Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 125: 129 Storytelling


The next day, the sky was extremely sunny, and the tiles were pure and pure, without a trace of clouds.

Looking at the detailed quotation provided by Peng Chen, Qianmai decided to take him to his favorite secret base.

Walking in the woods, the ancient trees are towering, and the trees shade the sun. Stepping on the deep and soft moss and fresh fallen leaves, breathing the fragrant and humid air, listening to the sound of the wind and birds in his ears, Peng Chen nodded in satisfaction, and raised the camera again with frequent "clicks".

With a natural and comfortable environment full of greenery in front of him, it is worthwhile for him and his father to spend the rest of the summer vacation with classmates and study around the clock in exchange for the thin quotation.

At the same time, from Qianmai's seemingly "contemptuous" eyes, he also knew that his image was now exhausted, and he had completely become a curious and ignorant man with a broken mouth. But didn't the Master teach it? If there is something you don't understand, you must promptly ask without shame.

This is the twelfth time he asked a similar question today: "Wheat, what is this fruit?"

Qian Mai's gaze followed his fingers, and saw a cluster of small thorny shrubs with green branches and green leaves on the side of the road, covered with small round fruits with green dots. He answered casually: "Wild Hawthorn."

"Isn't hawthorn red?"

"The pepper is still green before it matures."

Peng Chen is ashamed, isn't it the same as that? What annoys him most is that today he asks stupid questions, and he seems to have no common sense. As a result, pursing his lips, his red face was hidden behind the big camera, and it was another crazy filming. and

Qianmai found no abnormalities. As an amateur tour guide, she can be regarded as dedicated. In addition to leading the way, he would also explain a few words to Peng Chen from time to time.

"These wild hawthorns will only mature and turn red in autumn. They are snack foods for children in the mountains. Appetizers before meals and digestion after meals. Sweet and sour, the taste is not bad. The best thing is if you crush the hawthorn. Mix it into the cake and bake it, it has a different flavor."

"Really?" Peng Chen was dubious, reached out and took one and delivered it to his mouth. Almost immediately, that good-looking face wrinkled immediately.

"So sour..."

"Who makes you so anxious? I have something to say first. I have to wait until the autumn is ripe before I can eat it."

Qianmai almost burst into laughter, quickly turned his head and walked forward. Peng Chen stayed behind, curling his astringent tongue, slowly savoring the strange smell that lingered in his mouth for a long time.

After passing the Jinchang Pavilion, crossing Sanwangling, and then around Taohuayan, walked back and forth for two hours, and finally reached the destination. Rao is two people who exercise regularly, and they are also sweating and panting.

"Not bad." Qianmai was full of confidence and directly used the affirmative sentence.

"Well. When I climbed Huayang Mountain a few days ago, I felt it was worthwhile. I didn't expect that this mountain is even more extraordinary." Peng Chen looked very excited, his eyes shining brightly. Overlooking the entire Huayang town at my feet, watching the bus crawling back and forth like ants, a heroic "will be the top" suddenly came to my heart. The cool mountain breeze came, swept away all the fatigue and sweat, and felt extra refreshed and refreshed.

This is a very inconspicuous mountain in the rolling mountains on the outskirts of Huayang City. Compared with other famous mountains, there are no winding paths, no pavilions, and no ancient caves. Yes, it's just the most primitive purity of nature, full of verdant, full of blooming mountain flowers.

If you have to pick a reason that makes long-distance climbs so sweet, it is a great viewing angle.

On this hill, you can have a panoramic view of Huayang City. A big river, like a jade, pierced the city and turned to the south. Surrounded by mountains on both sides of the strait, the people of the small town live a leisurely, slow-paced life day after day. Occasionally, a train whistles and whizzes by, and occasionally dots of Upeng boats appear on the river.

Qianmai sat on the big rock at the top of the mountain, facing the gentle mountain breeze, looking out like Daiyuan Mountain. Wu Zi was immersed in his own thoughts, so Peng Chen took pictures around himself.

The beauty of this mountain top was discovered by chance between Qianmai and Ye Xi many years ago.

Regarding the friendship between the two, Ye Xi's self-evaluation is "revolutionary sentiment", and Qianmai's self-evaluation is "intersection in adversity."

The two of them studied together in the third-rate secondary school that only charged students constantly, and together they were thrown into the job market irresponsibly like being splashed with sewage to find a job. It is also renting a house alone away from the family, and it is also a poor salary and a pitiful little salary. Compared with Qianmai's weak and introverted nature, Ye Xi lived a life of ups and downs, protecting Qianmai with the posture of an old hen from beginning to end. In addition to shopping, the two people's common interest is mountain climbing.

The reason is very simple, the breeze, beautiful scenery, air, mountain flowers, green trees, everything here is free.

And this hill was found by the two of them in the fourth year after graduating from technical secondary school.

Ye Xi, is there you in this world? I once visited your hometown secretly, but found nothing. When the host Fang Jin appeared, even if she was just an unreachable stranger, my heart was beating wildly.

Axi, will you follow along? How much I want to continue calling you softly and softly like this, the woman who is as pure as a lotus. You are my only friend in that world. The others are the icing on the cake, and laugh happily when they meet each other. Only Axi, you are the only friend who will cry with me. You said that you regret not going to the doctor. If you go to the doctor, you can concentrate on studying otology until I am cured. You say that love in the world is too hurtful. If there is an afterlife, I will be a woman and you will be a man. Then we will be close to each other and live our lives simply.

But Axi, why haven't you shown up yet? Without your company, I would still not dare to travel long distances to climb this mountain alone. In the past, I used to accompany my brother Yang Gongjian, but today I am a boy you don't even know. After I left, how did you live in that world? After the total solar eclipse, you will come to me in excitement, for me, who missed the beauty of the good day because of looking for a job, write down everything you see over and over on paper.

