Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 28: Friends of Lingqian Palace


As soon as the teenagers got off the lift, the device automatically rose slowly and slowly.

Qian Qi asked first, "Are you the one-eyed old witch?"

The old man nodded and said, his voice like stones colliding with each other, echoing in the cave: "Is there anyone else here besides me? Even the master of the underworld kingdom never comes here. As the center of the underworld, The spirit tablets stored here are the only proof that the souls who come here were once human beings. When the name is written on the spirit tablets, it means that the owner of the name has lost the qualification to reincarnate again. They will never be in this hell. Live and die, suffer endless pain and torture. You have just come in, and your ears have not yet adapted to this place. Later you will hear the wails of these names! So, who else would want to stay here besides me? place?"

Xia Qiu felt shuddering after listening to the description of Lingqian Palace by the one-eyed old witch, and became even more suspicious of his motives for staying here, so he asked, "What made you choose to stay here?"

"Because since it is work, someone must do it! Just like you know the dangers of coming here, but you still risk your life to come here! I can probably guess the reason why you come here, but if no one guides you We can't get here. That person... I mean Hyacinth, is he okay?" The one-eyed old witch answered their questions calmly, and then asked them about Hyacinth.

Xia Qiu heard that he had an unusual relationship with Hyacinth and answered him: "In order to help us enter Lingqian Palace, he stayed outside the palace gate to fight with the guard soldiers, so we must get our own spiritual cards as soon as possible and then go out to follow him." meet."

"The Kingdom of Underworld also has the rules of the Kingdom of Underworld. Look at that fire door! All spirit tablets will automatically appear from the fire door the moment their owner's soul enters the underworld. It is the key to connect the soul and the body. It is never It is allowed to be returned to the former owner of the name." The one-eyed old witch pointed with his finger to a door surrounded by blue flames, and continued, "Demon King Yanluo knows that once I give you the spirit tablet, I will violate it. As the manager here, it is my duty to present you with such an unsolvable problem."

"We must fulfill the requirements of Demon King Yanluo in order to obtain the earth talisman that exists in the underworld, and use the seal to support the power of the four divine beasts in the divine pillar of the demon world, otherwise the entire demon world will be destroyed. Hyacinth said you like to collect These colorful crystal stones!”

As Ouyang Xiaoleng spoke, he took out his piece of colorful crystal stone from his pocket and handed it to the one-eyed old witch. He thought that instead of going around the bush, it would be better to get to the point directly.

"He taught you to use this to bribe me? This man is really impatient. He can't help but want to drag me along!"

The one-eyed old witch seemed to be complaining, but also seemed to be worried and sorry for Hyacinth. After a moment of hesitation, he couldn't help but accept the colored crystal stone handed over by Ouyang Xiaoleng. Among the amber-golden stones, the patches of white snow looked purer. The one-eyed old witch held it in his hand and looked around for a while as if he had found a treasure. He was deeply attracted by it. The stone was crystal clear and beautiful, just like the young man in white in front of him, who was handsome and clear, but his cold and arrogant appearance revealed a fairy-like temperament.

He couldn't help but sigh: "What a strange stone!"

Seeing the situation, Ouyang Xiaoleng asked: "How about it? This stone is given to you. Can you make an exception and help us find our spiritual tablet?"

"Let me think about it! A stone can only be exchanged for a spiritual tablet. I can return your spiritual tablet to you." The one-eyed old witch's green pupils turned in his eye sockets. On the one hand, he was no match for the color belonging to Ouyang Xiaoleng. The temptation of spar; on the other hand, even though he was afraid of Demon King Yanluo, subconsciously he still couldn't worry about Hyacinth.

"I also have a colored crystal stone that I want to give to you." Xia Qiu said, taking out his colored crystal stone and bringing it to the one-eyed old witch.

The one-eyed old witch raised his eyes from the colored crystal stone from Ouyang Xiaoleng in his hand and looked at Xia Qiu's piece. He could tell at a glance that the two young men's stones were a pair. A red plum blossom is blooming in her translucent white stone as clear as ice and snow. The bright red color and the unscrupulous blooming posture show the vitality of youth and life, just like the human girl in front of her. Give him the feeling.

He took Xia Qiu's stone with his free hand and said: "Well, your colored crystal stone and the one I just got are exactly the same pair. There is really no way to separate them! Then, yours I can also make an exception and find the spiritual cards for you."

Qianqi hurriedly handed over his own stone and said, "Here, this is mine!"

The pattern of this stone is even more peculiar. The lake-like stone is embedded with a red sun, radiating brilliance and profound artistic conception. This is a strange scene that even poets can hardly imagine. The young man in front of him should be the son of the Dragon King, so he cannot stay too far from the water, but he himself yearns for the light and heat of the sun, just like his character, passionate and magnanimous. But the sun in the water must not last long, just like water and fire are incompatible. Either the sun's light and heat will dry the water, or the lake water will extinguish the sun's heat. This stone gave the one-eyed old witch a somewhat ominous premonition.

