Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 40


Three-day summer promotion, top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

(Activity time: August 13 to August 15)

Chapter 46: Flying Dragon Special Forces

Second Platoon Leader Gao Jie is the youngest platoon leader in the entire company.

Although he is young, he always has a frosty face and people rarely see him smile.

Now seeing him actually laughing from the bottom of his heart, it always feels a little unreal.

Chen Ming also looked over and saw that it was indeed Second Platoon Leader Gao Jie himself.

At this moment, he was talking and laughing with someone opposite him, and he was laughing very happily.

Who could make the platoon leader look like this

Chen Ming looked at the man opposite Gao Jie in surprise.

He was a burly man, also wearing a military uniform, but his uniform was a little special.

He was wearing a starry sky camouflage combat uniform, a beret on his head, and a pair of particularly cool sunglasses, or goggles, which were special glasses that prevented ultraviolet rays from directly hitting the eyes and protected the eyes.

Although he was standing next to the platoon leader, he exuded an aura that was completely different from the platoon leader.

This aura is hard to describe. If he stands in a crowd, even with the friendliest smile, it will be difficult for ordinary people to approach him.

Because the aura on his body is too strong, not the kind of authority of a leader, it seems more like... murderous aura...

Chen Ming didn’t know what a murderous person looked like, but the moment he saw this person, the first thing that came to his mind was this word.

It is a peacetime now. Except for some border guards and armed police soldiers, there are very few ordinary troops who go to the front line of the battlefield, and veterans with murderous intent are rare.

There is also a subtle aura emanating from the veterans in the army, which makes one unconsciously become more solemn the closer one gets.

But he is different. Once you see him, he is scary!

"Who is this person?" He Dong stood beside Chen Ming, looking at the person opposite Gao Jie.

Chen Ming also shook his head. "I don't know, but the one who can make the platoon leader laugh like this is definitely not an ordinary person."

Chen Ming looked at the man and had a vague intuition that the man might not be from a regular unit.

Suddenly, Chen Ming remembered that when he was reading Gao Jie's information before, he saw a paper published by Gao Jie during his college years entitled "Research on the Tactics of British Special Forces in the Falklands War."

Why does the platoon leader have such a special interest in studying special forces

Considering the man's attire, Chen Ming subconsciously thought that the man might be from the special forces!

Chen Ming was a little surprised. The platoon leader actually had contact with the special forces

People in this era may not know what special forces are because of the underdeveloped Internet.

But as a reborn person, Chen Ming has watched too many videos and movies about special forces.

Not only do we know about special forces, we also know that they can complete various tasks that are almost impossible for ordinary people to accomplish!

Thinking of this, Chen Ming's heartbeat subconsciously quickened. He couldn't tell the specific reason. It might be because of excitement, curiosity, or desire...

While Chen Ming was deep in thought, the people around him were still chattering.

He Dong nodded, "I like his glasses."

"I think that hat is nice too." Yu Jun stared at the man's hat.

"Superficial, that outfit is the coolest!" He Xue narrowed his eyes and stared at the starry sky camouflage combat uniform.

Chen Ming listened to their discussion and felt at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

The man chatted with the platoon leader for a few words and then left. The platoon leader also retracted the smile on his face and returned to his usual cold appearance.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly saw Chen Ming and his group standing not far away. After thinking for a moment, he waved his arm and asked Chen Ming and his group to go up.

Chen Ming and his companions ran up quickly.

"Where have you guys been?"

The platoon leader looked at them and asked indifferently, without any trace of the tone he had when talking to that man just now.

Chen Ming smiled and said, "I couldn't sleep, so I came out for a walk and wait for dinner."

After a pause, Chen Ming plucked up his courage and asked, "Platoon Leader, who was the person you were chatting with just now? Why haven't you seen him in the barracks?"

Gao Jie was stunned. He didn't expect that Chen Ming now had the courage to ask questions.

When ordinary recruits see their superiors, they either salute and say hello, "Sir" out of fear, or quickly take a detour and pray that the superiors don't see them.

