Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 123: 127 Double happiness is coming


In August, the new house of Qianjia department store was officially completed.

Tall and novel exterior design, practical and spacious oversized area, structurally shaped ceiling, uniformly laid floor tiles, and so on. Every place full of characteristics and creativity has attracted the praise of passers-by who come and go, and many villagers come to visit and "learn the experience" every day.

At this time, Qianjia's grandma, who has always been ill in bed, always sits in front of the door in good spirits, taking the trouble to answer every question that comes. Grandpa Qianjia took the cleaning utensils every day, carefully scrubbing the inside and out to make it clean.

Of course, the young labor force of the potential home will certainly not be idle.

Before he could catch his breath, Yang Yongqian Liqin began to prepare for the housewarming banquet. The invitations have been sent out, and Qianmai’s original DM renting advertisement and the supermarket opening advertisement on National Day have also been posted to all people in Nanjiang. This made the couple overjoyed, and they raced against each other to keep their feet busy.

The three sisters and brothers of Qianjia took the initiative to undertake the work of moving and decorating the new house, bit by bit, moving things to the new house on the third floor like ants.

The new residence was divided into a spacious five-bedroom and two halls, all of which were simply decorated on the ground and walls. But the potential family members are already very satisfied. After the furniture is cleaned and placed neatly, the golden sunlight is poured in through the windows, and it already has a full warm taste of home.

What made the Qian sisters most ecstatic is that after listening to their strong wishes, Yang Yong made the bathroom extravagantly luxurious. The light blue wall tiles are clean and comfortable, and the water heater, sink, toilet and other living equipment are all available. In addition to the unkempt head, there is also an extra-large shadow blue ceramic bathtub. As soon as the faucet was turned on, the clear and cold spring water spewed out, and the two Qians sisters were completely free from the embarrassment of going to the collective bathroom to take a bath.

The potential family members are busy happily. At noon, after a melodious song of "Dongfang Hong", a female voice in the dialect that is very familiar to the people of Nanjiang came out on the radio: "Below is a notice, Yang Yong from Nanjiang Village, please pay attention. Your brother just called, please Bring your ID and your eldest daughter, and go to Huayang tomorrow. Please help me spread the words to each other. Let’s play it again..."

Therefore, within a few minutes, people in Jiu'ao, Shicun, Nanjiang Township knew that Yang Yong would take his eldest daughter to Huayang tomorrow.

There are many inconvenient things in Nanjiang Township, one of which is that civilian telephones have not yet become popular. Unlike the free installation of later generations, a telephone set up in a rural area now costs four to five thousand yuan to the ocean. Therefore, there is only one telephone in the communication room of the township government in the whole township. If you are not waiting outside in advance, the temporary incoming calls will be picked up by the staff. Then, regardless of the distance, it will be advertised with a loud voice. Therefore, people in Nanjiang Township seem to have very little privacy.

Putting down the work at hand, Yang Yong stood up straight, and quickly understood what was going on. At the same time, he frowned. In the future, when renting or opening a supermarket, his family will have to rely on the phone to contact the outside world, and he can't make a little action by himself, so all Nanjiang knows it. It seems that we have to discuss with several wealthy families in Nanjiang Village whether we can unite and apply to the county for the installation of civilian telephones.

The next day, under the leadership of the fifth Yang Shun, Yang Yong and his daughter went straight to the shore of Moon Lake at the foot of Huayang Mountain.

If Huayang Mountain is an incomparably powerful man, then Moon Lake is Mei Jiao'e with tenderness and water. Nowadays, in this beautiful and spiritual land, a new district in Huayang is brewing.

In accordance with Qianmai’s request, Yang Shun made several trips and comparisons, and took a fancy to the Xincheng storefront by the Moon Lake. Today, Yang Yong and his daughter were specifically asked to sign the contract and complete the formalities. The father and daughter of the Yang family trusted Yang Shun very much, and signed and sealed them without saying a word.

