Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 98: A robot in love with a human


Ten minutes later, the needle was finally removed, and Su Shi sat in the core office of Feiying headquarters smoothly.

Boss Feiying, who was still lying on the hospital bed before, had changed into a straight suit, sat on the sofa with a pale complexion, lowered his head and did not dare to look at him, his mentality was in a mess.

After silently reading the benevolence of the doctor several times, Su Shi sighed softly, and tapped on the table: "Does the incision hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!"

The dark boss suddenly sat up straight reflexively, and shook his head desperately: "It doesn't hurt at all, your medical skills are really good!"

Looking at his posture, he also knew that his painstaking medical disputes might be in vain. Su Shi rubbed his forehead and said kindly: "You can't eat spicy food for a week, and you'd better fast for two days. Pain is normal, don't be afraid , I won't hit you."

The boss nodded repeatedly, trembling and restless, obviously not listening to a word.

Su Shi completely lost confidence in him, and stood up: "Let me ask you, are there any other radical villain organizations in human beings? I'll ask them if they have a pot—"

"Don't go, I'm here to bring you the pot!"

Suddenly awakened by his words, the boss rushed over and grabbed him, saying nothing to let him leave: "Do you want to be a double agent? It doesn't matter if the misunderstanding on the human side is gone, you can make the robot mistake you It's on our side! Then you'll be in trouble!"

Su Shi raised his eyebrows slightly and stopped in his tracks.

The dark boss let out a long sigh of relief, did not hold him back, and walked conscientiously through the plot: "Humans are short of medicine and medicine, and you are the only one who has penetrated into the robot. Only through you can we obtain the necessary medicines and survival materials. Continuing the indomitable struggle against the robots... ”

"But I don't intend to stand on any side. My mission is to cure the sick and save the sick."

After roughly understanding what the other party meant, Su Shi lowered his gaze unmoved, and answered quietly.

"I know that you were coerced by us using the feelings of your compatriots. You can't just ignore it."

Prepared for his answer, the boss nodded with confidence, quickly put on a smug smile on his face, and patted his chest confidently.

"But robots don't think that way. Once there is a fight and you help us, they will definitely think that you are actually on the side of humans, so there will be misunderstandings!"

I don't know why, but I always feel that this old friend's work enthusiasm is particularly high today. The two have been together for more than half an hour, but they haven't received any experience points from the other party's bribe. Judging by his momentum, he even has plans to complete the task well.

But Su Shi didn't hope that the two sides would really fight one day.

One's own misunderstandings must be preserved, but robots should not be misunderstood by humans forever. Those artificial intelligences are still very simple and are still trying to make friends with humans, but if humans repeatedly hostile and hurt them, no matter how gentle the artificial intelligence is, the seeds of hatred will be planted.

Obviously, there are also many ordinary humans who are not so radical, and they also want to try to get along with robots.

Meeting the expectant eyes of the other party, Su Shi turned back to the table and sat down, before speaking for a moment: "Your humans are too hostile to robots, and artificial humans are not hostile to humans. In the current conflict, they are more in danger than you. middle."

"I will restrain them, but Feiying is not the only radical opposition organization. The rest are low-level villains who follow the plot and cannot defy the main line. As long as the robot does not surrender its power, the resistance will escalate sooner or later."

Guessing what he was thinking, the dark boss hurriedly added a sentence, but suddenly lowered his voice and approached him, his tone also mysterious.

"Besides, even if it is a positive character, do you think he must be a good person? As for the God of Light who plays the role of the central computer, if I hadn't found the folder 'Little Black House.txt' in his light brain, I wouldn't have I thought about guarding against him! I have escaped for several worlds, and this time I was caught up by him again, our old friends, please help me, don’t let me fall into his hands... "

No wonder the added filter looks familiar.

Su Shi was dumbfounded, vaguely aware that there seemed to be some serious misunderstanding between the old friend in front of him and the God of Light, so he was about to explain, but suddenly there was a violent explosion outside the window.

