Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 119: 122 Siblings are in the same heart


Isn't it? The Qianjia old house next to the credit union has disappeared. Instead, there is a brick wall that has been built one-person tall. Under the scorching sun, the masters threw their arms away, division of labor and coordination, and they were busy in full swing.

Qian Mai got off the bus and looked at the scene in front of him incredulously, eagerly searching for his family in the crowd. I was puzzled. Didn't I just start working after a good summer vacation

The masters were busy with their work without stopping. When the bus stopped, only Yang Yong who was handing bricks paused, and his eyes swept over to see that it was the eldest daughter who had come back from the summer vacation with bulging luggage. With a hello, he hurriedly took off his gloves and came to carry his luggage.

"Dad, father, how many days have you started? How come you have completed so many?"

"Are the masters the uncle's engineering team or the village contractor team?"...

Seeing his father coming, Qian Mai hurriedly greeted him, and he blurted out a series of questions.

Yang Yong smiled freely, his sweaty face was full of joy, as he took the luggage and was about to answer. The arm was suddenly held tightly by Qianmai: "Dad, Dad, where is my collection? It is the little things in the storage room upstairs. Did you help me tidy up?" Don't throw it away. .

Seeing the elder daughter panicked and impatient, Yang Yong smiled more happily, and stretched out his other hand to pat his daughter's head kindly: "Your baby, can I put it away for you? No I thought that in these years, you have kept so many things in Tibet, and you have kept so many things, so that your mother will have a good meal to clean up."

After getting a definite answer, Qian Mai also reached out his hand and patted the cautious liver, exaggeratingly exaggerated.

Yang Yong saw it and was amused: "I and your mother were so happy that day, you collected so many things by yourself. I think our family can save even the dowry in the future, so we can add a few flour buckets to you at will. There are only eighteen lifts."

Latent wheat... Waterfall sweat...

Yang Yong took his daughter to the left-hand house of the Qianjia, and now the entire right-hand house has moved here temporarily.

The foundation area of the left-hand house of the potential house is exactly the same as that of the right-hand house. A few years ago, the brothers of Qiansongyu Qiansongyou were divided into two, each building a three-story brick house. Now, the hall of Qiansongyu's house is newly decorated, and there is a bamboo craft shop facing the street. Qiansongyou and his wife have been stationed in Longquan with their son for many years, leaving only the old mother and daughter at home, so the hall has been empty. Now, it is being squeezed tightly by all kinds of aluminum alloy doors and windows of different sizes. The open space in front of the house and behind the house was also full of piles of steel and cement like hills.

"Dad, how can I buy all the materials at once? How much discount can I get?"

When Yang Yong heard his daughter's question, the corners of his mouth could not help but continued to rise, and a joyful sense of pride was born in his heart. Said: "Aluminum alloy doors and windows were all given by your uncle alone. The steel cement was given by your grandparents, uncles, uncles and aunts collectively."

Hey, such a big deal. Latent Wheat was shocked. She knew her father had a close relationship with his uncles and aunts in Luodian. But she was so generous at one time and almost covered the three most expensive materials for building a house, which greatly surprised her.

In fact, the unexpected is more than Qianmai alone.

Yang Yongqian Liqin is.

The grandparents of the potential family are.

One of the relatives of the potential home is.

So are the villagers in Nanjiang Village.

It seems that overnight, as Fan Yingjun’s construction engineering team arrived vigorously, facility projects were carried out in an orderly manner, and various materials were continuously delivered, the people in Nanjiang Village seemed to suddenly remember that Yang Yong, who is usually honest and reluctant, In fact, it is not alone. Behind him stood the Yang family who was not familiar to the people of Nanjiang Village.

Yang Yong took the luggage to Qian Xiaofen's room for his daughter, confessed a few words, and hurried back to the construction site.

