Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 15: The crisis of the divine pillar


Outside the Assistant Star Hall seemed to be another world, with demon princes who came to participate in the selection meeting gathered everywhere, and demon servants who were busy guiding and providing services. In the past sixteen years, there has never been a conference or sacred ceremony held in Chenji Palace, so naturally it has not been this lively for a long time.

In fact, since the war sixteen years ago, Tianquan Hall and Yuheng Hall, as the meeting halls and bedrooms of the Lord of the Demon Realm, have never been used, and there are no longer specific demon servants responsible for taking care of them. At this time, these demons The servants were temporarily dispatched from the two elders and some royal families. Many of them were not familiar with Tianquan Hall, so they seemed to be in a hurry.

Ouyang Xiaoleng walked in the front, Qianqi and Xia Qiu followed behind him. The princes and their entourage all involuntarily saluted the three young men. Although most of them have never even seen Ouyang Xiaoleng's face, they can recognize him at a glance as the son of the late king Ouyang Xueye.

Ouyang Xueye was once the most beautiful man in the demon world. He was as quiet as the moon in the clear sky, moved like snow in the wind, had skin as clear as crystal jade, and had eyes like the vast night. He acted freely and elegantly, and treated others as gentle as water. He had an irresistible charm for both men and women. , even in battle, he has an extremely beautiful posture, and every move is picturesque.

Ouyang Xiaoleng nodded to those who saluted one by one and returned the salute. He looked so calm and unhurried that no one could have imagined that beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead and palms. After all, this is the first time he has faced so many royal families. As a person who has been rejected by the vast majority of them since birth, shortly after his parents passed away, Ouyang Hongye tried to keep him away from potential dangers and constant rumors. Despite the opposition, he finally chose to take him to live alone in the human world, and the management of the royal city was temporarily handed over to the two elders of the demon world, Ouyang Yong and Lion King Cheng. Since then, he has been isolated from the royal power. In the entire Chenji Palace, only the Fuxing Palace is the place where he can come and go at will. He only has the false name of the son of the late king Ouyang Xueye, and the rights he enjoys are not even as good as Ouyang Hongye and Wangyue.

On this special day today, he, the son of the late king, must stand in front of everyone and convince them to acknowledge his status, change their minds and support him in reorganizing the demon world and leading all tribes to fight against Qingyun. For him, who is not good at communicating with others, , what a difficult thing it is. But no matter what, he must show courage, because he is a descendant of the Demon King Fox and his father's son. He cannot belittle the noble blood flowing in his body.

Only Xia Qiu could see his nervousness. Although she could not always understand him, sometimes she felt that she and he were connected. Just like what he was thinking and what he wanted to express at the moment, she understood him. I understand. She silently stretched out her hand and squeezed one of his hands tightly from one side, as if to say, don't worry, I'm right behind you.

Ouyang Xiaoleng suddenly felt much more relaxed because of Xia Qiu's move. His breathing became less rapid and his heartbeat slowed down. He felt the power that was continuously transmitted from her palms.

Only the middle door was left open in front of Tianquan Hall. A receptionist was holding a list of all the guests invited to attend the selection meeting, and a long scroll was dragged straight from his hand to the ground.

"Prince Yuli, please come into the palace." The receptionist called a name on time, and a figure squeezed out from the crowd in front of the palace, showed the invitation letter and the copper plate worn on the body with his name and identity engraved on it, and then He walked into the hall with his chest held high and his head held high.

"Your Majesty, red-eared demon spirit, please come into the palace."... The receptionist continued to read.

At this time, another door next to him suddenly opened from the inside, and Thorns walked out of that door. He came directly to Ouyang Xiaoleng, Xia Qiu and Qianqi. Everyone stayed away.

As usual, Thorns bowed slightly and said gently: "Master Yong, please three of you follow me into the palace."

