Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 115: The whole city is filled with soldiers


After the red-eared demon spirit met Huang Scorpion, he did not return directly to the palace villa in the upper city. Instead, he took a detour to another medicine farmer's house in the lower city.

As soon as I walked to the gate of the courtyard, I met the owner of this medicine farmer's family. He was an old man from the Demon Spirit Tribe with a cane in his hand, and he was carrying a bamboo basket full of herbal flowers behind him. When he saw the red-eared demon spirit, he smiled all over his face and seemed to be quite familiar with him. He greeted him while greeting him and welcoming him into the house.

The layout and furnishings inside the house are roughly the same as those of other medicinal farmers. As soon as you enter the hall, the entire wall is lined with shelves for storing medicinal herbs.

An old lady from the demon spirit tribe was busy putting dried herbs and flowers on the shelf. When she saw her old man and the red-eared demon spirit coming back together, she stopped what she was doing and asked, "Sir, you have come all the way." Did you come back to buy herbs?"

"Oh, yes!" The red-eared demon spirit sighed and responded.

"How is Mr. Kui doing lately?" the old lady couldn't wait to ask again.

The red-eared demon shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Sir, please sit down first!" The old man pulled a chair and asked the red-eared demon spirit to sit down. He turned to his wife and said, "Don't just ask this and that, please serve tea to your lord!"

"I won't drink any more tea!" The red-eared demon spirit waved his hand and then turned his attention to a pipa hanging on the wall and asked, "Can you play a song for me?"

This red sandalwood pipa carved with white flowers was very inconsistent with the simple furnishings in the room. After listening to the words of the red-eared demon spirit, the old man hesitated for a moment, then took off the bamboo basket and piled it in the corner with his crutches, and then left He took off the pipa from the wall, carefully held it upright and sat on the chair.

He took a deep breath, pressed the strings with his left hand, and plucked the strings with his right hand. The clear and full tone came out from the pear-shaped resonance box of the pipa. The melody was melodious and continuous, making a picture appear in front of the listener's eyes. Sometimes it looks like mountains and flowing water, sometimes it looks like thousands of troops, sometimes it looks like white snow in spring, sometimes it looks like Kunpeng Tunan...

This song seems to be telling a forgotten story, and it also seems to be expressing some suppressed emotion. When the old man played to an impassioned point, his whole person became radiant, as if he suddenly looked much younger.

Mole Xiaoqi, who was hiding under the window and followed the red-eared demon, witnessed all this. He was here to buy herbs, but suddenly he wanted to listen to some pipa music. She was puzzled and continued to observe.

After listening to a song, the red-eared demon spirit bought some herbs he needed and left the medicine farmer's house. Mole Xiaoqi was cautious and did not follow him in a hurry, but stayed at the medicine farmer's house. Outside the house to see what happens next.

As soon as the red-eared demon left, the old man hung the lute back on the wall, and then nodded meaningfully to the old lady behind him. The old lady walked into the back room with understanding, stretched out her hand and counted the ground, then bent down and lifted up a few bricks on the ground, revealing a square cover.

She pulled the handle and opened the lid, took out a set of copper armor and a mace, struggled to carry them back to the outhouse, and handed them to the old man's hands with a solemn expression.

After the old man took it, he found a piece of cloth and carefully wiped the dust off the armor and mace. This battle uniform from when he was young cannot be remembered for how long it has been since he wore it, and this mace also helped him win many battles back then. They were like his old friends. When he held them in his hands again, he was in tears.

"Old man, I didn't expect this day to come!" the old lady put her hand on his shoulder and pressed it.

"For the sake of the last son of the demon spirit, I will not hesitate even if my heart is broken!" The old man replied with firm eyes.

The pipa was once an instrument they used for entertainment and recreation, but now it has become a clarion call for war. He has already made up his mind to fight for the continuation of the Demon Spirit Son and the Demon Spirit Clan.

Mole Xiaoqi felt that something was wrong. He turned his head and planned to go to the homes of other medicine farmers. However, he found that the remaining old, weak, sick and disabled people from the Demon Spirit Tribe were just like the old man, and they began to prepare for battle. , there were also armors and weapons hidden in other people's homes. It was obviously planned for a long time. She immediately rushed back to the intelligence team's foothold and explained all this to the boss Chang Feng.

"You mean those old people are armed?! What are they going to do?!" After hearing her words, Chang Feng stood up and couldn't believe everything Xiao Qi told him.

"It's for the last son of the demon spirit." Mole Xiaoqi said with a wink.

"The last son of the demon spirit?!" The big white dog on the side sighed and then asked, "Boss, could that be the son of the red-eared demon spirit, Kui?"

"It's terrible now. The sixth man has not returned from delivering a message to Master Hongye. People from the royal city may arrive in Qingyang at any time. According to the current situation, more manpower must be sent!" Chang Feng became a little anxious.

