Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 26: Hyacinth's determination


Ouyang Xiaoleng actually saw through Xia Qiu's bravery at a glance. He wanted to get rid of the guard soldiers who were besieging him as soon as possible so that he could rush over to help her.

Being surrounded by such three behemoths is no joke. He has been restraining their actions with a powerful cyclone of demonic power, and at the same time protecting himself, otherwise his body will be easily torn to pieces by their claws at any time. .

He dexterously circled among the three of them, constantly looking for possible flaws in them. Although these titan-like monsters were extremely powerful and their attacks were extremely explosive, their moves were too simple. They always insist on powerful attacks from the front, but due to their size and painlessness, they are very lax in defense. During the confrontation with them, his attacks can be easily succeeded with just a slight change. Understanding this, he gradually restrained the guard warriors with the rhythm of his attacks. He also took advantage of this discovery and stabbed a guard warrior blind in the eyes.

The huge creature that had lost its eyesight waved the weapon in its hand randomly in the air, and even injured two of its companions nearby. The next scene caught everyone by surprise. Without saying a word, the two attacked warriors stabbed their spears into the blind warrior's chest one after the other. What burst out from the chests of the stabbed warriors was not blood, but an almost yellow-green gas. Sure enough, they were no longer flesh and blood, but just innocent souls tortured by hell. The way they died was as floating as souls. Disperse.

After the two guard warriors killed their accomplice, they turned to face Ouyang Xiaoleng. Their simple thinking model was once again proved. Once a companion hurts them, even if it is an accidental injury, everyone will work together to get rid of them.

Qianqi took advantage of the guard warriors' weaknesses and took the initiative to change tactics. He first bluffed from the front, then turned to the back and stabbed the places where their armor could not protect them. He succeeded almost every time.

As the wounds on his body continued to increase, the guard warriors no longer had the domineering spirit they had before, and their attacks became chaotic and chaotic. Hyacinth's Tears of Flowers took the opportunity to show off its power, further disrupting the enemy's formation.

Seeing that they gradually took the initiative on the battlefield, the remaining nine warriors who were guarding the spirits were injured or disabled and retreated in one direction. Knowing that there was no advantage in fighting separately, they quickly gathered together not far from the gate of Lingque Palace. Build a barrier.

"No, they chose the last step and defended the palace gate. This way, it will be more difficult for us to attack." Hyacinth saw the intention and quickly said to the other three people.

"At one go, let's rush in!"

Qianqi couldn't help but attack the line of warriors standing in line. Before he could rush forward, he was bounced back by a wall of air formed by the huge power emanating from the bodies of the warriors.

Hyacinthia asked Qianqi: "They have combined their forces to form a cyclone barrier. We must think of other countermeasures. Qianqi, we fought together just now, and I have a certain grasp of the fluctuations and changes in your demonic power. Let's try Let’s fuse the demon powers of two people together and see if we can successfully create a demon alliance.”


Qianqi began to use his demon power, and felt the fluctuations in Hyacinth's demon power, looking for the point of convergence between the two demon powers. The cyclone generated by Qianqi's demon power is lake blue, but the demon power cyclone generated by Hyacinth is a dazzling sapphire color. The demon power of the two people quickly merged, and when they converged, a powerful beam of light burst out.

For Hyacinth, no battle has been fought so happily in thousands of years. From the day he turned from a flower into a demon, until today, he felt what true freedom was for the first time. Because he freely chooses to fight by his own will, freely chooses to make friends, and even freely chooses to sacrifice for his friends, without any transaction involved. He suddenly remembered that he had come to Huangquan for self-exile. Ironically, he had gained the two most precious things in his life here, love and friendship. Inadvertently, he felt that he should let go after his death. You can let go of everything. Think about it, as a sinner, he can gain these things and there will be no regrets.

At this time, his and Qianqi's powers have completely matched each other, and their demon power has reached its ultimate saturation level. Qianqi's Ice Dragon Slash gradually faded away, and the Divine Dragon Fire Bow on his left arm was driven out by the power of the Demon Alliance. He felt that the energy released by the connection with the Demon Alliance was stronger than ever before.

Like a divine help, he gave this blow a beautiful name: "Dragon Yin Huahuan!"

After the arrow was shot, the huge power of the demon alliance brought out by the purple arrow was wrapped in countless blue petals and transformed into a sharp petal-shaped lens that flashed blue and purple, and swooped towards the queue of guard warriors. This blow shattered the cyclonic barrier of the guard warriors, causing them to fall to the ground crookedly in all directions.

"Now, Xiao Leng, Xia Qiu, Qian Qi, let's rush into Lingqian Palace at one go!" Hyacinthia shouted.

Xiao Leng and the others said in unison: "Okay!"

Then, the four people rushed towards the main entrance of Lingqian Palace, and the warriors standing up one after another stood up, assuming a desperate posture, with "stone veins running across" blocking their way forward.

Xia Qiu felt that Mei Ren was connected to her inner strength, which was constantly accumulating and rising. The two forces of her and Mei Ren were tightly attached to each other like magnets.

Ouyang Xiaoleng's voice rang in her ears: "Do you trust me completely now?"

She nodded: "Yeah!"

"Now is the best time to form a demon alliance. Although the time is too short, I don't know how powerful the demon alliance can be formed, but it is worth trying!"

