Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 86: guardian under guardianship


Jiang Fuqin stayed at the airport until dark, checked all the flight records, but couldn't find Lu Wangjin's name.

The phone was already hot, but the only sound coming from inside was the cold notification that he was not in the service area. Jiang Fuqin had never been so annoyed at the other party's habit of not checking his phone. He gripped his phone tightly and paced back and forth, so anxious that he couldn't stop for a moment.

He thought that Lu Wangjin might go home to recuperate temporarily, and he also thought that the other party would definitely regroup and make a comeback. With Lu Wangjin's means in the market, no matter what direction the other party chooses again, he will definitely be able to quickly rise to the top level in that field.

Establishing Qilin to acquire Huayue is something he has been thinking about day and night for the past eight years. The family company was taken away, and the death of his parents was also related to this. No matter how well Lu Wangjin protected him, he would inevitably be criticized by people. Will be stronger.

Now everything is finally back.

The take-off reminder for the last red-eye flight has also ended. Jiang Fuqin tightly clutched his mobile phone that had already run out of battery, sitting in the waiting area, his eyes fixed on the roaring plane taking off outside the window, and his heart suddenly became empty. Out of breath.

The night sky was dark and the red lights were blinking.

The last flight was an international flight to country T, and he was able to memorize the destination of each flight, find out when they landed, and every airport they might stop at.

He couldn't help himself to imagine over and over again, where that person would be taken by those flying behemoths, where he would stay, and where he would start a new life.

Either way, he was out of breath.

"Chairman, I have asked the airport to check. There are indeed no passengers in wheelchairs on the plane today, neither first class nor business class."

The general manager also worked for a long time, and was extremely tired. He dragged his heavy steps to Jiang Fuqin and sat down, hesitating and whispering: "Could it be that Mr. Lu you are looking for—he is actually Can you walk?"

"No, he was seriously injured at the time, and he couldn't feel his legs..."

Jiang Fuqin spoke in a low voice, the light in his eyes became more and more dull.

He can even clearly recall how Lu Wangjin suddenly fell down at that time. He was obviously such a calm and strong person, but he was trapped in a body that was powerless. Without someone to take care of him, he couldn't even live completely independently.

He has never really experienced how much depression and heaviness are hidden under the other party's gentle and calm appearance.

"Chairman, let's go back first, maybe that President Lu didn't plan to come to the plane at all, but just wanted to find a quiet place where others can't find it—if I put so much effort into this company, it would be like this. I must have locked myself in the house long ago."

Although it is not clear what is going on, at least it can be seen that Director Lu is very important to Jiang Fuqin. The general manager sat for a while, and then tentatively opened his mouth again: "This is a game, and he has already lost so badly, so he can't even give people a chance to hide?"

Jiang Fuqin suddenly shuddered and raised his head to stare at him.

Seen a little hairy, the general manager hurriedly got up before changing his words, but Jiang Fuqin had already stuffed the contract into his arms, walked out of the airport quickly, and drove to Lu's house.

Su Shi turned the wheelchair and stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The view here is very good. You can see most of the city when you lower your head. The sky has completely darkened, and the lights of each house are intertwined, making the night look extraordinarily peaceful.

He hasn't found his lover yet, so of course he won't just leave the city hastily.

The amount on the NY Stock Exchange is still rolling, and he has been using the system to trade in real time. However, in two months, the liquid assets that were originally only a million have easily surpassed one billion. Many financial giants are looking for the source of this strange account. If there is no system that firmly blocks all relevant information, they may have received job offers from many top traders by now.

The previous living environment was too monotonous. Most of the senior executives in the company had families in the middle of their age and suffered from hair loss, so they obviously couldn't be considered.

Apart from the assistant, the only named character he could come into contact with was Jiang Fuqin. If he wanted to expand the scope of his search, he had to have enough free space to move around.

Huayue was pushed to the forefront by the recent incidents. These days, the reporter wanted to squat outside the Lu family's villa. He was so disturbed that he simply asked the system to forge a false identity and bought this high-end apartment as a temporary place to stay.

"Host, Jiang Fuqin sent a text message!"

The screen of the phone suddenly turned on automatically, and a familiar mechanical sound sounded.

Since coming to this world, the system has been lodged in the mobile phone, conscientiously intercepting Jiang Fuqin's call for a day, and his sympathy for the protagonist has become stronger, and he almost saw himself playing snake eating alone after being blocked.

