Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 99: A robot in love with a human


Meeting his lover's confident gaze, Su Shi took a breath, and suddenly felt that it was very necessary for him to exchange a high-end mobile hard drive with unlimited memory with the system, and then smashed it on that handsome and profound face.

Convinced that his declaration must have touched the sentimental humans in front of him, Ignatz raised his arms and hugged him, looked at the screen on the monitor, and said softly, "Look."

The robots have urgently repaired the power supply line, and the dark part in the corner lit up dottedly, and the light dots quickly connected together, as if awakening a sleeping area from the darkness.

For a moment, everything returned to normal.

It was already very late, the Prime Minister held the sleeping cat in his arms, looked relieved, stood up and nodded slightly: "The task has been successfully completed, everyone who has worked hard, please go back and rest."

Looking at the human beings in Ignatz's arms who were generously expressing kindness, he nodded in an extra friendly and grateful way, and personally sent the two to the gate of the military headquarters.

The night wind was a bit cold, and he led the thin human doctor out of the military headquarters. Ignatz was afraid that he would catch a cold, so he pulled him to stand still, and wrapped the cloak around him again.

Sensing that he hesitated to speak, Su Shi gathered up his collar in the night wind, and looked up at him.

"There's no one here anymore."

Ignatz spoke in a low voice, took a light breath, his black pupils stared unblinkingly at the human in front of him, and asked in a tone of voice, "Can I kiss you?"

A warm current rushed over his chest suddenly. Su Shi chuckled dumbly, raised his still-cuffed wrists, and teased warmly with a smile: "I'm being imprisoned by you now, shouldn't you be doing whatever you want?"

"The central computer said that the same coercive methods cannot always be used. The upgraded small black room also needs to learn to respect the wishes of the lover, and also have the fun of guessing and expecting each other."

Ignatz shook his head meticulously, wrapped his arms around the thin waistline of the human doctor, and couldn't help but pull him closer to his body. He wanted to ask again, but was suddenly pulled by the arm, subconsciously lowered his head, his lips were already covered with lukewarm touch.

With his heart pounding and a torrent of data running wildly in his brain, Ignatz suddenly grabbed the human in front of him into his arms, strode out of the military headquarters, and jumped onto the patrol boat parked at the door.

The imprisoned human lover was lying peacefully in his arms, looking up at him, with a soft smile on his brows and eyes.

Obviously an unspoken invitation.

The dome light in the car turned off automatically, leaving only a soft warm light. Ignatz hugged him, and the two hands connected by the brain handcuffs groped and clasped each other, and kissed deeply.


Originally thought that this world could also take advantage of the incomplete data of the lover, at least in the beginning of the game to maintain their dominant advantage, but forgot that the data of the other party can be imported at any time to fill in the gaps, and there is a central computer behind it that does not want to occupy the world and only wants to pull CP.

The robot's powerful data collection and sorting ability quickly allowed Ignatz to find the most irresistible method for human doctors.

It didn't take long for him to kiss her dizzily, and her heartbeat was so intense that it almost became one piece. Su Shi was gasping for breath, with a blinding white light in front of his eyes, trying to hold on to his faltering rationality from his lover's rapid kissing skills: "Do you feel that the car seems to have stopped..."

Not knowing what happened, the patrol boat suddenly stopped moving forward. Although the system did not issue a danger alarm, Su Shi was still instinctively vigilant.

Ignatz, however, was obviously used to it, took him into his arms, and placed a few comforting kisses on the forehead: "Don't worry, there are humans ahead, just wait a while."

In order to avoid more misunderstandings with humans, the robot has added many new settings to the program. The patrol boat is equipped with a life monitoring system. Once a human is found approaching, it will automatically avoid it.

But in any case, the avoidance time this time was obviously too long.

Su Shi stood up and shook his lover's hand: "I'm human, I can go down and see what's going on, and I'll come back after I have a look."

As he said that, he was about to untie the brain in his hand, but Ignatz had already stood up: "I am a human partner, and I can go down too."

His tone was very serious, almost showing a bit of stubbornness. Su Shi couldn't help being slightly surprised, looked at him for a moment and suddenly chuckled, held his hand in compromise and squeezed it, and walked off the patrol boat with him lightly.

The night was already very deep, and it was chilly, so Su Shi couldn't help tightening the cloak around him.

The street lamps dutifully illuminated the road, but they couldn't see any expected figures.

The two looked at each other, feeling a little wary in their hearts. Su Shi motioned him to hide in the shadows, and was about to turn on the system to find out who was around, when he suddenly saw a small figure peeking out from a corner.

It was a human boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old. He looked around vigilantly and waved to the corner: "No one, come out!"

