Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 88: guardian under guardianship


The victory was undoubtedly established strongly, and the atmosphere outside also relaxed a lot.

Although he never doubted Lu Wangjin's promise, he still didn't expect that the other party's strength could be so strong. Jiang Fuqin still dealt with the reporter's questions fluently, but his heart did not feel a slight movement, and the thoughts that had once arisen vaguely occupied his mind again.

Lu Wangjin has always been able to do this step, even when Huayue was forced to retreat by Qilin at the beginning—those hacker methods, he can actually do it easily...

Before he could straighten out the mixed thoughts in his heart, the reporter in front of him raised his hand and asked an extremely tricky question.

"Jiang Dong, although Kirin has won this offensive and defensive battle, we have also seen that all of these advantages were established after actively removing the patches and exposing loopholes, almost entirely relying on the absolute gap in technology. Crushing opponents—then it can also be considered that Kirin has not yet developed an effective patch for this vulnerability incident?”

With a sudden chill in his heart, Jiang Fuqin's eyes shot towards him, and a sharp and cold light flashed in his eyes.

The reporters who came today have already been contacted. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be such an on-the-spot behavior, but now they suddenly defected, obviously thanks to the secret "help" of some colleagues.

Patches need to balance security and speed. Even if the top team is invited to develop, it will take at least a month of repeated debugging. Now that Kirin is on the cusp, once the public's attention is drawn back to the vulnerability itself, it will never tolerate such a long period of a month.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, Jiang Fuqin took a deep breath, and was about to answer truthfully, when the screen on the public screen suddenly flashed.

The dazzling white glow occupied the entire screen, and after a while, the screen returned to normal, but the dazzling silver-white light had completely disappeared, leaving only the black lines desperately trying to replenish the lost codes.

The face of the person in charge of the public relations department changed again and again, and he ran to Jiang Fuqin's side quickly, and handed him the message he had sent.

With a sudden shrinking of his eyes, Jiang Fuqin read the concise message several times before finally nodding his head slightly, taking a deep breath and looking up again.

"Just now, our technical department sent a message that Kirin will give up its technical advantages and turn to defense. While continuing this offensive and defensive battle, we will write this patch."

Even the simplest patch can take at least three days from writing to debugging. He didn't know whether Lu Wangjin planned to lengthen the battle line and turn this attack and defense into a long and protracted battle, or whether he was really strong enough to ignore the normal rules and directly write this patch whose difficulty factor had reached the top level.

But no matter what the possibility is, he will definitely choose to believe that person.

Hearing Qilin's arrogant promise, many netizens followed suit, but some more experienced voices questioned and ridiculed, and even pointed at Qilin as a show, and the comments in the live broadcast room became noisy in a blink of an eye.

Unmoved, Jiang Fuqin raised his head, and his eyes fell on the public screen again.

Probably because he was chased and beaten before, the black line finally regained its original length, but it just lingered outside the dark hole, and dared not go in rashly like before.

There is no way to collect more complete data to write a patch without prey coming in to throw itself at the snare.

Su Shi raised his eyebrows, and pulled down the male wheat again: "Raise your hand if you have time, I need everyone to help me."

The previous miracle had completely established his position in the hearts of everyone, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a group of people rushed to raise their hands in front of them.

Facing the bright light in those young eyes, Su Shi raised the corners of his lips, and sat up a little with his body propped up: "Use any method, help me blast our opponent in."

With the situation at that time, everyone undoubtedly had confidence in their hearts, responded with great interest, and spared no effort to contain the string of source codes that had always lingered outside the firewall.

On the screen, the colorful lines chased the black line relentlessly, pushed the black line step by step, and finally forced the black line into the terrifying hole.

The way the code attempted to intrude was quickly reflected by the brain. Su Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, and in the blink of an eye he had decided on a countermeasure, handed over the task of intercepting hackers to the system, and quickly typed a string of codes on the keyboard.

Unknowingly, the sky has gradually darkened.

The entire offensive and defensive battle has lasted for nearly eight hours, but people are still guarding the live broadcast room with great interest, watching the black lines being thrown out of the hole in various unexpected postures.

After the latest one was thrown out, the crooked little black lines scattered into 0s and 1s flying all over the sky. Obviously, even the entire code has been completely defeated.

The best way to test whether an anti-theft device works is to have someone try to break it.

