Let Me Tease You

Chapter 62: Extra 2 Purgatory


The room is very large, and the afterglow of the setting sun from outside did not touch the bedside. Although it was only a faint temperature, it was still out of reach.

Ji Yuan sat straight on the edge of the bed, staring at the fading afterglow, but his face was indifferent. He is the future leader of the modest and sunny Ji family outside, and in this room so big that people wonder what it is used for, it's just Ji Yuan.

Today is his twenty-first birthday, but he is the only one in the Ji family's old house. The flirtatious father now doesn't know which woman is lying on top of, as for the siblings who can join hands to form a football team...

Ji Yuan sneered, lowered his head and opened his sleeves, looked at the wound on his arm, and thought indifferently, if he hadn't been alert and brought someone over, his arm would be gone today.

what siblings.

In this huge and complex family, there are only cold-blooded interests, and everyone is thinking about how to get a share of this huge industry. As for the others? Get rid of the damned, and join in the incest even if you are flattering.

Thinking of this, Ji Yuanxuan glanced at the tapes and CD-ROMs on the table, and wanted to see what the expression of the good sister and his uncle who framed him would be when he released this at the next family gathering.

Ji Yuan was stunned for a while, and when the sunset completely came to an end, he suddenly felt extremely tired. He fell onto the bed and wanted to sleep soundly, but the vigilance buried in his heart made him unable to close his eyes safely. When he was almost driven crazy by this feeling, the phone on the table rang.

Ji Yuan took it and asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

"Jisi is outside the old house, young master, will you let him in?"

Ji Si

Ji Yuan frowned, the half-brother who was always staring at him with a bright face and clear eyes flashed in his mind. He was about to say the word "don't let go", but his body involuntarily walked to the window and looked from a distance. When he arrived at Ji Si by the iron gate, he heard his own voice: "Let him in."


Let him in - for what

Ji Yuan shook his head amusingly, for his nonsensical performance.

Birthday is not a good day. His mother gave birth to him on a bad day. His father is still working hard on unknown women.

He took out a cigarette, lit one, but didn't. He pushed open the door and walked out. He went downstairs and waited at the entrance. When the door was pushed open with a click, he put the cigarette in his mouth and leaned against the wall to watch. Ji Si walked in with something.

Ji Si looked up and saw Ji Yuan, Ji Yuan was busy recently, and the two hadn't seen each other for a while. His body is slender, wearing a white shirt and suit pants, leaning against the wall, his body is slightly crooked, and his waist is extraordinarily thin. There was originally no expression on his handsome face, but when he saw him, he showed a fake smile, and the smoke in his mouth lingered, blurring his eyes for a moment.

Ji thought, it would be great if he couldn't see his eyes all the time, he could pretend that Ji Yuan was really smiling at him.

However, after the smoke dissipated, the exposed eyes were clear and beautiful, but they contained a trace of indifference and disgust.

"Brother." Ji Si showed a bright smile, "Today is your birthday."

Ji Yuan nodded indiscriminately, glanced at the cake in his hand, and turned to the living room while thinking about whether there was any poison in it.

It's just that Ji Yuan couldn't imagine that if Ji Si wanted to put medicine, it should be an aphrodisiac.

Ji Si put down the cake and suddenly heard Ji Yuan ask, "What is that?"

Ji Si looked at the rest of the things in his hand, and said a little embarrassedly: "I learned a few dishes, today is my brother's birthday, and I want to cook it for my brother."

Ji Yuan said "Oh": "Whatever."

So flattering him, do you want to gain something from him, or do you want to give him a little bit of trust like his lovely sister, and smack him

Ji Yuan leaned on the sofa, and lazily watched Ji Si find an apron and put it on, carrying his things into the kitchen.

He added in his heart, if it is the latter, then this kid is too stupid. To gain his trust, it is really not clever to use such an obvious and flawed method.

Ji Yuan sat for a while, feeling bored, and a little afraid that Ji Si would accidentally burn the kitchen, so he simply walked to the kitchen and leaned against the door to watch him busy. Seemingly hearing footsteps, Ji Si wiped his sweat and turned his head with a smile: "Is brother hungry? It will be soon."

That smile was clean and sunny, and it seemed to be mixed with some kind of affection, but it was not something Ji Yuan could understand.

Ji Yuan was slightly startled.

He remembered that Ji Si's mother was pregnant and gave birth to him after being raped by his beast. When she was raped, she was a delicate college student who had just graduated, but she fell into the abyss when she stepped into society.

Ji Si was born out of his mother's tears. He was born on a dark cliff, and the wind was sobbing all day long. He was supposed to have a gloomy temperament, but he was beyond everyone's expectations.

This is a sunny and cheerful child.

Ji Yuan stared at his back for a while, and when he returned to the dining table, he had some anticipation in his heart.

After a while, Ji Si carried a few dishes out of the kitchen with a bit of shyness on his face: "I've tried them all... The taste is okay, can you try it, brother?"

Ji Yuan glanced at him, and tried a little of each dish, and it was unexpectedly delicious.

He unconsciously showed a real smile and nodded: "Not bad."

Ji Si's face turned red with excitement.

