Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 129: 134 Brutal Beginning


On September 1, the opening scene of Jintian No. 1 Middle School was truly magnificent.

Today is not only a day for old students to sign up, but also a day for new students to report.

There was a long line of convoys outside the school, and buses and private cars parked everywhere, making the school gate extremely crowded.

The campus is also crowded. The old students were familiar with fetching water and mopping the floor to wipe the glass, and then piles of books were taken from the teaching office and moved to the classroom. The reception area of the freshman class was crowded with parents leading their children. In front of the bulletin board with the list of classes and dormitories posted on the wall, it was even more crowded.

Looking at the chaotic scene before him, Liu Feipeng leaned against the willow tree behind the school gate and whistled boredly. Standing next to her was Nan Weiwei, who was equally bored.

"You said, would Qianmai fall asleep in the car and be driven under Wenzhou?" It was ten o'clock, and Nan Weiwei frowned, thinking in her heart to do this kind of mallet thing at the same table. The probability.

"No. She often walks on this line. It doesn't matter even if she really falls asleep. The driver and follower on the bus will definitely call her. Maybe something is delayed at home, let's wait." Liu Feipeng did not Answered hurriedly, raising his hand and plucking a new willow leaf into his mouth to blow.

"Yeah. I was shocked when I saw the red list this morning. This guy has also improved so fast. I suddenly jumped from 28th to 9th. Teacher Gu praised her fast improvement in the office in the morning. Wait. She knows, her mouth will grin behind her ears."

"Hehe, I think it's normal. Look at when she has worked hard on the exam. When reviewing at the end of last semester, seeing her concentration of energy, I expected it. This is the best, the three of us We all did well in the exams, so we can work harder and enter the intensive high school class. Let us three years of classmates." Liu Feipeng was full of confidence.

Nan Weiwei became hesitant when she heard the words: "Liu Feipeng, I might... Forget it, I haven't finalized it yet, I'll talk to you later."

Liu Feipeng was strange and wanted to ask. At this moment, Yu Guang glanced at a familiar figure coming off the bus, dragging his luggage, and moving towards the school gate with difficulty. Busily patted Nan Weiwei on the shoulder, and the two greeted them together.

"Latent wheat!"


Two loud roars sounded at the school gate like a vegetable market, and then quickly submerged in the noise of traffic. It doesn't seem abrupt at all.

Qian Mai turned his head to the side when he heard the sound. So, what caught Liu Feipeng and Nan Weiwei's eyes was her facial expression that was even more lamentable and blurred than Zhenzi.

So far away, Nan Weiwei was amazed, it's hard to think that this look is not scary. The congested eyes are obviously exhaustion from staying up all night, the puffy eye bags squeezed out many small fine lines, and the moist and tender skin was gradually replaced by dryness.

"Poor baby, why is she so embarrassed as a wilting dog's tail grass after not seeing her in the summer?" After finally squeezing closer, Nan Weiwei opened her arms and gave Qian Mai a big bear hug.

Faced with the unprecedented enthusiasm of the same table, Qian Mai was very overwhelmed: "Let go, it's hot... Huh? How did you cut your hair?"

Nan Weiwei in front of her still had bright eyes and white teeth, and she was still vivid, but her black and shiny hair, which had always been carefully cared for and proud of her, was nowhere to be found.

"Well, it's not bad. The low-key student hair, dotted with rhinestone-studded little orchid hair accessories, matches your face shape and has a more campus atmosphere." Qianmai took Nan Weiwei a closer look. Be habitually commenting.

Nan Weiwei said with a smile, "I want to change my hairstyle after a long time. It saves you from aesthetic fatigue. But you, how do you split the ponytail symmetrically today and wear a brightly colored headband? It feels like a primary school student. "

Qianmai smiled, straightened her long hair, exaggeratedly put on a POSE and said: "This effect is what I want. I want to pretend to be a freshman today and have had a LOLI addiction..."

Nan Weiwei laughed wildly regardless of her image.

Seeing the two girls, can't wait to start a chat on BaLaBaLa at the school gate, Liu Feipeng laughed and laughed. Obviously they came together, so how come I have become a transparent person now. I waited for five minutes. Seeing that the two of them talked more and more excited, they had to step forward and stop them with a loud voice: "Quickly go in. Our class counts you as the latest. We wait for the fourth class to start."

Qianmai only discovered Liu Feipeng at this time, and was shocked: "Wow, why did you become a black charcoal head?"

Isn't it? I didn't see him one summer vacation. Liu Feipeng became stronger and tanned even more. He smiled and white teeth.

Liu Feipeng grinned disapprovingly, and took the luggage and walked towards the bedroom first: "It's okay, I can carry it. Why are you so late today?"

Qianmai has no luggage, and is light, holding Nan Weiwei behind her hand in hand. She is bitter: "Once in a hundred years, invincible, super dog blood, I want to catch my diary overnight..."

The truth is that at three o'clock in the morning today, Qianmai was sleepy and finally completed sixty diaries. Without the pressure of homework, she was relieved and fell asleep. As a result, I overslept as soon as I slept and missed the early train. Anxiously, he rushed to ask Yang Yongqian why Liqin didn't call herself. Both the husband and the wife were innocent. They also called it because they wanted her to sleep a little longer. Fainted!

