Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 121: 124 Accompanying reading


In the scorching summer, Qianjia’s construction team can work hard against the sun day after day.

A few days ago, Fan Yingjun ended an engineering project in Huayang. Taking advantage of the fact that the next project had not yet started, and there was a little free time in the middle, I discussed with the masters and drove the large force to Nanjiang. Suddenly, the construction speed of Qianjia's new house is even more powerful.

In the afternoon when the heat wave hits people, Qianmai nests in the air-conditioned room of Sun's house to accompany the young masters and ladies to study. Compared with the scorching sun outside, compared with the steaming kitchen, she felt that she was taking advantage. But after looking at the Chinese quiz papers under him, Qian Mai's heart wailed for no reason: How could it be the first miserable word this time.

Needless to say, both Sun Hongmei and Wang Zhigao have eighty to ninety points, which is a good score for the Chinese test papers with composition and reading comprehension in the upper grades. But the situation of Nanjiang's old classmates is not so optimistic. Except for Zou Baiqiong and Li Meijun, they were barely able to make it through. The other students' test paper pages were so speechless. Especially the boys, those unfamiliar, original mad grasses, can see Latent Wheat’s eyes draw animals straight out of their eyes.

This afternoon, she had been thinking of Sun Hongmei's chemistry teacher who only crossed the test papers for countless times.

What a joy it is, but wherever there is a mistake, just swipe a tong fork with a big pen. It’s me who is happy, but others are the pain. It's like myself, the cat's waist stared, looking for a needle in a haystack to tick the right place. Pained to yourself, it may not be able to please others.

By the way, this is the Chinese language, the square characters that everyone has been familiar with since childhood. After passing the test like this, I can't help but say that all my old classmates are strong people. Most of the students only scored basic points, and the following reading comprehension was simply messy writing. Even though people's hearts are separated by their belly and cannot understand the author's intentions, the answers don't need to cross mountains and seas, the difference is tens of thousands of miles.

Latent wheat is a headache. After changing the last one, I didn't grade it for fear of damaging the enthusiasm of my old classmates.

It is the first time to be so true and clear about the difference in teaching quality between urban and rural schools. Qian Mai couldn't help but wrinkle his eyebrows in distress. After the summer vacation, how should I confess to the group of young grandpas and ladies outside who are sweating like rain, looking forward to their sons and daughters

Thinking about it this way, it becomes more and more headache.

At the last hour, Qianmai got up and came to the small wooden board in front. His expression was a little sad and his mind was a little heavy. He cleared his throat and said, "Everyone will go back today and systematically sort out the math knowledge reviewed in the morning. I made up the "Classroom Exercises" I did. In the afternoon, I posted the correct answers to the Chinese test papers on the back wall. Everyone will correct them first and analyze them tomorrow afternoon."

"Now, I have a big question that you need to answer. That is: Why are there so many idioms in your composition, and even unnecessary places?"

After all, I pulled a piece of white paper, quickly fixed it on a small wooden board with pushpins, and grabbed a pencil to paint.

"This is the description of the grandmother's appearance by a classmate on the test paper composition just now. The grandmother has a childlike look, her head is full of pale white hair, and her kind face has thick eyebrows and big eyes... Her nose is straight under her black and white eyes..."

Qianmai uses simple pen techniques to draw quickly and neatly, and outlines the outline in three or five strokes. As the picture of the "four differences" became clearer and more funny, everyone laughed into a ball, and they wondered which life treasure wrote the composition.

Qianmai ignored the noise below, and continued to speed up the drawing, slowly spit out the last idiom bomb in his mouth: "Under the bridge of the nose is a'cherry mouth'..."

With a word, the room exploded on all sides. In addition to making jokes, the students also caught the composition "perpetrator" Zou Baiqiong.

Qianmai pointed to the finished "Four Unsimilars" and said: "Look, this is the most direct consequence of using idioms indiscriminately. It will express things beyond recognition... Actually, today is not Zou Baiqiong who made this kind of mistake alone, you are almost the same. Composition The Chinese idioms stand in a row, making people dazzle to see. In other words, some places are simply superfluous, and idioms are added where they are not needed..."

"It was the Chinese teacher who asked us to do this. She told us to recite the idioms and say that for every 100 words, at least five idioms should appear in order to get a high score in the composition."

Li Meijun explained gently and softly. Zou Baiqiong, whose face turned red and white, also adhered to it to prove his innocence. Even Qian Xiaofen, who had always been uninterested in studying, jumped out to testify that this was indeed the case.

Qianmai walked over and flipped through Li Meijun's notebook. Sure enough, a large book of four-character idioms were copied densely by hand, and the beginning of the chapter was "I am utterly mournful, mourning all over the country, and mourning the soldiers will win..."

Sorrowful. Seeing Latent Wheat head dizzy.

So, looking at Sun Hongmei and Wang Zhigao for help, they both shrugged helplessly.

In this way, interspersing idioms in the composition can't be wrong, but it seems that it can't be said right. The end depends on the preference and mood of the scoring teacher. At this time, if you say that this method is inappropriate, and if you accidentally spread it, you may be charged with arrogance and complacency and contempt of the teacher's words. Well, let's see how far they have memorized, maybe a little correction, teaching some composition skills, can turn into a good thing.

So, if you use your brain to think about it, you will have an idea right away.