This is the human base, and logically speaking, there would be no conflicts. The expressions of the two changed slightly, and they walked quickly to the window.

A patrol boat broke into the protected area and rushed towards the office.

The sky was already dark, the artillery fire was chasing after the car brilliantly all over the sky, the roof cover suddenly opened, and the familiar figure stood unmoved by the relentless attack, looking around anxiously.

Su Shi's heart warmed up, and the well-intentioned explanation was thrown away, and he patted him on the shoulder: "Farewell, my time is up, I have to go back to the little black room."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and pulled the window open, leaned on the edge of the window, and jumped straight down.

The evening wind was slightly cold, whistling and rolling past the ears, the body fell rapidly without hindrance, and then was firmly embraced by the familiar embrace.

No matter where he goes, his lover has the ability to find him back.

In fact, there was no danger. Su Shi's eye sockets were still inexplicably hot. He completely handed himself over to the other party and closed his eyes in a relaxed manner.

The artillery fire was so loud that the car body couldn't help shaking. Ignatz hugged him tightly, returned to the car with the person in his arms, and said in a low voice, "I'll pick you up from get off work, don't visit such a dangerous place next time."

Su Shi couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, held his left hand, raised his head and kissed his lips: "Okay."

Having achieved the goal, the patrol boat made a sharp turn, a gust of wind swept past, and it was already far away from the attack zone behind it.

Boss Darkness stood at the window in astonishment, and was blown a little by the oncoming Kuang Risk. Seeing that his old friend was hijacked so easily, his face became paler and paler.


Even such a powerful host will be arrested and locked up in a small black room, so it is impossible for him to escape.

Driven by the intense fear of being locked in a small dark room, the villain boss who had just had his appendix cut jumped up and grabbed the phone on the table.

"Find a way to attack the central computer! Put a virus, the more powerful the virus, the better, don't show mercy!"

Originally thought that Ignatz would take him home, but the patrol boat paused halfway and suddenly hovered in mid-air.

Su Shi was leaning on the nano seat beside him, eating the snacks specially brought out by the other party. Seeing that the patrol boat had a tendency to turn around, he couldn't help straightening his body curiously: "What's the matter, I'm not going to the little black room anymore ?"

"It doesn't matter, I have already imprisoned you by my side."

President Ignatz got up calmly, embraced his body and kissed him, took off his cloak and put it on for him: "Urgent military report, we are going to the military headquarters, it's cold outside, you wear too little."

As soon as the two people approached, the brains automatically attracted together. According to Ignatz, the electromagnet started to take effect at a fixed time, and he had no way to turn it on within the set time.

So we can only march into the Ministry hand in hand, there is no other way.

It's really a reason that even a certain dark employee can't be fooled.

Su Shi expressed his deep doubts, but he was still led by him all the way into the heavily guarded military gate, and then he wanted to ask if it was inappropriate to take him there, so he remembered the other party's "You won't have the opportunity to leak the secret "The domineering declaration.

Under the model of Yige Overlord Natz, he probably didn't even need to be suspected.

I can clearly feel that my lover's current database may still be defective, but it's unexpectedly cute. Su Shi was not in a hurry at all, and when the patrol boat stopped at the military headquarters, he held his hand and led it away peacefully.

The marshal led the imprisoned human lover to swagger past the military headquarters, and all the high-level android generals and government officials who passed by couldn't help but stop, and all looked at him reverently.

"You brought me here, no one thinks it's wrong?"

Su Shi is not surprised that his lover's data has always been used to doing whatever he wants. But after all, he is a human doctor with doubtful identities. He was led into the most important base camp of robots, and no one has expressed doubts. He really has to worry about the vigilance and defense capabilities of the machine camp.

Ignatz shook his head, shook his hand proudly, and looked deeply: "Because you accepted my confession, I got a special medal of merit."

Su Shi was slightly stunned, meeting the starlight in his pitch-black eyes, his heart softened suddenly, he turned around and looked at him seriously: "Are you the first robot to learn to love?"

