Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 13: The demon alliance of dragon and fox


Ouyang Xiaoleng searched all the caves on the mountainside, but still could not see the shadow of the Rakshasa Mother. When he was feeling discouraged, the dragon scales he held in his hand reacted, and he heard the voice of the Snow Rabbit in his head. echo.

"Brother Xiao Leng, Brother Qianqi, I have found the Rakshasa Mother's lair. It is in the last cave near the north. Come quickly."

"Okay, come right now!" Ouyang Xiaoleng responded as he rushed down the mountain, not daring to delay for a moment, praying in his heart that Xia Qiu would be safe.

Qianqi also rushed to the bottom of the mountain to meet Xiao Leng and Xue Tu, and the three of them finally stood in front of the Rakshasa mother's lair. The lair looked no different from other caves, but there was moss around the entrance to other caves, but not here. There was a suffocating smell of rotting corpses and blood inside the cave.

"Let's go!" Ouyang Xiaoleng was the first to rush into the cave.

Xuetu and Qianqi followed closely, but were blocked by the barrier at the entrance of the cave. Qianqi immediately transformed into a divine dragon fire bow and pulled out an arrow from it.

"The Divine Dragon Fire Bow itself is transformed into a part of my body. Every arrow has my blood. The dragon's blood is both medicine and poison, fire and water. It can create illusions and tear through any barrier."

As he spoke, he used the arrow in his hand to cut a hole in the barrier, then put away his fire bow and completely tore the class apart along the crack. The true appearance of the Rakshasa Mother's nest in the barrier was revealed.

As a temporary nest, this place looks extremely luxurious. The white jade floor and the purple curtains hanging on the top of the cave extend inwards like waves. The air is full of inexplicable fragrance, but it still cannot cover the blood. Fishy and salty. Xiao Leng summoned Shen Bing and Qian Qi to walk in front side by side, while Snow Rabbit followed behind them. Demonic fires were hung on the walls on both sides of the cave. The demonic fires reflected on the white jade, making the entire cave look like daylight.

The cave was eerily quiet, and there seemed to be no one else near them. After walking for a while, they came to an open area. This should be the main body of the cave. It looks like a natural palace. The sound concentration effect is excellent. A slightly louder noise will cause reverberation. So Ouyang Xiaoleng made a gesture and asked Qianqi and Xuetu to try their best. Step softly.

In the middle of the open area is a huge pool. There is no water in the pool but some corpses are piled up. Looking at them makes people feel sick. Ouyang Xiaoleng looked around, wondering why there was nothing here. Snow Rabbit pulled his lapel and pointed around, leading him and Qianqi to look carefully at the same time. It turned out that there were many round openings on the stone walls of the cave.

Ouyang Xiaoleng remembered that Master Yong once told him that the Rakshasa Mother was good at creating maze-like caves and setting up traps inside. If you were not careful, you would be trapped in them, not only delaying your time, but also possibly losing your life. At this moment, there was a sound from behind. It sounded like Rakshasa's men were carrying the body back. He, Qianqi and Snow Rabbit winked at each other, and the three of them flew to the top of the cave to hide.

As the echo of the conversation continued to grow louder, four ghost slaves in black clothes walked in. Two of them carried two poles tied with large bags, which should contain the human beings presented to the Rakshasa mother by the demon. corpse. Those two bags looked heavy, which made Ouyang Xiaoleng and the others secretly guess where the corpses that these ghost slaves were transporting back and forth so frequently every day came from.

"Hurry up, or you will be blamed by the Rakshasa Mother again later." The leader urged.

"Oh, the other two brothers were only a little late in getting drunk the day before yesterday, so..." The ghost slave who was carrying the pole with him complained.

"Shh, don't let Lady Rakshasa hear this, otherwise you and I will have to meet the Lord of Hell." The two ghost slaves walking behind began to feel uneasy.

"Stop talking nonsense and go back quickly. Rakshasa Mother should be enjoying the human girl's heart tonight, right?" the leader said, taking the lead and continuing to walk forward.

Qian Qi and Ouyang Xiao Leng looked at each other. They both knew that the human girl mentioned by those ghost slaves was 100% Xia Qiu, so they continued to listen.

"The girl has been soaked in the water from the stagnant pool for several hours. Her soul must have become the slave of the Rakshasa Mother."

"I heard that the heart taken out from the girl who made a contract with the Demon King Fox can greatly increase the demon's power. If the girl's soul also falls into the slave of the Rakshasa Mother, it will be doubled."