They followed the thorns and walked into the Tianquan Palace under the watchful eyes of the princes who were still crowding in front of the palace waiting to enter. As soon as he entered the palace, Xia Qiu couldn't help but be attracted by the four giant golden pillars standing there. The four ancient mythical beasts carved on the giant pillars not only looked majestic and lifelike, but the most amazing thing was that they could actually They can freely change postures on the pillars they live on, and walk up and down around the pillars they are on.

"When the god Qiansu created the demon world, he chose his four sons respectively, which are part of the divine power of the four great beasts, and sealed them in these pillars. The demon world relied on the support of this divine power to form the world." Ouyang Xiaoleng He explained to Xia Qiu who was amazed behind him.

Although he often heard his father mention the majesty of Tianquan Palace, Qianqi felt that compared with this place, Dongyao's palace could not compete with it in terms of openness and momentum. Not only that, but the palace here was also Every detail is exquisite.

The dome of the main hall is mainly dark green, with hundreds of symmetrical square patterns outlined in gold, red, and blue. The four corners of each pattern are connected with luminous pearls. The walls on both sides are covered with huge murals, one side depicts the sacred realm of the gods, and the other side depicts the prosperity of the human world. In front of the main hall, in front of the nine white jade screens depicting the nine postures of the fox, the demon king's throne is high up. The throne is made of five kinds of spiritual stones in the demon world, namely red sunstone, blue bird stone, emerald stone, purple cloud stone and Black gold stone, five colors blend into one, with alternating brilliance.

Many people who came to participate in the selection meeting had gathered in Tianquan Hall. They were either looking forward to it or whispering to each other. When Ouyang Xiaoleng and the others walked through the royal family, the noisy palace suddenly became quiet, and everyone couldn't help but turn their attention to him and the two people behind him. For a moment, he, dressed in white, made them seem to see Ouyang Xueye in his prime, which was still the heyday of the demon world. After the death of Demon King Hu Li, the demon world once thought that the demon world was over, but Ouyang Xueye gave Their new hope. Not only were the four elders wholeheartedly assisting the young king, but there were also close friends like Hong Ye, Hu Hu, and Ting Yue who were willing to sacrifice their lives for him. He led them to defeat countless powerful evil monsters, and put down one after another the rebellious parties who tried to make trouble in the demon world. With his magnanimity and ability that surpassed everyone else, the heretics and evil types were finally willing to surrender to his feet.

Qianqi behind Ouyang Xiaoleng is like Amber back then, a handsome young man with spirituality in his eyes. But summer and autumn are a different scene. The human girl is like a white lotus that has just bloomed, or a peony in bud.

As if they had just stepped down from the murals in the divine world, the three young men walked slowly to the foot of the high platform, where temporary seats had been placed. The two elders and the most prominent princes had already taken their seats, while the others were standing below. . Ouyang Yong, as the largest elder in the demon world, is in the center. Wang Yue and Ouyang Hongye have also taken their seats slightly to the left. They specially left seats for Xia Qiu and Qianqi next to Ouyang Xiaoleng's seat. Thorns will The three of them were led to their seats and then retreated behind Ouyang Yong.

As soon as the three of them sat down, there was a commotion in the direction of the door. Xia Qiu turned her eyes and saw a figure slowly walking towards this side surrounded by people. The man was extremely tall, about the same size as a thorn. He was wearing a golden robe and a lion-faced mask. His gray hair and beard were blowing out in all directions like steel wires.

"That's Elder Cheng." Ouyang Xiaoleng reminded Xia Qiu and Qianqi from the side.

His impression of Elder Cheng was not good. In the few limited meetings he had with him since he could remember, he always gave people a sense of superiority and oppression, and he never showed the slightest concern for him. His body is a huge golden lion. As the second oldest elder in the demon world, his status is equivalent to that of Grandpa Yong and he has many supporters.

