Let Me Tease You

Chapter 29: Death Road 1


Ye Junchi was still laughing, and Ji Yuan's scalp was numb with laughter. His voice was also magnetic and gentle: "A Yuan?"

Ji Yuan: "..." I was wrong, boss.

Ye Jun slowly and politely squeezed the feet in his hands, feeling that it was not so cold, so he let go of his hands and deceived Ji Yuan again, and said faintly, "You were looking for the golden silkworm that night? Why don't you tell me directly? It's really unruly, but fortunately I have good concentration."

Just go back and get enough money, and you have the right to charge some interest.

Ji Yuan was stared at by his undisguised hot eyes until his ears turned red, and he looked away uncomfortably, almost crying without tears, wishing to chop off the hands that he couldn't control that day.

Originally, he was so unscrupulous because he knew that Ye Junchi was drunk, so he would be happy no matter how ooc, and recently the system has become more and more generous, turning a blind eye to some small details, but... When Ye Junchi was awake In this case, it is not a slight OOC problem.

The more Ji Yuan thought about it, the more flustered he became. He forced himself to stop thinking about what he had done that night, and asked the system in fear, "Am I going to be crushed?"

The system was silent for a while: "...No. This is also my work mistake. I forgot to check whether Ye Junchi was awake, and I didn't give a warning. Let's expose it."

After a pause, the system's voice was cold: "Only once."

Ji Yuan instantly felt that the system was the cutest non-living thing in the world.

He was in a hurry, and when he turned around, he had to face the current predicament.

Ye Junchi was leaning almost all over him, his knees pushed his legs apart intentionally or unintentionally and squeezed into one leg, rubbing his waist with one hand and pinching his face with the other. The light rosin filled his sense of smell, his breath intertwined, his long hair was also entangled with his, his chest was close to each other, and the heartbeats of the two bodies were accelerating, as if they were conducting a question and answer of the soul.

Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Just say how could Ye Junchi lie down so harmlessly, pretending to be drunk... Then he came over to deal with the loose cultivator who hugged him and kissed and gnawed, was he drunk

Ji Yuan thought about it for a while, and immediately confirmed the guess. He blinked his eyes, and looked at the pair of secluded eyes that were close together for a moment, seeing the increasingly dangerous colors inside, and hurriedly wanted to struggle to get out of bed, Ye Junchi But suddenly lowered his head, his voice hoarse: "Close your eyes."

Ji Yuan closed his eyes subconsciously.

Immediately, the tightly closed eyes were kissed, and a soft whisper came from the ear: "Your eyelashes are so long..."

Can't go on!

Ji Yuan felt that half of his body was numb, his long eyelashes trembled, he took a deep breath, suddenly exerted his strength, gathered all his strength, and smashed Ye Junchi's defenseless lower abdomen with a punch.

The body of the Demon Race has always been tough like a weapon of magic, not as easily injured as the Human Race, especially the Demon Race of Ye Junchi's level, even a simple magic weapon can't hurt the body. Ji Yuan threw a punch with all his strength, and it stands to reason that Ye Junchi shouldn't have any pain or itching, and he could even continue to tease him leisurely.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jun snorted and fell directly on Ji Yuan, hissing lightly, his teeth chattering, his body tense for a moment, then he breathed a sigh of relief, gnashing his teeth: "If you say you have no conscience, you really have no conscience, You can actually get it off."

Ji Yuan frowned when he saw that he was in pain, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he was a little confused. He didn't know if Ye Junchi was pretending or not. Back in the room, his hand was grabbed.

Ye Junchi said angrily, "Put on your shoes and go over there."

His hands were no longer as warm as before, a little cold. Ji Yuan pinched his fingers unconsciously, and was stunned: "...It really hurts?"

Ye Junchi's face turned pale: "What do you think?"

Ji Yuan asked the system, and then he cautiously sat back by the bed: "Show me." Could it be that the world's bullshit is just how strong the Demon Race's body is

Ye Junchi lowered his eyes, suddenly laughed, pulled Ji Yuan into his arms, and covered the quilt, "Don't bother, you have to go to the venue for a few games tomorrow, go to sleep."