The two men quickly finished several dishes, Ji Yuan was a little surprised when he put down his chopsticks, his appetite hadn't been so good for a long time.

Ji Si didn't know what he was thinking, he took out the cake and opened it, pursed his lips, still a little nervous: "I made this myself... Brother try it too?"

"You know quite a lot." Ji Yuan smiled and watched him light a candle, sang the birthday song in a low voice, and closed his eyes to make a wish according to his wishes.

What is there to wish for

Ji Yuan paused and thought silently, if he can give him someone who is willing to treat him sincerely and really like him, it doesn't matter if he gives up his status as the future leader of the Ji family.

After making the wish, Ji Yuan shook his head amusingly, and when he opened his eyes, he found Ji Si staring at him blankly, frowning and asking, "What's wrong?"

Ji Si's face was slightly red: "No, it's nothing... My brother is very good-looking."

Ji Yuan raised his eyebrows, thinking that if the younger brother in front of him knew that he was gay, he probably wouldn't be so close to him, and he would say such things.

He casually blew out the candle and was in no mood anymore. After taking a few bites of the cake, he looked at the time and realized that it was very late.

The old house is on the top of the mountain, very remote. It takes about an hour to walk to the nearest street. Usually, no one comes here. After all, everyone in the Ji family is very busy.

"Let's stay for one night." Ji Yuan paused, remembering that the old house had been unoccupied for a long time, only his room was covered with bedding, and added, "Sleep with me."

Ji Si's face flushed red, and he stammered, "He, sleep with brother?"

"you are not willing?"

Ji Si shook his head.

... how strange this little brother is.

Ji Yuan, who is obviously gay but has a straight male mentality, didn't think much about it. He went to the study to deal with the documents for a while, and when he returned to the room, he found that Ji Si was already lying down.

Because of the injury on his arm, Ji Yuan took a shower and lay down on the bed. He closed his eyes after seeing the bulge beside his eyes. Although they slept on the same bed, the distance between the two of them was very far. After all, the bed was huge, and the two of them would still be spacious.

Ji Yuan was tired all day and fell asleep in a daze. He slept until midnight when he suddenly heard a noise. He woke up alertly, but didn't move.

Ji Si was approaching him.

What do you want to do? Does he have a gun? It doesn't seem to be there, is it a hidden knife

Ji Yuan was thinking in a mess, and then heard Ji Si sigh and call out, "Brother", and then there was no movement. After a while, Ji Si climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Ji Yuan was stunned, not knowing what Ji Si meant, he lay there for a long time, and vaguely heard the suppressed voice inside, and it seemed that he heard it wrong. After a long time, Ji Si cautiously crawled back to the bed.

Ji Yuan turned over expressionlessly, and fell asleep like that.

After that birthday, the relationship between Ji Yuan and Ji Si was still fresh. Ji Yuan never thought about taking the initiative to say something to Ji Si, but Ji Si often came to him. That sunny smile was unbearable. When he refused, Ji Yuan wanted to ridicule him every time to get him away. When he thought that he might be lost and never come again, he couldn't say anything.

After all, Ji Si had never brought him any trouble, and instead treated him well. If the two did not have the dirty blood connection of the Ji family, Ji Yuan would have thought that Ji Si was pursuing him.

The accident happened at the end of the second year of this birthday. Ji Yuan received several large orders, and the other party invited him to the suburbs to discuss in detail.

Ji Yuan replied with a smile, but he was a little suspicious in his heart. He secretly ordered his subordinates to go to that place to wait first, and worriedly informed them that if he didn't call the police when the time came, he would call the police immediately.

After doing all this, when Ji Yuan was about to go out, Ji Si, who was originally far away, came over.

His face was a little panicked, and he panted: "Brother, don't go! Someone wants to harm you!"

Ji Yuan's face instantly turned cold.

These major projects he took on have been kept secret, how could Ji Si know

Recently, those brothers and sisters have started to move again, Ji Yuan is very annoyed, and after hearing Ji Si's words, his emotions are completely out of control. He stared at him coldly, and asked coldly, "How do you know that someone is going to kill me? How do I know that it's not you who is going to harm me?"

After he finished speaking, he ignored Ji Si's instantly pale face and pushed him away to go to the meeting.

Ji Yuan felt that he was well prepared.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party would be so ruthless. As soon as he got there, he couldn't wait to do it directly.

Although he was in contact with the Ji family's property, he drew a bottom line for himself and didn't care about the part involved in the underworld. The other party gave him a big gift, brought some desperate people involved in the underworld, and put eyeliner in his people.

It wasn't until Ji Si jumped in front of him and blocked the fatal shots that Ji Yuan was horrified.

If a person is a person from birth to growth, suddenly another person breaks into his life, treats him extremely well, and finally... dies for him, then it is almost impossible for that person to do anything for himself. live.

For Ji Yuan, the experience of that day was as if God had pulled him from the world to purgatory, and after a few walks, he was pulled back in a daze.

However, his soul stayed in hell, accompanied by Ji Si who should not have died, and could not come back.

The author has something to say: Hee Hee Ji Guazi and his younger brother's theater, there is no leaf hamster.

Train No. 2 is in the group and Weibo v●