Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 44: 045 Pick up leaks


Qianmai doesn't know how to define and distinguish urban and rural schools in education management. But Qianmai absolutely knows that urban schools will not have the teaching practice of picking up tea seeds.

In late autumn, the farmers have moved to citrus fields. Nanjiang Township School picked up a sunny day as usual, and the whole school sent out to pick up tea seeds and missed it. One year (1) class was assigned to a low mountain closest to the village.

The mountain was very quiet at first, only the soft wind drifted across the cheeks, and the leaves with the branches were like colorful butterflies dancing in the sky. A group of elementary school students walked in line, stepping on the thin fallen leaves, making a faint "rustle" sound. But with a "start" order, Dashan suddenly became noisy.

Some of the children went into the heart of the mountain in groups of three or five, some spread their feet and ran all over the hills, some held their hooks and looked up their heads looking for tea seeds that had been missed by the farmers, and even boys were like wild shapes. The monkey, swaying over the strong and tough Camellia oleifera tree, swayed past as if walking on the ground. When being naughty, I did not forget to secretly shoot the tea seed fruit and "shoot" the students who were in a low position, which caused a burst of scolding and beating each other. The warm sun shines through the luxuriant leaves of the trees, like scattered gold scattered on the ground. The scene is so beautiful that people gradually forget the fact that the wild environment is not "peaceful".

What broke the laughter was Ruan Huihui's scream. At that time, the nearby Qianmai was sitting among the branches of the Camellia oleifera tree, intoxicated, and turned his head when he heard the sound. What he saw was Ruan Huihui sitting in the grass, holding his legs and crying, and there was a wave of grass swaying away. sound. No, I hope the hunch is not true. "What's wrong, Ruan Huihui?"

Ruan Huihui's sobbing voice trembled: "... Snake..."

"Hurry up and call the teacher." Qian Maimai yelled at Shanzuo Sun Hongmei, jumped off the branch, and raised her trousers with a sword step. Two obvious tooth marks on the top of the ankle were shining with dark and purple blood.

poisonous! Qianmai's first reaction was to hurriedly tore off the red head rope, which actually tightened the top of Ruan Huihui's knee joint. The wound quickly swelled, and he couldn't squeeze the wheat out, and it took a while for some black blood to squeeze out.

Ruan Huihui's face was as white as paper and her limbs were paralyzed. She was so scared that she had forgotten the pain. She asked Qianmai incoherently: "Woo...I...will I die?"

"No, this snake is not venomous." Qianmai insisted, without raising his head, he continued cruelly. Damn it, no knives and no water. Fortunately, at this time, Tan Xiangyang was the first to rush over. Upon seeing this, he quickly removed the keychain from his belt, opened the small scissors, and made a few cuts in Ruan Huihui's wound. Hands kept squeezing the wound from top to bottom.

"It was bitten by a belly snake. I'm going to look for wild water spinach (Houttuynia cordata)." Qianmai threw a word to Tan Xiangyang and ran away.

The greatest talent of the peasant family is to cherish the things in the mountains. Qianmai light car and Shulu found oval wild spinach in the wet part of the ditch, randomly selected a handful, grabbed a small stone and mashed it. When he held it over, seeing the blood squeezed out of the wound turned red, he couldn't help but sigh.

After the two of them tied the wild Liao Cai with a handkerchief to the wound, Lan Yifeng arrived with the doctor and Ruan Huihui's father. The doctor turned over the wound, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Ruan Huihui's father behind him: "Your daughter is very lucky today, thanks to this teacher and classmates who are urgently rescued, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Finally, he turned back to Lan. Yifeng said: "Autumn Snake is fierce. It hasn't started hibernating yet, so I will take the students back soon."

Finally, Ruan Huihui, who lost the seven souls of the three souls, cried unscrupulously in her father's arms, but what she said made everyone fall through their glasses: "Dad, I can't participate in the day after tomorrow's autumn harvest."