Let Me Tease You

Chapter 11: Entry 11


In any case, after Ji Yuan arrived in this world for more than half a month, he finally succeeded in breaking away from the big Haw girl setting and turned into a real big Haw man.

He took off his long skirt and put on a lilac-colored narrow-sleeved satin robe, as if he had changed his personality. The eyes are thin and cold, and they seem to condense into ice wherever they look.

Without that pretentious femininity, this neutral face looks more handsome, with a kind of cold and clean brushed by ice and snow.

Ye Jun rubbed his chin, his eyes fixed on the boy's face for a moment, he looked away as if nothing had happened, and reached out and rubbed his hair: "Zhao Yang's injury is strange, take advantage of the fact that the corpse has not rotted yet. , let's go take a look."

Ji Yuan thought about it for a while: "...Isn't it already buried?"

Ye Junchi said as a matter of course: "It won't be good to pry the coffin."

Ji Yuan was speechless and silently followed Ye Junchi to Yangning. In order to know the information at any time, Ye Junchi found another small town on the way and went down to inquire about the news.

Similar to what Ji Yuan thought, when Ji Shan and the others returned to Ji’s house that day, they truthfully reported the news that Ji Yuan was rescued. The Ji’s family informed Zhao’s family through a sound transmission from thousands of miles on the night they caught Ji Yuan. When he was gone, he couldn't afford to offend the Zhao family, so he shied all the responsibilities to Ji Yuan and Ye Junchi.

The original half-truth rumors that "Miss Ji's eldest sister and the demon Lord Ye Junchi forged to kill Zhao's young son" have turned into a sure-fire fact. Many people were eager to make a move. At this time, Ye Junchi could not be killed, but Ji Yuan could be famous all over the world. By the way, he had a good impression on Zhao Jiabo.

Everyone in the teahouse who discussed the matter was indignant.

"I heard that the Ji family secretly escorted the prostitute, but only one escaped back to the Ji family. Tsk tsk tsk, the demons are bloodthirsty and cruel."

"Miss Ji is also embarrassing. I heard that she is extremely beautiful, and she rarely appears in front of people. Every time she appears, she hooks the soul of a noble family son... Sigh, Qingben beauty."

"A dozen people... That devil can really do it."

"What's this, you forgot about the Chonghe Mingxu Taoist Temple three years ago? That devil led the devil soldiers to kill more than two hundred people from the entire Taoist temple, and the blood on the ground overflowed the threshold. , It is said that everyone's death is extremely tragic... I don't know what kind of hatred it is, the demons are really cold-blooded."

Hearing this sentence, Ji Yuan couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Junchi.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ye Junchi's lips, as if he hadn't heard the words discussing him, he looked down at the teacup in his hand, and after a while, he lifted it up and took a sip.

Ji Yuan frowned, knowing that rumors were like snowballs, they were only small at first, but after many people added fuel and vinegar to word of mouth, they were like rolling in the snow, getting bigger and bigger, covering the layer inside. Small facts.

He subconsciously felt that Ye Junchi would not do such a brutal thing. He wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to say it without being abrupt. After hesitating for a while, the words he had sorted out had not been spit out, and a voice next to him was pressed. Throat back.

"... I heard that the devil is the son of the devil, and his father is a great devil, can he not be a son?"

What? !

Is Ye Junchi the son of Demon Lord? !

Ji Yuan's thoughts became even more chaotic. In the past few days, the system ignored his opinions and asked him to read the common sense of this world for an hour every day. Ji Yuan painfully memorized by rote, but he still remembered something, such as the Demon Venerable mentioned by these people.

It is said to be a ruthless, bloodthirsty and ruthless demon clan. When he was the Demon Venerable, the Demon Race was very hostile, and the Demon World was in a pressing atmosphere. Everyone was in danger, and when they talked about Demon Venerable, their expressions changed.

There is no trace of Demon Venerable's metamorphosis. Maybe it's just his appearance that makes him feel unsightly, and he will be thrown into the alchemy furnace to be alive.

I didn't expect Ye Junchi to be the son of such a terrible person...

The system hurriedly comforted Ji Yuan, who was a little shy: "Don't be afraid, if Ye Junchi was really a pervert like his father, you would be dead long ago."

… the comfort of the system is always so complicated.

Ji Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Ye Junchi again, but he didn't know how the words of Mozun's son hit his nerves, his face sank, and he got up and walked out.

Ji Yuan strode to keep up, pursed his lips and remained silent. Ye Junchi seemed to know what he was thinking. He walked out of the teahouse and scooped the slender and thin boy in front of him with one hand, avoiding the person nearby who didn't have long eyes. He said slowly, "Really? It's easy to open and close the mouth, there are about a hundred people in Mingxu Taoist Temple, and I can't kill two hundred people even if I kill them all."

Seeing that Ji Yuan frowned slightly, his voice was indifferent: "I just killed the ones who deserved to be killed."

Ji Yuan wanted to ask why a good Taoist priest should be killed. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Ye Junchi's icy expression, and he was horrified, but he didn't dare to ask.

"What else do you want to know?"

"... Demon Venerable is your father?"

The two gradually walked out of the bustling street, the surroundings became quiet, few people passed by, Ye Junchi's eyes turned to the distance, and his expression became more indifferent: "Well."

Ji Yuan swallowed his saliva and did not dare to say another word.

