Let Me Tease You

Chapter 63: Extra 3 Getting married


People are always forgetful.

For example, Ji Yuan got up and walked for a while, then he forgot what he said when he was crying and begging for mercy from someone Ye.

Ye Junchi, who was punished for kneeling when he woke up early in the morning, remembered it clearly. While secretly transmitting a voice to his subordinates for help, he ordered people to prepare for the wedding.

When Ji Yuan ran back, he had already given the order, and knelt down straight on the iron washboard specially prepared for him, silently adjusting the blood in his body to make himself look haggard, kneeling there quietly, like is an abandoned child.

Ji Yuan only glanced at it and felt distressed.

Ye Junchi raised his head and saw Ji Yuan, a gentle smile appeared on his pale and handsome face.

Ji Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately forgot Ye's vicious appearance on the bed last night, and walked over quickly with a slightly guilty look in his eyes: "You... get up quickly."

Ye Junchi stretched out his hand to brush away the broken hair on his temples and rubbed his ear, "A Yuan is not angry anymore?"

"Don't be angry, get up."

"I won't make you angry in the future." Ye Junchi rested his head on him and hugged his waist, "If you feel unhappy, just tell me."

Ji Yuan's heart almost melted, and with a soft "um" sound, he helped Ye Junchi to stand up. He hadn't seen Ye Junchi for half a year, and he really missed Ye Junchi very much. Now that he's down the stairs, it doesn't matter how presumptuous he is.

He leaned halfway into Ye Junchi's arms, let Ye Junchi go back to the room with his arms around him, squinted comfortably, and sprinkled dog food on the system: "2333, the boss's arms are warm!"

System: "..." How the hell does it feel that this little bastard is not calling his job number.

Ji Yuan continued to sprinkle dog food: "The hands are also very strong, and I feel especially safe."

The system couldn't bear it any longer: "Shut up, won't your conscience hurt?"

Ji Yuan still had a trace of conscience, so he hugged Ye Junchi back and quietly stopped talking. However, the system could see them in all directions. Seeing the couple hugging each other in broad daylight, the angry system decided not to tell Ji Yuan that Ye Jun had lied to him lately and prepared a big surprise for him.

Ji Yuan narrowed his eyes, as if he had lost his bones. In fact, his whole body was sore, especially in an indescribable position, and he couldn't walk smoothly.

"Have you thought about me for half a year, baby?"

Ji Yuan opened his eyes, mumbled, and nodded sideways, revealing a fair and slender neck, and he could see that the roots of his ears were slightly red.

It's lovely to be candid sometimes.

Ye Junchi couldn't help pinching his earlobe lightly, and said with a smile, "Dear, actually I heard you say you missed me a few times outside the door, so I wanted to come out as soon as possible."

Ji Yuan was startled: "Then you..."

"Don't worry, it's all dealt with." Ye Junchi's lips curled up, "If I want to be with you forever, how can I keep the hidden dangers forever. Before I retreated, I swore that I would never let you encounter that kind of situation again. ."

Ji Yuan paused, his eyelashes drooping down, as if stained with a touch of dampness, and his appearance became darker and darker, especially his white jade-like face.

Ye Junchi couldn't help but cupped his face and kissed him, then said with a low laugh, "Why are you sticking to me all of a sudden?"

Ji Yuan leaned against him and said nothing.

He was afraid.

In the last life, Ji Si loved him and protected him, but he was also lost by him without knowing how to cherish it. After the battle of Wannan Mountain, his psychological shadow was completely aroused, and he quietly hid Ye Junchi in the deepest part of his heart.

Maybe when the system unbinds him in the future, he will tell Ye Junchi about him, but now he can't say more.

Ye Jun looked at him silently, and didn't ask any more questions. What kind of temperament Ji Yuan is, he has already figured it out, and when he wants to say it, he will naturally say it.

The two returned to the room, Ye Junchi smiled and fed Ji Yuan breakfast, thinking about how to divert Ji Yuan's attention first, so as not to let him find out about the happy event being planned by the magic palace, but Ji Yuan took the initiative to propose today's itinerary .

First go to see how the trees on the nearby hills are growing, then go to the east hill to kill a big demon, and finally go to a desert in the south to feed a group of left-behind young demons.

Ye Junchi looked at the boy whose eyes were shining silently: "..."

What did Ji Yuan do during the six months of his retreat...

Ji Yuan tilted his head and looked at him: "Will you accompany me?"

He tilted his head, his rosy lips slightly parted, which reminded Ye Junchi of the scene where he sat on himself last night, and the fragrant scenery was unforgettable.

