Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 54: 055 gaffe


Inevitably, the tense atmosphere in the village spread to the school.

Sun Hongmei and Ruan Huihui stood on Qianmai’s side with great loyalty, and many of their classmates were only looking forward to their heads, and they spread word of mouth: "I won't play with her anymore, I want her to break friendship." Wait, so Li Meijun just Suddenly I was isolated by the children.

Hehe, this is the typical catchphrase of a little girl. Qianmai couldn't laugh or cry. Although naive and naive, I can't help but say that I feel very satisfied. In my previous life, no one had been so righteous to help himself. I think that only at this age of infrequent things will people speak for their friends without regard for gains and losses.

Look at Li Meijun, who bowed his head on the left and wringed his little finger, and was eager to weep. Qian Mai was a little embarrassed, but he didn't comfort her pretendingly, and he didn't pretend to graciously stop the behavior of the students. I really don't know how the Li Dafu and his wife have such strong personalities, why they have given birth to such a cowardly and shy daughter. She even thought a little badly, is this considered a social rule? If your father and mother make trouble for others, that won't stop others from making trouble for your daughter. In the final analysis, interpersonal relationships have the same truth as the biological chain: Feng Shui turns around and pays back.

During the break, class (2) suddenly heard loud and unanimous shouts: "Dumb son, dumb son...".

The children who lack entertainment have long been moved by the wind, and have embraced class (2) strictly. Latent wheat stood on tiptoes, looked through the window, and saw a little boy surrounded by people, lying on the desk and crying, his weak shoulders kept shrugging, and from time to time he raised his hand to wipe tears, that little hand The cracked frostbite pustules are shocking.

Qian Maimai had already left after thinking about everything, but was entrusted by class (1) and called Qian Xiaofen out to ask, "Who is that? What's the matter?"

Qian Xiaofen pushed aside the crowd and finally squeezed out, panting, with his hands on his hips and replied indignantly: "It's Wang Zhigao. Who told his father to prevent the TV tower from being built... They are there and the tower will Construction is slow. One day later, we will be able to watch TV one day later... Several classmates in our class have bought TV sets at home. My grandma also said that when my dad comes home during the Chinese New Year, he will also buy one. Show me the station. I blame them for the destruction."

These remarks caused a lot of discussion among the children in class (1), and suddenly Li Meijun was even more sinful and unforgivable.

Later, Qian Xiaofen mysteriously pulled Qianmai aside, and whispered in her ear: "I am very angry, too. Who made his dad deal with your family so fiercely."

Relatives and sisters, although they don't agree with this approach, Qian Mai's heart is soft and warm at this moment. Thinking that Wang Zhigao was the son of the man who kept responding like a worm, he asked inexplicably, "How could he be a dumb son? His dad speaks neatly!"

Qian Xiaofen opened her mouth and said sharply: "You don't know? His mother is dumb, and she rarely hides at home. She speaks like this: ah~ah~ah~" she said, gesticulating to simulate When I got up, I couldn't help but giggled in less than three moves, making the classmates next to him burst into laughter.

Suddenly, there was a sharp sound in the laughter.

"Don't make gestures!" Qianmai's heart violently took a sauna bath, and suddenly fell from Rongrong Nanguo into the Arctic cold zone. There was a little inaudible trembling in the muffled roar that he blurted out: "Sister, don't do it anymore. I'm joking about other people's defects. Whether Wang Zhigao's mother is dumb or not is not his choice, and becoming a dumb is not what Wang Zhigao's mother wants. Do you know? This kind of scar is uncovered by others, that is It hurts like a knife."

After a long time, after stopping, Qian Mai realized that he had shouted so many long sentences hoarsely. Looking around, everyone was stunned by her long tongue-twister sentences, and Monk Zhang Er stared at her scratchingly. Qian Xiaofen was even more angry and displeased.

Qianmai told herself that she was not sympathetic to Wang Zhigao, let alone feeling sad, but... but just didn't want to see this deja vu scene again. Finally, reason slowly calmed the beating heart, Qianmai pulled Qian Xiaofen's hand, and said: "Sister, I mean, you are the class leader and the teacher's left arm and right arm. You have to start at school. Set an example. You just have to tell his father not to make trouble. Don't laugh at his mother, then the teacher will dislike you."

Child face, June day. Hearing this, Qian Xiaofen immediately turned cloudy. Qian Wheat also breathed a sigh of relief. Parents in rural areas, have you considered the situation of your children while striving to maximize your interests