Let Me Tease You

Chapter 44: Death Road 16


When Ji Yuan slowly paced back, the angry Luo Xiuyi had already left.

Ye Jun was leaning against the bed for a while, looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking, he looked a little lost, and Ji Yuan didn't even notice when he walked to the bed.

The relationship between the two has always been that Ye Junchi took the initiative and Ji Yuan kept retreating and fleeing. When Ji Yuan recovered, he promised Ye Junchi something, and when he met him again, he was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

After hesitating for a moment, before the words could be said, Ye Junchi turned around and looked at Ji Yuan with bright and gentle eyes: "A Yuan, I forgot to say it just now, thank you for protecting me."

How many times have you maintained me

Ji Yuan whispered in his heart and shook his head, "How is your injury?"

"Well, Zhao Buchen was a bit ruthless. He broke his hand and connected it, but it was inconvenient." Ye Junchi looked at him with a smile, "Ayuan, would you like to help me get medicine?"

Ji Yuan hesitated for a moment, nodded, turned his head to see the ointment Luo Xiuyi brought on the head of the bed, took a look at Ye Junchi, and said in a flat tone, "Do you want me to undress you?"

Ye Junchi sighed in disappointment, and took off his undershirt on his own, revealing a sturdy and beautiful upper body. His muscles were not exaggerated, he felt very comfortable, and his complexion was not like Ji Yuan's. snow white. Ji Yuan still remembered how good his hand felt last time when he secretly touched it. He tried his best to control himself not to look around, and sat by the bed to observe the injuries on Ye Junchi's body.

The other large and small wounds are actually not in the way, and they have even begun to heal slowly. The bigger problem is the thrilling opening in the abdomen.

Ji Yuan felt uncomfortable, carefully dipped some ointment, and wiped it with trembling, but his hand was held by Ye Junchi, his tone was as gentle and tolerant as always: "If you are afraid, don't force it, I will do it myself."

Ji Yuan shook his head and paid attention to Ye Junchi's expression while applying the medicine. In the room, a dragon was born for Ji Yuan's body. It was warm and warm. Ji Yuan was stared at by Ye Junchi, and soon he was sweating. Heavy.

The system tsk tsk: "Lone man and no man, still naked, it's easy to get caught in the sky."

Ji Yuan snorted indifferently: "Why, do you still want to watch?"

System: "..." Little brat, you've changed.

Ji Yuan wasn't going to shoot off when Ye Junchi was injured, his eyes slid across his smooth and firm skin, and asked lightly, "Can the wound heal?"

Ye Jun snorted, picked up a strand of his hair and put it under his nose to sniff it, then slowly put it in his mouth and bit it, chuckling, "A Yuan's taste is so good."

"..." Ji Yuan tried his best to maintain his composure, ignoring his burning ears, and asked his own question, "Then why haven't those scars on your back healed?"

Ye Junchi flirted with him for a while, and he was almost wiped off after seeing the medicine. He stretched out his hand and pulled Ji Yuan to the bed. Ji Yuan was so shocked that he only had time to kick his boots, and then he was pressed into his arms by Ye Junchi. , he struggled subconsciously for a moment, but could not see Ye Junchi's expression, but could only hear a low voice with a smile: "Shh, story time. Don't make trouble, be careful that my wound opens."

The latter sentence was really useful, and Ji Yuan immediately stopped moving.

Ye Junchi was silent for a while, as if organizing language, smoothing the hair of the person in his arms, and whispering: "That was when I was six years old."

Six-year-old Ye Junchi was born into a small cultivating family that had been in decline for many years. Not long after he was born, he showed amazing talent. The entire Ye family raised this newborn child as a heart and soul, and loved him very much, but not blindly doting on him, and counting on him to grow up and shine again in the Ye family.

When he was a child, Ye Junchi was considered a fine food, even a little spoiled. He had doted on his parents and uncles, and no one would blame him too much when he made mistakes.

The accident happened on his sixth birthday.

The vicious Taoist priest who did not know each other and many people in black robes broke into Ye's house, and took Ye Junchi away. The little Ye Junchi struggled desperately in the arms of a Taoist priest, and when he turned around, he saw only the flames soaring into the sky. .

The happy family was shattered overnight. He was taken into a Taoist temple and locked up with a group of equally panicked children. He was beaten and scolded arbitrarily by the Taoist priests, and some perverts even picked those fair and beautiful children to knead and touch them. It's not that they seem to have any constraints, and I'm afraid they will do something more beastly.

At that time, Ye Junchi could only hide in the corner in panic, smearing his face with ashes. He was more mature and smarter than his peers. Killed alive.

After a few painful months in the Taoist temple, they were blindfolded and sent to another real hell.

Ye Junchi never thought that there would be such terrifying people in the world, no, it was the Demon Race. He had heard of the ferocious and terrifying Demon Race, but he never thought that there would be a more terrifying Demon Race than the rumors.

In the main hall of the Demon Palace, a young man with an indifferent face was patrolling a group of children who were trembling and didn't even dare to cry. Suddenly, as if he saw something interesting, he walked over to a child with a gentle appearance. asked, "What's your name?"

The child trembled all over, choked out his name, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes, as if hoping that the gentle-looking man in front of him would let him go home.

The man frowned: "There is no merit in name and appearance."