Ouyang Xiaoleng analyzed from the conversations between the ghost slaves that Xia Qiu was currently in a very dangerous situation and could become a tool for the Rakshasa Mother to increase her demonic power at any time. The fastest way to find the route into the Rakshasa Mother's real lair was to follow these few steps. This is none other than a ghost slave.

Four ghost slaves struggled to carry the bag containing the corpse into a circular hole. Ouyang Xiaoleng motioned Qianqi and Xuetu to follow them quickly. In the long and narrow maze tunnel that could only accommodate two people walking side by side, Xiao Leng and the others moved forward by following the auras of the ghost slaves, sometimes going up, sometimes down, and sometimes turning around. After walking for an unknown amount of time, they finally reached the tunnel. the end of.

Stronger light shone from the end, making Ouyang Xiaolen squint his eyes. He leaned behind the wall and peeked over. It was a huge arched cave decorated with purple gauze curtains. Mother Rakshasa sits high on a stone throne covered with animal skins in the innermost part of the cave. One hand is half leaning on the armrest, and the other hand is holding a huge wine glass high. Her gorgeous dark purple cloak is dragged to the ground. superior.

After transforming into a human form, she has a well-deserved beauty, with ink-like hair on her temples, a pale face with lips as red as blood, and pupils as dark as night. Her ageless appearance, obtained by cannibalizing human flesh and human hearts, is breathtaking. Charm. There was a square pool on the ground in front of her, filled with black liquid that was the same as her pupils. That should be the water of the billabong.

The previous ghost slaves carefully placed the bags containing the corpses in front of the Rakshasa Mother's throne, and then knelt down respectfully, with their upper bodies almost touching the ground.

"Lord Rakshasa, this is the corpse we just found for you." The leading ghost slave said.

"Why is it so late?" Mother Rakshasa's tone was very calm, but every word she said was like a needle point, and the ghost slaves lying below trembled.

"We have already rushed back as quickly as possible without any delay on the way." The leader quickly defended.

"Forget it, let's all get up." Mother Rakshasa waved her sleeves. She was obviously in a particularly good mood today because she was about to eat Xia Qiu's heart. After several misses by her useless men, she took action herself. As expected, she returned home with a full load.

Several ghost slaves tentatively raised their heads, and did not dare to get up until they were sure that the Rakshasa Mother really intended to forgive them.

"Lord Rakshasa, why haven't you eaten the human girl's heart yet?" the leader asked with a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were spoken, Rakshasa's mother frowned and her face was filled with anger. She stretched out a hand and used her powerful demon power to slap the leading ghost slave to the ground out of thin air.

"That damn human being has been soaked in the water of the stagnant pool for several hours and yet she has not succumbed to my fascination. As long as she still retains her own consciousness, even if she is eaten, she will not be able to achieve the best effect. It is rare. How long do you have to wait for such delicious food?! Damn it!"

"This slave deserves to die, thank you Rakshasa Mother for sparing my life." The ghost slave who was injured by Rakshasa Mother got up with support. Although he was seriously injured, it was lucky for him that he was not executed immediately.

"Sluts like you, I can have as much as I want. You'd better serve me well and keep your mouth shut, otherwise I will burn you all into black coals." The Rakshasa Mother said, putting her hand in her hand. She crushed the wine glass, letting the hard fragments pierce her palm. The remaining wine in the cup mixed with her blood and dripped down. She opened her hand and threw away the remaining fragments, and the open wound on her palm healed instantly. .

Ouyang Xiaoleng was still looking for the right moment, but Qianqi beside him could no longer hold back and used the Dragon Fire Bow to shoot an arrow at the heart of the Rakshasa Mother. The sudden arrow and the fire instantly shot into the Rakshasa Mother's chest. . Just when Qian Qi was secretly happy that he had dealt with the Rakshasa Mother so easily, he discovered that only the purple cloak that the Rakshasa Mother wore before was left on the throne, but she herself had long disappeared.

"I obviously hit it." Qian Qi felt incredible and rushed forward to find out.

"How can a powerful monster like the Rakshasa Mother be attacked so easily? Be careful around you. Snow Rabbit, just go and subdue those Rakshasa Mother's men. Qianqi, I will deal with the Rakshasa Mother together with you." Ouyang Xiaoleng followed as he spoke.