The young man's silent look resembled a snow-white porcelain doll. Although he was cold, he looked strangely pleasing. Ye Junchi quickly emerged from the shadow of the not-so-good past, pinched Ji Yuan's snow-white earlobe, feeling a little better, and took his sword to his feet.

Yangning has many mountains, and the Zhao family's immortal mansion is located on the highest Chengyang Mountain in Yangning. In recent years, the Zhao family has come close to the leader of the Righteous Path Alliance.

Therefore, even if the Zhao family acted ruthlessly and arrogantly, few people dared to come out and give pointers, fearing that they would not see the sun on the second day.

The system gave Ji Yuan popular science: "It's normal, the Righteous Path Alliance was formed hundreds of years ago to resist the invasion of the Demon Race, and its status is already high. The Demon Race has not made any major moves in the past few hundred years. It has also gradually deteriorated, and began to get involved in the matter of hundreds of schools, but it has become an invisible leader of the cultivation world. The Zhao family is already powerful, and they are so close to the leader of the alliance, it is strange that they are not arrogant."

Ji Yuan snorted and rubbed forward silently. Yujian flying is quite cool, the only downside is that he has to get close to Ye Junchi. Although this man was not as brutal as his father, he was not a good person either. Ji Yuan felt hairy when he thought of the slaughtered Mingxu Taoist.

As a result, the earlobe was pinched again, and the voice of the person behind him was gentle and low: "One step further, you can let the wind blow."

He was at a high altitude and was rushing again. Ji Yuan thought about it for a while. He really didn't want to be called an idiot, so he stepped back cautiously. He didn't hear the ooc prompt from the system, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon we reached the vicinity of Chengyang Mountain.

The shape of Chengyang Mountain is like a pyramid, and everything surrounds the top point. Even if the immortal mansion of another family is on the mountain, mortals are allowed to move at the foot of the mountain, but the Zhao family has turned the entire Chengyang Mountain into its own territory. The four sides are guarded by spirit beasts. Airtight. Except for the leader of the Righteous Path Alliance, if others want to visit, they have to submit a greeting card several days in advance. If their identity is not enough, they can only drink a cup of cold tea at the foot of the mountain.

A few days ago, the Ji family made a sound transmission and the Zhao family said that they had caught someone, and the Zhao family head went to Nanchi first. Unexpectedly, Ji Yuan was still kidnapped halfway. The Zhao family head, who was in a bad mood, did not immediately return to Xianfu, but Staying in the territory of the Righteous Path Alliance, making grievances with his brother-in-law.

Ji Yuan calmly listened to the system telling him about the formation and barrier of Chengyang Mountain, looked up at the almost towering mountain, and thought to himself that Patriarch Zhao would not be afraid of a thunderstorm that would rip his house apart. .

Standing tall, the Zhao family's style is so arrogant, are they not afraid of falling to this high position one day and falling to pieces

But... With such a tight defense, how do you sneak into someone's ancestral grave to pry the coffin

Ye Junchi calmly gave Ji Yuan two choices: "Do you want to enter or sneak in?"

Ji Yuan looked back at him expressionlessly: "..." The system, this one in front of him is even more arrogant than the Zhao family.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ye Jun said lately, "Go in?"

"...Slip in." Ji Yuan looked at him with a serious face, not joking, for fear that he would really go in, he rubbed his forehead and spoke helplessly.

Ye Junchi felt happy when he saw the cold and taciturn young man in front of him being teased by him, and a little helplessness filled his eyes. He smiled and stretched out his hand to rub his soft black hair, and the latter stepped back. Retired, almost fell and returned late.

Ye Junchi stretched out his hand to scoop him up, smiled and said "be good", then took him close to the barrier, pondered for a moment, and before the patrolling arrived, he took out a black piece from the storage ring. Token, lightly press on the enchantment.

A faint black air filled the air, and ripples gradually appeared in the barrier that was invisible to mortals, like a pebble thrown into the calm lake water, rippled layer by layer.

Ye Junchi stuffed Ji Yuan into his arms, leaned over and nimbly entered Chengyang Mountain from the broken hole, the skillful and neat movements made Ji Yuan a little stunned.

It was a hot summer outside the barrier, but the temperature inside was very suitable. The Zhao family’s ancestral tomb was buried behind the immortal mansion, and there were people patrolling the outside at any time. was discovered.

There was contempt in the system's voice: "What are you afraid of, there is a big guy next to you, you can come and go freely, the big boss is wronged to accompany you sneakily, and you have to question his strength."

Ji Yuan said, "I'm just questioning whether Luo Xiuyi's medicine pill is useful. If something happens, Ye Jun takes the medicine pill late and it's useless, isn't it me who is unlucky?"

System: "... Your vision is really long-term."

However, the system said it well. With Ye Junchi around, it was really easy to sneak into the ancestral grave. No wonder the mission required him to form a team with Ye Junchi.

However, after sneaking into the Zhao family's ancestral tomb and finding Zhao Yang's tomb, Ye Junchi wiped out Ji Yuan's newly-rising goodwill with a single word.

He pointed to the tomb that had just been repaired and seemed to be quite new, and Chong Jiyuan raised his chin with a smile on his lips: "Plane it."

Ji Yuan: "…"

The system is a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Ji Yuan was silent for a moment, then shivered expressionlessly: "I'm afraid of ghosts."