Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 46: 047 unfortunately


After all the grains entered the warehouse and the seeds were put in the fields, the lunar calendar was lightly snowy, and Yang Yong’s clothes were completely new. He brought the watch that was usually locked in the drawer, picked up two big sacks full of scallops, and set off on the way. Huayang's small four rounds.

However, Yang Yong's destination is not Huayang, Huayang is just a transit point. He was going to Dongyang County in the neighboring city, which was the famous ginseng medicinal material trading center in southwestern Zhejiang. Every year after finishing his farm work, Yang Yong would go to Dongyang to approve some small-cost nourishing medicinal materials such as ginseng, gastrodia, dangshen, and wolfberry. The cost of buying the goods is the money obtained from the disposal of Bansu.

Unfortunately, as soon as the sun showed half of his face in shame, someone came to look for Yang Yong.

There were three people who came here, and Qianmai recognized them as the mayor of Nanjiang Township, Comrade Ruan, the father of Ruan Huihui, and the village head of Sun Hongmei's father. The mayor and Qian's grandfather were already familiar with each other. Ruan Huihui's father and Sun Hongmei's father also obviously recognized the Qianmai who brought the tea and nodded with her with a smile. A group of people exchanged greetings about their children's situation for a while before entering the topic.

The head of the township took a sip of tea, cleared his throat and opened his head: "Old Qian, experts from the county came to build a TV tower yesterday. After carefully observing the geographical situation of Nanjiang Village, they made calculations and agreed that your family It’s the best location to stay on the top of the mountain. Our township leader looked at the mountain right registration form, and your family wrote your son-in-law’s name. So today, we came over to ask him for his opinion. If we agree, we Go through the formalities."

Although Qianjia's grandfather had heard about it, he was still surprised that this happened so quickly, and said hurriedly, "This is good news. But it's really unfortunate. The kid's father went out to do a small business, and he just left early this morning. How to do it?"

The head of the township, Comrade Ruan and the village head were unlucky after listening to Lian Dao. After a long silence, they discussed for a while, and finally came up with a compromise and said to the potential family: "Do you think this will work? The second construction of the TV tower is to implement the relevant spiritual regulations of the city, and there is no way to wait. Your family lets the workers start to build the tower, okay? Compensation, according to the unified regulations of the county, the break will not be short. It’s yours. As for signing and going through the formalities, let’s wait for your son-in-law to come back to deal with it. Everyone has a relationship with the old neighbors for so many years, so talkative and trustworthy. How

Grandpa Qian Jia put on reading glasses, read the red-headed document carefully, and agreed before long: "This TV tower is also tantamount to benefiting the locals. Since the experts are optimistic about the position, then our family should take care of it. Cooperate."

Seeing that it was done, the mayor slapped the table boldly and said with a red light, "That's great. We immediately notify the relevant departments and start the tower construction project. I believe it will not be long before the people of Nanjiang Township will be able to see it." TV."

The three of them didn't stay too much, and left after the negotiation.

On this day, Qian Liqin's face is always full of smiles, and she is very energetic in everything. Suddenly more than 500 yuan was added to the family’s account. This is an astronomical figure for my family. Can you be unhappy? So, I asked the Qianjia brother and sister with a good temper: "What do you brother and sister want? When your father comes back and collects the money, my mother will buy it for you."

Qian Xiaohai jumped three feet high, dancing with joy: "I want a TV set, which is exactly the same as the village chief's house. I want to watch cartoons every day."

Qianmai couldn't help but curl his lips at the little guy, and said lightly: "I'll want more paper and pens."

Qian Liqin said and laughed at Yan Yan: "Okay, okay, okay, mom will buy everything for you."