Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 85: Emperor Cang


As the stone wall slid aside, the square entrance to the catacombs appeared in front of everyone. After walking down the stairs for a while, they began to enter a damp and cold circular tunnel.

Ouyang Xiaoleng could easily tell that this was the direction leading to the white oak tree in the center of the city. Balls of blue demonic fires lit up as they followed their steps. Lingyu didn't like this tunnel because its shape was like the belly of a big snake, and they were like a gluttonous feast in its belly.

Blue Snake Xizhen walked very slowly. From time to time, his arms would be supported on the wall on the side of the tunnel, taking a breath before continuing forward. They finally reached the open area, where everything was pure white, exactly as Dong Muya described. The white sand ground is very soft when stepped on, and a winding, emulsion-like river flows slowly, bringing out bursts of sweetness. Walking along the river is where the coffin of Blue Snake Xizhen is placed.

The wooden coffin was placed on a stone platform, which was also painted with white paint and buckled tightly. People couldn't help but wonder if there was someone lying inside.

Blue Snake Xizhen stopped in front of the coffin, touched it with his hand, then pointed upward and said: "We are now standing underground in the center of the wooden city. This is where I will rest forever."

Since entering this open land, Xia Qiu has been shocked by the wonders in front of her. She remembers that someone once said that human beings will pass through a long tunnel when they are about to die, and finally enter a paradise-like place, and now they are in Isn't this catacombs just like heaven

While Ouyang Xiaoleng was observing the tomb, he was thinking about the suspicious things since they entered Mucheng Xizhen. He vaguely felt that Blue Snake Xizhen was hiding something from them, but he did not dare to make a conclusion. The key issue now is that if you want to break the Qi array, you have to destroy the materials that make up the array. And the array material that belongs to Mucheng is the coffin of Blue Snake Xizhen in front of you. As soon as you get here, you have to ask if you can destroy it. There is something wrong with the coffin anyway.

But then he thought about it, if he explained the reason clearly, and Lan Snake Xizhen really had nothing to do with the whole thing, she should be able to agree to their request based on her personality and bearing. On the contrary, if she tried her best to stop it, it would mean that there was something wrong with it. There must be something fishy.

He made up his mind and said, "I have a request that may not sound very respectful!"

Blue Snake Xizhen responded: "Oh? Sir, please tell me!"

Ouyang Xiaoleng said calmly: "As I said before, a certain substance in your tomb is related to Qingyun's plan, and that substance is your coffin. In order to ensure that his plan cannot be implemented, we may have to remove it." Your coffin is destroyed!"

"I don't quite understand!"

Lan Snake Xizhen said in a panic, her face became unnatural, and complex emotions could be seen from her expression.

Ouyang Xiaoleng became more vigilant and asked, "Have you ever heard of the Qi Lie Formation?"

"No... I don't know!"

Upon hearing about the Qi Lie Formation, Blue Snake Xizhen became more and more panicked, and Ouyang Xiaoleng became more convinced of his guess. Just as he was about to continue questioning, a strange gust of wind blew up, whipping up the white sand on the ground and flying, blurring his vision. Before he could figure out what happened, several teenagers fainted.

About four thousand years ago, the demon world was first formed. There is no wooden city yet, and the blue snake Xizhen is just a small snake slightly thicker than a finger. Because snakes like this that are all sapphire blue are very rare. Although they contain highly toxic substances, they are a precious medicinal ingredient that can be used to brew medicinal wine that can greatly increase demonic power.

One day, it came out of the cave to look for food, but was chased by a group of little demons. It first jumped into the pond, then got into a rock crevice, and then hid in a bush... It stumbled and escaped for who knows how long. Who knows those greedy monsters? But the little demon still pursues it.

Gradually, it was covered with bruises and exhaustion, and the scenery in its eyes became hazy. A soft white light appeared in its sight. It used its last strength to crawl along the white light, and then fell into a coma without knowing it. When it woke up again, it found itself on a small tree, and the little monsters that had been chasing it had disappeared. It didn't know what the small tree with the white trunk was called, but it felt at ease just hanging on top of it.

From then on, the small tree became its protective umbrella. Throughout the day, it would rest in the tree or observe the world around it. At night, it would briefly go to the ground to look for food. Having been dependent on this little tree for a long time, they seem to be able to have some kind of spiritual communication. Although such moments are rare, occasionally chatting with it can make it feel less lonely.

As time went by, the small tree had grown into a luxuriant branch. Travelers passing by often rested under the tree, and the little snake heard more about the world from their mouths. In fact, it didn't know that it was no longer a little snake at this time, but because the tree it lived in had grown up, it didn't know how big it had become.

One day, while listening to the monsters under the tree talking about the method of cultivation, it suddenly became enlightened and soon transformed into a human form. Then her own strength gradually emerged. She finally understood why those little demons wanted to capture her back then. The toxins in its body acted like an accelerator in increasing the demon's power. In order to become stronger, she devoted herself to practice. She could no longer hold other things in her heart, and gradually she stopped communicating with Xiaoshu.