Netizens finally understood why Kirin chose to write patches while attacking and defending, but they were still shocked by the power behind this mysterious young company. While marveling at the strength of Kirin's IT engineers, he couldn't help but sympathize with the group of hackers who were treated as experimental products.

The advantage of public opinion throughout the day gave the partners a shot in the arm. After dealing with the last batch of merchants who came to negotiate, Jiang Fuqin hurried to the computer room regardless of his fatigue.

In the brightly lit computer room, the atmosphere was obviously much more relaxed than yesterday.

The members of the technical department are now firmly guarding the hacker's terminal. As long as the group of hackers dare to give up the attack, they will immediately clear all the data in the terminal. As a result, those hackers could only swallow their anger by being threatened, knowing that they would be bullied if they rushed in, but they still gritted their teeth and made meaningless intrusion attempts time and time again.

Jiang Fuqin nodded to the minister who came up to him, and walked quickly towards Lu Wangjin.

Su Shi leaned back in the wheelchair, raised his hand to support his chin, and his eyes fell on the constantly scrolling code on the screen. Sensing his approach, he raised his head for a brief gesture, and then turned his gaze back.

The preparation of the patch has been completed, not only tightly sealed the loopholes, but also ensured the original running speed to the greatest extent, leaving only the final debugging and compatibility testing. As long as this step is completed, the finished product can be released directly.

"Chairman, Mr. Lu hasn't eaten anything until now. We saw that he didn't drink coffee and poured water for him, but he only drank a few sips..."

The minister hesitated and said something in a low voice.

Looking at the untouched boxed lunch on the table, Jiang Fuqin's heart sank more and more. He nodded and walked towards him quickly.

"No rush, it will be fine soon."

The man in the wheelchair looked up at him, his brows were still showing gentle patience, but his usual clear voice was a little hoarse.

His heart was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe, Jiang Fuqin squatted in front of him, holding Lu Wangjin's other hand, his eyes fell on the faint blue shadow in front of his eyes.

Lu Wangjin in his memory has always been calm and unhurried, and nothing can put him in such a tired state, let alone working for nearly eight hours without eating or drinking.

Before the other party came, he clearly hadn't slept all night.

Meeting his gaze, Lu Wangjin showed a little mild doubt in his eyes, smiled and patted the back of his hand comfortingly, and finally raised his hand and hit the carriage return, heaved a sigh of relief: "Okay, there will be nothing like this Problem."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lu, if it wasn't for your help, we might really have to—"

The minister walked over gratefully. He was only halfway through his thank you when he was interrupted by Jiang Fu and Qin Wei's deep voice: "Immediately release the patch and announce the end of the offensive and defensive battle. I will send Mr. Lu back first."

"Okay, okay, let's do it now, Mr. Lu has really worked hard..."

The minister was startled, nodded hastily, and sent the two of them out of the computer room.

Su Shi was pushed out of the computer room in a wheelchair by Jiang Fuqin. His body was already used to the slightly stuffy air in the room. As soon as he came into contact with the slightly cold fresh air outside, he couldn't help coughing in a low voice.

"What's the matter, are you uncomfortable?"

Jiang Fuqin's heart tightened, and he quickly wanted to touch his forehead, but Su Shi held that hand firmly, smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, don't worry, I'm just a little tired."

This person smiled even when he was tired, and his tone was clear and light, so he easily summed up the intense and busy work of almost a whole day.

Jiang Fuqin was so uncomfortable that he couldn't speak. He held his hand, pushed the wheelchair into the elevator, and raised his hand to press the floor, but suddenly there was a little weight in his arms.

The person in the wheelchair put half of his body on his arm, pressed his forehead in front of him, breathed a sigh of relief, and closed his eyes relaxedly.

The weight of stability suddenly fell on his heart, Jiang Fuqin's eyes were hot, he held his body firmly, told him to lean on him, and tried to help him relax his shoulders and spine.

He raised his hand to support the man's slightly thin shoulders, and tried to use a little force. Lu Wangjin suddenly gave a low cough and grabbed his wrist.

Lu Wangjin seldom used such strength, his whole hand was trembling faintly, his joints were slightly bluish due to excessive force, and it took a long while before he finally relaxed a little bit.

"Does it hurt?"

Jiang Fuqin couldn't bear it any longer, and half knelt down to look at him, his tone almost showing uncontrollable worry and urgency: "Is it uncomfortable? Is it very uncomfortable? I'll call the doctor, okay?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just that after sitting for a long time, my body is sore."