"The plum blade is guiding me, let me give my power to you!"

Xia Qiu's trust was the best encouragement to Ouyang Xiaoleng. As the blood alliance's signatories, their demon alliance would definitely go in different directions. Thinking of this, both of them immediately gained endless confidence and courage. Their powers also merged in an instant and quickly reached the peak of energy. Even Qianqi and Hyacinth had never seen such an inseparable demon alliance formed in such a short period of time.

Their move can be called "Divine Plum Blade Ice". The surrounding ice flames condensed with countless red plum blossoms, creating a whirlpool of red and white demonic power. Ouyang Xiaoleng slashed with his sword and cut off the arm on one side of the guarding warrior in the center. When the sword fell, the plum blossoms in the flames broke into petals and fell downwards. The sparks splashed on the ground rose into the air and turned into wisps of red smoke.

A gap was left in the defense line, and the four of them rushed to the gate of Lingqian Palace, but the mechanical guard warriors still did not give up. They stood up again and displayed their last "Wind Fire Meteor". Resist tenaciously. They raised their claws, roared with wind, and spun rapidly, forming an indestructible formation of wind, fire, and meteors in an instant. From time to time, flying meteors would be fired out from the inside, making a whooshing sound, collapsing and spitting fire, making Ouyang Xiaoleng and the others unable to defend themselves and had to retreat.

Seeing this, Qianqi roared loudly: "It's not over yet! These monsters are really difficult to deal with!"

Only Hyacinth knows that at this point in the battle, victory or defeat has come to a decisive moment, and someone must have the courage to die. He finally told them: "I will cover you! Keep moving forward when you see the opportunity, don't hesitate!"

Several people didn't understand. Xia Qiu turned around and asked him: "What about you?"

"Don't worry about me, I have my own way! Be prepared!" After saying that, Hyacinth left them and stood up. The tough guys stood in front of the guard warriors one by one, facing them and facing death, but he unexpectedly He didn't even frown. He mobilized all his demon power and once again used his trump card. He used Flower Tears to mobilize three groups of peacock blue petals, respectively outlining the outlines of Ouyang Xiaoleng, Xia Qiu and Qianqi to confuse the enemy.

Sure enough, the guard's attention was completely attracted by him, and they rushed towards Hyacinth and the phantom he created, as if they wanted to kill him completely.

Feiyu, trailed by flames, flew in all directions with a fierce attack. Hua Xinzi was tired of resisting and shouted loudly to the teenagers who were standing there: "Idiot, what are you waiting for? Why don't you open the door and go in!"

Ouyang Xiaoleng nodded at him and led Xia Qiu and Qianqi to rush towards the main entrance of Lingqian Palace. When they were about to push the door open and enter, they couldn't help but look back at Hyacinth one last time.

The phantoms created by Hyacinth were quickly broken one by one. Seeing that he was the only one left, holding on to the situation with little strength, he was still fighting fiercely with his opponent... His body had been penetrated by rocks and meteors in many places, and he was bleeding profusely. He fought and retreated, but it seemed that he could not Falling down will not stop there.

From a distance, Xia Qiu wanted to say something to Hyacinth, but her voice was stuck in her throat. There was no sound in the world around her, and time seemed to have stopped. Only tears rolled down her eyes.

The tightly closed door was heavy and sluggish, but it was still pushed open by Qian Qi and Ouyang Xiaoleng.

Ouyang Xiaoleng couldn't think too much, he made up his mind, grabbed Xia Qiu's hand, and ran towards Lingqian Palace in large strides. Because he knew very well that at this moment, if he did not follow Hyacinth's words, it would be a waste of precious time and opportunities that he had risked his life to gain.

"Don't worry, Hyacinth will be fine."

Qianqi followed behind, comforting Xia Qiu. But at the same time, I am comforting myself.

When Xia Qiu came to his senses again, they were already standing in Lingqian Palace. The light here was dim, and there was a large hole leading to the ground in the center of the arched cave-like space. A manual lift made of metal and wood is installed at the entrance of the cave. It looks out of place with everything around it, as if such a mechanical device can only be seen in the human world.

The three teenagers jumped onto the lift without any explanation. Qian Qi took over and controlled the joystick. He moved it hard a few times, but the lift did not move at all and there was no response. When they thought it might be broken, they were somewhat at a loss... Suddenly, they heard a creaking sound, and the elevator began to slowly descend. As it descended, they could feel that its machinery was old and broken, and the gears were meshing very hard. Each rotation produced huge bumps and shakes.

After a short descent, they arrived above a huge underground cave. The elevator was fixed to one wall of the cave. All around, countless beating blue flames seemed to be alive, flickering on the dome of the cave, forming a scene like a vast sea of stars. Looking down from the elevator, there are rows of spiritual tablets wrapped in blue flames. Tens of millions of spiritual tablets are suspended in the air layer by layer. As Hyacinth said, without the help of the watchers, they would have lost their lives. Finding your own spiritual tablet is simply as difficult as reaching heaven.

The moment they reached the bottom of the cave, an old man wearing a gray gown suddenly appeared in front of them. He has almost transparent skin, his silver-white hair bun blocks one eye, and a green pupil is vaguely exposed in the eye socket. He couldn't help but remind Ouyang Xiaoleng and the others of another person, the Shiyao Yanming who accompanied Elder Cheng.