Let’s Go, Wheat

Chapter 70: 071 golden partner


Qian Xiaomo's account was handled very quickly, and the township cadres rushed home for the New Year, and they were done with the green light. And as the migrant workers collectively returned home, the village was crowded with people and gossip appeared one after another, and that little thing about the potential family became Chen Zhizhi's rotten millet.

After Yang Yong breathed a sigh of relief, he carried a hoe and looked like a soil emperor. He patrolled the fields carefully, rolled out a large bicycle with bars, and put two baskets on it, and decided to take advantage of his free time to wash away part of the oranges at home. Oranges are a common fruit in Nanjiang Village, but not every household has them. Although wholesale is convenient and fast, prices are always kept low and passive. Therefore, Yang Yong spends his time in Nanjiang Township, Huayang City and other places every year in batches.

Upon seeing the situation, Latent Wheat actively expressed that it would also ship it. Yang Yong shook his head, and didn't agree with him: "I heard your mother said that you used to pick and sell things for hidden purposes. Now it's cold outside and Xiao Mo is back. Why are you going?"

Qianmai's hippy smiley face, soft and hard: "Who would think that the money is too much? The revolution is far from successful." I can't say that she is afraid of the cooking counseling and nagging of the layman's grandfather Qianjia. Compared with those two physical and mental poisons, I would rather go out to challenge the biting winter wind.

Qianmai’s release of the ban and going out, envied Qian Xiaohai, who was confined in his arms by Qianjia’s grandfather. Both eyes were pitiful and baba envied the Qianmai’s loading into the basket. After a little distraction, he was eaten by Qian’s grandpa. Suzi: "Listen carefully. I talked about the third-generation ancestor of the Qianjia in Nanjiang. I can't repeat it later. You don't have lunch."

Hey! The beautiful and poor grandson. Qianmai couldn't bear it, and smiled a few words of compassion: "Xiaohai, you have to listen to your grandfather's lecture carefully. A well-educated child always studies very hard. Come on, my sister will come back and play with you." Qian The grandfather of the family agreed with Qianmai's remarks and was very satisfied. He straightened Qian Xiaohai's head and continued to tell the history of Qianjia in detail.

It wasn't until he suffocated his breath to walk a long way, Qianmai laughed unscrupulously. The atmosphere at home is not good for a while, and it has been a long time since I laughed so heartily. I finally watched the sunrise, and I couldn't help but laugh a few more exaggeratedly with yin and yang. Quack, the sentence that my grandfather agrees very much with is the original version of the ugly duckling mother. The original sentence is "a well-bred duck always has its legs open." Haha, I see how many days I can learn and use it more. The grandfather and grandson fooled together.

Yang Yong was inexplicably on the sidelines: "What's the matter? You laugh so strangely?"

Qian Mai hurriedly cleared his throat, and said solemnly, "Xiao Hai is so pitiful, I was caught by my grandfather to learn Qian's family tree at home."

Today, Yang Yong went the other way. The route he used to sell was not the road that Qianmai used to take. Instead, he pushed his bicycle across the Qiujing Bridge and walked along the zigzag mountain road towards Songshuling. Qianmai followed step by step. Every time he entered a small village, he didn't need his father to open his mouth to sell, and he spontaneously opened up his well-trained voice and shouted: "Selling oranges... sweet and big oranges... changing money and rice. …"

As the New Year's Eve is approaching, everyone spends a lot more generous money than usual. People who don’t have oranges at home also weighed a few catties of skins to relieve their gluttons, and picked a few cats of skins with better skins and prepared them to serve the guests with fruit plates in the first month of the year. Qianmai recruited the villagers, Yang Yong bagged and weighed, and the father and daughter worked together in a tacit understanding of the division of labor.

A middle-aged man I knew came over to divide a cigarette, bought a few kilos of oranges, and picked a few daily necessities in the basket. He exchanged a few words with Yang Yong and said jokingly: "You father and daughter. Good partner, look at your daughter's stubbornness. Your grocery store will not worry about a shortage of small jobs in the future."

This time, Yang Yong was not modest, and nodded with You Rongyan: "That is, my daughter is like me, clever enough, she is a golden partner." The two joked for a while, and finally Yang Yong asked him: "Recently Does anyone in your village have a happy event?"

The man thought for a moment and replied in detail: "I received the invitation. The youngest son of the Wang family in Songshuling will marry a daughter-in-law on the ninth day of the first lunar year next year. Go and check it out. They don’t have oranges. Maybe they will need batches of oranges to be bagged. In return. In addition, I heard that Hengfeng He’s family will build a house and beams in a few days. You are not afraid of the distance, you can also go and have a look."

Thanks to the man, the father and daughter pushed their bicycles to the depths of the mountain.

The mountains in winter seem to have entered a period of hibernation, and the more people go in, the more people are lonely and silent, only the rustle of the wind blowing over the leaves is heard, but the latent wheat likes it very much, and feels that the soul is quiet and settled. There are her unknown trees growing by the side of the road. They are now bare and without leaves, and the sparse branches are set against the blue sky with a unique beauty.

At an unmanned corner, Qian Mai said softly, "Dad, I heard what happened to Su Jiaru on the top of the mountain this time."

"Oh," Yang Yong didn't talk much, tugging at the corners of his mouth, and just said lightly: "If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense, you know? In the future, stay away from their homes. These are all things. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Dad only wants your sister. Just a few brothers."

"Would you like to show them some color?" Finally he asked this question that had been jumping up and down countless times in his mind.

Yang Yong shook his head lightly, and said solemnly, "Don't get into trouble. The biggest vengeance against the enemy is that we have to live happier than the enemy. Things in the countryside are very cumbersome, endless, and there is no clear right and wrong. Right or wrong, you need to worry about everything, you will be exhausted physically and mentally, and will never have peace."

Quack, Shanggang is online, and we are divided between enemy and us. "Resolutely implement Dad's great decision."

With a grimacing face, Qian Mai took the opportunity to make a request: "Dad, you can make me a lockable box. I have found some treasures and want to lock them and hide them."

"No problem." Yang Yong readily agreed: "Now there is a lot of wood in the house. But, what baby can you have?"

When it comes to this, Qianmai can't help but feel proud and mysteriously said: "Just tell you alone. The best thing is a celadon hanging plate. The family doesn't know the goods and ruined it as a puppy's rice bowl. I use it. A packet of sour plum powder was exchanged from a child."

Yang Yong didn’t care, he was amused, "How do you know that something is valuable? Only experts can appraise real antiques. The probability that ordinary people get a needle in a haystack or a pie in the sky... Maybe you are losing... Did you pick the basket on Sunday?"

"It's not all, but some added value must be added. Or it's just a few hairs, I'm so wronged by the cold wind." Turning his face, he caught a glimpse of Yang Yong's suffocated smile, and said, " Don't laugh, don't underestimate me, no matter how foolish people are, they have a bit of survival skills, okay?"

"Okay, don't laugh, don't underestimate you, I'll make a box for you when I go back."...