Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 117


Informatization is not just for intranet systems.

As Chen Ming gradually transforms the troops into information-based ones, all aspects, including training, assessment, exercises, etc., are now influenced by information technology.

For example, training has always been done through traditional human supervision.

This is Lei Rui's job. As the squadron leader, he usually stays in the training ground, watching the soldiers train.

If he sees someone slacking off or whose training posture is not correct, he will single them out and punish them.

Now, all training is equipped with high-tech instruments for supervision, and there are various instruments in front of each training item.

For example, for push-ups, if the soldier's movements are not in place, the instrument will judge it as unqualified and he will have to do it again.

It greatly reduced the soldiers' cheating behavior.

Now Lei Rui no longer needs strict supervision. As long as the instrument emits a red light and is judged to be unqualified, many special forces will consciously start over.

Even if they don't want to redo it and want to sneak away, their team commander will not agree and will come over and force them to redo it.

Lei Rui now does nothing all day, just standing there like a scarecrow.

Of course, although it is boring, Lei Rui admires this system very much.

After all, with the supervision of machines, it will also help maintain overall combat effectiveness.

These troops are all going to the front line. If they slack off in training now, they may pay a bloody price on the front line!

With the help of this system, the amount of training can definitely be guaranteed, and the possibility of someone being lazy is completely eliminated.

Although the soldiers complained bitterly, both Lei Rui and Chen Ming felt that this set of facilities was very necessary!

Lei Rui looked at Miao Feng and said, "Captain, I have just uploaded the training data from last week to your computer. Please take a look and see which aspects of the training should be strengthened."

In addition to recording the training data of all soldiers for supervision, Chen Ming's instruments also save the training data into the system.

This will allow for a better assessment of the soldiers' combat effectiveness.

Miao Feng would ask Lei Rui to pass this information to him every week.

He will make statistics based on these data, so that he can more reasonably allocate task executors in future operations.

He will also compare this week's data with previous weeks.

If there is an overall decline in certain training, he will instruct Lei Rui to increase the training volume of those trainings and make up for the scores.

"Okay, let me take a look."

After saying that, Miao Feng turned to the computer, opened the data, and looked at them carefully one by one.

After all, as a commander, he needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the soldiers under his command.

Before, because of work, I could only go to the training ground once in a while to get a general understanding.

Now, with this system, the strengths and weaknesses of each soldier are clear at a glance.

It greatly reduced his workload as a commander.

Seeing that he had started to work, Chen Ming did not disturb him. He stood up and took away the three packs of cigarettes and the pack of looted tea without leaving a trace.

Although after rebirth, Chen Ming's body no longer has a smoking addiction, but sometimes, Chen Ming still occasionally lights up a cigarette...

"Come on, let's go eat. If you don't want to take a nap, come with me to the computer room. I'll teach you how to play Yasuo..."

Chen Ming said this to Lei Rui, then pushed him and went to the cafeteria together.

After the two finished lunch, Lei Rui reluctantly followed Chen Ming to the computer room, logged into the game, and asked Chen Ming to be his game coach.

During these two months, Chen Ming discovered that Lei Rui had become an internet-addicted teenager. Well, no, it should be said that he was an internet-addicted youth.

I would spend the whole day playing in the computer room every weekend... I never get tired of it even if I get abused.

Lei Rui was constantly attacking the soldiers in the training camp, while Chen Ming walked to the window and watched the special forces undergoing a transformation.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction...

Chapter 91: 180,000 points, how about buying some photolithography machine manufacturing technology

That night, Chen Ming was taking a class in the computer room.

The information class from 9:30 to 10:30 has become an unshakable routine in their special forces brigade.

Of course, Chen Ming’s teaching content is no longer limited to the operation and use of the intranet system.

They are all special forces. If they can't even learn an intranet system in two months, then they might as well stay where they want.

After they were all able to use the intranet system proficiently, Chen Ming's teaching was extended from the intranet system to computer knowledge.

It also includes some hacking knowledge and security protection knowledge.

The future is an information age, and information warfare is the general trend.

These most powerful individual combat forces in the entire army naturally cannot lag behind the times.

Chen Ming is also very serious when teaching, and always starts from the most basic.

Chen Ming’s requirement for them is that he does not expect them to reach the level of professional graduates, but they must master the most basic introductory knowledge!

Otherwise, everyone will become illiterate in the new era.

Of course, after two months, we have achieved fruitful results.

After all, these special forces are smart and talented.

By now, I can be considered to have officially entered the field.

With their current strength, Chen Ming felt that they would be able to carry out some missions deep behind enemy lines in the future.

At least hacking into the enemy's most basic power systems and communication hubs shouldn't be a problem.

Seeing their progress, Chen Ming nodded with satisfaction.

Let them sit in front of the computer by themselves and consolidate what they have learned.

Chen Mingzi couldn't help but wonder in his mind whether he should add a position to each of their teams.

Just like it’s my job, I can have an in-team hacker or something.

However, as soon as this idea came to mind, Chen Ming killed it himself.

These people are just beginners and their skills are not yet proficient.

Even Lin Guang and Chang Heng from the Information Department are not as good as him.

Calling oneself a hacker at this level is really an insult to the word hacker...

As a top hacker, Chen Ming thought about it carefully and gave up the idea.

Because what he talked about yesterday was quite profound, Chen Ming didn't plan to say anything more today.

Instead, when preparing lessons, I created a small program on the intranet.

This small program simulates something like an electric power system 570.

Chen Ming used his identity as a computer room administrator to lock this small program on the page.

Anyone who can hack into this system and crash the power system in the applet will be able to open the computer interface lock.

Whoever opens the interface lock can play the game, and Chen Ming will not interfere.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up instantly.

Because the content of computer knowledge is too complicated, Chen Ming has not allowed them to play games during the evening classes for a week.

Now when they heard that they could play the game as long as they completed the tasks, their eyes lit up and they rushed to get started.

Even the squadron leader Lei Rui, who had been standing to listen to the class, picked up a special forces soldier, sat in front of the computer himself, and operated it himself, with the special forces soldier watching.

Then he hacked into the small program created by Chen Ming.

There are fewer special forces, but there are even fewer vacancies in the computer room.

Many people stood in the back row to listen to the lectures and took notes in notebooks.

As the squadron leader, it was impossible for Lei Rui to compete with other special forces for seats during class.

Of course... except for playing games.

When everyone was attacking mini programs, Lei Rui also started to work on it.

Although he usually stands in class, he is very serious when he attends class.

Whenever he encountered something he didn't know how to do, he would seek advice from Chen Ming in private.

At least in terms of basic skills, it's pretty good.

More than ten minutes later, Lei Rui's computer made a slight sound, and then the screen went black.

Then the words 'Power system destroyed, unlocked successfully' appeared on the screen.

After the fonts faded away, the original computer interface appeared.

Lei Rui looked at this scene with a smug smile on his face.

Some soldiers who were watching him behind him also exclaimed in amazement.

They asked themselves, if they were in their place, they would never be able to complete it so quickly.

Chen Ming was also slightly surprised.