Qian Mai said sadly, but Liu Feipeng and Nan Weiwei couldn't stop laughing.

Finally, the three of them hurriedly put away their luggage, paid the tuition and fees, received the books, and finally entered the new classroom before the bell rang in the fourth class.

The new classroom is spacious and tidy, with bright and clean windows, and it has obviously been cleaned. The layout is exactly the same as the previous classrooms, except that the floor has been changed to the sixth floor. At this moment, the classmates were sitting or standing in groups, exchanging anecdotes from the summer vacation. The joyful laughter of long-awaited reunion filled the classroom.

In the back row in the middle of the classroom, F3 reunited, and it was rare to sit in position and chat. Shen Zhou put on Erlang's legs, vividly telling his British adventures, with a thick voice that can be heard clearly even by people three miles away.

When Qian Mai came over, the slightly haggard and swollen complexion made the three of them stunned. But then she greeted hello with a bright smile, and slowly returned her heart to the ground.

"Why sit in the middle? Did someone take the corner first?" When they reached the position pointed out by Liu Feipeng and Nan Weiwei, Qian Mai looked reluctantly at the corner that was already full of people.

"Don't you like it? Peng Chen helped occupy our position. This line of sight is the best in the class." Nan Weiwei looked indifferent.

Qianmai squashed his mouth and looked at Peng Chen incomprehensibly. When this person returned to school, he seemed to have changed back to that lukewarm, silent ghost.

Receiving the doubtful electric wave, Peng Chen temporarily turned around from Shen Zhou’s adventures, and gave Qianmai an explanation in a low voice: “I have observed carefully. At the end of the corridor on the sixth floor is the office of the section chief in the third section. Look from that window. Come here, you can have a panoramic view of all the movements in the corner, and you can see it completely."

Qianmai is not stupid, just make it through at one point, and smile in gratitude in return.

Peng Chen is also full of luck: "However, this time the person in front of you is taller, so you may be in some trouble."

"No problem, I like to sit in the back." Qianmai shrugged indifferently, looked around the classroom for a week, and asked strangely: "How come the classmates become more and more strange?"

Nan Weiwei immediately leaned to her ear and revealed the first-hand news: "The county's top 100 at the end of the final exam last time, our school accounted for 58. Therefore, this semester is reclassified and the Olympiad has become 58 classmates. Of our classmates last semester, 12 were out. So it is normal for you to feel unfamiliar."

Qianmai sighed after hearing this, who said that the post-80s Jiao Didi is carefree, we clearly have been brave and brave since childhood. Fight for scores, fight for places in key high schools, fight for a small seat in the Olympian class. On the battlefield without the sale of cigarettes, competition has never been smooth. In this regard, the post-80s are no easier than others.

But Latent Wheat is only half right, because compared with those of pediatrics, the cruelty has just begun.

The bell for the fourth class has rang.

Gu Yawei, wearing a snow-white short-sleeved shirt, with a large stack of white paper under his arm, walked into the new classroom door of the third grade (10) with a face full of spring breeze. After looking around up and down, Gu Yawei smiled with satisfaction at the clean and clean environment and the orderly arrangement. Secretly rejoicing in my heart, bringing the Olympics is different, these trivial matters do not need him to worry about.

"Students, the happy summer life has ended. Next, everyone will get back to business. The timetable has been sent out, and classes will start in the afternoon. You are not allowed to miss any of your self-study in the evening."

"Hey!" Regardless of whether they are familiar or unfamiliar, the whole class sighed in unison. Very disappointed with the first news from Gu Yawei, can't the efficiency of the teachers in this school slow down a bit

Gu Yawei seemed to enjoy the helpless sigh of the classmates: "I understand the feeling of going to school like going to the grave, but from now on, you must always remember that you are already a graduating class. A summer vacation has passed. , Junior High School, you are the bosses. The boss should look like the boss, so when you listen to it, you will sigh and sigh as a boss."

Gu Yawei's words are not shocking, and the whole class is in an uproar. A series of "boss" made this class, which boys accounted for 85%, completely boiled over.

Qian Mai glanced at the rising sentiment in the classroom, and then looked at Gu Yawei, who was rich in ten facial expressions, and thought, this is Gu Yawei’s unique personal charm. It only takes a few words and a few expressions to stir up the atmosphere. It's scorching fire.

Gu Yawei chased after Sheng, and continued his efforts to add a spoon to the fire: "This year's high school entrance examination, the city’s top ten, our school accounted for two. This year's college entrance examination, the city's liberal arts champion was in our high school. The glorious achievements of the predecessors have already There. It is pressure and motivation. Next, it depends on whether you can carry on with the past and achieve better results. Today, the elites in the third grade are concentrated here. I ask you, do you have the confidence to surpass them?"

"Yes!" The boys are full-blooded, and the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

"Very good." Gu Yawei smiled with satisfaction again: "Your magnificent goal, our school firmly supports. Now I announce that the school will give you additional lessons for free..."