Seeing that the other party finally got the hang of it, he thought of sending text messages. Although the system was still dutifully saying "The number you dialed is not in the service area", it couldn't help but passionately relayed it for the host: "He said he was in the service area." At home, I ask you when you want to go home, he is waiting for you! Waiting for you all the time!"

The good text message was read by the stick so that there was no atmosphere. Su Shi laughed dumbfounded. He took the phone and looked at it, and his expression softened.

The wording of the text message is too cautious, so cautious that one can easily imagine how disturbed the person who typed this line was, and how many times it was deleted and revised before finally abandoning all emotions that might cause misunderstanding, leaving only The most straightforward and simple content.

So the lines between the lines revealed an inexplicably familiar pitifulness.

Huayue was originally meant to be Jiang Fuqin, and he was not angry with the other party, nor did he intend to abandon the other party. It's just that after finally finishing the matters that need to be dealt with in the company's handover, seeing that the situation has temporarily stabilized, I couldn't help but ran out, planning to look for that guy who had no clue until now.

Jiang Fuqin seems to have made up his mind to hide from him these days, not even showing his shadow, but those shares still have to be dealt with. He just didn't want to embarrass the other party, so he found an agent, and casually told the lawyer that he had to catch a plane, but he didn't expect Jiang Fuqin to actually go to the airport to guard him for a day.

It's just a business game where you win and I lose, Jiang Fuqin actually doesn't need to feel guilty at all.

That kid is actually much cuter than he imagined. Apart from always being in trouble with him, he has always been reasonable, and he knows how to take his emotions into consideration. There is room for maneuver.

If he competed with others in the market like this, he would have been tricked into a mess long ago.

Originally, he planned to go back as soon as he found someone, but he didn't expect that Jiang Fuqin would feel such strong uneasiness just after leaving for a day.

Su Shi held his phone and pondered for a while, but didn't reply immediately. He just put the phone aside and pulled the laptop in front of him again.

Too much dependence is also a sign of not fully growing up. He will leave sooner or later. Jiang Fuqin must learn to get used to the days when he is not around.

"Host, what are you looking for?"

I really can't figure out what I can't ask myself to help. I must ask the host to buy a laptop by myself, and I have been busy all day in the apartment.

The code on the screen scrolled rapidly, and the system rolled back and forth in the phone curiously, trying to take a look at the screen through the camera, but Su Shi suddenly turned the phone over, leaving only the ordinary front-facing camera with 800 pixels.

"Finding someone is not about the task. You just need to help me take care of Jiang Fuqin."

In matters related to data, although the system is easy to use, it is connected to the main system after all, and all operations will leave traces.

The lover sneaked into every world without being noticed by the main god. Although the system was probably too simple to understand why he wanted to find such a person, he still didn't want to threaten the safety of the other party because of his laziness.

Finance and IT are originally closely related skills, and the contest at the top of the pyramid is roughly similar. They are all quickly concreting letters or numbers into unique concepts, and then modifying them. He has already lit up the IT skills that are enough to connect with the future world, and it is really just a piece of cake to deal with the elementary technology of the real world.

If it weren't for the original intention to return Huayue to Jiang Fuqin, even if it took a night to rewrite the Huayue system to a new look, it would not be a difficult task.

At least it's much easier than finding someone.

Su Shi sighed lightly, and withdrew from the membership registration background of the last gym.

Although they managed to find a few people, they were not as qualified as Jiang Fuqin. He couldn't help but wonder if the other party had a compatriot brother who had gone abroad, and maybe he would return to the country after hearing the news, and come to settle accounts with him who fell in love and killed each other.

Reluctantly giving up the idea of registering an account on a dating website, Su Shi shook his head to calm down, switched pages, and clicked on the email from his personal doctor.

Compared with the mediocre IT industry, the medical level in this world is a bit higher than the real world. Up to now, he has successfully mastered the cultivation and repair of spinal nerves. What this email proposes is a brand-new treatment plan, combined with drug stimulation and post-operative surgery, it is possible to make him stand up, and he may even get rid of the wheelchair and try to walk again with crutches.

Su Shi has several medicines for repairing the body in his hand. If they can cooperate with the medical methods in this world, there may be hope for recovery.

You can't wait for someone for a while, so it's better to recover your body first.

After replying to the email confirming the receipt of treatment, and communicating with the private doctor about the process and precautions in detail, it was already very late.

Su Shi turned off the computer, took out a shower capsule from his backpack, squeezed it open, and there was a soft and warm water mist that quickly cleaned the dust on his body. He opened the program and changed into a comfortable pajamas, parked the wheelchair beside the bed, and Lie down on the body.

