Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 27


"Squad leader, please tell me quickly. I'd be willing to do it even if you ask me to run a dozen laps."

"Yeah, you haven't told me yet. I'm scared to death."

In the dormitory, everyone was talking at once.

Chen Ming had no idea what the squad leader was up to.

After a while, the monitor came back with a stack of notebooks in his hand.

When everyone saw the squad leader coming back, they all shut up and dared not speak.

The monitor asked Chen Ming to distribute the notebooks in his hand, just enough for each person.

The squad leader snorted, "Do you know you're wrong?"

Everyone nodded quickly like chicks pecking at rice grains.

The squad leader pointed to the notebook and said, "Since your performance this week has been satisfactory to me and you have the courage to take responsibility for your mistakes, and this is your first offense, I will not punish you severely for the first time. Each of you must copy ten pages of regulations for me."

Upon hearing this, everyone finally let go of their worries and cheered.

"Thank you, squad leader!"

Compared to running downstairs, copying regulations and rules is much easier for them.

The squad leader snorted, "Don't be so quick to thank me. This is your first offense, so I'll give you a lighter sentence. But if you do it again next time, humph, I won't let you even have time to regret it!"

Everyone nodded quickly, then opened the regulations and started copying them.

The monitor seemed to have thought of something and reminded, "By the way, when you copy, each page must have at least 500 words. Don't even think about writing your words as big as a cow and then just making up ten pages."

After the monitor finished speaking, several people really turned the page in their notebooks and copied it again.

Obviously, they all wanted to take advantage of the squad leader's loophole to fish in trouble.

They copied from morning to afternoon, and finally finished until their hands were numb.

After that, they returned to normal military training. When it was a day off, Chen Ming reluctantly slipped back to the computer room.

This time I played the game smoothly, then signed in and received the 'Advanced Hacker Blue Domain' skill, completing the advanced hacker skills.

On the next rest day, Chen Ming wanted to go to the computer room again, but he met Platoon Leader Gao Jie, who asked him what he was going to do. Chen Ming had to make up an excuse and left in disappointment.

Another time, Chen Ming successfully played the game for half an hour and obtained the skill of "Military Boxing Mastery". With it, he performed brilliantly in the military boxing training and was praised.

Over the past month, the new recruits have gradually adapted to life in the barracks, and the days are finally no longer so difficult.

Although the daily training is still very tiring, the scolding from the squad leader and various physical punishments still come to us from time to time.

But they have learned how to find joy in suffering, at least it doesn't feel so painful anymore.

Three-day summer promotion, top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

(Activity time: August 13 to August 15)

Chapter 31: You thought you were playing a game, but you wanted to shoot with live ammunition right after you got the gun

This day.

After the running drill, all the recruits, led by the squad leader, went to the cafeteria to have breakfast and then started the day's training.

However, halfway through the meal, a platoon leader walked into the cafeteria and shouted, "All squad leaders, assemble!"

Squad leader Li Long dropped the steamed bun in his hand as if by reflex and quickly walked towards the cafeteria door.

All the recruits looked at them curiously.

Several squad leaders were standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, with three platoon leaders standing in front of them, saying something to them.

However, because of the glass door, I couldn't hear what was said.

In the end, I only saw a few squad leaders saluted the platoon leader and then left in unison.

The three platoon leaders stood quietly outside the door.

He Dong looked at this scene and asked curiously: "What is this for?"

Chen Ming shook his head. He didn’t know either.

Yu Jun asked with some concern: "Is he preparing something special to teach us again?"

Everyone felt scared after hearing this.

Chen Ming quickly warned, "Don't let your imagination run wild. Eat breakfast quickly. As long as you're full, you won't be afraid of their scolding."

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded quickly.

After we had almost finished eating, a platoon leader walked in.

"Eat quickly and gather outside after you finish eating."

Everyone quickly finished their food and then lined up outside.

The three platoon leaders saw that they were all lined up neatly, so they didn't waste any words and yelled at them, "Go!"

