Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 23: 023 is calling


Latent wheat "unwinds" in a burst of passionate melody.

There was no warning in the sky, the rhythmic and powerful "Singing the Motherland", she was taken aback and thought something was wrong. It took a long time to react: It turned out to be a long-awaited broadcast. Still Qian Xiaohai was clever, and immediately ran to the grocery store inviting credit to report to Qian's grandparents: "Call, call."

Immediately afterwards, there was a tick to pull the light rope from the grocery store, and sure enough, the soft light immediately flooded the room. The voices of Qianjia's grandma and passers-by were also faintly heard outside: "There is electricity tonight."

The person also replied, "Well, there is electricity tonight, it came in time."

In that room, Sister Lan also said to Qian Songyu in the yard, "Songyu, I called in the evening."

Qian Songyu also replied: "Yes, the wires are pulled into the main room at night, and I can process them for a while. There has been a lot of work these days."...

Haha, dare to feel that Nanjiang's greeting today is no longer the usual "have you eaten?", but "call."

In the cordial news broadcast of the county by the radio host, Qianmai finished feeding the pigs and stood on the threshold to turn on the light. Under the faint reflection of forty rays of light, everything is hazy, but it is better than nothing. Although the kerosene lamp is classic, after smelling it for a long time, no one will miss the electric lamp. Humans are such strange creatures. They miss the flickering old times when they are in modern times, but when they really walk into the old times, they start to miss the convenient and fast modern times. Looking out from the small kitchen window, the night is shining, and the green mountain has become a black silhouette. But tonight, the villages under the darkness of night no longer belong to the same "Ji". Every household has a dizzy yellow light. In addition to the croaking of frogs and insects, there is also a high-decibel roar of machines nearby.

Latent wheat scooped a scoop of water into the pot, and leftovers for dinner are leftovers for cooking porridge. When the pot opened, Yang Yongqian Liqin came back with burdens. The first words that the couple put down their burdens were coincidentally: "Is there a call?" Shirley smiled in his heart, and the lights were on at home. Is this unclear

The couple were very happy to see that the pigs had cooked porridge after feeding the latent wheat. Especially Qian Liqin, who had been tired in the field for a day, and his bones seemed to be scattered when he returned home. But the old and the small at home couldn't count on it, and had to gritted his teeth these years. Now when I got home, I suddenly had a bowl of hot porridge, and I couldn't help but feel hot in my heart. It's not that my daughter is so capable. In an ordinary family in the countryside, which seven-year-old daughter does not help with washing and cooking. It was only half a month before and after the child came back that he knew he was considerate. It's like the daughter of He's family in the west of the village. She escaped family planning and put it in other people's house for two years, and took it home for more than a year. She has not yet called her parents. I was worried about this before, but now it seems to be completely unnecessary.

The couple wiped their faces casually and sat down to drink porridge without changing their clothes. Qian Liqin drank and discussed with Yang Yong: "Today is considered to have moved all the sweet potatoes home. Tomorrow, we have to knock the slabs on the tree home. The day after tomorrow, we have to take advantage of the good weather and hurry. Beat back the rice in the field."

Yang Yong nodded: "I'll sort out the granary later. I have a call today, and I will pick it up to the rice mill to grind all the remaining grain. You prepare the baskets and snakeskin bags, and you will hit the slab millet tomorrow."

Qian Liqin said: "I got it." After thinking about it, he said to Qianmai: "Now it’s busy with farming and there is a lot of work at home. Our fields are far away from the village. Your dad and I will have one day when we go. Starting tomorrow, you will eat at noon at your grandparents’ house. I will say yes to them, and I will come back to help feed the pigs at that time. I won't be back in the middle of me. You have to be good during this time."

Qian Wheat nodded and agreed. Yang Yong also felt that his daughter was very good, and he took chopsticks to her and said, "I will eat some sweet potatoes today. During this time, there will be no electricity for rice milling, so I need to save some food. When the call comes in the evening, my father will go for rice milling. From now on, we will not eat sweet potatoes every day."

Qianmai was in tears, hungry god, it turned out that the power outage caused me to eat sweet potatoes for so long. Electricity is good, electricity is wonderful, and electricity is more convenient. At least rice can become rice, so we can have white rice!