Ye Junchi's throat tightened for a while, and he hurriedly took the young man into his arms, nodded, and his eyes were as gentle as water: "Of course I will accompany you, I will accompany you wherever you go."

After receiving the answer, Ji Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and rubbed in his arms not quite honestly. When his butt moved, he felt that he was sitting on something hard. The two had done it together so many times, Ji Yuan instantly understood what it was, and immediately hugged Ye Junchi's neck as quietly as a chicken, daring not to move.

Ye Junchi's eyes deepened: "A Yuan, we..."

"No." Ji Yuan interrupted him vigilantly, "I still have a lot of pain there."

Ye Junchi turned to worry: "Let me see?"

It's worth it for you to see.

Ji Yuan quickly jumped off him and was thinking about whether to push him to the outside pool to soak in and calm down when he heard Ye Junchi say: "Don't worry, I won't move you now. But A Yuan, you promise. My business should be done too, right?"

Ji Yuan: "..." Boss, you will lose me like this.

However, what he promised himself could never be denied, Ji Yuan lingered for a while, then whispered: "But, there is no..."

"It's ready." Ye Junchi's voice was still gentle.

Ji Yuan had no choice but to give up, sitting in front of the dressing table that he hadn't used much, and opening the dressing gown, his eyes were complicated.

This should be Ye Junchi's bad taste.

He wanted Ji Yuan to paint a makeup look that is popular in the comprehension world.

Although he is gay, Ji Yuan has no interest in this aspect, and he does not know what Ye Junchi thinks...

Of course Ji Yuan would not know that it was Jiang Miaomiao who inspired Ye Junchi. In the days when Jiang Miaomiao thought he was a woman disguised as a man and pretended to be a thief, she secretly rebuked Ye Junchi during a secret conversation: "My cousin is really unlucky to follow you, and you can't even put a lip balm on it. "

Ye Junchi said: "…"

Jiang Miaomiao continued to rebuke fearlessly: "Look at my cousin! You don't even know the popular makeup looks among female relatives in the cultivation world. My cousin is so miserable, how could you deprive him of one of the greatest joys as a woman!"

Ye Junchi: "...Understood."

Ji Yuan, who was "deprived of one of the greatest joys," couldn't have known that Aunt Jiang had accidentally tricked him. He looked down at the rouge gouache, the flower tins, and there were a lot of them. He was immediately dazzled, and turned his head firmly. Authentic: "At most, draw your eyebrows, apply some lip balm, and add other things... I'll go to Luo Xiuyi's place to sleep tonight."

Ye Junchi pondered for a while: "Are you eating sugar cane tonight?"

Ji Yuan: "…"

"Fragrant and sweet big sugar cane."

Ji Yuan: "...Eat!"

All for the dignity of being a man.

Turning to face the mirror polished to a smooth and clear surface of the spirit stone, Ji Yuan shook his hands to give himself some dais, then glanced at the different shades of lipstick, picked up one at will, and was about to apply it to himself when he heard Ye Ye Jun Chi said: "A Yuan's lips are bright red, and it should be very delicious to decorate it with the lightest red... Well, it's beautiful."

Ji Yuan glanced at him, obediently took the one with the most pink color, picked a little and rubbed it on his lips, turned around and showed a faint smile: "Is it alright?"

People who are born handsome, look like a green lotus pavilion with a little embellishment, and they are delicate and beautiful. The smile was so bright and light that it seemed to be nothing, but when he raised his eyes, there was an unreasonable air of beauty.

Ye Junchi's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, his eyes darkened, he walked in front of him, slowly put out his little finger and wiped it on his lips, smeared a little bit of mouth grease, the corner of his lips was slightly hooked, and wiped it on his lips, Then he leaned over and kissed him.

Tongue tangled, breathing hot. Ji Yuan was pressed onto the dressing table and kissed fiercely. With a flick of his sleeves, he heard the sound of a large piece of porcelain jar falling to the ground. He paused, stretched out his arms around Ye Junchi's neck, and offered himself to him to taste.

Kissing and kissing was a bit of a misfire, Ye Junchi let go of Ji Yuan with a heavy breath, moved to the side of his neck and kissed him in small pieces, murmured to him in a hoarse voice: "A Yuan..."

Ji Yuan woke up for a moment: "No way!"

Ye Junchi stretched out his hand to hold something indescribable under him, with a half-smiling smile: "You're hardened too."

Ji Yuan: "...Oh, what a coincidence."

Ye Junchi's eyes darkened: "Unfortunately."

As a result, the time to go out on this day was delayed by an hour.