It is indeed installed.

Unexpectedly, just coming over to talk about something would turn out to be like this, Ji Yuan struggled depressedly, Ye Junchi hugged him tighter, chin rubbed against the top of his hair, and deliberately lowered his voice: "Do you still want to have a good rest? Move, let's move for a night together."

Ji Yuan calmed down knowingly.

With the system's schadenfreude laughing in his ears, Ji Yuan continued to ponder how things developed into this with a blank face.

The system said: "Those who are close to the bend will bend."

Ji Yuan couldn't even turn over, he pointed his middle finger to the system in his heart: "Everything is a misunderstanding, how could Ye Junchi, a demon, like me, he still has the illusion that I am a woman, and that night was nothing but a misunderstanding. It's because of drinking."

System tsk: "Are you explaining it to me, or explaining it to yourself?"

Ji Yuan was noncommittal, muttered, "I'm the one who wants to go back to do something important." He closed his eyes with confidence, and soon fell asleep. In the past few days that Ye Jun was away, he had never let up on fire, theft, theft, and Yun Cheng, and he had been exhausted for a long time.

The system really wanted to drag this guy out and beat him.


The next morning, Ji Yuan woke up from a drowsy sleep and saw Ye Junchi, half-naked, leaning on the bed and staring at him.

"Did I put Ye Junchi to sleep in the system?!"

System: "...you're lucky that you didn't fall asleep by him."

Ji Yuan was silent for a while, and decisively ignored it. He stared at Ye Junchi for a moment, and finally woke up from the stunned state, and prepared to get out of bed with a cold face.

Ye Junchi kept that posture, blinked, and smiled: "Oh, your lord is really ruthless, you wake up after a happy night and don't recognize anyone."

Ji Yuan glanced at his naked chest, swallowed, and dared not look again. Ye Junchi is obviously not his type, but recently he has become more and more pleasing to the eye... Ye Junchi must not be allowed to discover the changes in his body.

He quickly covered his robe and wanted to get out of bed, but Ye Junchi grabbed the back collar again: "Put on my shoes and bring them back later."

Ji Yuan was a little depressed, he replied sullenly, put on his shoes almost in a panic, and ran back to the room, the moment he closed the door, he breathed a long sigh of relief, with lingering fears: "System, gentle and considerate is really scary. weapons."

The system felt the same way: "Yeah, yeah, if you try to get in there a few more times, 80% of them will be wiped clean."

Ji Yuan sneered at it: "How could it be possible, Ye Junchi wouldn't feel anything when he kissed and hugged him. If he went off with a gun, he would probably shrivel up when he saw the man's body. pain."

The system is silent.

Ji Yuan looked suspiciously in front of the bronze mirror, his lips seemed to be very red and swollen.

Ji Yuan: "...Ah, why are there still mosquitoes in autumn?"

The system said coldly, "Just pretend."

Ji Yuan pretended not to see anything, took care of himself and returned the shoes, just as the shopkeeper sent someone to deliver the meal, the younger brother stared strangely at Ji Yuan's face for a while, and went down with a weird smile.

Ji Yuan began to think about whether he should get a mask and wear it.

Ye Junchi giggled beside him, stretched out his hand and stroked his hair at will, and said, "People from the Ji family will also participate in the Fairy Sword Conference, you will meet acquaintances, these eyes are too conspicuous... Close your eyes, I Cover it up for you."

Ji Yuan looked at him vigilantly, his eyes widened.

Ye Junchi couldn't help poking his face: "...I won't do anything."

Seeing that he was still vigilant, Ye Junchi sighed: "Really."

Seeing the sincerity on his face, Ji Yuan decided to reluctantly give him a little bit of the most basic trust between people, and closed his eyes suspiciously. The boy's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he could open his eyes at any time. He pursed his red and swollen lips lightly. He just drank a few mouthfuls of porridge, and his lips became slightly moist.

