Let Me Tease You

Chapter 64: Extra 4 Returning late


Guichi actually has a sword spirit.

It's just that it has not been nourished by the master's spiritual power for a long time, and the mind of the sword spirit is like a human child, ignorant.

Guichi is a superb immortal sword, originally buried deep in the ground, but the Demon Venerable picked it up when he passed by. Feeling that the "son" he raised was too shabby without a swordsman, he quietly let Ye Junchi pick it up.

At that time, Ye Junchi was still a teenager, and he only knew that Guichi had abundant spiritual power, but he was not very good at using it. The sword spirit lodged in the body of the sword was a little anxious, so he often turned against the guest and controlled Ye Junchi, who was not yet strong in spiritual power, to practice the sword.

This made Ye Junchi hate returning to late.

Especially after Ye Junchi knew that Guichi was picked up on purpose by the Demon Venerable, he was even more disliked by Guichi, but he had already signed a blood contract, and he had to use it if he didn't want to use it.

So after Ye Junchi beheaded Mozun, he only sacrificed it ten years later when he cleaned up Mingxuguan, and then threw it aside again, unlike other sword masters who wiped and caressed his own sword.

There are many monsters in the universe.

The sword spirit is a spirit born by Gui Chi, so he can talk to some other spirits, the unloved Gui Chi huddles in the corner, and only a small magpie spirit can talk to it occasionally.

Magpie Essence: "The sword in the house of Lord Mojun Luo Xiuyi next door was wiped again. Lord Mojun wiped it carefully and gently, and after wiping, the sword was dazzling."

Returning late: "… "

Magpie Spirit: "You are about to accumulate ashes."

Returning late: "… "

Magpie Spirit: "Lord Ye Junchi hasn't touched you for a long time, return late, you are like those unloved concubines in the human world."

Returning late: "… "

Furious, Kui Chi drove the magpie spirit away and cried aggrievedly into a ball.

Although Ye Junchi knew that Guichi had a spirit, he didn't care about the mood of the sword spirit in Guichi, and quietly ignored it. It wasn't until the thirteenth year after killing Demon Venerable that Ye Junchi suddenly heard some news and reluctantly took it out and brought it with him.

Gui Chi shivered aggrievedly.

However, it still failed to unsheath that day.

Hua Jing, who was growing up on the window, said sympathetically, "Returning late, you haven't been sheathed for three years."

Gui Chi cried so hard that she almost fainted.

It's going to be another vote!

Soon the Master Ming came, brought down its blind master, and took it out of the magic palace. However, this is a master who is too cowardly. From the magic palace to the human world, the cowards will tremble while holding it for a few days.

Gui Chi was a little sympathetic to him, so he sneaked away while he was sleeping to deal with some big monsters who coveted his flesh and blood. After all, big monsters weren't very afraid of it.

He helped Ji Yuan solve a lot of troubles, and when he arrived in the human world, returning to the world was already a waste.

Gui Chi continued to ponder the other way around.

Soon the Lord will come again.

However, this bright master was killed by its master in a second, and Gui Chi returned to the situation where the master did not love the master and did not love him, carrying the master and the little cowards flying with tears.

Gui Chi thought: Maybe Jiansheng is so tortuous.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Ye Junchi no longer throws it in the corner to collect dust. It can occasionally unsheath it, proudly prop up its little chest, and do its best to make its brilliance flow, so that the seemingly blind. The owner takes it seriously.

It's a pity that the master is still a blind master.

Gui Chi silently watched Ye Junchi pay more and more attention to the little cowards, and thought bleakly, having a stepfather is not enough, and the stepfather and his uncle found a stepmother for him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the stepfather knocked on it and quietly ordered it to protect the stepmother.

Because of the unequal treaty between people and swords signed, Gui Chi could only accept it unconditionally and struggled to protect Ji Yuan.

After being in contact with Ji Yuan for a long time, Gui Chi found that this stepmother was actually a bit different. But it doesn't matter, the stepmother is kind to it, and wipes the blade of it from time to time. Gui Chi enjoys it very much. I really want to catch the unlucky magpie spirit and say proudly: Look, I have also wiped it.

After all those troubles were finally resolved and Ji Yuan stayed in the vacant room for half a year, Ye Junchi and Ji Yuan finally got married. On the night of their wedding, the neglectful Ye Junchi threw it on the table, so all he heard all night was:

"Baby, are you comfortable?"