"Okay!" At this time, Qian Qi could no longer care about competing with Ouyang Xiaoleng. Rescuing Xia Qiu was more important to him than anything else.

Snow Rabbit also understood and attacked the Rakshasa Mother's men who were standing nearby. The four ghost slaves were about to escape, but the ice and snow she breathed out formed an ice wall blocking their way.

She playfully stuck out her tongue to the four ghost slaves and said: "You betrayed your master so easily. Aren't you afraid that she will burn you into black coals in the future? Rather than die in her hands, you might as well fight with me." , maybe there is still a glimmer of hope."

Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qianqi stood in the center of the cave, relying on each other to observe the changes in the demonic cyclone around them. When they were surprised that they could not feel the breath of the Rakshasa Mother, a ball of flame suddenly shot out in front of Ouyang Xiaoleng. He only cared about himself. He dodged, but Qianqi was caught off guard. The clothes on his back and one side were burned by flames, and the pain was unbearable.

"You!" Qian Qi shouted angrily.

"Sorry." Only then did Ouyang Xiaoleng realize that in his desperation, he had forgotten Qianqi behind him. He always liked to fight alone and was not good at cooperating with others, but with his current strength, he wanted to defeat the Rakshasa Mother. Opponents must overcome this.

Mother Rakshasa descended from the sky, holding a strange-shaped firearm. The front end of the firearm, which could be unfolded into a fan shape, had countless flame holes. She hung in the air and said: "Haha, I didn't expect that a mere human girl would let the demon king The descendants of the Fox and Dragon King are all out, and my food is really amazing."

"Stop talking nonsense and let Xia Qiu go quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you!" Qianqi pointed the fire bow at Rakshasa Mother and shouted.

"Son of the Dragon King, please be patient. Why are you so nervous about that girl? I don't see your place in her heart." Rakshasa said with a charming smile.

"She is good at charming people, don't fall into her trap." Ouyang Xiaoleng reminded Qianqi in a low voice.

"Hmph, I won't fall into her trap so easily! Xia Qiu and I have just met these two days, so it doesn't matter if she has me in her heart at the moment." Qian Qi shouted to Rakshasa's mother.

"Haha, even if this girl is lost in the dream world I created, she can still resist my control with her own will. Because someone has been deeply rooted in her soul. This person is the Demon King and Fox Queen beside you. People. Although I am not a real prophet of divine fortune, it is easy for me to understand the minds of you children. I can tell you that as long as he lives in the world, you will never be with this girl. Take a place in your heart." Mother Rakshasa's voice echoed in Qianqi's ears and mind like a spell, and together with her pair of black pupils, it was like a huge black hole sucking Qianqi's consciousness in, just as he When his brain began to lose control of himself, he was pulled back by Ouyang Xiaoleng's voice.

"Ergo, dracomaledicteetomnislegiodiabolica,adjuramuste!" Ouyang Xiaoleng attached the power of the demon-killing spell to the divine ice, and wielded the Ice Flame Divine Fox Slash to cut off the ecstasy spell released by the Rakshasa Mother.

Mother Rakshasa had no choice but to move aside to avoid the demon-killing sword energy. She suddenly understood why the few human youths she had controlled earlier with the water of the stagnant pool failed. Not only was Ouyang Xiaoleng a descendant of the Demon King Fox, but he also didn't know where he had learned such a bizarre demon-killing technique. She had never heard of such a spell, and it was neither a demon script nor a divine spell.

"If you can't help, just step aside. It's so easy to fall into her tricks." Ouyang Xiaoleng turned around and said to Qian Qi.

Qian Qi was about to thank him for his help, but was choked back by his cold words. The coldness and arrogance shown by Ouyang Xiao Leng from time to time really made Qian Qi unhappy.

"I was just distracted for a moment, don't be so complacent!" Qianqi concentrated on using his demon power cyclone.

Although Rakshasa's mother was still confused about Ouyang Xiaoleng's ability, she still pretended to be calm and said: "Haha, you two idiots, even if you join forces, you can't hurt me even a hair, not to mention you are so incompatible. . However, it would be too boring to kill you all at once, so I will play with you until I get tired of it, and then I will turn you into my food. I am really lucky today. Not only did I capture the human girl I dreamed of , and even attracted the descendants of the demon king and fox who made a contract with her, and even unrelated dragons, vying to serve as side dishes, so that you can open your eyes and taste the power of my Rakshasa mother's hell firearms."

