Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 37: Stay at Zangque Terrace


Wangyue stared at the gradually clear outline of the Tibetan Bird Terrace from a distance. From this angle, it seemed that there was no change as before, except that there was no longer the smoke from the kitchen when he came. He asked Ouyang Hongye and Fenghuo behind him: "I haven't been to a place this far away for a long time. After the war sixteen years ago, no one has been here again, right?"

Fenghuo answered him: "After the war, I was ordered by Elder Cheng to come here once to escort the remaining feather-clothed demons to the royal city to continue their lives. At that time, because their partners and children were still buried here, in order to persuade them to leave their hometown, we It took a lot of effort.”

The scene at that time was still vivid in my mind. After learning that Qingyun and his party members had disappeared, the surviving feather-clothed demons were still in despair and expressionless. After a long time, their tear ducts were on the verge of bursting again, and their cries echoed in the empty city. Looking towards the forest outside the city, as if calling the ghosts of his partner and children, the Tibetan Bird Terrace will no longer have the wonder of hundreds of birds returning to their nests, leaving only desolation and painful memories.

When we arrived at Zangquetai City, the city gate was open to the outside. There were overgrown weeds inside and outside the city wall, and it looked like it had not been inhabited for a long time. Ouyang Hongye was the first to enter Zangquetai City, and the others followed in a row. Inside the city, just like outside the city, the grass on the ground grew very tall, and most of the birdhouses on the top of the trees were dilapidated. The roofs were almost gone. The city was completely silent, not like a place where Qingyun's remnants would choose to camp.

Ouyang Hongye arranged: "It seems that no one is here. We will have a rest in the city tonight, and everyone will take turns keeping vigil!"

Feng Huo was familiar with it because he had been here before, so he suggested: "There is an open space in the center of the city. We can make a fire there and cook something to eat. We haven't eaten anything hot for several days."

"Well, I'll do as you say!" Ouyang Hongye nodded in agreement.

Unfortunately, when they reached the open space that Feng Huo mentioned, it was already covered with weeds and there was no place to stay. He had to lead everyone to the bird house where the Lord of Zangque Terrace once lived. It was built better than others. The bird house is taller and many times more spacious. There is even a platform in front of the entrance, which is very convenient for keeping watch at night.

After they dismounted, Feng Huo was the first to jump onto the platform. Compared with other bird houses, the damage here was slightly smaller. He walked around on it, and then collapsed a few feet to make sure that the entire building was still strong. Then he called others to come up: "Hey, everyone, come up, it's quite strong here!"

Xia Qiu and the others heard the sound and flew up one by one. Compared with climbing over the city wall of Nanzhe and Zhejiang, the feeling of soaring up to the Bird House was closer to flying. Although it only lasted a few seconds, it still made Xia Qiu feel even more happy. What is more fascinating to humans than flying? This is an emotion that the demon clan who is used to flying around will never understand.

Although it has been devoured and baptized by the years, the bird house where the Lord of Zangquetai City lived is still very delicate and delicate when viewed up close. The paper on the windows has long since disappeared, leaving only the empty window lattice and the door. Whereabouts unknown. The house is more spacious than expected. As soon as you enter, there is a room for guests, and then there is a door, through which it should be the room where the city lord once slept. There were scattered books and utensils on the shelves, many of which were scattered on the ground. A large mat on the ground should have been her former bed, which was also in tatters.

Looking from the platform, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Zangquetai City. There are hundreds of small bird houses. Although they are dilapidated, they can't hide the uniqueness they once had. Although it was already deserted, Xia Qiu still couldn't help but imagine what this place used to be like. Whether it was night or day, the scene of the feathered demons flying in and out of the birdhouses on the big green trees would be like a fairy tale.