"Ayuan, you are so hot inside..."

"Honey, go deeper..."

This is his stepfather.


"Ye Junchi, enough is enough!"

"No... no, stop, ah..."

This is her stepmother.

The pure heart is polluted and the return is late: "… "

That night, Gui Chi quietly counted:

Stop seven times.

Don't do it ten times.

Hmm thirty-nine times.

I cried five times.

(End of full text)

The author has something to say: What is Gui Chi's reflection

Gui late: I want to applaud both of them.


The last episode~

officially ended spicy w

Thank you for the little angels who can see here, you are the cutest, hee hee ヽ(*?з`*)

See you in the next book~

Extra 1. The husband asked one hundred questions about his sexuality.

Interviewer: An unnamed author Jun.

2. Please tell me your name

Ye Junchi: Ye Junchi.

Ji Yuan: Ji... Ye Junchi (responding quickly): Ye Shangyuan!

Ji Yuan: … 3. What is your age

Ji Yuan: ... Ye Junchi: ... Ji Yuan: Why don't you speak

Ye Junchi: Baby, you didn't say anything.

Ji Yuan: Then let's not talk about it.

4. What is the gender

Ji Yuan: A girl with big chirps

Ye Junchi: You have no eyes

5. What is your personality

Ye Junchi: It's more casual. But he is gentle and considerate to his daughter-in-law and loves his daughter-in-law.

Ji Yuan: It belongs to reason.

6. What is the character of the other party

Ji Yuan: Very good, very good to me, the most gentle person besides Ji Si.

Ye Junchi: When he encounters a ghost, he will fry his hair. It looks cold and indifferent, but it is actually a little wild cat. It is very cute! !

(Hey, can you stop showing such a perverted expression...) 7. When did the two meet? Where

Ye Junchi: When he was five or six years old, he was in the human world.

Ji Yuan: ... I don't know when, in the magic palace.

8. What is your first impression of each other

Ye Junchi: What impression can I have of a little kid.

Ji Yuan: (Still debating whether to tell Ye Junchi the truth) The devil who laughs is very infiltrating... Ye Junchi: QAQ daughter-in-law

Ji Yuan: Good, now you are very heroic and handsome.

9. Where do you like each other

Ye Junchi: That kind of look that's about to fry when you're teasing, but still holding it back is so cute... And when you care about me, it's so cute, and when you laugh, it's so cute... I like it everywhere!

Ji Yuan: Very gentle and considerate.

10. Where do you hate each other

Ye Junchi: No.

Ji Yuan: No.

11. How do you feel about your relationship with the other person

Ye Junchi: Very good!

Ji Yuan: Not bad.

12. How do you address each other

Ye Junchi: A Yuan, baby, daughter-in-law.

Ji Yuan: Big boss, Ye Junchi, big boss Ye, King Ye Zhou.

Ye Junchi: What do you mean by big boss? Daughter-in-law, do you think I'm old... Ji Yuan: No, I'm complimenting you.

13. How would you like the other party to call you

Ye Junchi: It's good that my daughter-in-law is happy. It's best to call me husband... Ji Yuan: Just call me by my name. (quietly) Husband.

Ye Junchi: Daughter-in-law, what do you call me! ! !

Ji Yuan: You heard wrong.

14. If you compare each other to an animal, what is it

Ye Junchi: Kitten.

Ji Yuan: Hamster.

Ye Junchi:

Ji Yuan sighed: She is especially protective of food.

15. What will you give if you give each other a gift

Ye Junchi: Send everything I can, including myself.

Ji Yuan: … All of my things were given by him, so I had to give it to myself.

16. What gift would you like to get

Ye Junchi: His presence is the best gift.

Ji Yuan: Well, I don't want anything.

17. Is there any dissatisfaction with the other party? What is it

Ye Junchi: No.

Ji Yuan: It would be better if I did less... I don't want to die in bed at a young age.

Ye Junchi: Baby, this is a good recipe for husband and wife to maintain harmony.

Ji Yuan: Go back and kneel on the iron washboard.

(Boss, are you sure this is the best way to maintain harmony?) 18. What's wrong with you

Ye Junchi: No.

Ji Yuan: Sometimes I think too much.

19. What's wrong with the other party

Ye Junchi: No.

Ji Yuan: He's fine, no.