Ouyang Xiaoleng has heard a lot of legendary stories about his bravery and prowess in battle when he was young. It is said that he once had a handsome face, but because he helped his grandfather Li block the attack of the giant elephant demon, one side of his cheek became disfigured. There were huge scars on his body and body, and he has been wearing a mask ever since. After his grandfather passed away, he was the second person besides Grandpa Yong to support his father Ouyang Xueye. Grandpa Yong also mentioned more than once that Elder Cheng was once one of the most loyal supporters of the Demon King Fox, but what happened? What makes him war-weary and elusive? Grandpa Yong couldn't explain clearly. His fear of war even made him conflict with Ouyang Xiaoleng, the successor to the throne.

Wherever Elder Cheng passed by, the royal family all saluted respectfully. Even Qian Qi could tell that the solemnity was different from the polite salute to Ouyang Xiaoleng, as if Elder Cheng was the leader of the demon world. host.

Qianqi said angrily: "Does he think he is the king?"

The scene in front of him made him feel unhappy from the bottom of his heart. He did not compete for the position of Demon King just because he promised his father and Xia Qiu to side with Ouyang Xiaoleng. But except for Ouyang Xiaoleng, he was absolutely Won't give in.

Elder Cheng walked all the way, and no one could see his expression hidden behind the mask. His two main followers, the stone demon Yanming and the leopard demon Fenghuo, followed closely behind him.

Ouyang Xiaoleng knew that Leopard Demon Fenghuo was the adopted son of Elder Cheng. He was not tall but very muscular, with short blond hair mixed with black spots, eyebrows like two burning flames, and round eyes with brown pupils. Always staring wide open. He has a violent temper, is rebellious, and is simple-minded. He only obeys the orders of his adoptive father, Elder Cheng. Apart from his adoptive father, let alone the demon world, he will not pay attention to people from the god world even if they come. He most often wears green clothes and trousers, and holds a large ax in each hand. That is his weapon, the wind and fire axe, the wind ax in his left hand and the fire ax in his right hand. His demon skills are average, and he is best at close combat. His combat strength at close range should be higher than that of Ouyan Hongye and Mochizuki. As a member of the leopard demon clan, his biggest advantage is his amazing speed, but it is only limited to short and medium distances, and his endurance is not enough.

The person wearing a black cloak next to him was Stone Demon Yanming. Every inch of skin in his cloak was carefully wrapped with bandages, leaving only a pair of emerald green pupils and hands with white gloves outside. Almost no one has seen his true face. It is said that his skin cannot be exposed to any light, otherwise it will soon turn to stone, but he is actually a very handsome man, with skin as transparent as jade. Yan Ming was once one of the three stones embedded in the sword of Gansu, the main sword of the heaven. It fell into the lake in Yongchuan Forest three thousand years ago. After sleeping for two thousand years, he was awakened by Elder Cheng and transformed into the form of a stone demon. He took the famous saying and has been following Elder Cheng ever since.

When his pupils turn blood red, he can rely on his remaining divine power to predict the fate and future of others. He is not good at close combat. He can use demon power to control flying rocks, or transform the surrounding rocks into huge stone men or beasts to fight for him, or he can form a barrier to protect himself and his companions. What surprised Ouyang Xiaoleng the most was that in the demon world, he was unexpectedly the best friend with Thorns. Jingji once explained to Ouyang Xiaoleng that although Yanming looked gloomy and cold, he was actually kind in nature, but he was just unforgiving with his words.

For some reason, Xia Qiu felt Yan Ming's gaze cast towards herself, Ouyang Xiaolen and Qian Qi from time to time. Those emerald green pupils were so beautiful, but they seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. She didn't know if it was her hallucination, but she always felt that the pupils showed blood from time to time, which made people feel frightened.

When Elder Cheng walked up to Ouyang Xiaoleng, his eyes collided with his eyes, showing a complex expression. The eyes seemed to be disgust, pity, and more like an inexplicable resistance and resistance. Ouyang Xiaoleng had long been accustomed to his look, so he didn't really care.