Ye Junchi's heart moved, and he stretched out his hand to cover Ji Yuan's eyes, and kissed him on the lips like a dragonfly.

There really is no basic trust between people.

Ji Yuan gritted his teeth secretly.

When Ye Junchi's hand left again, the color of Ji Yuan's eyes had changed, from light to dark, like black pearls immersed in water, gentle and soft, it was just the change in the color of his eyes, and his whole person's expression changed. The atmosphere has changed drastically. If it weren't for a straight face, Junxiu's face could even be called "gentle and well-behaved".

Even people from the Ji family, who got close to observe Ji Yuan, would only feel that they looked a little like the "Ji Yuan" in their conception.

Ye Jun held his chin to observe for a while, then smiled: "As expected, it looks better this way."

Ji Yuan didn't care what happened to his eyes, and secretly decided to ignore Ye Junchi's words in the future. The habit of being unhappy if he didn't talk about these three sentences was really terrible.

When he went to the venue, Ye Junchi still remembered the candied haws, bought a bunch of them, and handed them to Ji Yuan with a smile: "We have won."

Ji Yuan shook his head, did not answer, thought for a moment, and said softly: "If you are late, the devil will walk around Jinhe these few days, I heard that there are many beautiful people in Jinhe, if you get into your eyes, you will be in the palace It won't be empty anymore."

Ye Junchi paused and said lightly: "Beauty? Who has A Yuanmei?" After a pause, he asked casually, "Does A Yuan also like those so-called beauties?"

"Naturally." Ji Yuan's face was calm, "There are a few men who don't like beautiful women. After these troubles are settled, I will definitely get married and have children."

Every time he said a word, Ye Junchi's face became colder, and at the end, even the system couldn't help but say, "Baby, if you say Ye Junchi, you're going to make trouble."

Ji Yuan didn't care: "...so just go and look around, maybe you can really meet someone you like. Don't worry, I won't reveal my identity."

Ye Junchi sneered.

Ji Yuan silently hugged him tightly.

Ye Junchi had a bit of arrogance in his temperament, but was rejected by Ji Yuan so mercilessly. He stared at him for a while with a cold expression on his face, and said in a low voice, "As you wish," and turned around. Walk.

People came and went on the long street, but after a few breaths his figure disappeared. Ji Yuan turned his head and looked at it for a while, then walked slowly towards the venue.

The system said: "You are too much."

Just as Ji Yuan was about to speak, the system used a cold mechanical voice full of cadence and emotion: "You are ruthless, you are ruthless, and you are unreasonable."

Ji Yuan: "…"

The system returned to normal: "It is estimated that Ye Junchi has strangled your heart to death."

Ji Yuan smiled and said, "Isn't this not strangled? It's not good to kill him before he really thinks he likes me. I said that I like women, so he shouldn't be like that again."

"What kind of person do you think he is? If you are in a hurry, let's force him to be bound and imprisoned. You are the one to cry."

Ji Yuan still didn't care.

The selection of the Immortal Sword Conference was almost completed yesterday. There are still hundreds of monks who are officially qualified to participate in the Immortal Sword Conference.

In the early stage of the conference, a lottery was used to determine the opponent. It was still possible to win ten games in a row to advance to the next one. The loser could continue to take turns fighting, or challenge the winner to qualify for the next competition. From now on, loose cultivators are very likely to encounter those powerful cultivators behind them, and most of them seem a little nervous.

After all, whether it is a magic weapon or a spiritual practice, there is no other person's essence, and it is easy to suffer.

Ji Yuan has a good memory and is flexible. After observing a few competitions and combining the Sand Fighting stance he has learned, he also has a similar appearance when he wields it. People use swords.

After winning a few games easily, Ji Yuan encountered the first trouble.

Seeing Ji Shen, who was eager to try with his sword on the other side, Ji Yuan's face was dark: "System, do you think I want to lose or win?"

The system is still sulking, and the tone is cold: "As you like, Ye Shangyuan."