It is actually very difficult for the body to feel comfortable after sitting for a whole day.

As soon as he lay down, the familiar soreness rushed up from his back, causing him to take a breath, clench his teeth, and wait for his body to gradually relax.

I lay down with the quilt hugged for a while, but somehow I didn't feel sleepy.

Su Shi turned sideways, turned on his phone and flipped through it, only to suddenly realize what he was thinking about.

I don't know if he is used to worrying, but when he is free, he can't help worrying about that young man who still needs to be taken care of by himself.

I don’t know whether Jiang Fuqin drove to his home after a day of tossing at the airport, did he remember to buy something to eat on the way, did he stop to rest when he got home, did he sleep now, did he sleep well at home alone? .

That villa was not only Lu Wangjin's home, but also carried the memories of Jiang Fuqin's eight years. Staying alone in such a big villa, empty, must inevitably feel lonely. No matter how intentionally he doesn't reply to the message, maybe he really wants to make that child think that he doesn't want him anymore.

But the address of the mobile phone is not as easy to hide as the IP after all. With Jiang Fuqin's own hacking skills and the group of bold young people under him, if he really replied to the text message, maybe he could really locate his location.

Su Shi hesitated for a while, then put down the phone that was no longer active, and closed his eyes again.

He ran out with great difficulty, so he should stay outside for a few more days, try to find a way to find the one at home, and then go back as soon as possible.

In the living room of the villa, only a wall lamp in the corner gave off a soft light, and many furniture were hidden in the shadows, so quiet that it made people feel uneasy.

Jiang Fuqin was curled up on the sofa, with tiredness that could not be concealed in his brows and eyes.

Reminded by the general manager, he didn't dare to delay, and hurried back to Lu's house, but it was still in vain.

There was even a thin layer of dust in the empty living room, and the owner of the villa had obviously not been back here for a while.

It has been three months since the Kirin system was launched, and the response from the market has been very good. Many professional organizations have even written articles analyzing that the birth of the Kirin system may lead the IT empire into a new chapter and open a new data computing and processing mode.

But he wasn't happy at all.

Those achievements and praises are based on the collapse of the old IT giants.

The idea that had already taken root in my heart may have been in the name of revenge at the beginning—but the hatred had already unknowingly disappeared in the eight years of getting along day and night, and what was really left was just the obsession that still refused to give up.

Qilin took over and annexed Huayue, and all the processes went smoother than expected. Lu Wangjin handled the follow-up matters extremely perfectly, as if he had been waiting for this day.

He couldn't help but wonder if that person had predicted such a result from the very beginning, but still brought himself back, took care of him with all his heart, watched himself grow stronger, watched himself turn around Beat him down completely.

How could a person do such a thing, he couldn't figure it out anyway.

The phone was lying quietly. He deliberately recharged it and turned the volume to the maximum, but there was still no movement at all.

He didn't believe that Lu Wangjin would be depressed because of such a failure, but he was just afraid that the other party would think that he didn't need to take care of him anymore, so after handing over everything, he left in a cool and unrestrained manner, went to a completely strange place, and started again with ease. .

Lu Wangjin can do such a thing.

The strong uneasiness has always been entrenched in his heart, making him completely unable to take care of other less important feelings.

Suddenly, the phone buzzed.

Jiang Fuqin shuddered violently, before he could even make any reaction in his mind, his body instinctively rushed over, and picked up the phone: "It's me—"

As soon as the phone was connected, the general manager's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: "Chairman, come back quickly, something serious has happened!"

Jiang Fuqin frowned, his eyes quickly sank.

It was already very late at night, but in Qilin's confidential computer room, there were still a group of people typing on the keyboard anxiously facing the screen.

Handing over the car keys to the assistant, Jiang Fuqin quickly walked into the computer room, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on, what's wrong?"

"Background script, we thought it wasn't a big problem at first, so we didn't take it seriously, but it took a whole day to fix it before we found it was not that simple."

The person in charge of the technical department, whose eyes were red from the heat, followed behind him with a hoarse voice.

"The problem lies in our basic algorithm. Through our algorithm, they found a loophole that directly steals user information. If we want to change it, we have to completely overturn our calculation model. This is simply impossible. But if we don't change it , all computers with Kylin system will be easily found by them to the back door... "

"Give me a computer."

Jiang Fuqin's heart sank more and more, he opened the keyboard and sat in front of the computer, and called up the background running script of the system.