Of course, the father and daughter are also very satisfied with the store. It is said that this is a project invested and developed by a certain Jintian returned overseas Chinese whom Yang Shun is familiar with. Because it is separated from the river and remote, it is not very promising now. Therefore, with the approval of relevant departments, the double-storey stores facing the street in the new city are all 13 meters high. After the house is handed over, the owner can design by himself, and a layer will be derived from it.

In short, it means buying two get one free, and the housing rate is quite high.

Standing on the hot construction site, Yang Shun pointed to the distance of Yuehu Lake and analyzed the Yang Yong father and daughter carefully and said: "You can rest assured that this house will not lose money. To be cautious, I also consulted the leaders of the Construction Bureau. They said that according to the guiding ideology of “One River, Two Cities”, Huayang’s education park, office area, and tourist shopping center will be built here in the future. Five bridges will be laid before and after to connect the north and the south. It's completely integrated."

Sure enough, most of the situation is similar to the previous life.

Qian Mai smiled slightly: "Thank you, Uncle Wu. I am very satisfied with this house. If Huayang is a stamp, then Huayang Mountain and Moon Lake are the postmarks on the stamps. Old stamps will appear because of this special postmark. It is more precious. With Huayang Mountain, a famous mountain with deep humanity, this house will definitely rise."

Yang Shun was very happy when he heard that, and admired this niece who behaved in a moderate manner and was very profitable: "Insightful. I am indeed Yang's niece. Read well. If you have something to do in the future, even if you come to see Wushu, Wushu must do everything Help you. How to say, our old Yang family will also train a female college student out."

At the lunch table, Grandma Yang was very happy to see her granddaughter who had not shown her face for a long time. Grandpa Yang also prepared a lot of fruits and snacks early.

Happy to hear that Yang Yong's father and daughter are coming, Fan Yingjun and Yang Shuilian are also holding their daughters for dinner.

Everyone heard that the potential house would hold a housewarming banquet in a few days, and they all felt honored, and they all expressed their intention to help in advance. After a while, the conversation turned to Qianmai.

"What? Buying a house with wheat?" Yang Shuilian looked incredible, waving her chopsticks wow wow wow, and shouted: "Qianmai, you robbed the bank?"

I knew it would be like this. He shrank so quietly and immersed himself in hardship, but he still couldn't escape the questioning. So, secretly cast a look at his father for help. Yang Yong readily understood, and in a few words briefly talked about Qianmai’s designing clothes for Avril Apparel Company. Except for Yang Shun, everyone looked like a fairy tale.

The quick-talking Yang Shuilian asked everyone's questions: "Mai, when did you go to learn fashion design?"

Qianmai bit his chopsticks and smirked: "I'm self-taught. The masters who led the introduction are my mother and two aunts. Do you still remember that I used to write to you and my aunt for advice on sewing?"

Yang Shuilian will be suspicious. Wheat did often write to ask questions about this for a while, but she and her sister Yang Xinlian always thought she was helping her sister-in-law to ask: "This is too... incredible. With just a few words, you can design a costume. ? Then I studied for three years and did it for two years, so why didn't I make much money?"

Faced with a series of questions raised by Yang Shuilian, Qian Mai decided to preemptively: "What's impossible? I have an extraordinary talent, hard work, study in the pool, night attack, hardship, hanging beams... The sky is closed."

It is indeed a wise decision to memorize the idiom. At the very least, when you refute others, it's a lot of it at your fingertips.

Yang Shuilian was dumbfounded by a series of idioms. Is the old-fashioned guy in front of her still the little niece who brought her up? When did it become so powerful and powerful? What a change in Women's University 14.

When everyone saw Yang Shuilian's deflated appearance, they all burst into laughter.

Seeing her daughter's sharp teeth, Yang Yong was also amused. So, he cleared his throat and helped the little girl to relieve the siege: "Mai really worked hard and persisted in reading and doing things, no matter how young she was, calligraphy and painting alone would last seven years.

