Let Me Tease You

Chapter 25: Coddle 11


After sleeping until the middle of the night, Ji Yuan suddenly had a cold fight and woke up from the faint sound of water in the room. Even though he was covered with a thick quilt, his body was still cold.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and a cloudy wind came from out of nowhere. As soon as Ji Yuan sat up, the wind made goose bumps on his arm, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Unable to see anything in the darkness, Ji Yuan thought for no reason what Ye Junchi said when he passed by his room before going to bed.

… is it haunted

Ji Yuan's teeth were chattering: "It's a system, ah, there's no ghost here, right? Even if there is, Ye Junchi and Gui Chijian live next door to me, so this thing shouldn't appear..."

The system was silent for a while, thinking that it would be better not to say something, and said calmly: "To be fair, your bed is too far from Ye Junchi's bed, and Guichi will not prevent ghosts from scaring you."

Ji Yuan wanted to cry.

He could only wrap himself in the quilt, looked around carefully, and his body kept shaking.

In a trance, I returned to the haunted house where I was locked up when I was a child. There was a terrifying atmosphere everywhere. It seemed that at any time, there would be a variety of dead ghosts jumping out. There were eyes staring at him from all directions in the room, and he couldn't hear him. The voice looked playfully at him...

Ji Yuan even felt that cold breath was close at hand, something unclean was slowly poking out from the bottom of his bed, and he was studying how to deal with him in one fell swoop.

Ji Yuan's body froze, his throat tightened: "System, what should I do, I can't sleep, I will be scared to death."

"Go to Ye Junchi's place, you are both men anyway, it's okay to sleep together."

"...I'm gay."

"What can you bastard do to him?"

Ji Yuan: "..." This seems to be the reason.

Ji Yuan was silent for a moment: "It still won't work."

The system had a headache: "Baby, what's wrong with you? Ye Junchi won't do anything to you."

"...I don't dare to get out of bed." Ji Yuan held back for a while, then whispered.

System: "...What a treasure."

Ji Yuan continued to shiver and wrapped himself in the quilt. He felt that something was staring at him wherever he looked, and he said with a sad face: "System, help me, you don't want me to be scared to death here, right? I have no ooc nor You won't get the bonus if you complete the mission, right?"

The system thought for a moment and sighed: "Okay, I'll help you run out of the room."

Ji Yuan was about to cry: "You are so nice, if you were a man, I would marry you."

The system was silent and did not answer.

But after a while, Ji Yuan felt his body move automatically, and he wrapped the quilt tightly, got out of bed quickly, ran to the door, pushed open the door and walked out.

Once out of the house, the autonomy of the body comes back.

It was already late at night, and the corridor of the inn was also dark. There were not many stars tonight. The moon should be bright, but it was shrouded in dark clouds, and there was a ghostly atmosphere. Ji Yuan moved his arm and walked quickly to Ye Junchi's door. His eyes passed by the end of the corridor inadvertently, and he seemed to see two faint green lights.

… something was spying on him there!

The scalp exploded suddenly, and Ji Yuan didn't even bother to knock on the door, he shoved it away—the door was actually open. He rushed into the room in a hurry, slammed the door behind him, his heart was beating rapidly, his body was cold, and his body was soaked in cold sweat.

Ji Yuan's legs were shaking: "System! Did I just go to hell!"

The system thought that you might see a lot of ghosts in the future until someone gets his wish, and comforted him with his mouth: "Don't be afraid, Ye Jun is late, no monsters dare to approach you."

Ji Yuan wrapped his little quilt tightly and fumbled to the side of the bed. After all, after pretending for many years, even if he was frightened for a while, he still had some ability to think when he turned around. When he entered Ye Junchi's room, he had some doubts.

...Let's not say why Ye Junchi didn't notice that there were ghosts and ghosts. He rushed in so recklessly just now, but Ye Junchi didn't notice it

He frowned, an unlikely thought flashed through his mind, and he simply reached out to touch the bed, and the cold sweat broke out in an instant.

Ye Jun was late.

"System, ah, I'm going to die!!!"

The system remained calm: "You shut up first, and if Ye Junchi saw me, he would have to be sentenced to OOC."

Ji Yuan kept his mouth shut, and his tears were shaky: "Where's the person?"

"Behind you."

The room suddenly lit up with warm candlelight, dispelling the darkness and chill. Just as Ji Yuan was about to turn around, he was pulled into his arms even with the quilt, and when he smelled the familiar rosin, Ji Yuan's heart was lifted high.

"Bring it to the door yourself?" The person holding him chuckled softly, his voice was low and magnetic, Ji Yuan's ears were hot, and he was half-pushed and half-carried on the bed before he could rebut the righteous words.

He rolled around on the bed wrapped in a quilt, and was dragged back and held in his arms by Ye Jun, who was lying on the bed later: "Are you afraid?"

He was trembling through the quilt.

Thinking of the fear that had penetrated his soul before, Ji Yuan couldn't say no to his conscience, so he changed the subject: "Where have you been?"

"There's something going on outside, go out and have a look."

Seeing that he was shaking so badly, Ye Junchi felt a little regretful, and hugged him tightly again.

Ji Yuan didn't push him, he was so frightened that he instinctively didn't want to push this reassuring embrace away. The doubts in his heart disappeared, he nodded and whispered: "...I...I'm a little cold."

"I said that my arms are very warm, sleep with me, I won't do anything to you." Ye Junchi blinked, let go of Ji Yuan, and tried to remove the quilt he was wrapped in, Really hug.

