Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 16: 016 First lesson


"Xiao, Xiaoerlang, carrying a schoolbag to school, not afraid of the sun or the wind and rain..."

On September 3rd, Qianmai put on a patchwork schoolbag, carrying a small handbag with boiling water, and bounced out of the house. Qian Liqin was going to send her daughter to school, but Qian Mai declined, so she had to perform the "Eighteen Phases" in just a few steps.

After going out of the small door, Qian Xiaofen was still holding a bowl for breakfast in the corridor, then turned around and went into the room of Qian's grandparents and informed the two elders. Qian's grandfather was opening a window in the grocery store. Qian's grandmother touched Qian Mai's head and told something like "Be attentive in class and listen to the teacher." When Qian Xiaofen came over with schoolbags on his back, the two of them walked out the door arm in arm.

Before I thought about it, I simply went out and had a sequel. Before Qian Xiaofen Qianmai took a few steps, Lan Meier's shout came from behind, asking them to wait a while and go to school with Qian Xiaojun. Yes, the two of them walked back to the gate of the courtyard.

At this time, groups of three or five students had passed by on the highway, muttering and laughing all the way, talking about new and interesting things in the summer vacation. There are also mischievous boys, chasing each other and playing around, "suddenly" a gust of wind blew past the door of Qian's house. Some children greeted Qian Xiaofen from time to time. It must be a former classmate. Qian Xiaofen's face fell silent, and he replied a few words melancholically, and finally couldn't help but yelled into the yard: "Brother Xiaojun, have you eaten well yet?"

"Come, here." Another whirlwind rolled out of the courtyard, Qian Xiaojun's mouth was filled with rice, and he was chewing hard. Qian Xiaofen gave him a white look, turned his head and walked forward first, Qian Mai hurriedly followed. Qian Xiaojun wiped his lips and caught up with them in a few strides. Today he was ordered to be the bodyguard for his two cousins.

The school has already boiled into one, chattering, hilarious, high-decibel greetings, and from time to time there are "popping" sounds of desks and chairs colliding. Qian Xiaojun escorted the two cousins to the first grade position, then turned around and walked to the upstairs classroom. Someone had already greeted him far away.

The corridors of the first-grade classroom were full of people, all the parents of new students who were worried about their children going to school on the first day, gathering together to inquire about the situation. It's not just "women who travel thousands of miles to worry about mothers". Even at the distance of a few hundred meters, parents and family members are worried. Qian Xiaofen calmly Gu Zi entered Class (2) for a year. Qianmai avoided the parents, moved a few steps forward, and found a place to sit down after entering class (1) for a year. Feeling a little lucky, I secretly stuck out my tongue again, shouldn't, shouldn't.

I looked around and saw that the classroom was almost full. The children were very excited and a little bit shy on the first day of school. They sat down and flipped books under the watch of their parents outside the window. Latent Wheat is a bit depressed. After coming to Nanjiang Village for so long, apart from relatives, she seems to have never met any acquaintances. If the villagers of Nanjiang Village are not familiar with Qianmai anyway, they should feel unfamiliar. But it doesn't make sense that even teachers and classmates are unfamiliar, and Qianmai, no matter how introverted and silent, still has an impression of the teachers and classmates who get along day and night. Why didn't he even see the shadow of half an acquaintance

At eight o'clock exactly, the class bell rang. The school gradually calmed down, and the parents outside the window slowly stopped talking. Lan Yifeng walked in with a young man and was quite satisfied to see that the students were sitting obediently in their positions.

Lan Yifeng cleared his throat and said to the class in Jintian dialect: "Classmates, welcome everyone to Nanjiang Township Central School. Starting today, you are the first grade primary school students. My name is Lan, you can call me Teacher Lan, I’m your class teacher and I also teach you Chinese.” Then he pointed to the man standing next to him, “This is Teacher Tan and teaches you math. This year I have just been assigned from Longquan Normal University. Teacher Tan does not speak Jintian dialect. , So you must work hard to learn Mandarin."

Next, Lan Yifeng explained the situation. Because the timetable has not yet come out, she and Tan Xiangyang will freely arrange today's class. The main thing in the morning is to arrange the seats. She and Tan Xiangyang stood in the aisles on both sides, and asked the girls to line up at her side, and the boys to line up at Tan Xiangyang.

With an order, the children rushed to the two teachers holding their schoolbags. Some of them dropped their books, some hit people, some hit desks and chairs, some protested, and some shouted friends. "Papa" the pot exploded in the classroom, and even the parents outside became anxious. I was surprised that some girls stood on the wrong team, and some boys squeezed into the girls team, causing the parents to burst into laughter. Lan Yifeng Tan Xiangyang couldn't laugh or cry, and corrected them one by one. The children lined up because their height is uneven, and they have to be adjusted carefully one by one. The parents outside the house have their eyes wide open. Who doesn't want their children to sit in the front row.

Qian Mai glanced at it and found it in his heart. With his height, he couldn't run out of the first row. Simply carrying school bags and handbags came to the forefront of the line. Wait and wait, the hands that carry the school bag are numb, and the water in the handbag is drunk, the team has not finally finished. It is nothing more than parents who feel that their children can be a little bit forward. Some little girls and boys desperately hold the hands of their familiar partners, and have to sit together and so on.

"Ah!" Qian Mai opened his mouth and couldn't help but yawned, and blinked his eyes and fell asleep. Suddenly, the figure of his mother Qian Liqin ran into his eyes, holding Qian Xiaohai's little tail in his hand.

Qian Liqin wanted to laugh when she looked at her daughter's veteran presence and irrelevant appearance. She was so worried at home that she hurried over after finishing the housework. Why is this kid not nervous at all

Qian Xiaohai also saw her sister. He was still asleep when her sister left in the morning. At this moment, he saw his eyes shine brightly. Qian Mai saw him, waved to him with a smile, and made a face unscrupulously. Amused Qian Xiaohaiwo giggled in Qian Liqin's arms. The person next to me asked Qian Liqin amusedly: "Is that your daughter?" Qian Liqin responded, and asked him, "Where is your child?" Haw murmured again.

Finally, I was able to sit down, and Qianmai was assigned to the first row of the first group next to the corridor door. Outside, Qian Liqin put Qian Xiaohai on the open window sill, while chatting with others, while looking at Qian Xiaohai.

Qian Xiaohai grabbed the iron window pole in his hand while calling his sister. Seeing that the two teachers were still busy arranging seats for the students behind, Qian Mai Mai couldn't help but teased Qian Xiaohai: "Why are you here?"

Qian Xiaohai: "I came to see my sister."

Qianmai: "You can watch it when you go home?"

Qian Xiaohai tilted his head for a moment, then said, "I'm afraid my sister can't find the way home."

Qian Mai frowned and looked at Qian Xiaohai wateryly: "I'm so touched."

Unexpectedly, Qian Xiaohai was silent this time, and two suspicious red clouds floated on his face. Hey, I'm still shy. In fact, what Qian Mai said was true. When Qian Liqin suddenly came over, she was surprised, but she was more moved.

Finally, all the seats were arranged. Lan Yifeng's throat was a little dumb. She let the students quietly and said, "Today's seats are arranged according to height. Students with special circumstances. The teacher will adjust it later. Every week, the students' seats are arranged. They will always be rotated inside, which is good for eyesight.” This is to explain to the students, and even to the parents outside the window. The kids are so good to teach these days, but the parents are difficult to deal with.

Finally, the first lesson of Qianmai, which is like a vegetable market, is over!