Qianmai put down his schoolbag and didn't stay too much, and walked into the kitchen in threes or twos. Mother Qian Liqin and her aunt Huang Xueping were busy with sweat on the stove. Gas stove, honeycomb coal, and earth stove were all on fire. Three or four pots sizzled, and the fragrance of vegetables was already wafting out. The cousin Qian Xiaofen ignored the hot weather in July and sat behind the stove to help pick vegetables and burn them.

Seeing Qianmai coming in, the three of them all smiled in relief.

Without saying anything, Qian Mai put on an apron, walked over to follow Qian Liqin's instructions, and quickly helped to cook and fry. After talking and doing, after some verbal communication, I realized that my family has been busy recently.

It turned out that the day after Qianmai returned to school last month, Yang Yong went to Huayang as planned and had a long conversation with the Yang family's grandparents behind closed doors. No one knows exactly what the three of them talked about. The Yang family juniors only remember that grandma's eyes were always red that day.

Grandpa Yang was disappointed, but felt that Yang Yong's idea of building a new department store-style house was feasible, so he took a taxi to the house of his son-in-law Fan Yingjun. Mr. Weng discussed the construction schedule for a while, and decided to start construction immediately, and strive to complete the work within one month, so that they can mobilize people to participate in the new project in August. Because Fan Yingjun is still working on two projects at the same time, the manpower that can be squeezed out is very limited, so he simply borrowed a few more skilled masters from his peers and decided to work overtime and work overtime to end the project as soon as possible.

Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, the cleaned up right-hand house of the potential house was instantly razed to the ground under the rumbling work of the shovel.

In order not to delay the brother-in-law's project, Yang Yong immediately hired a group of strong laborers in Nanjiang after returning home. After the start of construction, the two parties cooperated with each other, and the speed doubled.

Qianjia’s highly efficient house building initiative has aroused great repercussions in Nanjiang Village.

Every day, a smoky material carrier on the highway, a rumbling high-efficiency and large-capacity sand mixer, a construction team that is still lighting up the night at sunset, etc., etc., all attract the attention of Nanjiang Village.

There was nothing to do in the evening, and people gathered on the bridge to enjoy the cool, and they were all amazed at the rapid bricklaying speed of the potential home.

It is said that in the previous two years, the richest man in Nanjiang, Sun Hongmei, built a villa. The sand and stones used were only picked up by small workers from the stream. The master only invited three to five, and the project was rushed. For more than half a year. People can't figure it out, what is the reason for the low-key potential house who suddenly built such a high-profile house? I heard that the construction team was invited from Huayang City. I heard that the new house was designed by a special person. I heard that the height of the floor alone is 1.5 times that of an ordinary house. I heard that all the valuable materials are a relative of the Yang family. Gifted...

Suddenly, people in Nanjiang Village became more curious about the bricks and tiles of the potential home...

But the potential family didn't care about these. Everyone was so busy every day, and even the time to stop and entertain all kinds of congratulatory speeches seemed extravagant.

After rough packing and moving to the left-hand house, Yang Yong went out early every day and returned late every day. He took over the construction of the house in an all-round way; Qian Liqin was responsible for three meals a day, plus snacks and supper, every time he had to prepare three full meals. The weight of ten people, just cooking, is so busy that she can’t wait to have three heads and six arms; even the potential grandfather, who has been teaching for many years and is not good at farming, has also drove sheep to go up the mountain to inspect the Tianma crops. The grandmother of Qianjia had the intention to come down to the kitchen to help, but was unanimously blocked by everyone. Even if the old man stayed idle in the room, she would try her best to help peel some broad beans.

This kind of shortage of manpower has been slightly alleviated as Qian Xiaomo and Qian Xiaohai finished their exams two days ago. Now, the return of Qian Mai, the eldest daughter who is more sophisticated and calm, cannot but say that it is a sudden rain.

Just when everyone in the potential family was happily rushing around for the new house, and was overjoyed for the donation of materials and engineering assistance, no one except Yang Yong knew the sour psychology of the Yang family when they gave out these things.