Elder Cheng and Ouyang Yong nodded to each other and sat next to him, while Feng Huo and Yan Ming sat on both sides of him. When Jingjiajie saw Yan Ming, a rare smile appeared in his eyes, making his eyes look less cold.

As Elder Cheng took his seat, the election meeting officially began, and the atmosphere in the entire Tianquan Hall became tense, which Xiao Leng and the others had expected.

After everyone arrived, Ouyang Yong stood up first and said to the royal family below: "Now that everyone is seated, our demon king selection meeting will begin. As we all know, since the beginning of the demon world, The position of the Demon King was chosen in accordance with the will of the gods. Until the Silver Fox Lord came to the demon world and became the master of the demon world by the will of the gods, the position of the Demon King was inherited by the descendants of the Demon King Fox. The late king Ouyang Xueye also followed the instructions of the gods. This Li inherited the throne. In the 16th year, when he led us to fight the demon tiger beast Qingyun in a life-and-death battle and passed away, Xiao Leng did not inherit the throne immediately because he was still young. The royal city was managed by me and the city elders, resulting in The demon world has been without a master until now. And now Xiao Leng has turned sixteen. As the first heir, he should obey God's will and inherit the throne. Today, the reason why everyone is so anxiously called for selection is because there are various signs recently. It shows that the subordinates of the demon tiger beast Qingyun are taking actions in the demon world and the human world again, which makes it even more necessary for a king to step forward and lead the entire demon world to be ready to welcome Qingyun's comeback again."

As soon as Ouyang Yong finished speaking, the entire hall was filled with heated discussions.

"Becoming the master of the demon world from a descendant of the demon king fox is in compliance with the will of the gods."

"That's right."

"Qingyun appears again? What should we do?"

"As Lord Yong said, we must quickly establish the throne and discuss countermeasures."

Just when everyone began to agree with Ouyang Yong, Elder Cheng stood up from his chair and went straight to the point, "Although the position of Demon King should be inherited by the descendants of Demon King Fox according to common sense, since the war sixteen years ago, The demon world has gradually declined, and Xiao Leng is still young. Under such circumstances, how can we entrust the important task of leading the demon world to a child like him?! In addition, we are not yet sure whether the demon tiger beast Qingyun has really started to act again. . I think that a more prestigious and experienced person should stand up and lead us to reorganize the demon world. The first choice is none other than Mr. Yong. As the second elder of the demon world, I, Lion King Makoto, hereby sincerely request you. Master Yong should reconsider taking over as the Demon King."

After Elder Cheng said this, he turned to Ouyang Yong and clasped his fists to him respectfully. His move obviously infected many princes below.

These princes also followed Elder Cheng and bowed deeply to Master Yong in unison: "I sincerely request Master Yong to take over the position of Demon King."

Ouyang Yong raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down: "I, Ouyang Yong, have already made an oath to the first demon king Hu Li, and will be loyal to the demon king fox for the rest of my life. How can I go back on my word and have the greed to become the master of the demon world?! What are you doing? Trap me into unkindness and unrighteousness! No matter what, you cannot disobey the will of God, otherwise there will be ominous consequences."

"What have we got in exchange for following God's will for thousands of years? Two generations of Demon King Fox and our companions died one after another in order to defeat Qingyun. The demon world is declining day by day. I ask, why don't the gods help? Why do we still need to do it now? Obey his will, since he has abandoned us in this demon world, this is our world."

Elder Cheng's rebuttal aroused a resonance among the people below.

"The reason why the demon world can survive to this day is entirely due to the protection of the two demon kings Hu Li and Ouyang Xueye. They would not betray the demon world at the expense of their own lives. Although the demon world has experienced the baptism of two wars, the strength of the demon world is not as good as before. But as long as the descendants of the Demon King Fox are still there and we are still there, there is still hope. As long as we unite as one, the demon realm can regain its prosperity." Ouyang Yong's voice was high and loud, and even trembled with excitement when he said this.