Everyone accepted this statement, and they were very pleased for the double happiness of Yang Yong's family.

Yang Shuilian is the same. She is very proud that her little niece, who was brought up by her own hand, can practice what she is now. But he couldn't help but teased a few more sourly: "Well, you are indeed considered as a'horse and ten drivers', but I think the'talented talent' is still forgotten. I think that back then, your aunt and I pulled you out. You were too stupid to break our hearts when I was three years old. When I was three years old, I was greedy to steal watermelon to eat. But the watermelon was not stolen, but my feet were blushing and bleeding. I cried and asked the owner to send it back. When I was four years old, I picked up the bitter gourd in the basket and bit it. I was embarrassed to cry and asked me:'Why are cucumbers so bitter?'..."

The teasing and joking about the little aunt, Qian Tian pretended to be stupid, so he immersed himself in eating. Well, it's okay to let the hard-working aunt say a few words, who let her all the embarrassment when she was a child caught her eye. But it's not too much. It exploded so many in one explosion, and the more it exploded, the more excited it became. Okay, let me say a few too, who made us "sharing the same bed" for so many years. If you want to talk about embarrassment, sister, you are no less than me.

When Yang Shuilian was drinking a drink to quench his thirst, Qian Mai took advantage of the gap and asked Fan Yingjun with a face full of innocence: "Uncle, it must be hard for you to imagine? My aunt often failed in Chinese when she was studying. One time she wrote an essay, it was a description. According to the appearance of the Chinese teacher, my sister-in-law wrote, "She has a paw face." The Chinese teacher almost went mad."

Seeing the big and the small two people quarreling happily, Yang Shun thought it was funny, so he intervened in a calm manner: "The saddest thing is that the Chinese teacher's home lives on Luodiankou Avenue. By the side, when a student who made a typo was caught, he would mention the deeds of Primary Six and have the opportunity to educate him. Day after day, year after year. It makes the Primary Six work hard every time he goes back to Luodian. Take a hard detour to take the ridge road."

The embarrassment of Shen Feng for many years was dug up, and Yang Shuilian blushed in embarrassment. However, Fan Yingjun, who suddenly realized it, kept pursing his lips and chuckling constantly: "Understandably, she just lacks roots. One time when she settled the ledger, she gave me an O."

Is there such a thing? Everyone was unforgivable, looking at the eyes of a mentally handicapped child, Yang Shuilian wanted to find a way to sew and drill down. Sure enough, it was the deceiver who deceived others, and failed to harm others. Now it has become a laughing stock.

Seeing this, Latent Wheat snickered. My aunt has been like a day for decades, she still looks like screaming and screaming. When I get older, my Chinese grades are still the same. The biggest evidence is that pink cousin in her arms. Find a husband called "Fan Yingjun", give birth to a daughter and desperately want to be called "Fan Meili". Among the relatives, only the sister-in-law did this kind of heavenly soldiers. I really convinced her.

The family talked, laughed, laughed, and joked. After eating out, those who should go to work go to work, and those who should go to work also go to work.

Yang Yong sat for a while, then got up and took the last train back to Nanjiang. The Yang family's grandparents hadn't seen Qianmai for a long time, so they insisted on staying with her for a few more nights. Thinking of her daughter's hard work these days, and considering that her daughter will be promoted to the graduating class soon after she returns, she will rarely have time to play when she is busy. Therefore, Yang Yong readily agreed and urged Qianmai to be careful, and accompanied the relatives of the Yang family back to Nanjiang on the day of the housewarming banquet.

At this time, Yang Shun, who walked into the office, sat down and opened his handbag to take a look. There were N Zhang Huayang motor vehicle gas coupons in it, and he couldn't laugh or cry. The second brother actually secretly came up with this set. I don't want to think that after changing so much, it will be enough for him to use it for a year or two. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)