Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 128: 133 Under the reward, there must be a brave man


Qianmai is very busy, busy all night long.

Because, two days before the start of school, when she was packing up school supplies, she found a pair of homework lists very sadly that she had missed a line of homework. It's not dead, it's actually the most serious little line: "One diary every day".

OMG, don't look at these small six words, but the words are zhuji, "Kill no blood".

As a result, Qianmai classmate had a cup and lived a lot of years, and for the first time became a negative example of not completing his homework on time.

Outside the window is the moon star sparse. After a busy day, the potential family members are now gathering in the living room to watch TV and chat, happily discussing the beautiful supermarket shelves transported from Yongkang today.

Listening to the laughter and laughter outside, Qian Mai touched her nose, resigned herself to the room, and continued to be her "ascetic monk". Sure enough, we can be very happy when we make jokes about others, but when others or life occasionally turn around and quiet you, it is so maddening.

Qianmai was extremely depressed, scratched his hair, racked his brains, bowed his head and wrote down a date and weather: August 6, 1997, sunny.

After Bala had a few dry and jerky words, he couldn't think of it anymore. So, I started to look at the selected essays at hand. Pray for Qianmai, you must be lucky enough, but never copy it with others.

Thinking of this, she was even more depressed. Throughout the summer vacation, she was so busy and exhausted that she couldn't wait to have three heads and six arms again. But why is it that writing a diary now, making up and adding oil and vinegar, can only pick up so few trivial things.

Do you dare to feel that your summer vacation has become "free and busy"? Depressed~~~ Crazy~~~~~~

"What's the matter? Haven't written it yet?" Yang Yong opened the door with a watermelon and saw the elder daughter's frown and sigh.

Qian Mai reached out his hand to take it, and said softly. Continuing to read the composition selection, I pieced together a small paragraph in my mind, and quickly wrote it down on the workbook.

"You stayed up until two o'clock last night? Don't stay up late anymore, be careful about your body. Just write your diary casually. Would you like Dad to help you write it?" Yang Yong didn't leave immediately after delivering the watermelon, but was rather interested He sat down and turned over the high-piled test papers on the Qianmai book case, but soon he put it down again. Posing his lips, I can't understand.

"You have to put together three to five hundred words in each article. Now that you have started writing, you should do a good job. Otherwise, it would be worthless to go back to school and be criticized by the teacher as a typical negative."

Seeing that nothing was done, Yang Yong thought about it again. Give orders to the outside world: "Little Mo Xiaohai, come here."

"What are you doing?" Thinking there was something good, the two rushed over.

"Take all your composition diaries, and refer to your sister for reference."

Yang Yong opened his mouth and couldn't wait for Qianmai to stop. The two little guys rushed back and presented their respective composition diaries as if they were treasures. Both of them had unprecedented enthusiasm: "Sister, copy me, copy me."

Qianmai couldn't laugh or cry, when did he become such a difficult recipient? You three, you are obviously bored, come in and make trouble for me, right

"I can do it myself, you go out first." Qianmai began to order to chase off the guests.

The three of them touched their noses and continued their hippie smiles. They directly regarded her words as nothing, and just stayed.

"Sister, how many target scores are you preparing for the final exam this semester?" Qian Xiaohai asked. Seeing that Qianmai didn’t speak, so I was struggling to write a book, so I had to report to myself: "I have reached the target score last semester. I want to continue to score 100 points for each subject this semester. You said I can still take the double test. Hundreds?"

"As long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to." Seeing it is not nonsense, Qian Mai took the time to reply him.

Hearing this, as if he had heard the most powerful guarantee, Qian Xiaohai immediately became excited, and confidently fired at Qian Xiaomo: "I just said, I can do it. If I want to fill in, I will fill in the highest score, which is like you. , Only dared to shiver and fill in 90 points."

"You care about me?!" Qian Xiaomo was too lazy to care about the narcissistic male peacock in front of him, and asked himself the latent wheat that he was lying on the desk eating watermelon and scratching his head as an essay: "Sister, how much do you fill this time?"

"You fill in for me, on a 100-point scale, one point more than last year, 96 points per course." Qianmai did not lift his head either.

Qian Xiaohai thought it over, and immediately admired it: "It's great. Six courses... Sister can get 576 yuan. I really want to go to junior high school soon."

Yang Yong took the three target scores written by Qian Xiaomo and looked at it carefully, and was very satisfied with the numbers above. So he cleared his throat and said: "When I go to register tomorrow, the bonus of last semester will be distributed with the tuition. This semester, you will all be promoted to the graduating class. My hope is that Mai can be admitted to the intensive class of high school. Small. Mo Xiaohai also wants to cheer and try to get admitted to the first high school. If your three siblings can join the first high school, it will be the greatest honor in our family’s history. Dad’s promise is that if you can do it, I will buy it for you. computer."

This is an exclusive incentive method created by Yang Yong. In his opinion, under the reward, there must be a brave man. Rather than paying the training fee and going to the back door to spend the wrong money, it is better to spend the money on the children as early as possible. Therefore, in addition to tuition and small pocket money, he also created a score bonus system at home.

