Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 19: 0 and 1


There will be Tan Xiangyang's math class in the afternoon.

After the bell rang, Tan Xiangyang took the textbook and walked into the classroom quickly. In white clothes and black trousers, his hair was meticulously combed, and Tan Xiangyang attached great importance to the first class of formal work.

Squad leader Sun Hongmei yelled "Stand up" loudly. The classmates heard that Lingling got up, her body stretched straight, her hands tightly pressed against the trousers. Everything is as perfect as the morning practice. Except that Lin Miao got up too much, knocked over a stool, and smashed the back table with Zheng Fuyu's howl like a pig.

After the teachers and students greeted each other, Zheng Fuyu gave Lin Miao a fierce look, muttered a few words, and immediately greeted the "caring" eyes of monitor Sun Hongmei and disciplinary committee member Yang Chao. These two guys first destroyed the perfect salute ceremony hosted by Sun Hongmei for the first time in her life, and then challenged Yang Chao's dignity of the Disciplinary Committee member in the first class. It's a good day to be bored.

In this case, Tan Xiangyang did not notice the turbulent waves in the classroom. He wrote a beautiful line of writing "The Formation of Numbers" on the blackboard.

Good words, fine fonts, well-proportioned intervals, concise and clear. Qian Mai said repeatedly in his heart, he can't write, but at any rate he still knows the goods. At this moment, a sentence suddenly appeared in my mind: "Gentleman Qianqian, gentle and moist as jade." I thought, is it just the words and people like Teacher Tan

Tan Xiangyang began to give a lecture: "Hello classmates, today is the first math class in your life, and it is also the first math class when I officially embarked on the job. It is of great significance to us."

"Mathematics is a smart subject, known as'the gymnastics of the mind.' The students will ask, how does this gymnastics work? The teacher will tell you slowly in the future. The students will also ask, have you learned the math? What's the use? This one has to start from the ancient times..." Then came the introduction of primitive social behaviors such as Chase carving wood counting, knotting accounting, and measuring land.

Tan Xiangyang's content is too esoteric for rural primary school students who have never attended kindergarten. Qianmai didn't know if the other students understood it, anyway, she was able to hear it with enthusiasm.

Then Mr. Tan talked about the two numbers "0" and "1" respectively.

He wrote big "0" and "1" on the blackboard and asked his classmates what they looked like.

Although the children don't understand Teacher Tan's Mandarin, but a few simple sentences are still okay. So the discussion started, Tan Xiangyang calmed them down, and asked them one by one.

Sun Hongmei said: "'0' is like a wheel, and '1' is like a pole."

Li Xianjun said: "'0' is like biscuit, '1' is like soda."

Ye Haiwei said: "'0' is like a basketball, and '1' is like a bamboo pole."

Qian Mai said: "'0' is like an egg, and '1' is like chopsticks." In fact, Qian Mai has a ready-made answer: "0" is a small experience, and "1" is a small attack. Quack, I'm a good boy, how dare you say it. …

After that, Tan Xiangyang also said a lot, one of which deeply touched the heartstrings of Qianmai.

Tan Xiangyang said: "The original meaning of '0' is no. In a basketball game, the initial score is 0:0, which means that neither side has scored a goal. If one side scores 1 goal, it will be 1:0. I am very happy. He likes an athlete, his name is Xu Haifeng. Before him, no one had ever won an Olympic gold medal in Chinese history. This was a "0". In 1984, he won the first Olympic gold medal in China’s history, which is a "1". With "1", then there will be "2", "3", "4", and "5". So, students, '0' is the starting point and '1' is the beginning. You are now in school. It means to start from '0', learn little by little from now on, accumulate day by day, and make progress year by year. One day you will become useful talents to society!"

Tan Xiangyang spoke passionately and talked dryly. The classmates sat obediently, and followed Teacher Tan's words in their mouths. But most of them are stunned by "0", "1", "1" and "0". Obviously they are the familiar "0" and "1", which together are like listening to the heavenly scriptures.