After speaking, the Rakshasa mother raised the firearm in her hand. As the whirlpool of her demonic power rose, black and purple flames spurted out from the small holes in the front of the firearm, and then gathered into a huge fire ball. The fire ball got bigger and bigger. Big, with a strong wave of her arm, the fireball flew towards Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qianqi. Qianqi's arrow hit the ball of fire. Unexpectedly, the ball of fire was torn apart and turned into many small fire balls that continued to attack the two of them from all directions.

While Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qianqi were busy dodging and resisting the attacks of the hellfire, the Rakshasa Mother leisurely launched the next round of attacks from the side. After several rounds of this, the two teenagers could only parry, and many places on their bodies were burned by the fire of hell. The area injured by the fire of hell will be connected to the bone marrow through blood vessels, causing heartbreaking pain.

"Brother Xiao Leng, Brother Qianqi, please stop arguing. If this continues, it will be too late to save Sister Xia Qiu!" Xue Tu shouted while confronting several of Rakshasa's men.

When they heard Xia Qiu's name, Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qian Qi suddenly woke up at the same time. Didn't they both want to save her wholeheartedly? Why did they forget about it at this moment

"At this moment, I, the son of the Dragon King, admit that you are the descendant of the Demon King Fox, and I will obey your orders in everything!" Qian Qi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and approached Ouyang Xiaoleng. He realized that the more he wanted to prove his strength, the more he fell into the trap of the Rakshasa Mother. trick.

"Okay!" Ouyang Xiaoleng nodded and whispered his plan: "I will feign a frontal attack to draw her attention, and you can find a way to knock the firearm out of her hand with a fire bow."

Qianqi responded: "I understand."

Ouyang Xiao Lengteng rushed into the air and rushed towards the Rakshasa Mother. He didn't care that the hell fire burned his body again and again, and just kept swinging his sword forward. Just as Rakshasa's mother focused all her attention on him, Qianqi pointed the dragon fire bow at the firearm in her hand. Although the first arrow missed the firearm, he was not discouraged and the second arrow was on target. Hit the hand holding the firearm.

Bright red blood dripped from her arm, but she laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, interesting, interesting, this game is getting more and more interesting! I have plenty of time to play with you, but the people you want to save don't have that much time. But it's going to take some time, and soon her soul will be completely controlled by the water of the Dead Pool." The mother of Rakshasa looked at the black pool on the ground.

Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qianqi's attention could not help but be distracted by the pool. At this moment, Xuetu shouted: "Brother Xiaoleng, be careful."

Mother Rakshasa suddenly transformed into several circular jagged hidden weapons in her hands and threw them towards Ouyang Xiaolenping. If it weren't for the warning from Snow Rabbit, he almost wouldn't have time to dodge. Those hidden weapons then spun at a faster speed and attacked Qianqi. Although Qianqi dodged to the side, his left shoulder was scratched by the jagged teeth on the hidden weapon. Blood poured out of his shoulder. He gritted his teeth to hold back the pain. .

"Hahaha, this old monster is really difficult to deal with. At this age, he is still wearing heavy makeup. It's really disgusting!" Qian Qi smiled arrogantly. For some reason, the pain in his body actually gave him the pleasure of fighting, and his spirit also improved. Become more excited.

"Exactly what I thought!" Ouyang Xiaoleng said in agreement. Qianqi's smile also ignited his fighting spirit, and there seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two.

"Let me see your true strength as a descendant of the Demon King Fox. Let's defeat her together. I don't want to see her face anymore!" Qianqi looked at Ouyang Xiaoleng and said.

"I agree, I'm tired of continuing to fight with this old monster!" Ouyang Xiaoleng nodded.

Rakshasa's mother was completely angered by their words. She considered herself to be unparalleled in beauty in the demon world, and could not tolerate others saying that she was old and ugly. When she was said like this, she began to lose her position, and her offensive slowed down obviously.

Ouyang Xiaoleng knew that now was the best time to defeat the Rakshasa Mother. If he delayed any longer, Xia Qiu might have his soul taken away by the water of the stagnant pool at any time, and be lost in the darkness forever. Qianqi's thoughts coincided with his, because he was also worried about this human girl, which actually caused the two incompatible people to have a spiritual bond. Qianqi began to try to surround Ouyang Xiaoleng's silver whirlpool of demonic power with the amber cyclone formed by his own demonic power. The two people who were connected could feel the continuous integration of each other's powers.

