Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 22


Tang Xinyi pondered and nodded continuously, feeling that her guess was reasonable and well-founded. She showed a smug smile to Chen Ming on the surveillance screen, as if to say, I have guessed you through!

Indeed, Chen Ming only mastered the advanced red domain hacker skills, so he was a good hand at intrusion. As for the security protection related to the blue domain hacker skills, it was a bit weak.

However, Tang Xinyi might have been a little overconfident. The reason why Chen Ming was discovered by her was only because time was too tight. Chen Ming did not have the time or energy to write an overly complex and covert intrusion virus.

This invading virus was just a small virus he wrote casually.

If Chen Ming was given enough time to slightly strengthen the virus, or simply rewrite it into a more powerful one, Tang Xinyi would have no chance of finding him!

"Chief Tang, we have found the soldier's information, and the information has been transferred to your computer."

After a while, the second lieutenant who was looking for Chen Ming's information in front of other computers brought good news.

Tang Xinyi looked towards her computer and saw a notification of a file being received in the lower right corner.

Tang Xinyi clicked on the information and her expression immediately brightened.

I thought that Chen Ming had such powerful hacking skills, he must have studied in some school or learned from some powerful teacher.

However, what she didn't expect was that Chen Ming was just an internet-addicted teenager with only a high school education, and his family had no background, which eliminated the possibility of him learning programming from an early age.

In other words, Chen Ming learned all these skills by himself in the Internet cafe

Tang Xinyi gasped. If he could have such good skills through self-taught, it would be really terrifying. It must be a supreme talent bestowed by God!

If he can further his studies in the information department, his future will be limitless!

Thinking of this, Tang Xinyi became a little excited and ordered the second lieutenant behind him: "Go and tell the second commander of the recruit company, Lin Changfeng, to focus on observing Chen Ming. When he is assigned to a company, our information department will want him!"

"Remember, you must ask him to take good care of Chen Ming's brain and don't let him get hurt during training." Tang Xinyi looked at Chen Ming in the surveillance video, her face full of excitement: "This is a genius brain!"

The second lieutenant looked at Tang Xinyi's excited face and felt a little amused. He responded with a "yes" and hurried to find Lin Changfeng, the second company commander of the recruit company.


At this time, Chen Ming was obviously unaware that he was being watched. He and several of his teammates were standing in the dormitory with their necks shrunk, trembling and not daring to move.

The squad leader standing opposite them spit at them mercilessly.

"You're late even in the camp, why don't you stick your brain in the toilet?!"

"Nine of you are late together. Don't you have any brains?!"

"Do you know that the military has a strong sense of time? Even on a day off, can you just miss breakfast?!"

The squad leader was eloquent and never repeated himself when he scolded people. Every sentence he said was well-founded and could not be refuted.

The reason why the squad leader was so angry was that they were playing in the computer room and forgot to check the time. When they left, it was already half past seven and they missed the breakfast time.

After returning to the dormitory, they were naturally scolded by the squad leader. When the squad leader asked them where they had been, Chen Ming naturally did not dare to tell the truth. He could only tell the squad leader that after they made the phone call, they circled in the camp and then got lost.

The squad leader scolded for more than ten minutes, and seemed to feel his mouth dry, so he said directly: "Everyone go down and run laps, ten laps each!"

"I'm usually too nice to you guys. Do you really think you can act recklessly on your day off?"

"Hurry up and go!"

The monitor roared and shooed them out of the dormitory.

Several people looked dejected in the corridor.

"I have to run as punishment on my day off. What sin have I committed?"

Yu Jun couldn't help but wail.

"I'm so hungry. I can't run." He Dong touched his round belly, his face full of pain.

"Hurry up and run. If you run too slowly, you will have to run more laps." He Xue sighed helplessly.

The other five roommates behind him also sighed deeply, but still quickly ran downstairs.

If you run too slowly, the squad leader might grumble angrily after you get back up: "So long? Are you running in circles or taking a walk? Since you like to walk, I'll let you walk until night. Go down and run until night. Whoever can't stand it first will do 300 push-ups!"

Over the past week, the squad leader has tortured them a lot when training them.

Under the leadership of Chen Ming, they all quickly ran on the playground.

Many teammates from the recruit company leaned their heads out of the windows and looked at them.