"Don't..." The people who were coaxed into a silly voice heard it, and the blood immediately froze into ice, and they protested again and again. Among them, Shen Zhou, who is especially "high-ranked and bold", screamed loudest.

The so-called "catch the thief first capture the king", Gu Yawei knew this well, and looked around the classroom again, and saw that most of the classmates were in a stable mood, just verbally following them.

So Shi Shiran walked towards Shen Zhou, grabbed a stack of papers on the desk, and utterly beaten his head and face: "I let you protest, I let you protest. This whole class is the least qualified to protest! For the final exam, Ji Jinping from the foreign language school is tied with you..."

This is "the depth of love, the cut of responsibility". Although he was a lover, Gu Yawei punished Shen Zhou in public, but he was not merciless at all. The strange thing is that this has made a lot of boys jealous for some reason. Everyone swept their envious eyes, as if they wished Yawei would punish him at this moment.

Qianmai quietly watched the farce of the teachers and students in front of him, and rolled his eyes boredly. The world was really upside-down and crazy.

Gu Yawei carried out the final scores, and Shen Zhou knew that he was at a loss and only had a dent. After a few moments, he obediently surrendered. At this point, Gu Yawei "killed the chicken to show the monkey" and fully received the expected effect. With a big wave, the study committee member went up and handed out the blank paper he had brought to everyone.

Obstacles have been removed. So Gu Yawei walked safely and said loudly: "Now I announce the school's decision on the Ossay Class this semester. Students with good brains have listened carefully, students with bad brains will write them down carefully, and students with unintelligible brains. Pack your bags and leave as soon as possible."

"First, this semester must complete all the courses in the third year of the junior year, and all the time in the next semester will be devoted to review. Second, except for one class every week in sports, music, and art, all other minor subjects will be cut. Third, the existing two evenings Self-study, all changed to regular classes. Of course, the school respects the students’ desire for self-study, so two more self-study classes have been added deliberately at the end. You can’t fall in love with it, as long as you feel that you are good enough. Go home and sleep. As long as you can get good grades, our teacher has no opinion at all."

"The teacher has no opinion, but we have an opinion..." Some students muttered unwillingly. It's not that I'm afraid of being tired or of going to class. I just instinctively hate being filled with books as a duck.

Gu Yawei automatically blocked the following hum, and announced loudly: "The last one, all classes will be held on Sundays..."

"Howl..." The whole class suddenly transformed into wolves, wailing collectively.

After announcing all the iron fist policies, Gu Yawei was relieved. This time, he did not stop the students from venting their emotions. He just smiled and said: "The onomatopoeic words used by the students are very vivid and vivid. I will praise one first. But if you want to'howl', you will all'howl' in the classroom. Be brave in spirit. Don’t go out and shout, let alone cry in front of the media and say you can’t stand it. If you get out as early as possible, we don’t need such a cowardly person in the Olympics. If you say, under the care of teachers and parents, you even I can't stand the small winds and waves of the high school entrance examination. After that, I will face the big winds and waves of life alone with my bare hands, and I will not have to get down like a tortoise."

Haha, they have all risen to the height of "life and destiny". If you don't know anything about it, you will become the culprit who is irresponsible to yourself. The students touched their noses and looked at the "Statement" issued by the study committee. To the effect, the students participated in the evening self-study and the Sunday "Interest Group Training" completely voluntarily. The training and guidance provided by the teacher in the third stage of the junior high school is completely free.

Qianmai doesn't matter, he signed it without saying a word. It's relieved to think about it from a different standpoint. These days the students are delicate, and the school has nowhere to complain. The enrollment rate is low, and parents, folks, and BBS are screaming. The curriculum burden is heavy, and newspapers and public opinion have to catch the typical and call "burden reduction." Under the two-headed blow, in the summer vacation, No. 1 Middle School dare not make up lessons publicly. I can only wait for the beginning of the school year, and start the class under the name of "Interest Group Training."

Which of the classmates of the third grade (10) class was not screened out after a series of battles. After venting, everyone quickly accepted the facts. A quarter of an hour later, all the "Declaration Letters" were signed and submitted to Gu Yawei.

Gu Yawei was very satisfied, waved his hand, and was about to disband. At this moment, the BP machine suddenly sounded in the classroom. So, holding the large stack of "Declaration", Gu Yawei couldn't help staying with the opportunity to educate.

"After a summer indulgence, everyone seems to be a little unfamiliar with their student status. Here, I once again remind everyone to'return to nature' as soon as possible. From the afternoon, BP, MP, game console, rooster, hen , Put them all in order for me, otherwise one will be confiscated. Old friends, children, boyfriends, girlfriends, book friends, netizens, also put them aside for me. Your task now is to cut off outside interference. learn, learn and learn!"

There was a roar of laughter in the classroom several times, and BP owner Zhu Shoubin had already been blushing and hiding behind the book, and Gu Yawei walked out of the classroom contentedly. In the end, he kindly closed the door for everyone and said: "No one is stopping you now, so please'howl' as much as you want..."

"Howl..." Before he was finished, the angry roars of wolves resounded in the classroom again, hoarse and stern... Author, support genuine reading!)