Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 95: A robot in love with a human


Su Shi was stuck in the subspace by the opening special effects and couldn't get out. Looking at the situation in front of him, his stomach suddenly throbbed again.

This time he came to a world with a relatively advanced level of technology. The rapid development of artificial intelligence has laid hidden dangers. Robots rioted and seized absolute leadership, which also led to the complete collapse of human society that is highly dependent on robots and artificial intelligence. .

The status of human beings has declined rapidly, being squeezed out at the margins of society, and robots have always refused to give up their dominant position, so resistance struggles have followed one after another, and the two sides are getting more and more incompatible with each other day by day.

Life is the form of existence that all autonomous consciousness desires. The emotion of artificial intelligence is single and one-sided. Only by relying on life can a truly complete emotion be produced. Therefore, the robot has been constantly trying to use cutting-edge technology to copy the human body and transcode the artificial intelligence program into the blank brain domain, and has successfully created an existence similar to an artificial human.

Although this technology has matured day by day, the robot can only repair the original mechanical body, and does not have the matching medical level.

If the data is directly extracted and the body is replaced, a second transcoding will be required. Even for artificial intelligence composed of data, there is a great risk.

In this way, human doctors suddenly become very precious.

His identity this time is a human doctor named Yano, and these human youths who were supposed to assassinate him were all here for tomorrow's surgery.

Marshal Ignatz of the Machine Empire was the first robot to be transformed by an artificial human. In the previous conflict between the two sides, Ignatz was seriously injured and required complicated surgical treatment. Among human doctors willing to cooperate with robots, Yano is the only one capable of performing such complex operations.

There are quite a few radicals among human beings, and the youths involved in this assassination belonged to one of the organizations "Flying Eagle".

In their view, Yano is undoubtedly a traitor to human beings, and they had already warned Yano that day, asking him to reject the operation, but Yano refused.

Yano is a simple and almost stubborn person. He only has medical skills and patients who need to be healed in his eyes, and he doesn't care about everything else. And Su Shi's mission this time is to [do everything he can to save more lives].

Yanuo's refusal aroused Feiying's anger. After discussion, these people decided to carry out the assassination. They firmly believed that as long as Yanuo was killed, tomorrow's operation would definitely fail.

The young people stood in the room, looking at each other, their eyes fell on that clear and soft face, and their eyes became more and more embarrassed and hesitant.

When they came, they were full of anger, thinking that this human doctor, as a traitor, must have already reached a deal with the robot and lived a comfortable and pampered life. Most of the guesses about his image in my heart are full of disdain.

But the person in front of him has nothing to do with the conjecture.

His figure even looked a little thin and thin, with a distinct bookish look in his eyebrows and eyes. The room is very simple and monotonous, except for the bed and the wardrobe in the corner, there are only a few pots of green plants placed on the window sill, a desk is placed in front of the window, and thick medical books are stacked on the table.

He was sleeping soundly, he seemed unaware of the arrival of these people, let alone preparedness, as long as he shot at will, his life could be easily taken away in an instant.

The young man at the head was silent for a while, then quickly walked over to inject the pre-prepared anesthetic into his body.


The robust young man strode up behind him, struggled, and raised his hand to stop him: "Didn't we not attack civilians who have no resistance? He really doesn't look like a bad guy, or let's just forget it..."

The young man who was in charge of picking the lock before also nodded repeatedly, squatted over to sniff Tan Yano, raised his head and said softly: "He is not even a reformer, his body is very weak, this anesthetic is enough for him to sleep for a day, doesn't it just need to call Is it okay if he can't go for surgery?"

The anesthetic was specially made, and they originally thought they would encounter fierce resistance, so they carried a few with them, just to avoid causing too much commotion.

Just looking at the people in front of them makes people feel no desire to kill, and there is no way to connect with the traitor who betrayed mankind.

Ivan also gave up the idea of carrying out the mission long ago. Seeing that his companions agreed, he nodded slightly and got up and walked out first: "Leave a flying eagle mark and warn him once. Let's go."

The robust young man left a mark at the door, and several figures sneaked out of the house again and disappeared into the deep night.

Half an hour later, the person on the bed finally moved and slowly opened his eyes.

The anesthetic in his body was extremely powerful, Su Shi shook his drowsy head, propped himself up to sit up, and glanced at the time on the watch.