"Hey, we're old acquaintances."

"It's them again, what's the reason this time?"

"Who knows? Let's bet on who will come first."

In fact, there is no malicious intent in these comments, they are just jokes to kill time.

The greatest joy in the army is watching others suffer.

So when they saw someone being punished, they quickly stuck their heads out and looked at the playground and talked about it.

They were also familiar with the faces of Chen Ming and others. Needless to say, Chen Ming had them recite the rules and regulations every night, so they naturally knew them.

As for the others, although I am not familiar with them, I have seen them before.

At least on the first day of enlistment, I saw them running ten laps downstairs.

Amidst the noise, the ten laps were quickly completed and everyone was exhausted.

However, after a week of training, their physical fitness has become much stronger than a week ago. At least they can walk back to the dormitory by themselves after running.

After returning to the dormitory and relaxing their leg muscles, everyone pulled out small stools and sat down, and then they could hear cooing sounds coming one after another.

That was the sound coming from their stomachs. They were all hungry...

I missed breakfast this morning because I was playing games, and now I have run ten laps. I am really hungry.

While the monitor was in the bathroom, He Dong quickly asked, "Do you still have the snacks you bought last night? Even a small pack of biscuits will do. I'm starving."

"Where is the left?" Everyone looked at He Dong, their faces full of sadness.

They are hungry too.

Chen Ming said helplessly: "Stop talking. Talking will cause energy loss and make you even hungrier. If you can't stand it, drink some water."

Everyone sat on small stools, staring at the time, watching the second hand constantly ticking, as if every second was torture.

The squad leader came out of the toilet and looked at them in a daze.

"You have nothing to do, right? Have you sorted out your housekeeping? Have you memorized the rules and regulations?" The squad leader snorted, "Why don't you hurry up and do it if you haven't finished yet? Are you waiting for me to help you?!"

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly endured their hunger and took action, either to tidy up their rooms or to open the red book and read it carefully.

"I'm going to be out for a while. Chen Ming, please watch carefully and make sure nothing goes wrong."

The squad leader seemed to have something urgent to do. After giving instructions to Chen Ming, he left quickly.

Three-day summer promotion, top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

(Activity time: August 13 to August 15)

Chapter 26: Activities on the rest day, barbecue party!

I don’t know how long it took, but one by one they tidied their rooms, sat on their own small stools, holding the red book in their hands.

Now they couldn't use Crazy English anymore. They were so hungry that they couldn't even shout. Looking at the rules and regulations in the book, they could only feel the lines of the words moving, slowly outlining the shapes of delicious dishes...

"I'm so hungry, can I eat this book?"

He Dong couldn't bear to watch it anymore and wailed in pain.

Chen Ming was also very hungry. Although he had good physical strength, it didn't mean he could withstand hunger.

"Don't think about it. Just wait for lunch and hold on for a while."

"Don't talk about lunch. The more you talk, the hungrier I get."

Yu Jun collapsed, staring at the bed in front of him.

He was so hungry at the moment that he wanted to take a nap to forget about the hunger.

He Xue also raised his head and looked at the ceiling eagerly, his eyes filled with memories:

“I miss the plain soup from the southern factories.”

When he first started working there, the thing he couldn't accept the most was the soup in the factory. It was simply boiled water with a little oil, salt and MSG added, and then sprinkled with chopped green onions after boiling. He couldn't help but spit it out after taking a sip.

However, at this moment he missed it terribly. They were so hungry that they felt that the food they didn't like before was so delicious.

With a creak, the dormitory door was opened and the monitor walked in.

Everyone quickly stopped their depressed attitude, sat on their stools, and pretended to read books attentively.

The squad leader was furious when he saw their expressions. "Keep pretending, don't I know what's going on with you all?"

What do you mean by concentrating? It's obvious that she was performing for him.

He Dong raised his head and grinned, "Nothing can be hidden from the squad leader's sharp eyes."

After a pause, He Dong looked at the squad leader eagerly, "Squad leader, is there anything to eat? I'm starving."

Everyone was shocked. This kid was so hungry that he dared to ask the squad leader for food? !

The squad leader was also so angry that he laughed: "I'll give you a big bag. Do you want to eat it?"

He Dong heard this and quickly shook his head. His head was like a rattle and the fat on his face swayed constantly.