20. What do you hate each other for

Ye Junchi: He was very kind to the cousin of the Ji family... Ji Yuan: That's my younger brother... 21. What did you do to make the other party angry? bugs and the like.

Ji Yuan: I said that he would be very angry if I left... But it's all over, and I usually don't have any problems.

Ye Junchi: If he does too much, he will be angry... 22. To what extent is the relationship between the two of them

Ji Yuan: I applaud for love.

Ye Junchi: ? ?

23. Where did the two meet for the first time

Ji Yuan: Let me think about it... Ye Junchi: In the ancestral grave of the Zhao family.

Ji Yuan: ? ?

24. What was the atmosphere of the two at that time

Ye Junchi: Very harmonious.

Ji Yuan: Wait... 25. Where did it progress at that time

Ye Junchi: We kissed.

Ji Yuan: ? ? ? No, you call digging graves a date? ?

26. Where do you often go to date

Ye Junchi: There is no place to go often. He runs around in the two worlds, and I follow him.

27. How will you celebrate the other party's birthday

Ye Junchi: Just the two of us, spending a whole day alone in the magic palace, and I will take him to see the most beautiful scenery at night.

Ji Yuan: … Ji Yuan: Same as above.

28. Who is the one who confessed

Ye Junchi: Of course it was me, he was dodging.

Ji Yuan: I was wrong... Ye Junchi: I was very sad at that time.

Gui Yuan took the initiative to kiss Ye Junchi.

29. How much do you like each other

Ye Junchi: You can die for him.

Ji Yuan: He is my salvation.

30. So, is it love

Ye Junchi: Yes.

Ji Yuan: Yes.

31. What if the other party said there is no way

Ye Junchi: I can't refuse anything he says, except to leave me.

Ji Yuan: He doesn't seem to have made any requests to me... 32. I suspect that the other party has changed his mind! How to do

Ye Junchi: How is that possible.

Ji Yuan: Big bosses don't do this.

33. Is it possible to allow dissent

Ye Junchi: No, my daughter-in-law would not do such a thing.

Ji Yuan: Same as above.

34. What should I do if the other party is late for an hour on a date

Ye Junchi: Look for him in the past.

Ji Yuan: He will always only advance.

35. What do you like most about each other's body

Ye Junchi: Lips, neck, ears, nipples, back... Ji Yuan: Shut up.

Ye Junchi: I was wrong.

Ji Yuan: I like his... The waist is very lean and strong, the abdominal muscles are beautiful, the legs are long, and the fingers are also very slender... 36. What is the most charming look of the other party

Ye Junchi: Said he liked the way I looked, the way I was shy, the way I looked emotional during foreplay, and the look on my face when I had a climax... I really wanted to swallow him in my stomach.

Ji Yuan: Seriously, fighting with people, gentle, and doing that... 37. When do you feel nervous when you are together

Ye Junchi: I get nervous when he frowns.

Ji Yuan: It's easy to be with him, and you won't be nervous.

38. Have you lied to each other? Are you good at lying

Ye Junchi: No, not good at it.

Ji Yuan: … Yes, I’m not good at it.

Ye Junchi: Daughter-in-law, what did you lie to me

Ji Yuan: ... turn around.

39. When do you feel happiest

Ye Junchi: When he said he would stay with me for the rest of his life.

Ji Yuan: After killing the monster and finishing the mission, when I looked back and saw him smiling at me right behind me.

40. Have you ever had a fight

Ye Junchi: Yes.

Ji Yuan: There used to be.

41. What kind of quarrel is it

Ye Junchi: He said he wanted to leave, he also said that he liked women, and that he wanted to marry and have children in the future. I was angry and left for a while, but it wasn't really a quarrel.

Ji Yuan: . . . um.

42. How to reconcile

Ye Junchi: He was walking around outside my room, which made my heart itch, so he came forward first.

Ji Yuan: ... 43. Do you want to be a lover even if you are reincarnated

Ye Junchi: He will be mine in the future, and he will also be mine after he is reincarnated.

Ji Yuan: I think.

44. When did you think "I am loved"

Ye Junchi: When I heard him say I missed me, when I was hugged by him.

Ji Yuan: When you look at me.

45. When did you think "Don't you love me..."

Ye Junchi: When you were very nice to that cousin... Ji Yuan:... That's my younger brother.

46. How do you express your love

Ye Junchi: Be nice to him.