After he finished speaking, he actually dragged the child up and threw it into a pool next to him.

Ye Junchi didn't know what was in it at first, but when he was almost thrown into it, he saw countless poisonous insects struggling and crawling under the pool.

Mozun caught them as "blood pots", and when he lost control, he would grab a few children over there and directly drain their blood.

Fear exists all the time. They are imprisoned in prison. Every day, someone will come to urge them to cultivate. If there is something that makes the demons who are in charge of them unhappy, or the demons are in a bad mood, someone will be unlucky.

Many were beaten to death, and there were those who died of starvation, those who died of cold, and the still delicate children who could not adapt to the harsh environment of the Demon World. Ye Jun was locked in the corner of the dungeon, silently grinding the stones he secretly picked up, trying to make the stones sharper.

It was impossible for him to kill the man above him. He wanted to cut his throat before he was cold, starved, beaten to death, or sucked out of blood.

That day came soon. Ye Junchi and a few children were taken to Mozun's bedroom. The first few children were caught, and soon they were thrown away like garbage. When Ye Junchi was approaching, he Closing his eyes, he slammed a sharp stone into his throat.

He wasn't dead, the Demon Venerable swung the stone away, smiled and grabbed his neck, his voice indifferent: "Want to die?"

Ye Junchi could only pray that the demon would be stronger and crush his throat directly.

The Demon Venerable pulled his hand away and looked at him with interest: "Someone pointed at you, you almost escaped when you were watching Mingxu? It's not bad."

Ye Junchi pursed his lips and said nothing.

"What's your name? How old is it?"

Ye Junchi remained silent for a long time. At the end of the day, he was sent back to the prison. When he saw that he came back safe and sound, everyone was extremely surprised, including the demons guarding the cell.

After a long time, Ye Junchi was taken out of the cell, and he could not shrink in the dark and damp cell without worrying about starving to death.

He didn't know what the Demon Venerable wanted to do, but it didn't take long for him to understand.

The Demon Venerable thought he was interesting, and raised him as a dog, taught him a few tricks when he was happy, and had a nice face. When he was unhappy, he grabbed him and pressed him to the ground, whipped him hard with a whip, or fed him some poison Gu worms. When the young child was in extreme pain, he collapsed, cried and rolled on the floor, and sat on the high seat, laughing and laughing uncontrollably.

At the back, he became more and more excessive, and it seemed that hitting Ye Junchi became a pleasure, adding more and more different weapon scars to the already scarred back.

Having said this, Ye Jun paused for a while, and the corners of his lips lifted lightly: "I survived, so I locked him in the magic circle that suppressed him, and after I tried my best to knock him down, I returned these scars to him one by one. ."

Feeling the fingers pinching the corners of his clothes getting harder and harder, his arms seemed to be wet, Ye Junchi's voice was a little hoarse, he rubbed the top of Ji Yuan's hair, and whispered comfortingly: "It's alright, baby. , it's all a long time ago, those scars won't go away, but they don't hurt anymore."

What responded to him was a moment of silence, followed by Ji Yuan's slightly nasal voice: "And then?"

Ji Yuan's memory drifted to a long time ago, and Ye Jun, who realized that he had prepared the food in the Heji wine, chuckled nonchalantly and said that he had grown up with a hundred poisons.

He really didn't expect Ye Junchi to have such a dark and terrifying past.

Ye Junchi's body trembled unconsciously, and said slowly, "...He found out that I can practice the magic of the Demon Race."

Mozun has never been a person who follows the rules. The world has always said that the human race cannot practice the magic of the devil. The magic of the devil is too domineering.

Demon Venerable tried several human children, and after all failed, he turned his attention to the taciturn puppy following him.

Ye Junchi's body can actually be compatible with the spiritual power of humans and demons, which made Mozun very excited. He began to toss Ye Junchi with various methods. Sometimes Ye Junchi wondered if Mozun was tired of playing and wanted to kill him. He let go of him, but mercifully let go before he was about to step into hell.

With no dignity, he lived in fear and pain all day long, but he could not die. In those scarred years, the pillar that kept Ye Junchi from going mad was revenge.

He made no secret of his killing intent towards Mozun, but Mozun didn't care, and would even touch his head like a puppy, laughing loudly: "Little thing, try to grow up and kill me."

Demon Venerable despised Ye Junchi, and did not feel that such a child who was lingering in his shadow could pose any threat to him.

Ye Jun clenched his teeth and slowly grew up under the unbearable pain of ordinary people.

The demons who advocate force have always been able to conquer who they are. Ye Junchi's cultivation level is getting higher and higher, and he also has a place in the magic palace, and even accidentally got a fairy sword.

He was full of confidence and planned for a whole year, and finally shot when the Demon Venerable was a little weak after going mad. When the Gui Chi Sword was about to stab into the Demon Venerable's chest, the Demon Venerable kicked him into the Gu Insect Pond.

The Demon Venerable stood on the top with a light attitude and looked at him condescendingly: "It's not bad, I have achieved this level at this age, it seems that I can raise it, and it happens that the demons are all waste now."

Gui Chi drove away the poisonous insects, Ye Junchi lay on the cold ground, looked at the smiling Demon Venerable above, and felt the blood all over his body cooling down.

He didn't have anything, even the fairy sword in his arms was deliberately made by Mozun to pick it up.