Ji Yuan felt as if he was paralyzed, and Ye Junchi was still comforting him: "It will be fine if the spiritual power runs for a few weeks, baby, be good."

It doesn't really hurt, but...

Ji Yuan said with a dark face: "Oh, do you want to try that feeling?"

Ye Jun kept his mouth shut, and took his baby to see the trees on the nearby hills.

The tree's growth is not bad. A few magic generals have nothing to do all day long. After being pulled by Ji Yuan to plant trees, they are really interested in it. Under the protection of the world, it grows smoothly, and the more research, the more effective it will be.

Ye Junchi was a little curious: "Why did A Yuan plant so many trees?"

Ji Yuan pondered for a moment, then said solemnly, "Enlighten the demons."

Ye Jun said lately: "..." He never expected his daughter-in-law to have such ambitions.

There were no flaws in the inspection, Ji Yuan finally completed this major project, he was relieved, and instructed Ye Junchi to go to the next station. Ye Junchi saw him leaning lazily in his arms, and felt that his heart softened a bit. He changed his posture to make him lean more comfortably, and stood up with his sword.

The big monster on the east side of the mountain is notorious. Even the fierce demons have some small villages that are calm and peaceful, and this big monster often goes to slaughter those small villages and eat all the creatures inside.

If this kind of thing was placed in the human world, there would have been monks to eradicate it. However, in the demon world, the powerful demons would dismiss it and do not want to care, and the weaker would naturally hide as far away as possible.

So this evil beast became more and more arrogant, and lived in peace for nearly a hundred years, and now some powerful demons dare not come to provoke it.

Ji Yuan didn't know what his own strength was. He had compared with several demon generals. If those few did not deliberately release water, then he should be very strong and could challenge this big monster.

However, today is not very good.

When he got there, Ji Yuan lifted his eyelids, pulled out Kui Chi, and slashed directly at the entrance of the hole where the big monster lived.

He was already able to use the few tricks Ye Junchi taught him, and this sword swept across the sword qi, and it was quite powerful, and with a "bang" it slashed halfway through the mouth of the cave.

Ye Junchi was responsible for praising him: "Baby is really amazing, if it were me..."

Ji Yuan gave him a cool look: "Tell the truth, what will happen if you slash down with a sword."

Ye Jun was silent, and said gently, "It will die."

Ji Yuan snorted, and handed Gui Chi to Ye Junchi: "Come here."

Ye Junchi thought Ji Yuan wanted to make a move, but he was still a little worried. He looked down at his tired face, kissed his forehead a little guilty, and slashed it with a sword obediently.

Before the poor big monster climbed out of the gravel to show its face, it was split in half by a fierce and terrifying sword energy.

Ye Junchi carried him to the south, while still gently explaining: "A Yuan's practice time is short, and he will definitely be better than me in the future."

"No need." Ji Yuan said softly, leaning on him with peace of mind, his heart was full of warmth that made people want to cry, "That's good."

In the desert to the south were some rare monsters with a gentle temperament. They said they were here to feed them, but they were actually here to bring some water to the little monsters who were short of water. Ye Junchi watched Ji Yuan busy with his work with interest and did not ask him any questions. Why do these things.

As long as he is happy.

By the time the matter here is over, it will be too late when we return to the magic palace. As soon as he arrived at the magic palace, Ji Yuan was a little stunned.

The magic palace, which has always been solemn and cold, has changed its face in one day, with lanterns everywhere, and even the maids and magic soldiers who come and go are dressed very festively. The sound of the silk and bamboo strings melodiously rose, and the laughter continued.

There were still a few acquaintances sitting in the lobby, Ji Xuan, Ji Chen and Ji Shen, Yun Cheng and Zhao He who looked disheveled...

Ji Yuan was stunned.

Ye Junchi nodded at everyone with a smile, and dragged Ji Yuan, who was still in a state of astonishment, unable to return to his senses for a long time, back to the bedroom. The bedroom was also very red, and there were two sets of wedding dresses in the room, which were extremely eye-catching.

Ji Yuan stared blankly at Ye Junchi: "This is?"

Ye Jun kissed his cheek and smiled happily: "It's time to get married, ma'am."

Ji Yuan, whose brain had been chaotic for a long time, finally became clear, pursed his lips, and exchanged glances with Ye Junchi, there was some warmth in his heart that made his eyes turn red.

He showed a faint smile and nodded, "Yeah."

The author has something to say: Ye Junchi: You are mine now.

Ji Yuan: ... I already belonged to you.


_(:з"∠)_ The penultimate part, sweet, praise me!