After saying that, he led them towards the training ground.

On the way, everyone looked at each other, wondering what this was going to do.

If it was the squad leader, they would still dare to ask, but facing these platoon leaders, they didn't dare to say a word and just let them do whatever they wanted.

After arriving at the training ground, the platoon leader ordered them to stay on the spot and then waited quietly.

Chen Ming looked around in confusion, trying to find the squad leader.

But after looking around, I couldn't see anything. Then, looking at the three platoon leaders, I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, are the three platoon leaders going to train us today

The other soldiers were also confused. Although the squad leader often scolded them on weekdays, they seemed to have lost their backbone now that the squad leader was not there.

Now we have been gathered together for no apparent reason, and I don’t know what to do, and I feel a little panicked.

When faced with the unknown, people are often afraid.

Second Platoon Leader Gao Jie looked at the new recruits in his three squads and said, "Don't look around. Your squad leader has gone to the light weapons depot to get you guns. You will be issued guns later!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

When joining the army, the thing I look forward to most is holding a gun and doing target practice.

Which man doesn't want to have a gun of his own and fight in the midst of gunfire

Especially for those who like to play shooting games, they are even more eager for it.

They have seen so many fancy guns in games that they dream of touching a real gun themselves.

"I've been waiting for a month, and finally the guns are going to be issued!"

He Dong's eyes were full of anticipation. Even though he was a fat man, who said that fat men didn't want to carry guns and charge into battle

"Yes, yes, I have been looking forward to it for more than a month."

Yu Jun also echoed excitedly.

And their words also represent the voices of most soldiers.

Second Platoon Leader Gao Jie looked at them, all eager to make a move, and reminded them, "Don't think that holding a gun is a fun thing. For a soldier, carrying a gun is a sacred mission! The gun is alive. On the battlefield, the gun is your most trustworthy comrade-in-arms!"

After a pause, he added: "Remember, gun management is very strict. People are always with guns. Each gun has its own number. The moment you pick up a gun, you have to live and die with your gun."

"Anyone who loses a gun will be brought to court-martial! Even if it's just a part, you have to keep it safe for me and follow the weapons management regulations. You have to take care of your gun like you would your wife. Do you understand?"

Everyone quickly shouted in unison: "Understood!"

Although they were cautious after picking up the guns, this still could not stop their expectations.

After all, it’s a gun, something many people will never touch in their entire lives!

The platoon leader looked at their still high spirits, and seemed to sincerely not want them to have an easy time, so he poured a bucket of cold water on them:

"Also, even if you hold a gun now, you can't practice target practice with live ammunition. What you need to learn is gun maintenance, as well as gun disassembly and assembly, various gun holding and shooting postures, and weighted training with guns. Only after completing these, you will be qualified for actual target practice!"

You have to learn how to use a gun first before you are qualified to actually use it. If a group of recruits can't even load a gun or turn on the safety, how can the company dare to give them guns with confidence

Feeding live ammunition to a group of recruits who know nothing about anything could very likely lead to danger!

After hearing these words, many recruits became disappointed.

I got the gun but couldn't shoot it. It felt like the gun had no soul. What's the difference between it and holding a lump of iron

Chen Ming looked at the disappointed crowd and shook his head helplessly.

He had read many military bloggers in his previous life. According to their introductions, there is still a long way to go for recruits from holding a gun to being able to practice shooting with live ammunition.

How can a gun, which is a deadly thing, allow you to load it with live ammunition as soon as it is fired

There is a training tutorial for playing games. Who will come up and give you practical experience

Shooting a gun is not as simple as just pulling the trigger.

After Gao Jie finished his speech, several squad leaders came over carrying wooden boxes and stopped in front of the recruits.

The military green boxes looked extremely plain, with several bright red spray-painted words on the top.

"Military controlled items".

There was a seal with a big red stamp on the opening of the box.

Everything seemed so solemn.