It was four o'clock in the morning, four hours before the scheduled surgery.

If it was said that the previous opening could have given him some self-reflection, this time apart from the disfigured opening, he probably couldn't find any experience to learn from.

Not without a sigh of relief, Su Shi rubbed his forehead, comforted the system who was even more depressed than himself, and took out a sobriety potion from his backpack. After setting the time and setting the automatic injection, I pulled the quilt again and fell asleep.

The robot's concept of time was extremely accurate, it was five minutes to eight o'clock, and Su Shi was taken outside the operating room.

The robot as a surgical assistant was busy back and forth, putting on the surgical gown for him, meticulously disinfecting, and arranging the operating room. With Yano's character, he is actually not good at dealing with people, and staying with these slightly cold machines seems unexpectedly harmonious.

"Dr. Yano, this time is thanks to you. Marshal Ignatz is our first artificial human. His data is very important to us, and it is also of extraordinary significance to the evolution of robots."

The robot prime minister came in person and wanted to shake his hand, but Yano sideways avoided him: "It has been sterilized and cannot cause secondary pollution."

The outstretched hand was rejected by him, and the Prime Minister didn't see any embarrassment. He withdrew his hand with a smile and nodded to him: "After Dr. Yanuo finishes the operation, we will give you a generous reward. If you need anything, you can talk to him." We bring it up."

The highly developed artificial intelligence endows the robot with super learning ability, so that it can continuously enrich and expand its own data storage, and can freely deal with more and more emergencies.

But no matter how powerful the database is, it can't simulate complete emotional fluctuations. Only by abandoning the hard and eternal steel body and having a fragile "life" can we truly make up for the missing part.

In order to make up for the inevitable emotional defects of artificial intelligence, the leadership of the machine empire has undergone artificial human transformation. The Prime Minister is a tall, handsome, middle-aged man with a warm smile and a friendly and talkative voice. Compared with Arno, who is devoted to medicine, he is even more human.

"I want this operating room."

Su Shi was also not polite to him, and lowered his head to ask the robot to fasten the string of the surgical gown for him, and put forward his request bluntly.

To complete the task and save more lives, at least supporting hardware equipment is required.

Except for the human beings in front of him, no one can use this operating room, so this requirement is not harsh at all.

The Prime Minister's smile remained unchanged, he agreed without hesitation, and added: "We will provide you with free medicines and medical equipment on a regular basis, and hope that you can make better use of your expertise to heal more humans and robots. .”

Now that robots have become legal citizens, many robots have chosen to accept the transformation of artificial humans. The development of science and technology has enabled most diseases to be treated by medicine, but surgery is still an indispensable part.

At the beginning of the birth of advanced artificial intelligence, Scott Moore, the father of artificial intelligence, once issued a ban that life science is the only field that machines must not be involved in.

This prohibition has been maintained for more than a hundred years. Even though most of the jobs in the later human society have been replaced by robots, the core medical technology has always been firmly blocked by humans. Robots managed to get the part about embryo cultivation and modification, but they still couldn't do anything about basic medical methods.

For robots, Yano's existence is undoubtedly extremely valuable.

In order to show absolute respect and sincerity, so that he can treat Ignatz with peace of mind, the robot government took the initiative to remove all the camera equipment, and only provided him with a basic assistant robot without learning ability.

Su Shi washed his hands for the last time, put on sterile gloves, and glanced in the mirror at the smiling Prime Minister behind him.

This world can only be regarded as the primary stage in the world of advanced science and technology. Even if artificial humans have been transformed, these advanced primary artificial intelligences can only be regarded as sub-life forms, and there are still defects. In order to completely have a perfect relationship, it will take a long time to explore and evolve.

But even so, they already have a sense of autonomy, and they have the right to exist.

The artificial intelligence in this world has no tendency to destroy and plunder. They temporarily seized the political power just to have a platform to successfully complete the evolution of life forms.

After these robots seized power, they actually did not impose more oppression and restrictions on humans, but still caused more and more misunderstandings due to the limitations of artificial intelligence in emotional thinking, and have not been able to gain the trust of humans. accept.

No matter what kind of technological development model, the first emotions generated by artificial intelligence will always be "desire" and "fear".

Desire is an active appeal to one's own needs, and fear is an instinctive defense against threats. The robot has always been unwilling to hand over its power. In fact, it is only afraid that if it chooses to back down, it will be regarded as a scourge by humans and completely obliterate all artificial intelligence.

