Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 65: 066 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


Grandpa Qianjia took the report card of Qianmai Double Hundred, and he only faintly expressed satisfaction with a "um" sound with his nose.

Qian Wheat breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally ready for business. Unexpectedly, Grandpa Qian Jia flicked the transcript with his slender finger again, and asked seriously, "Are you very proud of you in school?"

Where do you start

Grandpa Qianjia leaned over and pointed to the class teacher's comment on the right side of the transcript, and said, "Look, the comment that Teacher Yifeng gave you is: Modesty makes you progress, pride makes you lag behind! This is what Teacher Lan is suggesting. I am usually too proud, and after being proud, I will regress and fall behind. She is warning you!"

Oh God! It's a big mistake. Latent Wheat has a black line like a waterfall. He has everything on his body, but he lacks pride and splashing skin. I have regretted this for a while before. As for the comments, when the transcripts were issued, the children liked to compare, but they passed them to each other and read them again.

Sun Hongmei’s is Zola’s "The whole meaning of life is to explore endlessly what is not yet known, and to continuously add more knowledge."

Ruan Huihui’s is Lu Xun’s "Time is like the water in the sponge, as long as you want to squeeze it, there is always something."

Baiqiong Zou’s is Gorky’s "Man needs truth, just as a blind man needs a clear guide."

Li Meijun’s argument is even more that Tolstoy’s "People are not cute because they are beautiful, but because they are cute."...

"Great and wise teacher Lan," Qianmai looked up at the ceiling speechlessly, "I know, it is a bit difficult to write 42 reviews, but which one of you is not easy to copy? I just copied the admonition from the old Chairman Mao. ."

"Do you understand it?" There was a hint of discomfort on Qianjia's grandfather's gloomy face, and he said loudly: "If your transcript is missing by one point in the next semester, it means you are proud, so you must I have to take the double-hundred test."

Can I not understand? In fact, I don't mind being a peacock with a big flower tail all day long. However, these days, the hidden house is overcast and the atmosphere is very bad. According to Qianmai’s experience, at this time, on the one hand, adults hope that the children do not need to worry about themselves, and on the other hand, they may wish for the children to be a little better. I'm so catching to vent. So now, God just borrowed the ten bear-hearted leopard courage of Qianmai, and she would still succumb in a spineless manner: "I understand, I will work hard."

"It's not hard work, but certainty."

"Yes, resolutely."

With the assurance of the granddaughter, the grandfather of Qianjia finally pardoned his grace, before waiting for Qianmai to pull his legs away, the majestic voice penetrated the tympanic membrane without delay: "Go in and cook, and say that you will cook during the winter vacation. Yes. Let’s start today."

There is no other way to go besides obeying orders, Qianmai gave up resistance early and walked into the kitchen to burn rice obediently. It was not difficult, but the people were too short, the stove was too high, and it was a bit difficult to lift the lid on tiptoes.

After the rice was cooked, the layman's grandfather Qianjia came in again. He uncovered the lid of the pot and took a look. Then he sat back at the Eight Immortals table and poured a cup of tea as a supervisor. He ordered: "For lunch, use this half bowl of meat to stew the dried long tofu that your dad brought before. Let it go for a while, and it will break if you don't eat it."

"Oh." Qianmai Yiyan opened the cupboard and found the long bean curd in the bottom grid. I didn't see much, so I just took it out and simmered it at once. After the long tofu was rubbed and soaked with water, he sat idle in front of the stove and started to burn.

In this compartment, the old man squinted his eyes, and began to teach in earnest: "How do you do things so slowly. You have to cut it quickly and put it in another pot to cook... The rice and vegetables should be cooked at the same time, which can save time, and You can eat hot meals at the same time. At your speed, when the vegetables are cooked, the meals are already cold. When you do things, you must first think about it in your head and make overall arrangements for time..."BaLaBaLaBaLa

God, Qianmai choked speechlessly, and kept screaming: "Grandpa, grandpa, the long tofu must be soaked in water first. This is common sense, okay?" But is this what the younger generation should say? ? In the eyes of the traditional old man, it would be condemned as a crime of rebellion. Therefore, I had to get up and spend a lot of effort, varying in length, good or bad, and the meat was cut and cooked. Not to mention, at most wasting a little of the firewood that my father had cut, it could still be cooked. We don't ask for the process, we only want the result.

