Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 27: 027 Good and good


Blue sky, green mountains. On Monday, Qian Mai and Qian Xiaofen went to school happily.

Because they live close to each other, parents and students are not afraid to be late. When the two wandered into the classroom, the students arrived early. The children who have just acquainted with each other are very happy when they meet each other, and they are happily making gestures to say interesting things. There were also children who followed the teacher's instructions and started reading as soon as they entered the door.

Qianmai walked to his seat and sat down. Today is the day to change seats in order. Her current position is the first row of the second group, which happens to be next to the podium. Front and rear left are old neighbors: on the left is the same table Li Meijun, behind is Zou Baiqiong and health commissioner Chen Zuping. Qian Mai paid special attention to the right side, and the person sitting across the aisle was clearly the cultural and entertainment commissioner Ruan Huihui.

Because Lan Yifeng had already said hello last week and wanted to dictate, now the classmates are working hard to read. Qian Xiaomai greeted the old neighbors, but he didn't reply at all.

In the first Chinese class, Lan Yifeng disrupted six single vowel dictations, and waved a red pen to shabu Shabu Shabu in a few minutes before correcting it. It was announced on the spot that all the 37 students in the class had full marks except for five students who did not write correctly.

The class is boiling like boiling water. The first one hundred points in my life. Can you not get excited

It's just that Latent Wheat can't get excited. She knew that there must be herself in those five people. When dictating, she made a mistake deliberately. She was almost low-key when she wanted to take the test, but she was low-key and got the limelight when she didn't think about it. Is it because you are clever and mistaken by cleverness, or is it that children nowadays are so smart that they eat organic rice? Latent wheat is depressed.

Lan Yifeng clicked on the names of those five classmates, unexpectedly Li Meijun was one of them. When Lan Yifeng was calling, don't have a deep glance at the pair of girls close to the podium table. No one in Li Meijun’s family could teach him something wrong, but it’s unreasonable for the children of the old potential family to dictate even simple single vowels. Maybe it's because I'm young and playful and I didn't remember it well, so I have to keep an eye on it later.

Baiqiong Zou, who was at the back table, leaned forward with a smile: "How could you two make a mistake? Such a simple word, I will do it all at once."

"Yes, yes, I will write it two or three times." Chen Zuping said in conjunction.

"Qianmai, Li Meijun, I will teach you after school." A large group of students around also followed.

Lan Yifeng was very happy to see that the students were so enthusiastic about helping students with poor grades, and said: "Students must help each other in the future. If you have good grades, you must help those with poor grades, so everyone can make progress together. Know Yet?"

"I know~ Dao~" The 37 ducks quacked loudly, attracting all the teachers from the next class.

After finishing the ideological education, Lan Yifeng didn't let the five students who hadn't dictated well, and ordered each of them to bring a book and copy it three times on the blackboard.

Qianmai took the textbook and stood up. At the same table, Li Meijun's eyes were filled with tears, sitting on the bench in a daze, still not recovering from the blow of falling horse.

Difficult sister, difficult sister!

Qianmai pushed her, and the two of them went up together. Good deed, the other three dejected people are all boys. That being said, if Li Meijun dictated a hundred points today, he would be really unique on the blackboard. Good risk~~Good risk~~

After five people came down, Lan Yifeng emphasized something like "studying must work hard, be conscious, and not be lazy." In the end, I raised my hand to look at my watch, and there was still some time, so I asked casually: "What did you do at home during your vacation? Raise your hand and talk about it!"

Shabu-shabu-shabu, the tender little hands under the podium were raised into a piece.

Sun Hongmei: "I cleaned my room."

Li Xianjun: "I followed my brother to the mountains and hit a load of firewood."

Ruan Huihui: "I learned a nice song."

Chen Zuping: "I went to harvest rice, and I played five big baskets."

The classroom burst into laughter instantly: "Haha, bragging. That's your mom and dad cut it."

Qian Mai also laughed loudly for gleeful misfortune, and suddenly had an idea and raised his hand.

Under his eyelids, Lan Yifeng saw it by himself. He said in his heart: "This kid didn't have a full score in his dictation just now, and he is smiling so brilliantly at this moment. He is so young that he really doesn't know how sad it is." He also named her.

Qian Mai stood up and said softly: "Mr. Lan, I saw Zou Baiqiong herding cattle on Sunday. He not only helped her family herding cattle, but also helped my family pick up millet. My family members are very grateful to him."

Lan Yifeng didn't expect that Qianmai was talking about her own business, so she asked Zou Baiqiong, "Is it true?"

Zou Baiqiong stood up and replied, "Yes. But her mother also gave me a lot of slabs."

Lan Yifeng nodded and said with a smile; "My classmates, now it’s busy farming. In addition to studying hard, we also have to listen to the parents to help the family. We must not only have good academic performance, but also be obedient and behave well. Good boy. Especially like Zou Baiqiong, he not only helped her family herding cattle, but also helped Qianmai’s family pick up millets. This spirit of helping others is worth learning for all of us. Everyone applauds Zou Baiqiong, okay?"

"Okay!" There was an overwhelming applause in the classroom, which could not be stopped for a long time.

Zou Baiqiong smiled happily, but the red clouds on the roots of his ears swish all over his face. In fact, he had seen Latent Wheat early that day. The little girl in the front row hadn't talked to her yet in school. Seeing her shackled on the small slope and the ground, she was as stupid as her brother. To pick up a slab millet, you have to smooth the grass slowly. Putting a slab millet is as careful as putting a glass bottle. There are not as many people picking up as there are below. Originally, I just wanted to watch the excitement, but she didn't expect that she called herself. Originally ran over to laugh at her, but somehow helped her family pick up Bansu. I just made fun of her, but she did not expect that she reported it to the teacher, and the teacher praised herself. Hehe.

Qian Mai also slapped his small palm so that it hurts. He tilted his head to look at Zou Baiqiong, and said in his heart: "Boy, I can retaliate with virtue."