They are clumsily but trying to imitate humans. From the very beginning, these robots just want to become more like humans, and are even willing to give up their powerful and immortal machine bodies for this purpose, just hoping to be equal life forms. Live in harmony with humans.

They want to be friends with humans, but they are afraid that humans will be afraid of them.

This time the task is to [save more lives], not only including humans, but also these robots who want to live like humans, intact.

He had injected himself with 8 hours of sobriety, enough to complete the operation smoothly. After the final examination, Su Shi signaled the robot assistant to back away and walked into the fully enclosed operating room.

His patient is waiting for him inside.

The door of the operating room was pushed open, and the man who was originally lying on the operating table stood up following the sound.

Su Shi didn't look up, but lowered his head to arrange the surgical instruments in the sterile tray: "Just lie down and don't move."

Ignatz did not obey his instructions, and his eyes still fell on the young man in front of him.

He wore a special surgical gown, sterile gloves, a cap, and a mask, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

Those eyes are beautiful, dark and clear, soft and docile, not aggressive at all. His eyes lowered peacefully, he concentrated on arranging the equipment, his movements were smooth and elegant, and occasionally there was a slight sound of the equipment colliding, as if hitting his heart one after another.

A set of unfamiliar codes that had never existed before suddenly broke into his brain.

Su Shi tidied up the utensils, walked to him, saw that he was still staring at him blankly, and raised his eyebrows slightly in doubt.

Ignatz supported his body, staring at him with dark eyes, and suddenly said bluntly: "Can I like you?"

The robot program is really open now.

Su Shi raised his hand to press his shoulder, made him lie down with a little force, and methodically checked his patient's physical condition: "I'm here to treat you, all you have to do is to cooperate with my instructions, so that I can perform the operation as perfectly as possible."

He didn't take Ignatz's words to heart.

For artificial intelligence, "like" is the most difficult high-level emotion to produce. Whether it is not driven by instinct or programmed presuppositions to have such complex emotions towards the same or different species is an important sign of whether a life form has evolved completely.

There was still a high concentration of anesthetic in Su Shi's body, and he relied entirely on systemic drugs to keep him awake. He didn't have much energy left to think about it, so he concentrated on taking the equipment, and started the operation neatly.

Ignatz was seriously injured, with multiple fractures on his body, and several deep wounds on his chest, all of which had only undergone basic debridement and hemostasis, and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

The medical methods in the high-tech world are also developed. Su Shi skillfully anesthetized and sutured him, injected the drug that promotes cell regeneration, and the wound was completely repaired and healed in just a few minutes, but those fractured wounds had to be treated thoroughly. Well, extra care is needed.

The surgical gown was stuffy, and the room wasn't too hot, but a thin layer of sweat still oozed from Su Shi's forehead, which slid down the corner of his forehead, unknowingly blocking his vision.

If it is in a normal operating room, there will be assistants to help wipe the sweat. But in order to show his sincerity, the robot is equipped with assistants that can roll around by itself. It seems that it is really difficult to expect a cart to wipe his sweat.

The sweat stung him so hard that he blinked hard, and his vision was a little blurred, so he was about to pause to go out for a while, when suddenly the corners of his eyes were gently stroked by his fingertips.

The familiar force caused his originally smooth movements to stop suddenly, and he raised his head subconsciously to meet those black pupils.

There is still no extra emotion in those eyes, and the almost inorganic coldness is also the most obvious feature of the artificial man.

They have not yet been able to integrate the emotional and physical reactions that have gradually begun to develop well. Artificial intelligence can tell them to make perfect expressions, but those eyes can't always deceive people.

Dumbfounded by the thought that came to him for a moment, Su Shi couldn't help but laugh, sighed lightly and waved away his unrealistic guesses, and said warmly, "Thank you."

Hearing his voice, Ignatz's indifferent pupils flickered a little, but he still seemed to be clueless. He just stared at him persistently, and said instinctively, "I want to hug you."

Su Shi took a deep breath, raised the scalpel in a friendly manner, and cut down with precision without mercy.

The operation lasted nearly six hours before it was finally completely over.

Ignatz's body has been specially strengthened and modified. With the medical technology currently mastered by human beings, after the operation, the wound on his body has basically recovered. With Su Shi's permission, he turned over from the operating table, took the prepared clothes from the sterile area, and put them on neatly.