Hearing his voice, several boys came out one after another, some with small wooden guns, some with big knives, and some with only bamboo poles, and they all gathered together happily.

"Is it a human opposition organization?"

Ignatz had never seen such a battle before, his eyes were condensed, and he was about to report, but was stopped by Su Shi with a smile: "It's just a game that human boys often play, I played it when I was young, it doesn't matter. "

The grown-ups are worried and worry all day about what changes will happen to their lives in the future. The children didn't know much yet, and they still got together carefree, sneaking out to play and play when it was dark.

After listening to the human doctor's explanation, the robot marshal was also a little curious, and leaned over to watch the movements of the group of children.

Most boys like to fight and kill, and they even have a great time playing and playing. Su Shi looked at it for a while and was relieved. Feeling a little cold, he pulled on his cloak and was about to go back, when he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the corner.

The little robot who went to the clinic with the artificial parents during the day was hiding in the corner, looking at the human boys with envy and yearning in their eyes.

Signaling his lover to wait for him in the corner first, Su Shi unlocked his brain and walked towards him.

Sensing that someone was coming, the little robot hurried to run, but found that it was a human doctor in the clinic, but he couldn't help hesitating.

"Nobo, do you want to play with them?"

Su Shi still remembered his name, squatted down halfway with a smile, spoke in a warm voice, and raised his hand to rub the little robot's head.

Nobo pursed his lips, and nodded timidly. The light in his eyes brightened for a moment, but then gradually dimmed.

He was originally a companion robot, created to grow up with human children.

The leading boy was Larry, the human being he was asked to accompany. But because the model was too old, after a few years, the human family replaced it with a new robot, and he was sent back.

He thought it was because he wouldn't grow up, so he couldn't be with Larry, but he was able to grow up now, and today he was a millimeter taller than yesterday, but humans didn't allow him to go back to accompany his friends.

"Give them these candies, tell them you want to play with them, go ahead."

Children don't have clear boundaries, so Su Shi grabbed a handful of candy from his pocket and stuffed it for him, smiled and said warmly, and patted him on the back.

Robots obey orders from humans.

Finally, he waited until someone ordered him to play with Larry.

Nobo's eyes lit up suddenly, he nodded vigorously, clenched the candy in his palm, and quickly ran towards those children.

Suddenly there was a strange figure, the boys who were having fun at first gradually stopped their movements, and their eyes fell on him suspiciously.

The artificial man will have a communication path with the central computer on his body, and Nobo has an antenna on his head, so he can be recognized at a glance.

I heard that human beings don't like artificial humans very much. The little robot was too scared to look up, clutching the candy in his hand tightly, his voice trembling: "I have candy for you to eat..."

"Really? What kind of sugar is it, is it from fruit!"

"It must be milk, milk is delicious!"

"Chocolate! I've eaten chocolate-filled candy, and that's the best!"

Attracted by his words in an instant, the boys gathered around one after another, arguing enthusiastically, and no one noticed that the boy in front of them was different from the others.

Nobo blinked his eyes, raised his head apprehensively, the candy in his hand was snatched up in an instant, and he was also pushed and pulled to make a joke about the antenna on his head.

Most boys are not very good at expressing intimacy, and they pull him to play together, but the little robot is so nervous that he dare not move around, standing in place restrainedly, at a loss, his arm is suddenly grabbed by someone.

"Nobo! You are Nobo, right?"

The boy at the head held his arm vigorously, jumped up and down twice excitedly, and said in a firm tone, "You must be Nobo! You and Nobo look exactly the same—I have a robot named Nobo, he is the most famous robot in the world. Best robot!"

Nobo raised his head in disbelief, looked at the boy who had grown up a lot in front of him, and hesitantly called out his name in a low voice: "Larry..."

"I knew it, I won't admit it!"

The boy hugged him tightly, hugged the thin little robot, and pinched his cheek again, pure excitement flowed from his eyes undisguised: "You are so soft, I am so soft! I'm afraid of breaking you... Have you become a human? Can we grow up together? Don't run away this time!"

Nobo moved his lips, wanting to tell him that he didn't run away and was sent back to the repair shop by his parents, but he still didn't say anything. He just raised the corners of his lips carefully and hugged him with both hands: "Okay, I Don't lose it."

Leaning in the shadow of the corner, Su Shi had a smile in his eyes, and with a swipe behind him, he grabbed his lover's hand without any surprise: "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking that fortunately I made an early move, otherwise this medal would have been his."

Ignatz looked serious, pulled the human doctor and kissed him, then straightened up calmly, and hugged him into his arms.

Su Shi couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, consciously handcuffed the handcuffs back again, and patted the tall figure in front of him: "Let's go, go home."