Seeing that more and more people are being moved by Ouyang Yong's emotions, Elder Cheng is still calm: "In terms of ability and experience, there are many capable people in the demon world. If you really care about the future of the demon world, you should give up your inherent ideas and choose true Someone who can convince everyone should take charge of the demon world. Although Xiao Leng is indeed a descendant of the Demon King Fox, he is still young and inexperienced, and his demon skills are not superior to others. How can he safely entrust the demon world to a young man? On his shoulders? Even if we have to fight Qingyun as a last resort, even Xian Wangli and Ouyang Xueye were not spared in the battle, how can he grasp the chance of victory?! We are too irresponsible to a child by doing this!"

After listening to his words, doubtful voices started to rise one after another below. The mention of the name Qingyun made everyone panic. This was a name that no one wanted to mention for many years. Today, this name was mentioned several times in the mouths of the two elders Ouyang Yong and Shi Wangcheng, which reminded those who heard it of those bloody years.

The demonic tiger beast Qingyun, who is neither a demon nor a god, led his subordinates Rakshasa Mother, Yaksha, wolf demon Heiyun, Thousand-Eyed Insect, Blue Snake, etc. The entire demon world was turbulent and killings continued. Wherever they went, they fell into darkness like eternal night. In the end, only the ruins of the once prosperous city and the bones scattered everywhere were left. The wailing sounds of fear can still be heard today.

"Yes, he is only sixteen years old, he is still a child!"

"That's right, how could he be Qingyun's opponent?"

"In the end, we all have to die."

The discussion once again spread throughout the hall.

"Please listen to me. As a descendant of the Demon King Fox, Xiao Leng has found his own contractor and completed the blood alliance. Now the power of the Silver Fox God Lord in his body has been awakened. As long as time passes, he will definitely become our core force against Qingyun. . Xiao Leng, Xia Qiu, come on, stand up." Lord Yong looked at Ouyang Xiao Leng and Xia Qiu.

Ouyang Xiaoleng and Xia Qiu looked at each other, and then stood up at the same time. Suddenly the entire Tianquan Palace became quiet. The princes all looked at them in unison, with novelty, wonder, and curiosity in their eyes. Appreciation, but more of doubt.

Because Ouyang Xiaoleng never liked to talk too much in front of others, now that he faced so many people who opposed and doubted him, Xia Qiu couldn't help but worry about him. But he looked so different at this moment. In this Tianquan Hall, he seemed to have suddenly regained his kingly aura as a descendant of the Demon King Fox. It was the innate extraordinary in his blood, even if He looked so noble and solemn even without speaking, and the silver light shining all over his body highlighted his unparalleled bravery.

When he spoke, he was as calm as ever before: "Sixteen years ago, after my father and mother passed away, I have been living with Hongye in the human world outside the demon world, and rarely appear here, so many of you have not He has never met me, and I know very little about everything here. In fact, ever since I was sensible, all I have thought about is 'revenge'. At that time, I only knew that Qingyun was the one who killed my grandfather and parents. The murderer, that's all. I wanted to become stronger in order to defeat him completely one day. But some experiences in the world and some people I came into contact with made me gradually change this idea. I no longer Thinking about revenge alone, I began to have the urge to protect the demon world and the human world, because there are people I want to protect here and there." At this point, Ouyang Xiaoleng looked at Xia Qiu meaningfully, In fact, she had already understood the meaning of his words. He once again looked away at the princes below, and continued, "Especially this time, in order to get the support of the Amber Dragon King, I went to Dongyao with Hongye and Wangyue. This is my first time in the demon world. Outside Yongchuan, what I saw and heard along the way made me feel heartbroken. It turned out that only Yongchuan still maintained its superficial splendor, while many places outside Yongchuan had long been desolate and desolate, with tens of thousands of households desolate. As the Queen of the Demon King Fox Man, I always thought that it was my destiny to be in charge of the demon world, but it was not until this moment that I clearly realized that responsibility. Perhaps, most of you think I am still too young, but this does not affect my desire to change I am determined to change the current situation of the demon world, and it is precisely because I am young that I have enough strength and courage to overcome all the difficulties that I may face. Because I believe that as long as everyone unites as one, as long as the two elders are willing to support my father. If Ouyang Xueye supports me like that, then we can definitely work together to end Qingyun's sins and bring the demon world back to its glory."