Ji Yuanmao strained with all his strength, with the belief that "no one can separate me and my little quilt", and stared at Ye Junchi stubbornly.

Ye Junchi looked at him silently for a moment: "..."

So cute, I want to kiss her.

This person is usually cold and cold, but he is like a false shell. Only when he is teased and forced to be anxious will he reveal his true side.

One day, Ji Yuan will stop looking at him with a cold face.

Ye Junchi touched his chin, full of confidence.

He stopped pulling Ji Yuan's quilt, took Ji Yuan into his arms, and said softly, "Go to sleep, I'm here."

After a shock, Ji Yuan became tense. He originally thought that he would not be able to sleep tonight, but he didn't expect to be in Ye Junchi's arms, but he slowly relaxed and fell asleep after a while.

Ye Junchi then gently pulled his quilt away, took the person out of the quilt, lowered his head and stared at the pale face of the young boy for a while, and thought for a while, as if he was guaranteeing someone: "Just a kiss."

He bowed his head and kissed Ji Yuan's smooth forehead.

After a moment of silence, Ye Junchi swore again: "Just a moment."

This time, he lowered his head and bit his coveted red lips, kissed and kissed for a long time, and saw that the lips were a little swollen, so he put down the person in his arms with satisfaction, carefully covered the quilt, got up and went out the door .

In the darkness outside the door, a bunch of monsters and ghosts squatted in the corner tremblingly, looking up at the slender man who came out of the door in awe.

Unlike the gentleness and little rascal when facing Ji Yuan, Ye Junchi stood with his hands behind his back, his expression was frosty, his eyes were cold, and the invisible coercion made the bunch of little devils in front of him dare not look at him again.

Ye Junchi's voice was indifferent: "It's been a while, he's been shaking with fright."

A bunch of little devils trembled even more.

Ye Junchi suddenly smiled: "But you did a good job, let's go."

The little devils breathed a sigh of relief, and kowtowed a few times before leaving. As soon as they left, the inn, which had just been shrouded in gloomy ghosts, became bright and warm, and even the dark clouds shrouded in the moon on the sky were scattered, and the bright moonlight hung down on the earth, like a layer of holy light.

Silently listening to the system in the corner tsk: No next time? So considerate!

Ye Junchi closed the door quietly, went back to the bedside, got on the bed gently, and took the person into his arms.

Sure enough, it's good to be frightened.


It was the first time that Ji Yuan shared a bed with someone, and Ji Yuan was in a rather complicated mood. Especially when he woke up, he found that his hands and feet were wrapped around other people's bodies, his face was pressed against their chests, and the physiological phenomenon called "Chen Bo" also appeared normally.

He fled away in Ye Junchi's half-smile but not smiling eyes.

After a long time, Ji Yuan deliberately avoided Ye Junchi, but Ye Junchi was worried that he would not be able to sleep at night, so he took Guichi to him with him.

Ji Yuan hugged Gui Chi and sighed.

The system couldn't see it, and couldn't help but say, "Don't you hate getting along with Ye Junchi?"

Ji Yuan was weak: "I don't hate it doesn't mean I like it."

"I think you like it."

"...Whether I like it or not, I'd better stay away from him."

The system sees through the truth calmly: "Are you tempted?"

"Ha, how is that possible." Ji Yuan said with a blank face, feeling that it was not good to deceive himself, and rubbed his hair irritably, "Okay, it's a little bit, but so what, I'm the one who wants to leave. "

"Why are you going back? Waiting for an opportunity to fight for power with your big group of brothers and sisters?"

"How tiring."

"Go back to spend the day and drink?"

Ji Yuan touched his chin: "Yes, I can't bear to part with my group of drinking friends."

The system is not easy to fool, so he clicked: "Lies are getting more and more slippery, do you want to go back and avenge your little brother?"

Ji Yuan also clicked his tongue: "You're talking more and more."

Ji Yuanwo was chatting with the system in the quilt, and when it was getting dark, there was a sudden knock on the door. Gui Chi in his arms trembled slightly with excitement, his heart was clear, he hesitated for a moment, but went to open the door.

Ye Junchi stood against the light, his figure became more and more slender, and when he saw Ji Yuan, he laughed: "Aren't you going to hide from me?"

"I didn't hide from you." Ji Yuan was so guilty that he didn't dare to look at him.

Ye Junchi put one hand on the door frame, stared at him for a long time, suddenly lowered his head and kissed the top of his hair, sensitively aware that he was shaking.

Ye Jun frowned, squeezed Ji Yuan's chin and forced him to look up. Seeing that there was no rejection on the clean and handsome face, he felt relieved and said softly, "Let's go, there is news from Jiang Miaomiao."

In the past few days, more and more monks are coming, and the Jiang family simply opened up an area of Xianfu to let the monks from all sides live.

In places where there are many mortals, whether it is a monk or a mortal, there will be disputes.

Jiang Miaomiao was waiting at the back door of Jiang's house, and she pushed aside the guards and sat on the threshold, her face a little uncertain.

When Yaoyao saw Ye Junchi and Ji Yuan coming, she suddenly stood up and hurried up to meet her, her eyes sharp: "Where did you get Jin Silkworm from!"

"In Zhao Yang's coffin." Ye Junchi was still calm.

Jiang Miaomiao was silent for a moment, and her face became more and more ugly: "Who are you?"