Still pointing to the "four differences" on the small wooden board, Qianmai smiled and induced: "Since this topic starts with the description of the appearance, let's end the description of the appearance. Next, you will use a four-character idiom to describe it. Your appearance. Let me see how many idioms everyone has memorized."

After that, he pointed his hand and motioned to start from Yang Chao in the first row on the left.

"The country and the city, the fish and the wild goose." Yang Chao blurted out.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone laughed mercilessly: "This is your standard for marrying a daughter-in-law. What Mai said is to describe his appearance."

A joking remark made the big man Yang Chao flushed.

With the lessons learned from the past, Lin Miao safely and easily quoted an ad slogan: "Bright red, unique."

Passed safely, her skin was indeed tender and white and red, and she could fully bear the ad slogan.

"Xiaojiabiyu, with clear eyes and beautiful eyes." Li Meijun thought for a while and picked two relatively low-key four-character words. But it was immediately opposed by a crowd.

Seeing that it was interesting, Sun Hongmei also mixed her feet: "I think you can at least afford'natural beauty and water lotus.'"

Li Meijun blushed with shame, bowed his head and twisted his scarf, embarrassed to agree. In that room, Zou Baiqiong, who had just been teased by everyone, stood up and said without blushing and breathlessly; "I'm in the wind, and the heroic spirit is pressing."

"Then I am the weak Liu Fufeng and Xiaoniao Yiren." Before anyone could attack, he ridiculed Zou Baiqiong's increasingly horizontal figure. The potential Xiaofen in the corner talked quickly and hurriedly opened his mouth before others.

The words are very beautiful, graceful, and classical, but unfortunately some guys don’t buy it, and several boys actually cheated their noses in the same way: "Look in the mirror. It is a serious violation of the facts. You are definitely'natural disasters and man-made disasters, the roar of the lion in the east.

"You are the ones who are'horribly miserable, crooked melons and jujubes, and doglike'..."

With interest coming up, Qian Xiaofen played super-normally, and he blurted out three series. But the "you" in the words immediately aroused the righteous indignation of all the boys: "You are'round and jade, unsightly'."

He does not mean that. This sentence really offended Ruan Huihui, who was slightly plump and pink next to him, and immediately stopped watching. He stood on a united front with Qian Xiaofen and unanimously opened fire to the outside world: "You are stupid, black and stupid, like a frog. "

"Certain consignment, your dinosaurs are alive, sunny and rainy..." Zou Baiqiong did not give up too much, but also killed the carbine.

It was almost as soon as the word "rain" came to the end that the girls were angry. Because what Zou Baiqiong said just now was "you", people who see it have a share. At this point, the scene immediately split into two camps: boys and girls.

Qian Mai said with a faint smile, pulling Sun Hongmei to look on the wall. In my heart, I was very surprised by the rich vocabulary of the old classmates. It seems that the old method is still very desirable. I also secretly thanked myself that I had chosen to get to the bottom, and I didn't talk nonsense.

"You are'abstract and vague, and your appearance is not attractive'." Li Meijun, who has always been soft and weak, also helped to speak up, but the soft voice did not seem to have much lethal power.

Ruan Huihui put her hands on her waist, and her pink-to-do look looked like she was stubborn. But his mouth is very sharp, far less polite than Li Meijun: "You are'extremely skilled, invincible in the world'."...

Faced with the intensive bombardment of a group of girls, the boys unluckily choked silently. Or whisper to each other to discuss, or frequently check the dictionary of idioms. As a result, an extremely sad fact was discovered. That is, the words that describe beautiful and beautiful, girls almost occupy the "big world". However, there are so many more ugly and trivial curse words among boys than girls. Girls have the intention to continue cursing, which is simply inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Before they could find a suitable word, Qian Xiaofen proudly said: "Can't find it? Would you like me to give me two more carefully collected idioms?"

In the end, he yanked his voice up, pretending to be generous and authentic: "Ordinary people, I don't tell Di."

The girls were gloating over misfortunes and were curious about Qian Xiaofen's rhetoric. From her bright eyes, it can be seen that this is definitely not a commendatory term like "handsome". In pursuit of victory, everyone went to push her and said quickly.

Qian Xiaofen lived up to expectations and moved quietly to the door. In the end, he stopped behind Qianmai, his head was raised up, and he made a sudden realization, saying: "Today I only know that you who are so ugly and have such a wicked mouth... You are actually a man, and you are still a man. Dad'..."

Seeing a few boys become angry, they are about to rush to pinch people, Qian Mai hurriedly announced the order to leave school.

As a result, under the leadership of Qian Xiaofen, all the girls with the right time and place arrogantly walked out. When I got to the flat ground downstairs, I didn't forget to shout "I'm a beauty" loudly upstairs to stimulate the staring boys in the room.

Standing on the side from beginning to end, Qian Maimai and Sun Hongmei watched a lively farce leisurely. Seeing that the boys in the room were still mumbling about the ancestors' speech, they were too biased towards the girls, and both of them were dumbfounded.

Sun Hongmei was still a little bit unfinished: "Mai, from tomorrow on, let's recite words too. It seems quite fun."

"Well, I also recite it." Qianmai nodded and agreed. With such a rich vocabulary, it is better to revise and transform on the original basis instead of starting anew. But what should we do? You might as well accompany them to recite idioms first. After waiting for a long time, a solution will always be found. Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing out loud, seeing how conscientious I was doing this "accompaniment". (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)