The Kirin system uses a brand-new algorithm, and its operating speed is several percentage points higher than that of Huayue. This advantage can be clearly seen when the system is running, and it is also the most powerful point that impresses various manufacturers.

If the scripts of the entire system are not overthrown and rebuilt, the only way is to add a patch, but once the patch is added, it will significantly slow down the operation of the entire system, and users will definitely notice it.

Kirin has just established a firm foothold in the IT industry, and it is the time when word of mouth is urgently needed. Once such a security breach is spread, it will be a fatal blow to the entire company.

"Who discovered the back door, the group of hackers mentioned before? Do they have a way to fix it, and what conditions did they raise?"

Squeezing his swollen brows hard, Jiang Fuqin turned sideways slightly, already thinking through a few thoughts quickly.

"Yes, it's them. I have already contacted them, and they said that this vulnerability is a defect in the system itself, and no one can fix it."

The general manager's face was anxious, and he suddenly looked a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a moment, he continued in a low voice: "They don't want money, and they don't plan to negotiate. It should be a group of hackers who only want reputation, and they say they will attack us publicly starting at noon tomorrow." In the background, there is also a live broadcast on the Internet... "

"Make the patch first, rather than slow down the speed, you can't leave a security hole."

The pressure on his shoulders doubled in an instant, Jiang Fuqin took a deep breath, and gave the order in a deep voice.

"Chairman! If a patch is really issued, the operation will be at least twice as slow, and the Internet will definitely call us liars!"

The head of the technology department spoke anxiously, his eyes turned red instantly: "Even if there is a security hole, how many people know about it? Doesn't Huayue have many security risks? For ordinary users, there is nothing to worry about. Information worth stealing—"

"But our first customer base is major enterprises. This security hole cannot be detected by any anti-virus software. Once information is stolen, the consequences will be disastrous."

Jiang Fuqin interrupted him, and his tone became firm: "The problem has already arisen, we can only find a way to solve it."

Qilin is too young, and the journey is going smoothly. The first crisis he faced was so fatal. The main creators obviously did not have enough mentality to bear the pressure.

Looking at the unwillingness in the eyes of several young people, Jiang Fuqin didn't say anything more, but got up and moved the computer away: "Make the patch first, and find a way to improve the running speed of the system after adding the patch. I will handle the outside matters." Responsible."

Infected by his attitude, the anxiety in the eyes of several people gradually eased, and they returned to their respective posts, continuing to desperately make the final amends.

Jiang Fuqin returned to the office alone, closed the door behind his back, and his shoulders that were originally straight finally collapsed a little bit.

Under the strong pressure, the overdrawn body and energy are already on the verge of limit. At first, I thought it was ridiculous for my father to collapse in the face of failure, but it was only when I was in this situation that I realized how heavy the burden was.

Lu Wangjin publicly admitted that the Huayue system was behind the times, and when he finally made the decision to hand over Huayue, what kind of mood would he feel

His heart was already in a mess, but he couldn't show it in front of his subordinates at all.

Jiang Fuqin walked slowly to the desk and sat down, closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair. For a moment, in his mind was the sudden reversal of public opinion on the Internet after tomorrow's news was exposed, and for a moment, he was blamed by major companies. Various thoughts crowded and collided. , but in the end they all turned into a familiar figure.

It would be great if that person could be here at this time.

Even if you just look at yourself, you don't have to do anything, as long as you can stay by your side, so that you can see him...

His chest suddenly hurt so badly that he couldn't breathe, Jiang Fuqin gritted his teeth and sat up straight, trying to dispel those weak thoughts, when the mobile phone on the table vibrated suddenly.

The screen lit up and two text messages were received one after another.

-I know everything.

—I'm outside, come pick me up.

Jiang Fuqin shuddered violently, as if he had suddenly lost his ability to read. He stared at the two text messages for a long while before finally understanding their meaning. His heart was pounding, and his blood seemed to be rushing Gotta go up.

It was as if he had suddenly regained his perception of the outside world, his temples were throbbing with pain, his stomach was burning with hunger, his body was uncontrollably tired, but his heart was filled with infinite ecstasy.

The dazzling light lit up again in his eyes, Jiang Fuqin didn't even bother to pick up his clothes, opened the door and rushed downstairs, all the way to the door of the company.

The night was almost over. In the faint morning light, that familiar figure was sitting in a wheelchair, talking to the guard, and when he sensed his movements, he followed his reputation.

The author has something to say:

Dark Hacker: What a protagonist! do not know! Bully him! ! (/≧▽≦)/~┴┴