Ouyang Xiaoleng understood what Qianqi meant, because when the two demon powers are completely integrated, the demon alliance can be completed. Although he has never gone abroad, Ouyang Hongye and Grandpa Yong once told him that the demon alliance will make the founders Temporarily connect with each other and guide them to perform powerful moves.

Qianqi continued to speed up, attacking the Rakshasa Mother with a fire bow, waiting for the time to come, until he began to hear the voice in Ouyang Xiaoleng's heart.

"Right now, lend me your power." Although Ouyang Xiaoleng didn't speak, Qianqi already understood what he meant.

The two of them soared into the sky at the same time. Ouyang Xiaoleng used his maximum strength to swing the divine ice towards the Rakshasa Mother, while Qianqi integrated all his demonic power into his sword edge at the same time. The two lights of amber and silver merged into one, causing Ouyang Xiaoleng's Divine Fox Slash to instantly change from silver to cyan.

"Ice Dragon Xiaoxue!" As Ouyang Xiaoleng shouted, the huge force tore apart the demon power of the Rakshasa Mother. She was unable to dodge and was struck by the sword energy on her left shoulder, and then fell heavily to the ground and fell to the ground. In a pool of blood.

The snow rabbit on the side finally subdued the ghost slaves and froze them in the ice she created. This was the first time she participated in a real battle. Although it took a long time, she still endured it. He couldn't help but clapped his hands and smiled proudly.

Just when Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qian Qi were about to finish off the Rakshasa Mother, a black shadow flashed past and picked up the Rakshasa Mother from the ground. Before the two teenagers could react, the black shadow was like ink dripping into the water. Just as dispersed and gone.

Ouyang Xiaoleng no longer cared about chasing the Rakshasa mother. He and Qianqi rushed towards the pool filled with black liquid almost at the same time. Without thinking, they jumped in together, in the thick poisonous stagnant pool. Xia Qiu was lifted out of the water.

They carried Xia Qiu to the shore and laid her down. Her face was bloodless, her lips were blue, and her pulse and breathing could not be felt. They called her name but there was no response.

Ouyang Xiaolen recited the exorcism spell again: "Abinsidiisdiaboli, liberanos, Domine."

After a while, black liquid flowed out of Xia Qiu's eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Listen!" Qian Qi put his ear close to Xia Qiu's face, "You're breathing!"

Ouyang Xiaolen breathed a sigh of relief. Just a second ago, he thought she had just left him. Although it was only a momentary thought, it also made him feel heartbroken, as if his chest would crack a little with every breath. But now it seems that Xia Qiu's poisoning is too deep, and the exorcism spell can no longer fully bring back her gradually lost soul.

Snow Rabbit burst into laughter, wiping the tears from his face.

"Great, she's still alive!" Qian Qi couldn't help but shed tears.

"Brother Xiao Leng, brother Qian Qi, we have to go back quickly to see Lord Yong, he will definitely have a way to save sister Xia Qiu!" Xue Tu reminded them.

"Well, she has been deeply poisoned. My exorcism spell no longer works. We must go back quickly to find a way to detoxify!" Ouyang Xiaoleng came to his senses, picked up Xia Qiu and ran out of the cave. This time Qianqi didn't Fight with him, instead following behind him with the snow rabbit.

Xia Qiu heard the voices of Ouyang Xiaoleng and the others in the darkness. She called their names, but she couldn't make any sound. When she felt helpless, the coldness around her body began to disappear. That was what she was familiar with. The warmth of the embrace made her feel at ease, allowing herself to melt into the warmth.

Ouyang Xiaoleng and the others brought the unconscious Xia Qiu back to the Fuxing Palace and briefly explained the whole story to Ouyang Yong.

"The water of the Dead Pool is highly toxic. Its toxins will continuously invade the human body and devour the soul bit by bit. If it weren't for Xia Qiu's powerful enough soul, I would have completely become its slave. Xiao Leng's Although the exorcism spell has discharged a certain amount of toxins, there is still a lot of it left in her body, so that she cannot wake up. You take her to the house and lie down first, and I will think of a way to detoxify." Ouyang Yong heard this Xiao Leng and the others ordered after their statement.

Ouyang Xiaoleng carefully placed Xia Qiu on the bed in the inner room. In order to make sure that she was not an illusion, he couldn't help but reach out and touch her cheek. The first time he looked at her so carefully was many years ago. When he finally regained his strength and woke up, he opened his eyes and saw the little human girl who had saved him from the black fox. She held him in her arms, It's so cherished. He didn't know why he had such a strong feeling for such a human girl. As long as he looked at her, he seemed to be able to hear the sound of his heart beating violently.