Having inherited so much love from you, would you blame me for being pessimistic and selfish for a while and moving away from you

Fortunately, I will do it again. I have had a very good life in this world, and I have many close friends. But, Axi, I really really miss you...

Suddenly, a flash of light cut off Qianmai's thoughts. You don't need to raise your eyes to know who else besides Peng Chen.

"Don't shoot people casually, be careful of being sued for infringing portrait rights."

"What are you thinking about, so ecstatic?" His face was full of sadness. Peng Chen also slowly sat down beside him.

"It's nothing. It's been a long time since I climbed such a high mountain. It's just a bit tired. Have you finished the photo?" Qian Mai asked.

"Yeah. I took a lot of pictures. Especially Moon Lake, a tender jasper, complements the mighty Huayang Mountain. The lakes and mountains are unique. If it is developed into a hotel-style resort, the business will definitely be so good."

"No. This is my secret base. It's already very good to let you come." Qianmai categorically refused like defending his possessions. Feeling Peng Chen's interest, he also became cheerful, and the corners of his mouth slowly became a smile.

"Tell you a story."

"Okay. Talk more."

"A long, long time ago, the Jade Emperor had a naughty and cute little daughter who often flew to the world to play and play in a feather suit. One day, when she passed by Huayang, she was immediately attracted by the fantastic scenery here. So she fell down and sang and sang. When I was happiest, I couldn't help taking off Yuyi."

"This situation and this scene happened to be seen by a young man who was amazed, and he felt a sense of admiration. He quietly hid the little fairy’s feather robe, and then walked over with passion. The little fairy panicked and looked for it. Before Yuyi, she was almost crying. When she turned her head helplessly and looked at the approaching boy with her beautiful eyes, she was immediately attracted by the handsome and free temperament of the boy. The two fell in love at first sight and concluded a period. Fairy and vulgar."

"What then? Like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl?" Peng Chen asked.

Hidden Wheat Falls Khan! Before he finished speaking, he guessed it. The first half is clearly a beautiful love story of "you only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals". When I think about it carefully, it really is. Why are all Chinese myths inseparable. This makes me want to continue talking.

"Keep on talking." Peng Chen urged.

He really shot himself in the foot.

Latent wheat had to bite the bullet and go on. As for the content, it is of course abbreviated: "But the good times will not last long. The little fairy's mother, the Queen Mother, became angry and took the Heavenly Soldier and General, and asked the little girl to immediately leave the teenager and follow her back to the Heavenly Palace."

"But the little fairy burst into tears, and begged the queen mother to be fulfilled. But the queen mother was determined, she refused, and ordered the heavenly soldiers to take the little fairy immediately. The little fairy couldn't fight hard, knowing that she was hopeless, she jumped off the cliff. It instantly became a gleaming Moon Lake."

"And the young lang is gone in the sky, and the little fairy has become a lake, and there is no business. Please ask the Wang Mother's mother to turn him into a mountain, live in the world to guard the small fairy. Girl, full of anger and nowhere to come out, so, casting a spell, with a thunderous roar, turned the boy into the mighty and tall Huayang Mountain..."

After speaking a lot of words, he took the mineral water that Peng Chen handed over with a guilty conscience and moistened his throat. Well, she admitted that the more she talked about it later, the more she felt dog blood, almost like a mosquito. But Peng Chen didn't need to shrug his shoulders and laugh. How could he laugh out of such a moving love tragedy? In this way, is he laughing too high, or is he also capable of acting in comedy

"The young Pian Pian in the story is too useless. A man can't even protect his wife." After listening to the story, Peng Chen became a part-time commentator, and it was quite sharp.

Hidden wheat is in the middle of breaking the road. Why is there such a big difference between this person and a person? When Ye Xi listened to her, he said with tears in his nose and tears that if a man felt so affectionate towards her, she would have abandoned everything and risked the world without any regrets.

"Also, the Jade Emperor is really pitiful. Look, his sister played "The Baolian Lantern", and the daughters who have a record include "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl" and "The Fairy Match." The legend has gone even further. Today, there is one more incarnation of the lake you mentioned. I really don’t know how many daughters he has to have to withstand such a toss, and I don’t know if he will be sad to die..."

Seeing someone getting more and more excited, in the eyes of Latent Wheat, a small flame began to squeak.

Finally, before she stopped shouting, Peng Chen slowly stopped the long talk. But he suddenly asked: "Mai, does the Jade Emperor have a son? How come he has never heard of his son visiting the world?"

Qianmai choked silently, praying to the sky. Jade Emperor, if you are angry and want to beat the sky, you must be accurate to the millimeter. I can't hurt the innocent me next to me.

"Let's go, it's almost noon, let's go down the mountain to eat through the trail." Qianmai stood up and walked back first.

"Can't it be eaten on the mountain? Let's pick some wild fruits and vegetables, and then see if we can catch a bird or something and roast it." Peng Chen asked eagerly after catching up.

The martial arts drama is really harmful. Dare to love these people all regard life as a TV series.

"At this time, there are very few ripe fruits and they are not delicious. As for wild vegetables and birds, we don't have any tools. If you can pick them and catch them, we can't handle them." Qianmai explained patiently.

At this time, it seemed that Peng Chen had lost his roots again, and was unexpectedly whimsical.

Seeing his persistent and clear gaze, Qian Mai sighed from the bottom of his heart, and could only raise his hand to surrender. Who told him to be short-handed. After thinking about it a bit, he pointed to the back of the mountain and said: "There is a small village below. Let's go to the farm to eat. Let's go to the farm for a picnic and wait until we bring the tools."

This time, Peng Chen had no ink marks and readily agreed. As a result, the two men trembled and fumbled down the water. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)