overturned on the ground, he remembered that the assistant was not here today for some reason. He wanted to help the other party push the wheelchair back, but he was worried that Lu Wangjin no longer wanted to see him again.

When he was hesitating, he actually watched the man struggling to stand up on the edge of the table, and then fell down heavily.

It was the first time that he saw Lu Wangjin powerlessly falling down so intuitively.

"Okay... I'm fine."

Protecting her embrace tightly, Su Shi was strangled a little out of breath, and patted his arm, motioning him to let go.

Hearing the other party's tone slow down, Jiang Fuqin's eyes finally showed a faint light again. He carefully hugged him and put him back on the bed, his eyes subconsciously fell on the other party's legs that didn't care, and his heart trembled suddenly.

He originally thought that Lu Wangjin just didn't want to mention the truth back then, but it was only now that he suddenly realized that his previous questioning had actually hit a weak corner of Lu Wangjin that he didn't want to show in front of others. The other party recalled the car accident, and recalled the depression and dullness that had to be spent in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Even after learning that he is the boss behind Kirin, Lu Wangjin just felt relieved for him. His previous behavior would make the other party angry, which undoubtedly touched Lu Wangjin's bottom line.

The increasingly intense guilt made Jiang Fuqin a little uneasy. He stood by the bed and hesitated for a moment, then suddenly leaned over and hugged the man's thin body in his arms, resting his chin lightly on his shoulder.

The body in his arms turned out to be thinner than imagined, and it was coolly and quietly attached to his chest through the clothes. It was not as tall, strong and omnipotent as he had imagined.

Jiang Fuqin lowered his head, his short, sharp hair lightly brushed against Lu Wangjin's cheek, and his tone became weaker and softer.

"Sorry, I won't ask about those things in the future, don't be angry..."

The young man's body was wide and strong enough, and an inexplicably familiar warm breath suddenly overwhelmed him. If he closed his eyes, he might admit his mistake.

Su Shi's heart was beating a little, but he was still thinking about the person who was scared by him before, so he patted the person who was still in his arms and did not let go, and said in a slow tone: "I'm not angry, you will be very busy tomorrow, Let's go back."

When he heard him speak without anger, Jiang Fuqin's heart finally warmed up, and he hugged him more and more tightly, closing his eyes and leaning on his shoulder without saying a word.

Su Shi slowed down and pushed him, but couldn't push him away, so he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Although he wanted to take care of Jiang Fuqin, he didn't intend to lose himself. The lover may come after him at any time, so you can't be confused by these specious familiarities, and you have to get out as soon as possible.

"I'm leaving first, you have a good rest, remember to call the assistant back."

Sensing Lu Wangjin's discomfort with this hug, Jiang Fuqin let go of his hand after hugging for a while, and pushed the wheelchair to the bedside for him. He wanted to say something more, but turned around and left in a hurry.

Starting tomorrow, they will completely stand in the position of their competitors and face each other. I will take away his glory, take away the brilliance he spent all his efforts to revive, and Huayue, which has lost its main source of income, will quickly decline, and you can buy it at a low price. At that time, Lu Wangjin has paid everything for it , will be reduced to nothing.

Lu Wangjin was right, excess emotions are taboo in shopping malls, and now he has started to feel regretful.

The results of the bidding on the second day were already expected.

Jiang Fuqin originally had a very high talent, and he led a young talent team. It took three full years to build the Kirin system, which adopted a completely innovative macro data model, from running speed to compatibility, Much better than the old classics.

In the face of higher performance and lower price, there is no suspense about Huayue's broken wings. The stock price has fallen all the way that day, the stock has been sold off in large numbers, and there are more and more rumors within the company.

The olive branch that Qilin extended at this time quickly moved the panic-stricken Huayue board of directors.

Lu Wangjin holds more than 70% of Huayue's shares, and the board of directors actually has no practical significance. With a sufficiently generous purchase price, those small directors couldn't wait to sell their shares to Qilin, but within three months, Jiang Fuqin had almost gathered those fragmented shares in his hands.

He was clearly the winner of the competition, but he was inexplicably guilty. For three months, he never dared to go to Huayue or Lu's house, and simply devoted all his thoughts and energy to the company's business.

"Chairman! Huayue's lawyer came to us, saying that he is an agent and is here to discuss the transfer of the total shares!"

The general manager rushed into the door excitedly, his voice unknowingly raised, and his eyes were full of unconcealable excitement.

They are all just fledgling young people. Although they have enough talent and brains, it is the first time they have swallowed such a behemoth. They are almost dizzy by the intense joy of success, and it is difficult to calm down even now.

Jiang Fuqin frowned and sat up: "Is he alone?"

"One person, we told him to wait in the reception room, did you go over or tell him to come over?"

The general manager nodded, still excited, and the paper scroll in his hand was waved vigorously.

"I'm going to see him."

Hearing that Lu Wangjin didn't come, Jiang Fuqin didn't know whether he was relaxed or lost, but he didn't feel the joy of finally winning. Get up from behind the desk, and go out with him: "What are you holding in your hand, quarterly report?"

"No, it's a few printouts of emails. It seems that some unknown team wants to hack us and find loopholes in our system."

The general manager responded casually, and waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry, the tree attracts the wind. There have been a lot of threatening emails recently. Our R&D department is not a vegetarian. If they find a back door, we will block one, just to avoid it." The omission of the self-inspection."

The R&D department has recruited a group of high-level hackers who became famous as teenagers. They are all well-known characters who can break into the official website of the government of country A and act recklessly. It is really not difficult to block the back door and improve the system.

Jiang Fuqin nodded, and specifically reminded: "Tell them, don't be too confident, and watch out for capsized boats in the gutter, you know?"

"I know, I will remind them when I go back."

The general manager nodded with a smile and led him to the reception room. The lawyer was sitting on the sofa waiting, and as soon as he saw him, he got up and greeted him: "Is it Mr. Jiang? I have admired him for a long time, and he is indeed a young talent..."

"It's me, I'm sorry."

Jiang Fuqin didn't intend to greet him, so he went straight to the sofa and sat down: "Signing a contract requires at least three parties to meet. You come alone. Do we need to discuss some specific terms first?"

The lawyer was stunned, with surprise in his eyes, he shook his head, opened the document package, and handed over a contract: "The client has already signed it, you just need to sign it, and we will naturally notarize it—you all need to sign it." Didn't you discuss it with my client?"

Looking at the familiar Qingjun handwriting on the paper, Jiang Fuqin's heart sank suddenly, and he stood up abruptly: "He has already signed it? What about others, did he give you the contract with his own hands?"

"Yes, the client said he had to catch a plane, so he didn't come in person, and asked me to help transfer the contract to Director Jiang..."

The lawyer nodded subconsciously, and was about to continue, but Jiang Fuqin pushed him away and rushed out of the reception room.

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: Where should I attack? Did anyone see me attack?

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