Maybe there is a way to find the source of the problem from these children.

Return to the patrol boat and set a new direction of travel. The knot in his heart was finally loosened a little, Su Shi breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and leaned against his lover's arms to rest his mind.

Ignatz looked down at him, raised his hand and slowly stroked the handsome face of the human doctor, and kissed his lips twice, with a soft and low voice: "I also want to grow up with you."

"Let's wait for the next time. Next time, try to get the script of the childhood sweetheart, starting with bare buttocks."

Su Shi yawned, buried his face in the fabric of his chest, and felt a little uncomfortable lying down, pulled his clothes and moved them up, and the brows finally opened a satisfied arc.

Although he couldn't understand what he said, Ignatz still held him firmly, lowered his head slightly and stroked his cheek, and spoke softly after a long time: "Companion robots like Nobo are still discarded by humans. There are many."

With a slight movement in his heart, Su Shi subconsciously opened his eyes, meeting the deep light that gradually became clear at the bottom of his dark eyes.

"They are sent back to the repair shop, and the central computer will try to form a family for them. Most robots accept this arrangement, but some robots have disappeared after that-for robots, work is the meaning of existence, Living leisurely like humans makes them feel very miserable."

Su Shi's expression darkened, most of his sleepiness dissipated, and he wanted to sit up, but was comforted by the arms behind his back.

"Not all robots are friendly to humans, you have to be more careful and don't approach robots you are not familiar with easily..."

The tone of this sentence was too normal, and he vaguely felt that his lover's database had gradually been almost completed. Su Shi took a deep breath, straightened his body and wanted to ask for more details, but suddenly his jaw was clamped firmly by a hand. , raised his head to meet a pair of domineering eyes.

In fact, it didn't hurt at all. Su Shi put one hand on his thigh, pursed his lips dumbly, and looked up at him patiently.

The corners of Ignatz's lips twitched slightly, he lowered his head calmly, and placed a light kiss on the lips of the man in his arms

"The U disks of those robots outside are not as big as mine. So don't try to run away from me. No matter what you want, I will satisfy you."

have to throw.

Convinced more and more that his lover might have accidentally caught some virus while running Xiaoheiwu.exe, Su Shi gritted his teeth and spent all his money, extorting almost all the savings from extortion from several worlds before exchanging it from the system An ultimate antivirus system.

"Come on, give me the USB flash drive, and I'll kill the virus for you. Don't download anything casually on the central computer in the future."

Ignatz's movements faltered slightly, and he froze for a moment before gently stroking his face: "I'm very touched, Arno, but at least we have to wait until we go home—"

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly froze, and his eyes quickly became clear and sharp.

Strong arms firmly embraced the human doctor's body, put him back in the seat, and kissed him on the forehead: "Protect yourself and stay away from me."

As he said that, Ignatz had already put his lover in his arms on the back seat, propped up the seat and jumped lightly, and landed firmly in the manual driving area.

The patrol boat accelerated instantly and shot forward.

The automatic seat instantly adjusted the gravity and direction, avoiding the dizziness caused by the sudden acceleration. Su Shi clenched the armrest that automatically rose beside him, and fierce artillery fire suddenly lit up outside the window.

In the firelight, Ignatz's expression remained calm, as if he had already gotten used to such encounters.

Holding the steering wheel, he suddenly swung his arm forcefully, causing the patrol boat to turn around on the spot, swiftly avoiding the attack, and looked worriedly at his lover in the back seat: "Are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter."

Su Shi stood up, followed him, frowned and looked at the suddenly dangerous environment outside the car window: "Is it a human opposition organization?"

"Probably yes—don't worry, it happens a lot, and it'll be fine soon."

Humans usually don't take the initiative to attack their own kind, but they don't show mercy to robots. It's not a good choice for human beings to stay with themselves.

Ignatz drove the patrol boat calmly, hugged him with one hand, and handed him over to the mechanical arm stretched out from the back of the car: "It will be safer in the back, your body is broken and it is not easy to repair, you need to replace it." Cherish it."

Su Shi blinked in astonishment, before he could react, he was already stuffed back into the safety seat at the back, and a layer of high-grade synthetic fiber shield was raised in front of him.

Seeing him skillfully maneuvering the patrol boat through the artillery fire, Su Shi fell silent, and couldn't help but think of the mission he had received when he first arrived.

The robot side has become accustomed to such attacks, and sometimes they even suffer serious injuries. But from the human side's point of view, these cold steel bodies will not be completely wiped out. As long as the data still exists, it is just another body to live forever.

Under such a misunderstanding, the damage is almost always unilateral, but once the damage accumulates to the extreme, it may cause a strong counterattack.