After enduring the sourness that seemed to come out of his bones, Su Shi raised his head again, his eyes fell on him, and he frowned helplessly: "Don't be too nervous, I'm fine."

"They said you didn't eat and didn't drink a few sips of water..."

Jiang Fuqin grabbed his hand and held it in the palm of his hand, took a deep breath to suppress the water in his eyes, looked up at the faint bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and subconsciously raised his hand to caress them.

His breath was so familiar, Su Shi didn't avoid it, and asked that hand to stop between his eyebrows, his eyes still fell on Jiang Fuqin's body.

Maintaining awe of the person in front of him all the year round, making such an almost offensive action, Jiang Fuqin's heart was beating loudly, but his fingertips still gently brushed across the gentle eyebrows of the other party.

Seeing the overwhelming anxiety in those pitch-black eyes, Su Shi couldn't help but chuckle, held his hand directly, and said warmly, "I've been busy all this time, so I didn't take care of it... I'm really hungry now, Do you have anything to eat there?"

"Yes! I'll give you—"

Jiang Fuqin's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously opened his mouth to respond, but suddenly stopped talking, with a bit of annoyed embarrassment in his eyes.

The other party has been busy all day for me, so I just treat him to a meal. The instant food stored in the office has nothing to do with people like Lu Wangjin.

As if he had guessed what he was thinking, Su Shi shook his head with a smile, and said in a serious manner, "I haven't eaten anything you made yet, and this time I will eat whatever you say - if you dare to take me out for dinner now, I'm afraid I can only sleep on the spot for you to see."

Meeting the warm smile in his eyes, Jiang Fuqin couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly, and clenched his hand even more tightly. Before he could open his mouth, the elevator had already sounded the notification sound of reaching the floor.

After entering the office, Jiang Fuqin pushed the wheelchair into the resting compartment, lifted the person out of the wheelchair, and placed him carefully on the bed.

As soon as the body that had been sitting stiff for a long time was flattened, the intense soreness quickly swept away all willpower.

Su Shi's face paled instantly, and cold sweat broke out in an instant.

Still thinking about the image of his guardian, Su Shi tried his best to hold the sheet and tried to turn over towards the wall, but suddenly he was hugged tightly by his warm body.

The young man's body was strong and powerful, and with undeniable strength, he held him tightly in his arms, and stroked his faintly convulsive back over and over again, his arms were trembling with tension.

"Okay, I'm fine, don't worry..."

Most of the pain will pass in a few minutes, and it is too bad to use up an analgesic. Su Shi held his arm reassuringly, trying to squeeze out a few words from the air-conditioning gap, but failed to get a response from the other party.

With a thumping heart, Su Shi raised his hand and grabbed the other's shoulder, telling him to look up at him.

The calm and reliable young man in front of the crowd hugged him tightly, his expression was still as cold as a struggle, but there was almost panic and worry in his dark eyes, and the hasty breath burned his ears faintly.

The burning light in the dark pupils that was almost out of control fell on the bottom of the eyes, Su Shi chuckled dumbly, raised his arms that were also sore and heavy, tried to hug his body, and patted him comfortingly.

If you don't give cocoa and don't cook noodles, you dare to grab your clothes the first time you meet, and you haven't opened your pot until now.

Can't really blame him for never recognizing it...

The bottom of my heart suddenly relaxed, and unconsciously, the throbbing pain in my body seemed to have gradually faded away.

The long-lost relaxation returned, and there was a familiar warm atmosphere around me, so tiredness surged up in waves like a tide, and the eyelids became heavy.

Su Shi vaguely remembered what else he wanted to say to him, wanted to confirm his identity, wanted to tell him that he was no longer in pain, don't worry too much, as long as he rested for a while, it would be fine.

But after all, I was too tired.

He hasn't tried such a high-intensity work for a long time, and this body doesn't seem to be as healthy as he is blindly confident. It's rare to finally be able to relax, and he really doesn't want to pull his will out again like this.

Really drowsy from sleepiness, Su Shi sighed very lightly, found the right position by instinct, and threw himself into the embrace that he was already familiar with regardless.

The author has something to say:

Gong: How to find a reasonable opportunity to cook noodles Σ(っ°Д °;)っOnline and so on! urgent! !

#President Setting#

#The burden is too heavy#