That is, before the beginning of each semester, he would ask the three children to write down the target scores they worked hard for this semester, and put the stubs together. When the final exam transcript arrives, if they reach the target score, they can get a bonus of the same amount as the score. If it fails, it is a pity that not only will the bonus be aborted, but it will also be punished to some extent.

Over the past few years, this method has been very effective in potential homes, and it has been used all the time. This year, the three children will be promoted to the graduating class, so he decided to increase his bargaining chip. According to Yang Shun, recently rich families in the city like to buy computers for their children. As long as it is good for learning, you might as well squeeze it and buy one for the children.

However, this bargaining chip is only Yang Yong's wishful thinking. The third sister and brother of Qianjia responded Liao Liao to this.

"Dad, I don't need a computer. If I pass the entrance exam, can you send me a mountain?" Qian Xiaomo took the lead in actively fighting for his own welfare.

Uh? Yang Yong was a little dumbfounded. What does this little girl want to do in the mountains? Now, don't the children avoid farming like snakes and scorpions

Seeing that it is profitable, Qian Xiaohai was unwilling to do so, and hurriedly stated his point: "Dad, I don't need a computer. I hope that I can do paid work in the supermarket on weekends. The newspaper says that foreign students can help their parents wash dishes and work. Yes, and parents will pay them. Let’s do the same, okay? I have too many things I want to buy, such as ice skates, variable-speed bicycles, supercars, "Tetris", "Green Corps", and "Double Dragon" "The Three-Eyed Prodigy"... "

"Stop, stop, what's all this?" Yang Yong was dizzy after hearing this. Does the school teach these messy things now

The two Qians sisters listened and snickered. Qian Xiaohai is a part-time job, it is simply a part of playing games in the name of a part-time job.

Despite the joking eyes of the two sisters, Qian Xiaohai continued to persuade him: "So, Dad, what you sell is too backward. Now that our family has a supermarket, we can’t just sell the little ones in the grocery store. I have something. If you let me work, I will tell you what your classmates like to eat and play. Moreover, I play the flute and understand music, and I know what songs are popular now. If I recommend CDs and tapes to guests from a music perspective, it will be even better. Convincing... "Of course, in this case, I can listen to new songs at any time every day.

Yang Yong listened to this, and he took a while to think about it, and asked Qianmai: "Is this CD and tape easy to sell?"

Qianmai decided to help Qian Xiaohai, and replied: "You can try. Now young people admire Hong Kong and Taiwan pop music very much, and our classmates also like it very much. Xiaohai has been learning music for so long and should be able to grasp the trend of popular music. Let him see the world. The premise is that every quiz must be 98 or more, and the result will be cancelled and the part-time job will be cancelled immediately. You know?"

"Long live sister!" Qian Xiaohai jumped up and happily bounced around the room.

"Sister..." Qian Xiaomo leaned on the back of the chair and gently poked Qian Mai's hand and arm, reminding her sister of her existence in time.

Ok. Let's do it to the end: "Dad, since Xiao Mo likes mountains, let her give her a mountain. It's worthwhile to exchange a mountain for a key school place. Besides, it's always better for girls to have more fixed physical companions. of."

Yang Yong raised his eyebrows and said in a noncommittal way: "This is not in a hurry. I will wait until Xiao Mo is admitted. If you want a mountain, are you afraid of not? We lack everything in Jintian, but there is no shortage of mountains. Now how many people in the village are Zhenger Many people from the Bajing Planting Mountains, Lushan, Hengfeng, and Songshuling have moved to other places, and no one wants those mountains now. If you want to rent or buy, you can buy it for a few thousand dollars."

Latent wheat belly slander, that is their short-sighted. Looking at Qian Xiaomo, who was full of excitement next to him, he snorted and said, "Next, it's up to you. As long as you enter one, you can cash out what you want. Simple, isn't it?"

In Yang Yong's expectant gaze, Qian Xiaomo nodded like garlic.

Considering that a bowl of water needs to be leveled, Yang Yong finally asked his eldest daughter's wishes: "What about wheat, what do you want if you are admitted to the intensive class? Dad will be as satisfied as possible if he can do it."

Qianmai stopped writing, thinking about it for a long time, but his mind was still empty. Yes, I don't lack anything now. Materially, there is no worries about food and clothing. Although it is rough, thin, rice and miscellaneous clothes, with my favorite parents, brothers and sisters, and a group of excellent and kind close classmates, what can I not be satisfied with? Thinking about it this way, I suddenly discovered that my current self is actually a wealthy person who lacks everything.

Thinking of this, Qian Mai smiled happily, and the answer was clear and loud: "Dad, I don't need anything. I just want you to be happy, healthy, disease-free and disaster-free."

Yang Yong was very pleased and pleased to hear that, saying that her daughter is a caring little padded jacket. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it: "Okay, Dad also hopes that you will grow up healthy and happy. Compared with everything, health is the most important thing. So don't stay up too late."

Having said that, he got up and pushed Qian Xiaomo and Qian Xiaohai out, and also Qianmai's quiet study space. When he turned around and brought the door, Qianmai could clearly hear his father muttering: "Isn't the old fifth saying that computers are very advanced things? Why don't my children like them?" (To be continued, if you want to know the future How, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)