Ouyang Xiaoleng's words amazed Ouyang Yong and Ouyang Hongye.

"As expected of Xue Ye and Su Su's child." Ouyang Hongye couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"He was brought up by you, how could you be wrong?" Mochizuki reminded with a smile.

After hearing these words, Ouyang Hongye suddenly felt his heart trembling slightly, feeling a little happy and a little bitter. He just nodded and did not continue.

Seeing that there were more and more voices supporting Ouyang Xiaoleng below, Lion Cheng was a little at a loss of ideas, while Ouyang Yong breathed a deep sigh of relief, knowing that he had to strike while the iron was hot.

"This time Xiao Leng and others went to Dongyao. They got the approval of the Lord of Dongyao, the Amber Dragon King, and personally sent his only son Qianqi to lead a demon horse cavalry regiment to Yongchuan to guard the demon kingdom city." Ouyang Yong turned to Qianqi said.

Qian Qi was already impatient with waiting. When he heard Ouyang Yong finally mentioned his name, he stood up: "Although my father is unable to come to Yongchuan to participate in the election meeting in person due to illness, he has expressed to me I will follow the decision of Demon King Fox in this life. As his only son, I must fulfill his instructions. I also make an oath here. If Ouyang Xiaoleng can successfully ascend the throne, once the war with Qingyun begins, I and Dong Yao will all The troops will definitely obey his orders. If someone else ascends the throne and becomes king, I, Dong Yao, will never recognize it, so I have no choice but to leave Yongchuan and return to Dong Yao to protect myself."

"The Amber Dragon King still supports the Demon King Fox!"

"His cavalry regiment is famous for its elusive appearance and bravery."

"Yes, without the support of Amber Dragon King, if we really go to war with Qingyun, our strength will be greatly reduced."

"I think we also support Master Yong's proposal to let Ouyang Xiaoleng, the descendant of the Demon King Fox, succeed to the throne as soon as possible."

Qian Qi heard the people below react to his words and felt a little proud. He sneered at Ouyang Xiao, then turned his eyes to Xia Qiu, telling her with his eyes that he could rest assured that he would stand by Ouyang Xiao just like he promised her. Cold side.

Xia Qiu didn't know how to express her gratitude to him other than a smile. Although he looked like an ordinary boy, he was the son of the Dragon King. He had just met him and not only saved her, he also kept his promise and satisfied her, which was a bit unreasonable. requirements.

Just when everyone thought it was a foregone conclusion that Ouyang Xiaoleng would successfully inherit the position of Demon King, there was a sudden loud noise, and the entire Tianquan Hall shook. Xia Qiu felt as if the ground beneath her feet was about to be shattered instantly. Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qianqi held her hands almost at the same moment. The princes in the Tianquan Palace were in a panic because they didn't know what happened. ,stunned.

"Oops, no! Why can't I suddenly feel the breath of the divine talisman that originally sealed the four divine pillars? I am afraid that it is precisely because of the absence of the divine talisman that the green dragon, white tiger, and Suzaku Xuanwu divine power sealed within the divine pillars. Scattered, if this continues, the entire demon world may collapse." Ouyang Yong shouted loudly.

"What are we going to do?" Ouyang Hongyebian asked while trying to find a balance.