"Open her mouth." Ouyang Yong came in after a while, holding a small bottle in his hand. He removed the cork, poured a pill from the bottle, and said to Ouyang Xiaoleng.

He put the pill into Xia Qiu's mouth, waited for a while, and saw no movement, so he shook his head: "This bee dew and snow lotus pill is the most effective antidote I can find so far, but it doesn't seem to work. He thought for a while and continued, "There is something else that might be useful."

"What is it?" Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qianqi asked in unison.

"Dragon blood." Ouyang Yong looked at Qian Qi meaningfully and said, "But if you want to cure the poison of the dead water, you need a lot of dragon blood."

Without thinking, Qianqi used the hydration device to create a crystal-clear dagger and cut a hole in his wrist. He brought the bleeding wound close to Xia Qiu's mouth, and sent his blood into her mouth bit by bit. After an unknown amount of time, Xia Qiu finally had a weak reaction, and her body seemed to tremble.

"It should be almost done. Losing too much blood in a short period of time will make you weak." Ouyang Yong reminded.

"No, not yet, I'm fine."

Qianqi continued to feed Xia Qiu her dragon blood until her face began to turn rosy and her breathing became stronger. When she finally slowly opened her eyes, Qian Qi was already very weak. He fell down on a chair nearby. Ouyang Yong hurriedly bandaged his still bleeding wound.

"Thank you… "

Xia Qiu looked at Qian Qi and said, although she had just woken up and her voice was still weak, she actually heard everything that happened around her.

Qianqi smiled handsomely: "It was originally because of my negligence that you were kidnapped by the Rakshasa Mother. To me, shedding such a small amount of blood is nothing. To compensate you, I can grant you three more wishes. "

Xia Qiu smiled hard at him, and then looked at Ouyang Xiaoleng, her eyes full of longing. When she was trapped in the mirror world in her dream, if she hadn't seen Ouyang Xiaoleng, she might never be able to recall the world she originally belonged to, but he appeared and told her that he was waiting for her. It was that longing The bondage kept her from sinking and pulled her back from the illusory world.

"Don't talk so much!" Ouyang Xiaoleng said softly, with a rare tenderness in his voice. His eyes intertwined with hers, and her weakness made him feel distressed.

"Now that Xia Qiu has woken up, let her have a good rest! You two will follow me to the main hall. Hongye and the others still have some issues to discuss about the details of the Demon King Selection Conference." Ouyang Yong was relieved to see that Xia Qiu had regained consciousness. say.

Although Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qianqi also knew that the Demon King Selection Conference was not a trivial matter, at the moment they just wanted to stay with Xia Qiu.

"I want to sleep a little longer, so go ahead. I'm here anyway, don't worry!" Xia Qiu comforted them when he saw their hesitation.

Qian Qi had no choice but to follow Ouyang Yong to the main hall with Ouyang Xiaoleng. Her words echoed in her heart when she fought with the Rakshasa mother. She said that there was no way she could have her own place in Xia Qiu's heart because her His heart has been occupied by the person in front of him, and soon he will replace his father and elect this person to become the master of the demon world. Why can he have everything so easily? And yet I have to lag behind him in everything

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a tingling sensation in his heart, an indescribable pain. From the day he was born in Dongyao, for him, there was nothing he wanted but could not get. With his father's love for him, he grew up freely and carefree until he When I met the man in front of me named Ouyang Xiaoleng, he was the same age as me, but he was a descendant of the Demon King Fox. His status was more noble than mine. He could freely walk in the demon world and the human world, so he met Xia Qiu earlier. . The man named Ouyang Hongye, the man named Wangyue, even Sanmu who has been serving his father, Master Yong in the Fuxing Palace, and even his own father are all supporters of Ouyang Xiaoleng. This feeling of loss was something he had never had before, and the psychological gap after comparing him with Ouyang Xiaoleng was something that the proud man could not accept for a while.

When they walked into the main hall of Fuxing Hall, Ouyang Hongye and Wangyue were already waiting there. Lord Yong faced the four of His Highnesses, sat back in his seat, then nodded to Ouyang Hongye and said: "Xia Qiu's body The poison has been resolved by Qianqi's dragon blood, but it will take some time to fully recover, and we can start discussing the election meeting."