The time she stayed on the ground became longer and longer, and she began to travel to various places to find opponents with whom she could practice magic. Because she is beautiful and has a kind of innocence that does not care about the world, most of her opponents will deliberately let her go. And she didn't know the reason. As the number of wins continued to increase, she gradually became ignorant of the world. Her arrogance made her make countless enemies. A group of monsters who had already disliked her secretly planned to attack her in order to make her into a potion that would greatly increase the monster's power.

They seriously injured her when she didn't have a hidden weapon. Although she was angry, she had no choice but to endure the pain and run away. The realgar on the hidden weapon gradually entered the blood, and then penetrated deep into her internal organs through the blood, and she gradually became unable to maintain a human posture. She felt that this scene of being chased all the way was very familiar. It seemed that she had experienced the same thing a long time ago, and this time she didn't know if she would be as lucky as last time. Just when she was about to give up, a familiar white light appeared in front of her eyes. Was it an illusion? She asked herself, but still tried to crawl towards the light.

When she woke up, she found that she was coiled up on the original tree, and sitting on the tree trunk next to her was a handsome man in white. The man had a pair of dark green eyes like the leaves, and he was looking at her gently. When he saw her waking up, he looked like he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Me? I am this tree!" Before he spoke, his voice entered her brain.

"I haven't heard your voice for a long time!" For the first time, she felt choked, as if a child who had been wronged outside had finally returned home.

"My demon power is weak and it is difficult to maintain my human form. In fact, I have been trying to communicate with you, but your heart is gradually no longer willing to accept the messages I send."

"what's your name?"

"I have no name, I only know that I am a white oak tree!"

"I heard that the god in charge of spring in the east of the human world is called Emperor Cang. From now on, I will call you Emperor Cang!"

"Well, I like this name, so what's your name?"

"I want to give myself a name like a monarch. Emperor Cang is also called Emperor Mu, so I will build a wooden city here and never abandon you! From today on, my name will be Xizhen!"

Blue Snake Xizhen really kept her promise. She only left Mucheng once when the Demon King Hu Li became the Lord of the Demon Realm. But in the long years since then, she has never left here again, nor has she left Cang Emperor. Emperor Cang cannot appear in human form at any time, so in order to see her at the first moment when he comes, she must stay by his body.

Time flies, four thousand years are just a snap of the fingers. Xizhen was born to be straightforward and courageous, while Emperor Cang was gentle and elegant. Although it was Xizhen who was in front of others, Mucheng's gradual growth was inseparable from Emperor Cang's silent protection and support for her. She had thought that the two of them would live happily and happily in this city that belonged to them forever, but everything suddenly changed that day.

Many years ago, acid rain began to fall around Mucheng. This was a phenomenon that had never occurred in the demon world, so no one could tell how the acid rain was formed. The water sources and soil inside and outside Mucheng were severely damaged, and plants became sick and died. Emperor Cang also began to become weak, and the number of times he appeared in front of Blue Snake Xizhen was also decreasing. The longest one was that he could not be with her for more than half a year. meet.

Emperor Cang had saved Xizhen twice. She thought that if it weren't for Emperor Cang, she would have become a flavor of the medicinal wine four thousand years ago. How could she watch him die? No matter what method she uses, she will save him. At first, she searched for ways to stop the acid rain, and used her demonic power to detoxify Emperor Cang and prolong his life. Although she became increasingly haggard over time, the acid rain was still not under control. More and more people say that Mucheng is cursed.

When she was at a loss what to do, an uninvited guest quietly visited. This person was the famous Qingyun, the number one enemy in the demon world. She knew that he must have some agenda for showing up at this time, and sure enough, as soon as he opened his mouth, he asked her to do something for him in exchange for helping her stop the acid rain.

Although Blue Snake Xizhen didn't want Cang Emperor to die like this, as the lord of Mucheng and a minister of Demon King Fox, how could she rebel and surrender to the enemy with her integrity. Therefore, she was absolutely unwilling at first, but Qingyun cast a spell and allowed her to see Emperor Cang who was in pain. Seeing him in torture, her whole heart was shaken instantly.

Qingyun also took the opportunity to mention that since the death of the second generation Demon King Fox Ouyang Xueye, the demon world has fallen into a situation without an owner, so the Demon King Fox is not her current owner. Xizhen, who was devoted to freeing Emperor Cang from his pain, agreed to his condition: to make Wooden City a city in the array of strange arrays, and the element of the array was his own coffin.

She didn't know why the Qi Lie Formation was exposed, let alone how the current Demon King Fox found her so easily. The moment he and his companions appeared in front of her, she was at a loss. Although she felt guilty in her heart, There was no way out for her.

Emperor Cang, just like his name, is her spring. For him, even if she, Xizhen, becomes the enemy of the entire demon world, she will never regret it.