Ji Yuan: Stay with him and try to be nice to him.

47. Which flower is suitable for each other

Ye Junchi: Anything is suitable, my daughter-in-law is picturesque.

Ji Yuan: ... I really want to give him some chrysanthemums now.

48. Is there anything to hide between the two

Ye Junchi: All confessed, no.

Ji Yuan: ... 49. What is your complex

Ye Junchi: What do you mean

Ji Yuan: Ji Si... It doesn't count.

50. Is the relationship between the two public or secret

Ye Junchi: Tell the world that you are married.

51. Do you think the love between the two will last forever

Ye Junchi: Yes.

Ji Yuan: Yes.

52. Are you attacking or accepting

Ye Junchi:

Ji Yuan: ... I'm under Ye Junchi: What do you mean

Ji Yuan: It's whoever gets on.

Ye Junchi: Baby, I really like your honesty.

53. How did you decide

Ji Yuan: He's strong, I'm too lazy to fight, that's all.

Ye Junchi: Baby, what does shou mean

Ji Yuan: Ask again and go back to kneeling on the iron plate.

54. Are you satisfied with this situation

Ji Yuan: It's alright.

Ye Junchi: Well, I seem to have understood something.

Ji Yuan: Be good, shut up.

55. Where was the first time

Ye Junchi: The magic palace.

56. What I felt at that time was... Ye Junchi: It was wonderful. He was so comfortable inside that he couldn't stop.

Ji Yuan: Not bad, but I passed out later... 57. At that time, what was the other party like

Ye Junchi: Sweet and charming like a candy.

Ji Yuan: Beast

Ye Junchi: ... Daughter-in-law, I'm going to cry.

58. In the morning after the first night, what was the first sentence you said

Ye Junchi: Sorry, I didn't stop until morning.

Ji Yuan: ... 59. How many times a week

Ye Junchi: Who still counts this

Ji Yuan: ... 60. Ideally, how many times a week do you do

Ye Junchi: Why is there such a problem, shouldn't it be a dozen times

Ji Yuan: The setting of this world is too fantastic, it seems that no one will die... I ask for once every three days!

61. What is H

Ye Junchi: Enjoy.

Ji Yuan: It was quite enjoyable, but at the end he would cry unconsciously, and then he would be even more excited... 62. Where do you feel the most

Ji Yuan: … Ye Junchi: He was on fire wherever he touched me.

63. Where does the other person feel the most

Ye Junchi: Ear roots, nipple tips, inner thighs, sex... Ji Yuan: Shut up.

64. What do you want to say to the other party when H

Ji Yuan: Go to sleep after finishing this time.

Ye Junchi: Do it again.

65. To put it bluntly, do you like H? Or hate it

Ye Junchi: I like it.

Ji Yuan: It's okay.

66. Where is H in general

Ye Junchi: The bed in the palace.

67. What occasion do you want to try

Ye Junchi: I want to try it in the wild... But he has a big shadow on my loss of control that time. I will consider it when he is not afraid.

Ji Yuan: … Don’t think about it so much, I’m fine.

Ye Junchi: Can I do it tonight

Ji Yuan: No.

68. Is the bath before H? Or after

Ye Junchi: Wash them all.

Ji Yuan: In the end, he carried me to clean up.

69. Did the two of them have an agreement at H

Ye Junchi: What else needs to be agreed to do this

Ji Yuan: More than three times, I will be punished for kneeling tomorrow.

70. Have you ever had sex with someone other than the other party

Ye Junchi: No, my body and mind belong to A Yuan.

Ji Yuan: Me too.

71. Do you agree with the statement 'if you can't get the heart, you must also get the body'? be opposed to

Ye Junchi: Opposition, if you don't get the heart and get people, it's not complete.

Ji Yuan: Same as above.

72. What should I do if the other party is raped

Ye Junchi: Oh, do you know Mingxuguan

Ji Yuan: ... Who dares to rape him

73. Before and after H, which one is more shy

Ye Junchi: Is there anything to be ashamed of doing this kind of thing with someone you love

Ji Yuan: It's okay, I'm not too shy.

74. "Only tonight, because it's too lonely..." What if my friend asked H after saying this

Ye Junchi: Friends? I only have one friend, Luo Xiuyi. If he is not afraid of death, he can come here.

Ji Yuan: I haven't made any friends in this world... Ye Junchi:... What if I made such a friend

Ji Yuan: tied in front of you.

