Let Me Tease You

Chapter 58: Together 12


When I woke up again, there was no one around.

His whole body was so sore that it seemed to be run over by a boulder. Ji Yuan couldn't even move his fingers. He lay stiffly for a long time before slowly returning to his senses.

When Ye Junchi was halfway through, he hugged him and left the place where the corpses were littered with corpses. Now he was lying in the grass, covered in a blood-stained robe, and there was the sound of a small stream flowing not far away.

"System... Where's Ye Junchi?"

"It's gone." The system that just went online was also confused.

Ji Yuan pondered for a while, and sat up with difficulty, he couldn't help but gasped in pain and asked the system, "Am I dead?"

The system was a little bit cautious: "Good boy, still alive. How do you feel?"

Ji Yuan's tears came down immediately, it was too painful: "I feel that life is better than death..."

The lower body was sticky, and the smell of blood mixed with the smell after the affair was vaguely heard. Ji Yuan didn't dare to see what he looked like now. He gritted his teeth and climbed the small tree next to him and barely stood up, suddenly feeling something It ran down the roots of the thighs.

Ji Yuan: "..." Damn it, no matter what kind of madness Ye Jun made lately, this time he will be a monk quietly for a few years when he goes back, and if he dares to touch him, he will broadcast the decapitation activity to the system.

The brook was next to him, Ji Yuan took a few steps, then fell again, almost crawled to the edge of the brook, tore off his robe, and rolled in.

The cold water made Ji Yuan shudder and wake up completely.

"System, what's going on? What happened to Ye Junchi?"

During the system disconnection, I went back to the headquarters to apply for some information, and I also figured out some things. Seeing Ji Yuan's miserable appearance, he sighed indistinctly, "... Ye Junchi was raised by the Demon Venerable. "

Strictly speaking, it is not considered support, but abuse.

Ji Yuan had wondered before, after being around such a demon who had a ruthless temper for so many years, and was persecuted deeply, why was Ye Junchi not crazy, just like a normal person.

This time, the system has answered: "Ye Junchi is very hostile. In addition to being influenced by Demon Venerable, there are also reasons for the magic art he practiced. You have heard of that magic art, which can make people crazy after practice. Bloodthirsty and murderous, will eventually become completely mad and become a devil who can only slaughter living beings."

Ji Yuan's heart sank.

"Ye Junchi has been suppressing this murderous aura, don't you notice that sometimes his eyes are scary when he is angry..." The system paused, and his voice became quieter, "I remembered something... That time at Wanjian Array In the middle, the boss was injured by a black needle, but I didn't check for the toxicity, so I didn't care, but after that, the boss frequently went wrong, maybe it was the black needle."

"What do you mean... Ye Junchi has lost himself and turned into a madman who can only kill?"

The system said: "Don't be sad..."

Ji Yuan sat in the stream with a blank expression, wiped his face with cold water, took a deep breath, and was terribly calm: "What is the purpose of Yuqiu doing this?" He was not asking the system, he was asking himself , and then said, "He wants Ye Junchi to lose consciousness, and then recruit the soul of Demon Venerable, so that Demon Venerable can directly seize Ye Junchi."

The system is dumb.

Ji Yuan didn't speak anymore. He soaked in the water for a while, using his spiritual power, and when his body was no longer so unbearably sore, he climbed out of the water and took out a ring from the ring that Ye Junchi gave him. The suit is put on slowly.

As if thinking about it for a long time, he continued: "But it's been so long, the yin qi has not leaked, Yu Qiu doesn't plan to break the Yun family's great formation to suppress the yin qi? It seems that, he seems to care about someone in the Yun family, That person must have begged him a lot, and his heart has softened."

The system hummed: "It's Yun Cheng's mother, but Yuqiu can also summon his soul without breaking the great formation. Now Ye Junchi..."

Ji Yuan only had some mood swings at this time. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. After a long while, he said hoarsely, "So the current Ye Junchi is not necessarily Ye Junchi."

The system comforted him a few words. Seeing that he had no expression, and knowing that it could not comfort him, the system had to give up, saying "you have to trust the boss", and then fell silent.

Seeing that it was noon, Ji Yuan rested for a while by the stream before limping out of the woods.

The system was afraid that he would get lost, so he observed it and said, "Yun Cheng and his people are already on Qian Liao Peak, and they are facing off against a group of demons. You go east."

Ji Yuan changed direction. Although he was not feeling well, he was still a cultivator. After sticking two light body talismans, the speed was extremely fast, but after a while, Ji Yuan returned to the vicinity of the Qian Liao Peak Hall. He did not approach immediately. Instead, he hid behind a big tree and looked at the situation.

The sight of the scene made his pupils shrink.

In front of Qian Liao Peak was a huge martial arts field. At this time, there were many people standing there. The closest to him were the Demon Race and some monks. The ones standing at the front were Yu Qiu with the appearance of Yun Wuxiu, Jiang Xuesong. Even in it.

It seemed that the body that Yuqiu had been destroyed earlier belonged to someone else.

Jiang Xuesong showed up like this again. Could it be that he felt that Yuqiu had already won and couldn't wait to stand up

Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment, shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He turned his eyes and saw Ji Chen and Ji Shen first. Seeing that they had woken up and were safe and sound, Ji Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then lifted it up again. Eyes, he saw Ye Junchi.

Ye Junchi had an indifferent expression on his face, and when he held Guichi, he seemed to sense Ji Yuan's sight, and immediately turned his eyes to the place where Ji Yuan was hiding.

Immediately, he showed a gentle smile and walked towards Ji Yuan.

As a famous demon king, no matter whether he was wronged or not, and which camp he was in at the moment, his every move was closely watched by the monks and demons in the audience. As he turned.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yu Qiu's lips, staring at Ye Junchi with a strange fiery and reverence in his eyes.