"Elder Cheng, let's work together to temporarily shock the divine power in the pillar!" Ouyang Yong suggested to the Lion King Cheng next to him.

Lion King Cheng nodded to him in perfect agreement, and the two of them used their demonic powers at the same time. The red light released from Ouyang Yong's body and the yellow light released from Lion King Cheng's body converged together, forming a chain-like shape. Four columns surround and connect together. The shaking gradually subsided, and most of the people who had fallen due to the shaking slowly got up from the ground. Others who were slightly injured seemed to be fine.

Sweat oozed from Ouyang Yong's forehead. It would take a lot of his demon power to shake the divine power in the pillar. Even for him in the past, it was quite difficult, not to mention that he is old now. The same goes for Lion Cheng next to him. Ouyang Hongye and Jingji helped Ouyang Yong lift the chair. Leopard Demon Fenghuo also helped Lion Cheng lift the chair almost at the same time. Both of them immediately fell into their chairs, gasping for air.

"Are you okay?" Ouyang Hongye asked with concern.

Ouyang Yong nodded, "Our continuous application of demonic power can only temporarily dampen the divine power emanating from the divine pillar. I don't know how long it can last."

Ouyang Hongye then asked: "What will happen once the divine power is exhausted?"

"The Demon Realm will no longer exist, because Gansu, the Lord of the God Realm, created the Demon Realm by relying on these four pillars and the divine power of the four gods sealed in the pillars."

"What do we do now?"

"I think the demonic power of our two old bones can last at least ten days. Within these ten days, we must find other talismans that the gods left in the demon world and the human world to re-seal the divine pillar." Ouyang Yong turned to the Lion King Sincerity.

"Exactly! In fact, Yan Ming has already predicted to me that changes will occur in the demon world today, but he said that all this is inevitable!" Lion King Cheng responded.

Yan Ming heard Shi Wangcheng talking about his prediction and hurriedly stepped forward: "Before the election meeting was held, I tried to use my eyes to predict the results of today's election, but someone deliberately hid what might happen today. This person's magic power is obviously better than mine. Therefore, although I expected what might happen today, I had no clue, so I had no countermeasures. I didn't expect it to be such a serious consequence."

"Yan Ming, can you see where the magic talisman may be?" Ouyang Yong asked.

Yan Ming did not answer in a hurry, but put his hands on his forehead and chin. His green pupils gradually turned into blood red. After a while, he said: "I feel that the power of the talisman is being released in the direction to the west. , although the location cannot be completely determined, the direction must be correct. There is also the power of the talisman coming from the human world. Although I can't feel the specific location, it seems to have the feeling of water. It should be surrounded by water. The place." After saying that, Yan Ming's pupils turned back to green.

"In this case, Wangyue and I will immediately set off to the west to search in the demon world. Xiao Leng, Xia Qiu and Qianqi, you go to the human world to search. This matter cannot be delayed!" Ouyang Hongye quickly made arrangements.

"Okay, I'm afraid someone will take advantage of the chaos to attack. The others will stay in Yongchuan Royal City." Ouyang Courage calmed down a bit, but his face was still not good.

Ouyang Hongye turned to Xia Qiu and Xiao Leng: "Mu Ya has been collecting various information over the years. I believe it will be helpful to you. Without further ado, you should set off now."

"Okay." Ouyang Xiaoleng replied, just about to leave with Xia Qiu and Qianqi.

"Wait!" Elder Cheng called to them, his words full of sustenance, "Today's selection meeting has concluded. I hope you can successfully retrieve the talisman. When you return after obtaining the talisman, the succession ceremony will be held. day."

Ouyang Xiaoleng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then nodded with certainty. He led Xia Qiu and Qianqi and ran towards the outside of Chenji Palace.

Ouyang Hongye, Wangyue and Leopard Demon Fenghuo also hurriedly said goodbye to Ouyang Yong and Elder Cheng and headed west.