75. Do you think your H's technology is good

Ye Junchi: Let him turn his feet to the sky.

Ji Yuan: ... 76. Is the other party H's technique good

Ji Yuan: Not bad.

Ye Junchi: Just not bad

Ji Yuan: You are awesome.

77. What do you want the other party to say when H

Ye Junchi: I love you, continue.

Ji Yuan: ... After this time, let's go to sleep.

78. What is the appearance of the other party that you like to see when H

Ye Junchi: My eyes are blurred and my cheeks are blushing. I am the only one in my watery eyes.

Ji Yuan: Look at the gentle look in my eyes.

79. Do you think H is okay with someone other than your lover

Ye Junchi: Not good.

Ji Yuan: Not good.

80. Are you interested in SM

Ye Junchi: What is that

Ji Yuan: No!

81. What should I do if the other party suddenly doesn't need your body

Ye Junchi: tease him, besides, my wife has praised me for my good figure, so why don't I need it.

Ji Yuan: Well, maybe I can try to counterattack.

82. What do you think about rape

Ye Junchi: Shameful.

Ji Yuan: The tools for committing crimes should be confiscated.

83. H is the most tiring thing

Ye Junchi: I have to endure the foreplay slowly for fear of hurting him. If he is not in the state, I have to endure it for a long time.

Ji Yuan: Every time I do it, I feel like I'm going to soar.

84. What is the most thrilling location of H so far

Ye Junchi: ... Ji Yuan: On Wannan Mountain.

85. Did the recipient take the initiative to request H

Ji Yuan: Yes.

Ye Junchi: It's a pity that the number of initiatives taken is too small... 86. What was the reaction of the attacker at that time

Ji Yuan: Have you ever heard of beasts in clothing? The focus is on the last two words.

Ye Junchi: It's baby, you're too tempting.

87. Has the attacker ever raped

Ye Junchi: ... ... Ji Yuan: It's okay, you were not conscious at that time.

88. What was the recipient's reaction at that time

Ye Junchi: ... ... Ji Yuan: Stop talking.

89. What is the ideal "object of H"

Ye Junchi: That's what my daughter-in-law is like.

Ji Yuan: Well, that's it.

90. Does the other party meet the ideal

Ye Junchi: It must be him.

Ji Yuan: Yes.

91. Do you use props in H

Ye Junchi: I wanted to use it, but the subordinates sent it and threw it away before it was used... Ji Yuan: I have no problem with inserting yourself.

92. When was your "first time"

Ye Junchi: ... Ji Yuan: ... 93. Is the other party this one

Ye Junchi: I have only ever been to A Yuan.

Ji Yuan: Me too.

94. Where do you like to be kissed most

Ji Yuan: On the lips and the top of the head, he was very gentle when he kissed me.

Ye Junchi: I like it everywhere, as long as it is him.

95. Where do you like to kiss each other the most

Ji Yuan: Lips and chin.

Ye Junchi: I like it everywhere, I have to kiss every inch of my skin.

96. When is the other party happiest

Ye Junchi: When doing foreplay and releasing, um, it's also very enjoyable when doing it.

Ji Yuan: He is quite happy.

97. When H, what do you think

Ye Junchi: He is mine, and the person who owns him is me.

Ji Yuan: I don't have time to think about anything else.

98. How many times a night

Ye Junchi: Let's see when he faints... Ji Yuan:... Ye Junchi: Sometimes I get kicked out of bed after only doing it once.

Ji Yuan: Temperance, thank you.

99. When H, did you undress yourself? Or get taken off

Ji Yuan: Usually he takes it off for me.

Ye Junchi: Occasionally he will help me take off.

100. What is H to you

Ji Yuan: From time to time, I come to adjust my life.

Ye Junchi: Proof of my love for A Yuan.

101. Say something to the other party! (Wait, I get the serial number wrong from time to time, how come 101 appears...) Ji Yuan: I have been hiding something from you for a long time.

Ye Junchi smiled: Don't worry, A Yuan, what I like is your soul, not your appearance.

Ji Yuan: Did you guess

Ye Junchi: Baby, you are very obvious.

Ji Yuan: … Ye Junchi: I have been aware of it for a long time.

Ji Yuan: I... Ye Junchi: Let's go back and talk slowly, darling, don't think too much, I just want to know everything about you.

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