Except for Yun Cheng, no one else noticed Yu Qiu's strangeness.

Although Ye Junchi seemed to have only walked two steps, he walked to Ji Yuan's side in an instant. Ji Yuan's body stiffened, and he was hugged by Ye Junchi. His hair was on the top of his head, and his voice was lazy and gentle: "Ayuan, so you were here. Where did you go last night? I can't find you, which makes me very worried."

Ji Yuan's hands were pressed by him, and he couldn't see the bracelet, but he intuitively felt the strangeness of the person holding him at the moment.

Looking down and seeing "Ye Junchi"'s hand moving to the vicinity of his neck, Ji Yuan was silent for a while, but still said: "Sorry, I made you worry."

"Yuqiu is still alive." Ye Junchi pulled him and walked back slowly. Ji Yuan couldn't help frowning when the monks in the audience looked at him with strange eyes.

He knew what he looked like now, his lips were red and swollen, the corners of his lips were broken, there were tooth marks on his earlobes, and he even had a heavy bite on his cheek.

Ye Junchi was not in a hurry, he didn't care about the marks on his body at all, Ji Yuan pursed his lips and let out a sneer in his heart, but involuntarily reached out and grabbed Ye Junchi's hand.

Unlike the usual warm and dry palms, this hand was extremely cold, as if it had come from hell. Touched by him, the hand first shrank subconsciously, and then held his hand vigorously.

When the two returned to Yun Cheng, Ji Shen had already pulled Ji Chen to run over, and said in surprise and joy, "Are you all right? It's fine, uncle is behind. Would you like to go take a look?"

Ji Chen seemed to be much more calm and reserved, his eyes were still gentle and soft: "A Yuan, thank you."

Ji Yuan nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said, "It will be very chaotic later, please take my father back to Ji's house now."

Ji Yuan said, calmly glanced at the beads that turned white, the last trace of luck in his heart was gone, and cold water was poured on his head, so cold that he almost shivered.

Seeing Ji Shen nod, Ji Yuan turned his head to look at Ye Junchi, a little startled.

It's going to be messy later.

If... Ye Jun doesn't wake up late, not only Nanchi, the entire cultivation world will be in chaos.

"System..." Ji Yuan said in a low voice, "What should I do?"

If the system has a body, it should be wiping cold sweat at this moment: "No way, Ye Junchi can't wake up."

Anything to wake up with love is nonsense. It was a blessing that Ye Jun didn't kill him last night. His consciousness has fallen into chaos, and now he is being manipulated by the Demon Venerable.

Noticing Ji Yuan's gaze, Ye Junchi also turned his head and looked at him with a gentle voice: "What's wrong?"

Ji Yuan opened his mouth and shook his head.

Demon Venerable didn't seem to know that he was aware of it.

After a long confrontation, Yu Qiu suddenly said in a cold voice: "Why haven't you done it yet? Yun Cheng, you can't do it with this face?"

Yun Cheng's eyes suddenly widened: "Father!"

Yu Qiu didn't respond. His body swayed and he scolded in a low voice. When he raised his eyes, his face became much gloomier: "It seems that today's battle is inevitable."

A cultivator beside Yun Cheng was furious: "The devil! Get out of the body of the leader and spare you!"

"It turned out that you did it. I said why the leader of the alliance has changed his temperament in recent years..."

"Ye Daoyou is here, it is useless for you to struggle to the death. If you capture it early, it will also avoid the rebirth of the war between humans and demons!"

"The devil is the devil..."

Ji Yuan sensitively noticed that every time these monks said a word, the faint blood in Ye Junchi's eyes darkened.

If he can't be stopped, no one present today will be spared...

Ji Yuan gritted his teeth and tugged at Ye Junchi's sleeve, the one occupying Ye Junchi's body obviously did not have enough patience and doting on Ye Junchi, and when he turned his head again, his face became impatient: "What's the matter? "

"We agreed to return to the Demon Realm together." Ji Yuan said slowly.

Mozun nodded impatiently. He was really upset. He found Ji Yuan earlier and walked over just to grab him, but as soon as he got close to this young man, his body consciously took a step and hugged him directly into his arms. rubbed the ground.

I really didn't expect Ye Junchi to have such a person who values him.

He was still a little surprised when he woke up. After all, under his "careful training", Ye Junchi had been indifferent all year round, like the snow in the polar regions, with a ruthless, no desire, no sadness and no joy.

Ye Junchi is a perfect work that he created by himself. It conforms to all his imagination. It is powerful, beautiful, indifferent, and every move is full of evil spirits.

It's just that this work doesn't quite meet his requirements now.

Glancing at Ji Yuan with a smile, Demon Venerable put away his impatience and whispered, "Don't worry, you can go back soon."

If anyone who is familiar with Demon Venerable sees his smile, they will shudder. Back then, the Demon Venerable would laugh before he went mad, and the softer he smiled, the more miserable the person he was staring at would die.

Ji Yuan felt a chill behind his back when he saw it, and through those eyes stained with a little blood, he saw the killing intent at the bottom of his eyes.

The author has something to say: Ye Junchi: ... I can't control myself anymore. I can't let others see my daughter-in-law's naked body and run away...

Ji Yuan: Shut up, you scumbag.

Ye Junchi: QAQ daughter-in-law, I was really wrong [Fancy kneeling on the keyboard.


A melon seed is a calm melon seed. It’s not that I’m not sad and afraid, but I know that panic will only add to chaos =w=

Hamsters are not so easy to control hamsters==+

Not surprisingly, tomorrow will be the last chapter of the main text, and then there will be a sweet sideshow, alright=w=