During the waiting time, the kitchen only smelled of firewood crackling. Except for occasionally uncovering the pot and stirring it a few times, Qianmai had been sitting in front of the stove watching the fire. Wangwang's tongue kept pulsing, reflecting on his small face, red light on his face, and the small body was warm, very comfortable.

Grandpa Qianjia looked at him, and then slowly said, "Don’t think cooking is so easy. Doing anything is difficult. You have to work hard to learn, learn everything, and have skills to accompany you. Don't dare to bully you."

"Let’s talk about Nanjiang Village. If you say it’s big or small, there are still a few capable people. Like the aunt of the Wang family in the west of the village, although she is dumb, she has a good craftsmanship for making tofu. She makes tofu. It's soft and soft, and everyone who ate it said it was good. Many people bought it at her place and made a lot of money."

"Li Jiagen at the east end of the village also has a good cement job. At first, he just helped others build houses, but now he has become a contractor himself. How well his own house is built, it's more beautiful than the village chief's house. "

"As for other good masters who are carpenters, bamboo makers, and tailors, there are even more good masters. There are also Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons in the countryside!"

Hehe, my grandpa still knows such fashionable words. Of course, Qianmai does not deny that the older generations in the countryside have returned to their homeland and vulgar, but most of them have a good craftsmanship, just like the city people will choose a good major when they go to college. It's just that the old man said so much today, what is his intention

"Let’s talk about the former brigade secretary Shui Xiangong. His father is an educated talent. He has cultivated Shui Xiangong, which is quite strict. After reading a book and dozing off, he tied up his hair and hung it to the beam with a rope. Go up to the pillar; I can’t help but want to sleep, so I pierced the awl into my thigh, and the blood was drenched, and the person woke up suddenly. Under such training, Shui Xian became the first learned person in Nanjiang Village. People... He is not only the secretary of the brigade, but also the former principal of Nanjiang Township School... He not only writes with a thick and full face, but also has great strength. Once, he walked back to the village from Lushan at night and shot one The wild boar is back."

Quack, does your old man want me to beat a wild boar back? Qianmai thought secretly, that hanging beam stabbing stock is the story of Su Qin, good, no one in modern society can study hard to reach that level. I know that you are in a bad mood recently, but why do you say so much? She didn't need to ask questions, the old man from the potential family took a sip of tea, and went on talking again.

"There are so many strong people in Nanjiang Village. Like the two things in our family this time, once they unite and they all talk about gold, your dad, a foreigner, will not have the energy to pay back. Our family's loss is determined... Well, your dad doesn’t have the skills, so he relies on farming and walking around to sell tonics, barely able to make ends meet. In the village, there is neither prestige nor popularity, so no one can think of him... Your second wife’s poor quality Returning to the poor, but the victory is in scheming. In this regard, your dad is not his opponent at all. If there are wolves in front and tigers in the back, I am afraid that our old couple is gone, and you won't be able to live in Nanjiang Village."

Qianmai no longer had the mood of slander and joking, and his heart was bitter and anxiously sad. She knows how sensitive her grandfather is. She has experienced the "decade of catastrophe" firsthand. She was brought to the stage and criticized because of the Taigong's landlord status. For this reason, she was sent to work in the natural village for many years. The old people have witnessed too many bad human natures and have become startled. They are always pessimistically thinking more and deeper than ordinary people, and they always try to change the villagers' miscellaneous views of the potential family through their father Yang Yong. It's not that my father is not good enough, but that this task is too difficult. Sometimes, Qian Mai thinks, if the father is his uncle, will the old man be pleased with his fate and be pleased with his son's simplicity and kindness

In the end, Qian Mai thought for a while, turned around and looked straight into Qian's grandfather's melancholy gaze, and said: "Grandpa, please train me. I will work hard. I will guard this home in the future. As long as his father is healthy."