He likes to collect these colored crystals for no other reason than because he can perceive that person's character and destiny through the patterns on the colored crystals from different people. Although he cannot know everything, he can feel the general outline of each person's life. operating trajectory. Possessing them made him feel that even without leaving the dark place of Huangquan, he could understand many stories in the world. They may be beautiful, sad, painful, empty and confusing, but they all vary greatly due to different fates. It makes people feel moved when they see it.

He is different from Yan Ming in that he is half stone demon. He only remembered that he was in the Forbidden Forest from the moment he became conscious. For some unknown reason, a stone from another world was embedded in a tree. It became one with the tree for a long time, and he absorbed the vitality of the tree. Gradually transformed into a demon. He walked out of the forbidden forest full of hope, only to find that the world outside the forest was actually the underworld where sinful souls were exiled. He just walked from one cage to another. He wanted to escape from the underworld, but he was chased by the black evil and the white evil, and he was blinded in one eye by them. The Demon King of Yama discovered that he had extremely strong spiritual energy and could predict and perceive, so he sent him to guard Lingqian Palace and promised that he would let him leave the underworld and give him the freedom he wanted as long as he served for a thousand years. In the first two hundred years, he counted time almost every day, but by the third hundred years, time no longer mattered. As the number of spiritual cards under his management continued to increase, his desire for freedom became more and more important. It's getting slimmer.

While he received every spiritual tablet from the Fire Gate, he also received the sins they had committed and the various experiences they had experienced in the world. When you haven't seen any beauty in something, you realize that it is too What an ugly side, all your previous expectations for it began to be constantly discounted, and eventually nothing was lost, turning into a negative number, making him fearful of leaving the underworld and going to the human world.

The Demon King Yama allows the one-eyed old witch to leave Lingqian Palace once every hundred years. Exactly one time, a long time ago, he met Hyacinth as he was walking out. Although they only met briefly, during the conversation with him, he learned a lot about the outside world, most of which were completely different from what he knew before, and the flame of hope in his heart was once again ignited.

In his eyes, Hyacinth was an elegant man like an elf, with a flower-like posture, but he was always carrying a heavy past in his heart. He never mentioned what he had experienced, so he never asked more questions. They agreed to meet every hundred years, and Hyacinth would tell him stories about the outside world. The single-eyed old witch also told Hyacinth some of the stories he knew about the underworld, including many unknown secrets. , as well as bits and pieces of information about his own life experience. How he woke up in the forbidden forest and how he was caught. If he didn't want to say something to repay Hyacinth, he never thought of recalling that experience again.

His only remaining pupil had considerable aura. At first, he could only feel some scenes and feelings of the owner of those names through the names on the spirit tablets he received. Later, he could actually see complete events. But what he can see is beyond his control, that is, he cannot selectively see a certain period of time or certain specific things, but only randomly bumps into his one eye. He once tried to secretly feel his past when he met Hyacinth, but found nothing. Later, he began to believe that he could only see some superficial information, which was part of the information that the owner of the information did not want to hide. He cannot obtain information that he desperately wants to protect or forget. In fact, he is by no means an old man. His excessive knowledge is only because of his ability. What he has is what he does not want to get, but what he really wants to know is unknown, such as where he comes from, such as the wind What other unknown experiences does Nobuko have in her past

He was excited when he saw Xia Qiu, Ouyang Xiaolen and Qian Qi. As soon as they took out the colorful crystal stones he loved to collect, he knew that Hyacinth had guided them here. In the entire underworld, he is the only one who understands his preferences. He didn't know how to define his relationship with Hyacinth. He desperately searched for a word from the knowledge he got from others that could describe what Hyacinth meant to him. He found that the word was "friend". But then, he learned too much about the betrayal and deception between friends, which made him doubt what friends really were. Just what a magical combination the three people in front of me are, the descendant of the Demon King Fox, the successor to the throne of the demon world, the human girl who signed a blood pact with him, and the only son of the Amber Dragon King.

They have young lives, pure souls and beautiful appearances, and they shoulder the same mission. All of this is undoubtedly not something he envies. Moreover, they got help from his only friend Hyacinth. In fact, it was not the few colorful crystal stones that made him decide to take the risk and was willing to help them, but the hyacinth who guided them here. He stubbornly believes that the person Hyacinth wants to protect must be the one he should risk his life to protect. He is fearless even if he faces the blame of the moody and ruthless Demon King Yanluo. Isn't this an adventure? Isn't it because I am locked in this cage that my heart is beating faster because of having such an adventure

The old witch turned and walked aside. At this time, Xia Qiu, Ouyang Xiaoleng and Qian Qi, who were gradually getting used to the darkness, discovered the layers of shelves on the walls of Lingqian Palace, which were filled with various strange-shaped stones. . The old witch put the stone they got from them into a very important-looking grid. There was already a piece of colored crystal stone in the grid. In the center of the dark stone was a withered yellow tree trunk. It was obvious that it belonged to himself.

After he placed the stones, he took a deep breath and turned around and said to several teenagers: "Okay, I will ask your names one by one. Who I asked and what I asked you to do, you just do it without saying anything more." !”