On that day, at Fan Yingjun’s house to discuss various matters concerning the suspension, Yang Yong hurried back to Nanjiang on the last train. After the grandfather of the Yang family returned home, he and the red-eyed grandma of the Yang family were speechless. The old couple ate their meals late, tossing and turning, and did not sleep well all night.

Early the next morning, Grandpa Yang called the Luodian. So, during lunch time, several sons, daughters-in-law, women, children and son-in-law gathered at Huayang's dining table.

Like all family meetings in the past, it was still the opening speech made by Grandpa Yang.

"Yesterday, the second child came to Huayang. He said that he was temporarily unable to buy a house in the city and wanted to demolish the house in Nanjiang and rebuild it. Although we were not happy, we could only agree. I called everyone here today to follow You have something to discuss. Among your brothers and sisters, only the second child, I did not do my best to do my best. He is your grandfather's most beloved grandson, but in the end, the world has left others out. Yu second, to you. Grandpa, your mother and I are ashamed..."

The Yang brothers and sisters sighed. The second child of the Yang family is the scar of the Yang family's old man. He doesn't usually feel it, but when he is sensitive, he will feel a lot of sadness. Therefore, everyone didn't know how to persuade, so they had to listen to the old man to continue.

"Your mother and I didn't sleep well last night, thinking that since the second child has made up his mind to build a new house in Nanjiang, then our old couple have to support it a little bit. These years, I rented out the big water pond in Laolong Bay. We also saved some money. The second child didn’t want anything from Luodian, and your mother and I had already thought about making up some more. Now we deliberately give that little money to the second child’s house to help build the house It’s also a thought for Xiaohai. I wonder if you have any comments?"

After hearing this, the Yang brothers and sisters suddenly realized that they all let out a long sigh of relief. The atmosphere on the table suddenly became clear, and everyone was indifferent, working together, and immersed in the food. Those who should eat food, those who should drink, just don't say a word. The Yang family’s daughter-in-laws are also smart people. As soon as they rolled their eyes, they immediately understood that the Yang family’s old couple was taking their feelings into consideration. Talking to their own sons and daughters, they have always been "sacred decree mouths", so there is no need to make such a roundabout.

As the eldest daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Yang family is very knowledgeable about current affairs, and she hurriedly said with a smile: "Daddy and mother, your money, you can be the master of yourselves, so you don’t need to take care of us. Although our long house is not rich, we still have a life. It's okay, now how can you haunt your little money... Speaking of which, we also took advantage of a few brothers. The second, fourth, and fifth brothers did not ask for Luodian's things. The house, mountains, and fields are now for us and the old man. The third family took it. In the past few years, our family has grown melons and fruits and sold them in wholesale, making good money. Although it is not as good as the few in the city, it is much easier than the second brother’s. Building a house is a big deal, and our family should One should also be supported."

"Isn't it? When we built the house in Luodian, the second brother didn't work hard when he came back. Now it's our turn to help their house." The third wife also followed up with a smile.

The fifth daughter-in-law, Ji Lifang, is more shy, unlike the two sister-in-laws who can talk, she just said gently: "My family's affairs have always been in charge of Yang Shun, and he can do it well. I have no objection."

The old couple of the Yang family were very pleased to hear that, and they praised the daughter-in-law for being considerate, especially the eldest daughter-in-law, and they were extremely satisfied: "Bow sword his mother, you are so considerate of the overall situation, and consider it for the brothers and sisters below. Yang family’s blessing. We are very relieved to give you the Luodian hometown. They say that the eldest wife is like a mother, and you will listen to your elder sister’s opinion in everything, you know?"

"Got it." The Yang brothers and sisters responded, and continued to attack the plates of delicious food.

With an ordinary compliment, the eldest daughter of the Yang family was so embarrassed that the red cloud was all over her face, and she waved her hand: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be. It's right for our family to help each other. Now it's for us to help the second brother, and the life of the second brother will be better in the future. If he wants to buy a house for Gongjian in the city, he will definitely come forward and help. It is easy to get things done if everyone works together and helps each other."