After hearing this, Ouyang Hongye smiled reassuringly, but soon changed to a serious expression. He cleared his throat and said: "After seeing you today, I have already expressed my gratitude to Elder Cheng and the princes and princes in the royal city in the name of Lord Yong. The nobles sent out an invitation, and the election meeting for the next Lord of the Demon Realm was scheduled to be held at Xu o'clock in the evening three days later, at the Tianquan Hall. As we know, there are two factions in the royal city, one is the Wei Lao faction, and the other is the Wei Lao faction. Led by Elder Cheng, they have been strongly opposed to Xiao Leng's succession and elected Lord Yong to take charge of the demon world. As the second elder of the demon world, Elder Cheng has the support of most princes and nobles in the demon world, especially his subordinates Shiyao Yanming and Leopard Yaofeng. Fire has a very high prestige in the demon world. They know that Mr. Yong, as a supporter of the Demon King Fox, will definitely not accept their proposal. On the surface, they recommend Mr. Yong, but in fact they want to take the power into their own hands; On the other hand is us. Although our supporters are not as many as the other party, Master Yong has absolute prestige as the first elder of the demon world, and the Amber Dragon King personally sent his only son Qianqi to assist us. In addition, The most important thing about Mochizuki and I's status among the princes is that we still occupy the custom that the lord of the demon world should be succeeded by the descendants of the demon king fox, so we make up for the lack of supporters."

"In this way, we are bound to win. I would like to congratulate Xiao Leng in advance." Wang Yue made a fist-cup gesture towards Ouyang Xiao Leng.

"Both Master Ke Yong and I are worried that there will be changes. If the Wei Laoists show the trump card of fair election that day and decide the result by voting, then we will be in a very bad situation. After all, they have the advantage in numbers, and they are opposed to Qingyun. Fighting again is in line with the wishes of the princes and nobles." Ouyang Hongye's words made everyone's newly ignited confidence cool down.

Ouyang Yong, who had been silent next to him, suddenly spoke: "Although Elder Cheng is a bit stubborn and seems to be estranged from me on the surface, he is definitely an upright person, and his worries about the demon world are by no means inferior to yours and mine. I can be sure of this. So the key is how to convince him that day and let him understand that another battle with Qingyun is inevitable, and only when Xiao Leng inherits the throne can we have the greatest confidence in winning."

"Well, I agree with Mr. Yong. I often drink with the old man. He is also a cheerful person. Whenever we talk about the current situation of the demon world, he has a lot of feelings. He once said that if the demon world was prosperous, it would be According to the convention, Xiao Leng, a descendant of the Demon King Fox, will inherit the throne, but the demon world is different from the past, with external enemies and internal troubles, and Xiao Leng is too young, so he has some resistance." Mochizuki told Ouyang. I agree with Yong’s words.

"It's up to you, Hongye! If you can't convince someone, then none of us can do it."

Ouyang Yong trustfully placed this heavy responsibility on Ouyang Hongye's shoulders. He understood him better than anyone else. Although he was gentle and frivolous on the surface, he was a natural diplomat. He was good at observing everyone's psychology, thereby persuading and Take control of them.

"Well, I have to prepare well before the selection meeting. I am bound to win." Ouyang Hongye's eyes showed perseverance and confidence.

"Xiao Leng, what do you think?" Ouyang Yong turned to Ouyang Xiao Leng and asked.

"Once the selection meeting comes to the end, and they still can't accept me becoming the master of the demon world, I ask Grandpa Yong to change his mind and take charge of the demon world. As long as I can eradicate Qingyun and revive the demon world, I will be willing to be a soldier." Ouyang Xiaoleng was silent. Said after a moment.

His words made Ouyang Hongye and Ouyang Yong deeply moved. They all saw Ouyang Xiaoleng's recent growth. The young man who always showed his arrogance has matured a lot. Although Ouyang Hongye and Ouyang Yong understand that his nature is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, at this moment, he can be so frank, generous and perseverant. The two of them were very pleased.

"Good boy, you are worthy of being a descendant of the Demon King Fox! I, Ouyang Yong, never make promises easily, but today I make an oath here. As long as my old bones are still alive, I will help you ascend the throne and complete the task." The mission of the Demon King Fox is to be shattered to pieces and wiped out in ashes. Someone, bring me my most precious white jade wine glass and serve the wine!"