At this moment, the city was bathed in the sunset in the valley. Feng Huo was a little exhausted. He had already forgotten the idea of eating just now. He simply cleared an open space in the outer room and collapsed. After a while, he fell down. Snoring loudly. Mochizuki sat on the platform outside the house and took out the shakuhachi, which he rarely played, from his arms. This is a very ancient instrument. The melody is not as crisp as the flute and flute, but it is more hoarse and melancholy. Ouyang Xiao Leng couldn't help but sit next to him, looking into the distance aimlessly. Only Qianqi tirelessly began his treasure hunting journey in the Tibetan Bird Tower. He flew around like a monkey among the bird houses, and then tried to find interesting things in them.

Ouyang Hongye stayed on the ground under the platform, cleared an empty space, picked up some neat stones, and prepared to set up a stove to cook some hot soup.

When Xia Qiu saw him, he walked up and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Ouyang Hongye, who was setting up the stove, looked up at her, his eyes forming a nice smile, "Then help me pick up some firewood."

"OK, all right."

After she answered, she went to pick up some dry firewood. At this time, Ouyang Hongye had already set up the stove and filled the pot with water. He took out a few potatoes from the cloth bag next to him and used his Flame Slash to peel off a potato skin at a very fast speed. Xia Qiu thought this scene was extremely funny. It was like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, and he burst out laughing. .

He looked up at her with some confusion, "What's wrong?"

"This is the first time I saw someone peeling potatoes with such a big knife." Although she felt that her smile just now was inappropriate, she still answered truthfully.

He couldn't help but laugh, "Susu also said something similar. She felt that watching Xue Ye and I cooking in the kitchen was like a war."

She stuffed the dry firewood she had collected under the stove, Hongye snapped her fingers, and the firewood started to burn.

She sat by the fire and asked, "I've always been curious, can't you just make food happen with the snap of your fingers?"

"This is a good question. It is actually possible, but it goes against the laws of all things. If you think about something that should not exist in the first place, although it tastes delicious and even makes you feel full, it is What is lifeless will not give you any nourishment.”

She didn't fully understand what he said, but she was deeply attracted and looked at him unblinkingly.

He continued to talk while continuing to peel and cut potatoes, "Not only humans, but also our demon race have been pursuing methods that can follow the laws of all things and create something out of nothing for thousands of years. I think you must listen. I mentioned alchemy. Alchemy is based on the laws of all things. It is like magic. It is said that alchemy can not only create gold, but if it is properly converted, it can also create all the objects you can imagine, and all these objects They are all real. Well, not only objects, but even humans, demons, or certain parts of our bodies can be obtained."

She couldn't help but think of her deceased mother and asked, "Is it even possible to resurrect the dead?"

He raised his head and answered her seriously: "Yes, but that is not allowed. God Qiansu stipulates that the dead life in the three realms cannot be resurrected, no matter what method is used. Even the creation of The Lord himself cannot make exceptions; he can create new life, but he cannot resurrect the dead."

This answer somewhat disappointed her, but then she thought that even if it could not resurrect life, alchemy had made all walks of life so obsessed with it. If it were omnipotent, it would definitely lead to an even more chaotic situation in the three realms.

The water in the pot was already boiling. Ouyang Hongye put the cut potato pieces into the pot and said: "The excessive obsession with obtaining the secret of alchemy in the Three Realms has caused many people to fall into it. The first person to develop alchemy was a man. Humans, in fact, alchemy requires the knowledge of the three realms of humans, gods, and demons to complete. First, the most basic thing is the seed of God, and then the transformation key formed by human thoughts. Next, the transformation process is completed with the help of the illusion of demons. Only through these three It takes steps to form the universal elixir, also called the elixir of life. It can turn stone into gold, repair broken limbs, make people immortal, and form all the substances you can think of."

"So... what happened to that human being? I mean the person who made the universal elixir." Xia Qiu became curious about his fate.