The robots that Ignatz mentioned just now, the robots that were abandoned by humans and disappeared—their sense of resistance may have begun to germinate.

The other party obviously came prepared. I don't know how long they have been in ambush on this road, and the attacks intensified. In order to avoid excessive damage to the surrounding buildings by the aftermath of the artillery fire, Ignatz could only avoid the patrol boat to high altitude again and again, but the attack behind him was always chasing after him.

Suddenly, a shell fired in the wrong direction, brushed past the edge of the patrol boat, and slanted towards a building area.

"Those kids!"

Recognizing the area at a glance, Su Shi spoke anxiously, and Ignaz's eyes darkened, and he hugged his lover into his arms. The patrol boat suddenly turned violently, and its speed suddenly increased to the extreme, barely stopping in front of the shells.

The protective cover was activated in an instant, and the violent impact caused Su Shi's chest to feel tight, and a little sweetness appeared in his throat.

The temperature behind him was firm and stable, and his arms were tightly wrapped around his shoulders, protecting him tightly in his arms. The strength was so rigid that it made people vaguely uneasy.

Ignoring the surging blood in his chest, Su Shi held his arm and turned around anxiously, barely catching his lover's powerless body.

"It doesn't matter, I just connected my consciousness to the patrol boat, and I was shocked. Now the database is a bit messy..."

Ignatz's body has been strengthened so that he won't be damaged by such an attack, but in order to intercept the shell in time, he forcibly turned on the hotspot to control the patrol boat, and his brain still suffered quite a shock.

Worried that he would crush his thin and frail human lover, Ignatz tried hard to support his body, but he felt dizzy again, forcing him to close his eyes tightly.

"Sit down first, I'll drive."

Su Shi spoke softly, and helped him sit on the shock-absorbing seat in the back seat. Connected to the control system of the patrol boat through the brain, and confirmed that the children were only somewhat frightened and not injured, they asked the system to forcibly occupy the attacker's communication screen and transmit the real-time images.

The chasing party this time is also a radical human resistance organization called "Black Fire". As the Dark Boss said, even if a Flying Eagle goes silent, there will still be other resistance organizations that will reappear.

The area where they fought was a colony of robots, and the people of Blackfire did not expect that there would be human children here. Seeing the picture sent by the other party, he finally realized the threatening blow of the attack just now. With a guilty conscience, the pursuing artillery fire also gradually slowed down.

Su Shi didn't give them another chance and contacted the central computer directly. The robot patrol quickly rushed over, and the black fire receded quickly, and the two finally took the opportunity to escape.

The system sensibly took over the patrol boat and sailed smoothly all the way home.

The worry of forcibly suppressing it rose again, and Su Shi turned back to check on his lover's situation. Ignatz just raised his head and smiled at him gently: "Don't worry, the police will send those children back safely."

"I don't worry about them. How did you bump into it? Do you recognize what it is?"

Su Shi supported his shoulders, raised two fingers, leaned over and shook in front of his eyes.

"Okay, I'm fine, the number is still clear."

Ignatz laughed dumbly, blinked his eyes to regroup his somewhat slack mind, took his hand, and looked up at him: "I'm a little dizzy, shall we kill the virus tomorrow?"

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it when you're better."

The database has been disrupted, so the virus matter can only be postponed. Su Shi nodded in a good-tempered manner. Seeing the patrol boat stop firmly at the door of the house, he took a step forward and reached out to him: "Go, let's go home first."

Feeling his lover's sudden gentleness, Ignatz slightly raised the corners of his lips, held his hand to stand up, and let him lead him out of the car: "I still want to hug you to sleep today."

"Okay, I'll go to work late tomorrow, let's sleep a little longer."

Su Shi nodded in a good-tempered manner, looked at his pale and sluggish expression, and raised his hand to cover his forehead: "Are you dizzy? Go back and lie down first, don't think too much, because you have a headache." tell me..."

"I'm fine, don't worry."

The cool palm rested on the forehead, somewhat dispelling the strong dizziness. Never showing discomfort in front of his sensitive little lover, Ignaz raised his hand and rubbed his hair, smiled softly, and was about to place a comforting kiss on his forehead, when he suddenly remembered Intense buzzing.

Su Shi was also so shocked that his feet almost stepped on the ground, and he quickly exerted force with his arms to support the tall body standing unsteadily beside him, and said sharply, "Who!"

"I am me!"

A familiar voice came out, and a black figure suddenly jumped out of the grass, with a concerned tone and a sonic gun in his hand.

"Our good brothers, go to their little black house! I'm here to save you! Run!"

The author has something to say:

Xiao Hei: Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛? ?

#why did you hit me! ! #

#Why are you still hitting me! ! ! #