Ouyang Yong was affected by Ouyang Xiaoleng's words. He felt that he had regained his youthful vitality in an instant, as if he could go to the battlefield again.

Several demon servants immediately came forward and brought white jade wine glasses. Those white jade wine glasses were made from a piece of rare white jade obtained from the human world. Each cup had different patterns, crystal clear, and a moon. It has a luster like a cup, and when it is filled with wine, the white body of the cup will turn into the orange-red color of the scorching sun. The demon servant filled the cup for everyone present one by one, and then stepped aside.

"You old man, I have had so many drinks with you, and no matter how much I beg you, you are not willing to take out these treasures for me to use. Today I finally figured it out." As soon as Mochizuki saw the wine was filled, she became a little complacent again. .

"In the past, I was afraid that you would get drunk and act recklessly and break my treasure, but today is different. Being able to gather with such like-minded companions makes me feel young again. Even if this white jade wine glass is broken, what will it matter? It's important. If everyone is like me and is determined to support Xiao Leng, please drink the wine in your own cup. I will do it first as a courtesy!" After Ouyang Yong finished speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp.

"This is what I have promised Xue Ye a long time ago. Unless I Hongye dies, I will never break my promise." Ouyang Hongye also drank the wine in the glass in one breath.

"Haha, how can I lag behind others when drinking... What a joke! I'm congratulating Xiao Leng in advance!" Mochizuki also put the wine down her throat.

Everyone turned their attention to Qian Qi. He remained silent from beginning to end, with a heavy look on his face that was inconsistent with the impression he gave people. At this time, he was still worried about what he had been thinking about before, and was hesitating whether to drink the wine when Ouyang Xiaoliang walked up to him.

"Thank you for fighting off the Rakshasa Mother and rescuing Xia Qiu with me in the barren mountains just now. I toast you with this glass." Ouyang Xiaoleng touched Qianqi's with his own glass, and then drank his own wine.

Qianqi was moved by his move. In fact, that was not the only thing that moved him. He remembered that in order to save Xia Qiu, the two of them actually used the demon alliance that he had never used before. Compared with Xiao Leng, even though he could not ascend the throne, , and is willing to support Master Yong's righteousness and determination, but his jealousy seems too narrow-minded and naive. He remembered that this was his father's request after all. Even though he was still a little unconvinced by Ouyang Xiaoleng, he still drank the wine silently.

That night, Wang Yue was very drunk, and Ouyang Yong and Ouyang Hongye also enjoyed themselves very much, but the two teenagers left the party early.

Ouyang Xiaoleng slowly walked to the largest plum tree in the courtyard, looking up at the bright moon in the purple sky through the dense flower branches. What hit his nostrils was the fresh and quiet plum blossoms, but also a somewhat mysterious fragrance. , he couldn't help but reach out and break off a branch, then walked towards the room where Xia Qiu rested.

Among the white curtains, Xia Qiu was lying there quietly, sleeping deeply because of her weakness, and she didn't even notice that he walked in. Ouyang Xiaoleng put the plum blossoms in his hand beside her pillow, and then sat down by the bed. In fact, he obviously liked to stay with her so quietly. Even if he didn't speak, just looking at her sleeping made him feel happy. , but for some reason, he unconsciously avoided her when she was awake. Maybe she is too dazzling. She is so strong, brave, and full of courage. Everything about her is constantly melting the frozen corner of his heart. Even though it is only a small corner, it is enough to arouse the excitement of his whole world. shake.

The encounter with her made his impression of her subverted time and time again. She kept shaking his heart, changing his pace again and again in her own way, leaving him heart-pounding, dejected, caught off guard, and helpless. Resisting, his pride failed miserably in front of her. But why can't I always express my feelings honestly? You obviously cherish her so much, but you pretend to be indifferent when you meet her; you obviously miss her so much, but you pretend to be indifferent when you meet her. What a blessing that she woke up. If she could never wake up from now on, how could he forgive himself? He caressed her cheek soothingly, and when fatigue hit, he lay beside her bed and fell asleep.

After Qianqi discovered that Ouyang Xiaoleng was missing, he also resigned from Ouyang Yong and the others. When he ran to the place where Xia Qiu rested, he also carefully selected and broke off a plum blossom from the plum blossom tree. However, outside the room, he saw Ouyang Xiaoleng sleeping next to her bed. He leaned outside the door and didn't know what to do. The plum blossoms he had just broken off quietly slipped from his bandaged hands to the ground. …