At this time, Yang Shun, whose stomach was half full, put down his chopsticks, looked around and said, "Actually, my second brother's family is not short of money. What I want to do more is to express my heart. When I was in high school, my family had difficulties. My brothers and sisters spend a lot of money, and most of the tuition fees are paid by my second brother. I accept the second brother’s love! I will go all out to help her with the wheat. I will also pay for the second brother to build a house. It's a great effort to tell the people in Nanjiang that there are us behind the second brother, and no one wants to touch him." When it comes to excitement, his voice can't help but raise his voice.

Yang Shuilian patted the excited shoulder of the younger brother next to him, and said softly: "Second brother will be very happy if you know that you think so. The same is true for me. When I was young, my second brother gave me a lot of pocket money. When the second brother entrusted my family to help, I called and discussed with the fourth brother and sister. The fourth brother came out big, and my sister and I followed up."

"Didn't your family provide manpower? The money is gone. You can't let your youngest support the big head. Let's follow the long house." The Yang family said.

His question was immediately explained by Fan Yingjun: "We actually didn't help much. Most of the manpower was borrowed from other foremen, and the machine tools were only used when they were empty. The second brother insisted on the market price. Give us the cost. He asked us to help, in order to guarantee the quality of the project."

"Understandable." Yang Shun nodded slightly, knowing his second brother's temperament more clearly. From refusing to take advantage of my brothers and sisters, strong self-esteem to the point of stubbornness, adherence to principles and principles can be used as a demonstration in textbooks. In today's bustling society of fame and fortune, such a personality really does not know whether it is a blessing or a curse. It's like the relationship with the old man back then. It was obviously a father and son who didn't have an overnight feud. After showing his almost stubborn temperament, he actually ran away from home. Although with the growth of age and experience, he has become more mature and smooth in dealing with things, but the stubbornness in his bones has not changed at all.

"Do you think this is okay? With the second brother's temper, give him money. He will definitely tighten his belt in the future and return it when he saves it. Or, while the work has not started yet, let's send the materials directly. Give him the money. They are all handed over to the Shuilian couple. They are familiar with the situation, find a good supplier, and send materials directly to Nanjiang."

Yang Shun's proposal immediately received unanimous praise from everyone.

Seeing the children so united and helping each other, the Yang family's grandmother smiled in relief, her eyes filled with tears unknowingly: "This is a new house built, your second brother's roots will fall in Nanjiang for the rest of your life..."

"No. Didn’t the second brother tell you? First, train your little nephew and niece, and if you make money in the future, you will buy a house in Huayang as soon as possible. Wheat will definitely come to Huayang in the future, and the second brother will buy a house sooner or later. It's something, our brothers and sisters will definitely get together." Yang Shun comforted the old mother.

"Yeah. Mother, look at you. The road from Huayang to Nanjiang is getting better and better. Two hours will be there. Brother will often bring Xiaohai to see you. You can eat well. You can also take a car to see them at any time. . It’s easy. You’ll be reluctant to be at such a distance. Be careful that the fourth child is jealous. They are half a distance away from the earth, and the three grandchildren have not seen you all the year round. They have never seen you so reluctant..." As always, smiling, eating and drinking, leisurely teased the old mother.

Grandma Yang's face burst into laughter, and she mumbled quietly, "I miss them all day and night."

The lunch time of the Yang family flew by, and everyone had to rush back to work. Seeing that the matter was discussed well, the grandfather of the Yang family woke up and made a concluding statement in the usual way: "You can all be able to do this today. Said, our old couple are very happy. Whether it is the second child or whoever among you has difficulties in the future, we must love and discuss each other as we do now. There is nothing wrong with the words of our ancestors:'Brothers and sisters Together, it is profitable.' As long as your seven brothers and sisters are united, friendly, and diligent, the days will surely pass and become hotter. Being brothers and sisters, you will have this life but not the next life. You must cherish this love, you know?"

"Got it." Gaga, a group of middle-aged men and women were trained like elementary school students in front of the gleaming white-haired grandfather of the Yang family. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)