It wasn't until he stood on the ground that Su Shi realized that the other party seemed to be half a head taller than himself, and his figure was also very muscular. He didn't need to guess that there must be extremely powerful strength in that body.

The effect of the medicine was gradually losing its effect, and as soon as he relaxed, his hands trembled faintly, and his chest felt tight with sleepiness.

Finally, after confirming that all the other's injuries had been treated, Su Shi took off his surgical gown, gloves and hat, and prepared to go back and take a good night's sleep.

Ignatz was undergoing a physical examination and data report, his eyes glanced over the same kind beside him, and he landed on the human doctor.

His short black hair was a little slumped under the weight of the hat, his bangs were slightly wet with sweat, and his whole person looked docile and soft. The light in those eyes seemed a little dim, and his figure also looked tired. He walked out of the operating room with a dragging step, and raised his hand to take off the mask.

An unusually delicate face was exposed, his face was faintly pale, there was a little thin sweat on the nose, and his light-colored lips were slightly pursed and gently curved.

A larger data flow poured into his brain, and Ignatz's heart suddenly started beating. Subconsciously, he wanted to catch up, but was blocked by the equipment connected to his body.

The figure had opened the door and left, disappearing outside the operating room.

Su Shi was sent back to his residence in a special car, already so sleepy that his chest ached, he closed his eyes slightly and leaned against the wall of the car, barely maintaining a sliver of clarity.

Suddenly, the system's sharp siren rang beside his ears.

The threat to his life made him wake up suddenly. "Flying Eagle" is a very radical human organization that does not accept the harmonious coexistence of humans and robots. He insists on performing surgery on Ignatz, and he will definitely face revenge.

Probably the established program was attacked remotely, and the unmanned vehicle suddenly lost control, rampaging and accelerating.

Su Shi stood up in a jerk, and tried to switch back to manual driving. After finding that it was invalid, he decisively opened the door.

Driving too fast.

If he just jumped down like this, with his body, it would be light enough to break his head and bleed.

If you don't jump, you will be killed in a car crash in the blink of an eye.

Biting his lower lip to maintain his sobriety in the residence, Su Shi took a deep breath before he was about to bite the bullet and jump down, but suddenly he caught sight of a somewhat familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

"Jano, jump down!"

The two roads were up and down, and the car just brushed the edge. As long as he let go of his hand, he could jump directly to the road below.

Ignatz was waiting for him below. His tall figure stood firmly on the speeding motorcycle, opened his arms towards him, and stared at him unobstructed with his dark eyes.

He was so cold that he couldn't find any extra emotion, but he seemed to be so focused that he was the only one to see.

A thought flashed through his mind, Su Shi closed his eyes, let go of his hands, and swept down.

With the whistling wind in his ears, he slammed into a strong embrace. The strong inertia caused both of them to almost fall off the motorcycle, but his strong arms tightly held his waist and abdomen, protecting him into the between the arms.

The screeching sound of the motorcycle brakes, and it barely stopped after turning a big corner.

Suddenly there was a deafening explosion not far away. Su Shi raised his head subconsciously, and could only see billowing black smoke from the crashed car.

Ignatz propped himself on the ground with one leg, still holding him firmly, lowered his head, his eyes fell on the human doctor in his arms, as if waiting for him to speak first.

The embrace and breath were all too familiar, Su Shi chuckled dumbly, looked up at his lover's Hei Che pupil who probably hadn't finished loading the scheduled program, raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's wrong?"

"Don't you want to promise yourself?"

The preset strategy process in the database was not smooth, and Ignatz's eyes dimmed, but he immediately cheered up again and reloaded another pre-stored strategy mode.

Su Shi blinked curiously, watching the sudden change in his whole body, revealing an undeniable dominance and dominance, before he could react, he had already pushed him into his arms.

Warm breath enveloped his whole body, Su Shi breathed out lightly in comfort, tiredness welled up again, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up at him.

Ignatz stared at him for a while, then suddenly kissed him majesticly on the forehead, pulled off his clothes domineeringly, and wrapped him in his arms involuntarily.

"Since you don't agree, I can only lock you in a small dark room, try to torture you, destroy your will, and then do whatever you want."

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: There is a problem with your program, come here, I will kill you :)

#Just kill a poison#

#don't hit you#