At this time, a beauty in red suddenly walked through the wall. This person was Honglian, the ghost girl in red who was the third oldest in the intelligence team. She clung to Chang Feng's arms charmingly and asked, "Seeing as you are usually famous for being calm and collected, why are you panicking now?"

"I haven't figured out what the Seven Sound Gate is yet, but a new situation has arisen. How can I not be anxious?!" Chang Feng replied, pushing her away stiffly.

Although she knew that Chang Feng was venting his anger on her, Honglian was not angry at all. She knows Chang Feng's temper best. He likes freedom by nature and doesn't like restraint, but he has a true temperament. If he hadn't admired Ouyang Hongye's kindness from the bottom of his heart, he would not have joined Wangcheng's troops, let alone taken on such a thankless job of leading the intelligence team.

Compared with ordinary soldiers who just follow the general's guidance and fight on the battlefield, the work of the intelligence team is both boring and dangerous. In order to confirm the identity of the red-eared demon's traitor, the seven of them have been following him for more than two months. Recently, they finally made a major discovery and were also in great danger.

Once Qingyang City starts to be on alert, they will be in a dilemma and will soon be discovered. With their fighting power, they may still have a chance of winning against the five people in the convoy from Huo City, but coupled with the total number of people in the city It’s hard to say about these demon spirits.

Cang Xiezi, who was sent to monitor his brother Huang Xiezi, was still lurking around the landing place of the Fire City convoy. The place where they settled looked quite peaceful on the surface.

The pig demon cook in the motorcade was preparing dinner, and the guide, Horse Face, was sitting in the yard playing chess with Huang Scorpion. Next to him, playing with a snake-shaped knife, was the thug Black Fox in the motorcade.

The human form of the black fox is that of a skinny old man wearing a black robe, and he is the leader of the group of black foxes that attacked Ouyang Xiaoleng ten years ago. Since the failure of that attack, he lost prestige in the clan and had no choice but to turn to Salamander, the lord of Fire City.

There is also a servant in the convoy, a little badger demon who, like Mole Xiaoqi in the intelligence team, maintains his true form almost all the time.

Cang Xiezi, who was looking at his brother from a distance, had mixed emotions in his heart. The brotherhood should have ended a hundred years ago. The scar on his face was the best proof, and the trauma in his heart was more than just a scar.

Although he already knew what his brother was like, that he wanted to achieve a great career and would do whatever it took to do so, even risking his own brother's life, Cang Xiezi really didn't expect that his brother would not even refuse a demon like Qingyun.

"I lost again!" Ma Lian jerked his hand back from the ghost chess board, obviously it was badly burned.

"Sure enough, everything is exactly as that devil Qingyun expected. I really admire him more and more!" Huang Xiezi said in a good mood after winning several games of chess with the horse face in a row.

"No, I didn't expect the red-eared demon spirit to really take care of these old guys in the city!" Ma Lian'er responded.

"Hush! Walls have ears!" Huang Xingzi pointed at him with a smile.

"Yes!" Ma Lian quickly nodded in agreement.

Cang Xiezi remembered that he often played ghost chess with his brother in the past, and he won every time. As time passed, he felt embarrassed and refused to play with his brother, but his brother still insisted on fighting with him. Later, in order to make his brother happy, he deliberately let him win.

In fact, his elder brother is also better than him. He is very good at painting. No matter what he sees once, he can draw it vividly. However, as a warlike race, his father has always devalued this specialty of his elder brother as worthless. In the end, his brother gave up, and he felt sorry for him for this.

Cang Xiezi had been silently watching them eat and drink. It was already midnight. He originally thought that the day would pass peacefully like this, but suddenly there was a commotion in the city. Just when he was curious about what happened, the shadow demon appeared. .

"All the old men in the city, including all men, are fully armed and are gathering outside the palace in the upper city. They should be going to see the red-eared demon. The elder brother ordered us to follow them to see what is going on. "The black shadow on the ground disappeared in a flash after saying that.

Cang Xiezi glanced at his brother again, then turned and rushed towards the city.

When he went outside the palace, he was startled. The demon spirits gathered in front of the main entrance of Wangzi Palace were all wearing armor, holding weapons, and lined up neatly. They were divided into seven teams in total, each with about fifty people. These should be all the remaining males of the demon spirit clan except the red-eared demon spirit and his son Kui. Most of them are old, and some are even warriors when the first demon king Hu Li was on the throne. But at this moment, they all look bright-eyed and high-spirited.

The moonlight cast on the red palace wall of Wangzi Palace, and all the torches set up under the city were suddenly lit. The door slowly opened, and the red-eared demon walked out of the door. As soon as they saw him, the demon clan members in front of the palace also followed. It got quiet.