"To be precise, he didn't make a universal elixir, because although he got the seed of God and the conversion key, he couldn't get the help of the demon to complete the last step. Not long after he recorded the solution, he He died. It is said that his method caused an uproar in the three realms. Everyone wanted to get it and did whatever it took to get it, and he died because of it. In the end, the worlds of humans, gods and demons each obtained part of the method. The transformation method was stored in Chenji Palace. At that time, Xiao Leng's father Xue Ye could use this method to treat other people's more serious injuries and diseases. Where did the other two methods come from? Later generations have various theories, but none of them have been confirmed, and in the end nothing happened. .”

She repeatedly exclaimed: "Just getting part of the method can help others heal their injuries and illnesses. It's really amazing!"

"Yes, the city lord of the southern Zhejiang city we went to was obsessed with alchemy, so he was tempted by Qingyun. In the end, not only did he lose his life, but the entire city was destroyed, and he became nothing but a mourning ghost. A terrifying and desolate place." Ouyang Hongye kept stirring the potato soup, then took out a small seasoning bottle from a pocket on the side, turned it and sprinkled it in. The soup became thick instantly, then he turned to Xia Qiu and said, "If If you are interested in this aspect, I will explain it to you slowly in the future. Now let’s ask the guys above to come down for dinner.”

Although Xia Qiu still wanted to know more about alchemy, she could only nod and turn around to call Ouyang Xiaoleng and the others. Wangyue and Ouyang Xiaoleng must have been starving. They could smell the rich aroma of the hot soup below on the platform, and they couldn't wait to get ready as soon as they were called.

When she reminded them not to forget to call Feng Huo, both of them hesitated. No one was willing to disturb the sleeping leopard. In their words, the big cat was not easy to mess with if it was not awake. At this moment, Qian Qi came from Flying back from a distance.

Before he could land, he shouted loudly: "I have made a major discovery!"

Ouyang Hongye raised his head and asked: "About what?"

Qianqi replied proudly: "I don't think I can say just now, at least someone has been here recently."

After hearing this, Ouyang Hongye smiled mischievously and said, "Then you can explain it in detail during the meal. Now go wake Feng Huo up!"

Only Xia Qiu, Xiao Leng and Wang Yue understood the meaning of Ouyang Hongye's evil smile. Qianqi couldn't wait to publish his important discovery. As soon as he heard Ouyang Hongye's words, he jumped onto the platform without thinking, walked into the house and saw Feng Huo sleeping. is sinking.


Qian Qi shouted, but when he saw no response, he shouted even harder, "Hey, get up!" He shouted while shaking Feng Huo's shoulders.

Feng Huo's ears moved, and he let out a heavy low roar. The moan seemed to be as deep as coming from the depths of the tunnel. Then he sat up, his round eyes suddenly opened with anger, and the red hair on his head stood up. He jumped up like a reflex and pushed Qianqi to the ground, with angry flames bursting out of his eyes. The air seemed to stop for a moment, and Qian Qi realized his danger.

Wang Yue, who was standing by, saw that something was not going well and quickly grabbed Feng Huo, shook his shoulders vigorously, and shouted: "Hey, wake up!"

After a few seconds, Feng Huo finally woke up completely. He stretched out, his erected hair gradually fell down, and his whole body slowly returned to normal.

"Sorry, I just know that it's hard for this guy to wake up when he's asleep, but this is the first time he has lost such a temper." Mochizuki smiled apologetically at Qianqi, then turned to Fenghuo, "You guy, you are so young It scares children like this.

Only then did Feng Huo realize that he had completely lost his mind just now. It must be because he had been traveling day and night recently and encountered a mourning ghost in Nanzhe City. He suddenly came to such a comfortable place as Zangque Terrace and was so relaxed that he fell into Deep sleep was haunted. He pulled Qianqi up and touched his head, "Little brother, I'm sorry."

It took Qianqi a long time to come back to his senses, smiled awkwardly, and found that he had been frightened by the big cat in front of him and was breaking out in a cold sweat.