Who dares to come up and chat with the leader

The platoon leader thought about it, and after a pause, he replied, "He is from the Feilong Special Forces. He just happened to pass by. You naturally haven't seen him."

"Special Forces?"

He Dong looked puzzled.

The others also looked confused.

In this era, Internet information is not well developed, and ordinary people cannot access many things at all. This is the first time they heard this word.

"Special forces are the elite among the elites. Each of them is one in a million. They roam the frontline battlefields, wherever they are needed, they are there, doing almost impossible tasks."

The platoon leader explained simply, "You will understand later."

Everyone nodded with half understanding.

Chen Ming then asked, "How do you know them, platoon leader?"

Before Chen Ming was reborn, he learned about the special forces through many channels. It was difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with them. Even their family members only knew that they were serving in the army and had no idea that they were from the special forces.

Moreover, their identities are kept strictly confidential, and their information shows that they are most likely the caretakers of a certain logistics warehouse.

No one knows their specific identities and missions.

If you just want to investigate them from the outside, you will be surprised to find that according to the information, they are a group of non-existent people!

Chen Ming was surprised that the platoon leader actually knew the special forces.

The platoon leader looked up at the withered poplar tree next to him, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if recalling the past:

"When I was 18, a mudslide hit my hometown. Due to the remote location and harsh environment, the fire brigade was unable to reach the scene in a short time. The army dispatched a special forces squadron to come over, parachuted in from an altitude of 3,000 meters, and saved many villagers in my hometown."

Chen Ming listened and nodded.

He had read the platoon leader's information and knew his experience. The sudden mudslide made him miss the college entrance examination. It was also because of the mudslide and the sight of the rescue troops that made him want to join the army.

The platoon leader smiled and said, "I almost died at that time, but it was the man you saw just now who saved me and dug me out of the mud."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly understood.

No wonder Gao Jie smiled so happily when facing that person, it turned out that he was his savior!

"I later joined the army in order to follow in their footsteps, dreaming of joining the Feilong Special Forces and becoming one of them."

The platoon leader looked at these new recruits, as if he saw himself chasing his dreams back then, and smiled faintly.

He Dong asked in a nonchalant manner: "Then Platoon Leader, have you joined the special forces?"

As soon as he said this, everyone rolled their eyes at him.

If the platoon leader went in, could he still be here

Chen Ming was also speechless towards He Dong. After this kid joined the army, he did lose a lot of fat, but it seemed that he also burned a lot of fat in his head.

In the case of the platoon leader, either he went there but didn’t pass, or he still hasn’t been able to get in.

If it is the former, then what the fat guy said is just exposing someone's scars.

The platoon leader smiled faintly, not angry, but said: "I'm still working hard."

After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something and looked at Chen Ming:

"Chen Ming, with your ability, you have a chance to become a special forces soldier. Do you have any ideas?"

Chen Ming thought about it and to be honest, he was still a little moved when he saw the special forces soldier in such cool outfit just now.

After all, such a cool soldier would meet psychological expectations!

More importantly, the special forces are a force that fights on the front line and does meaningful things!

Perhaps this is what Chen Ming desires most!

Three-day summer promotion, top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

(Activity time: August 13 to August 15)

Chapter 47: The last birthday party, the rookie period is about to end!

Chen Ming knew that special forces were a very mysterious and elite force compared to ordinary troops.

Those who are able to enter need to go through layers of selection, and be selected from the most elite group of people in each unit. Only after a rigorous, arduous, and even perverted selection, can they have the chance to enter the special forces.

This kind of troops will rarely recruit directly from the recruit company.

Although special forces are good, Chen Ming feels that this is not what he should consider now.

Chen Ming thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Platoon leader, I haven't made up my mind yet. I'll wait until I'm assigned to a company and see which company to go to first. Of course, if the special forces want to recruit, I will definitely give it a try."

The platoon leader listened to Chen Ming's answer and nodded with satisfaction.