"No. The Prime Minister and his cat are in love with each other, the Defense Secretary is courting his chandelier, and the Agriculture Secretary is legally married to his robot vacuum cleaner."

Ignatz spoke softly, shook his head slightly, raised his hand to hold his cheek, and stroked it cherishingly: "I am the first robot to be loved by humans."

This is the supreme glory of robots.

Su Shi's nose was sour, and he couldn't help raising the corners of his lips, groping and clasping fingers with him: "No matter what you are."

For him, the sense of reality brought by this world is stronger than that of the real world.

It doesn't matter if it's data, or some kind of existence on top of it. Regardless of the real world or the virtual world, this person in front of him is the only one who doesn't need him to fight for it deliberately, doesn't need him to play tricks to cover up, no matter what he does, he will wholeheartedly believe that he protects his existence.

He couldn't help but respond.

Ignaz stared at him, the light in his eyes gradually brightened, and he bent over to kiss him.

"Wait—isn't there an emergency military report?"

Vaguely realizing that the other party's role as the overlord hadn't passed, Su Shi's sense of responsibility rose again, and he resolutely acted, raising his hand to put on his shoulder: "Busy business first, we'll talk about it when we go home."

Ignatz blinked his eyes, the disappointment in his eyes was fleeting, but he was comforted by the "go home" smoothly, regained his strength in a blink of an eye, squeezed his hand without saying a word, and led him to the Go to the military headquarters.

The two walked into the main control room, and still no one raised any objections to the humans beside the marshal. The communication robot ran over quickly and reported the situation meticulously.

The central computer was attacked by a virus, which paralyzed some power lines in the city and required emergency repairs.

At first, he thought it was an important matter, but Su Shi was led by him to sit in the main control room, watching the robots rushing back and forth like a large army, and couldn't help being curious: "It's just a power outage, so is it so urgent? "

"There is a human settlement, and all human affairs are the highest priority."

The Prime Minister walked over with the cat in his arms, and answered instead of Ignatz, with a little worry on his always smiling face, and sincerely looked at the human doctor in front of him.

"There are too few humans like you who are willing to accept us. It must be because we haven't evolved enough. When we become stronger and can help humans do more things, they will like us, right?"

Su Shi was slightly startled, and shook his head lightly after a while, but he still didn't open his mouth to point it out.

The current situation is an unsolvable deadlock. Only when robots hand over power can humans eliminate hostility, but once the regime changes, artificial intelligence will definitely be reduced on a large scale.

Humans will never treat robots as tolerantly as robots treat humans.

While he was pondering, the hanging hand was suddenly gently held, and the warm and dry palm quickly calmed down the vague uneasiness in his heart.

Seemingly aware of his lover’s unspoken worries, Ignatz watched him with a calm and concerned voice: “Don’t worry, the data can be copied. We have been doing regular backups on the intranet, even if there is really no way to coexist peacefully with all human beings, There will still be room for artificial intelligence...”

With a thought in Su Shi's mind, a thought that has been lingering suddenly popped up, and he subconsciously clenched his hand: "What if it's an artificial human that has been transformed?"

Since it needs to be treated by itself, it means that for robots that have been transformed by artificial humans, data conversion may not be so easy.

The transformation process of artificial human must be irreversible to some extent.

As if he did not expect him to ask this question so soon, Ignatz fell silent, and the atmosphere froze for a moment, before the prime minister on the side spoke in a low voice: "The basic data will not be damaged, but the emotion generated based on [life] and memory will be cleared accordingly... "

With a shrinking heart, Su Shi's breathing was slightly stagnant, and he subconsciously raised his head to meet those gentle and black pupils.

"don’t worry."

Ignaz stared at the sensitive and fragile human lover beside him, smiled confidently and calmly, lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead, domineering and awe-inspiring.

"I have saved all my love for you in the USB flash drive."

The author has something to say:

Su Shi: ... ≡▽≡