Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 42


The final military skills assessment is the various tactical movements during normal training, as well as firearms maintenance.

There are many subjects for examination.

The first test was a theoretical test, and they were taken to a large classroom.

Everyone sat separately, and their test papers and pens were already placed on the table.

Four instructors will walk back and forth to inspect. There are cameras in the four corners, and there will be many examiners behind the cameras to monitor their every move.

The possibility of cheating is basically eliminated.

Today, the scene behind the surveillance camera can be said to be very lively, with people standing everywhere.

The three examiners originally arranged here were trembling and dared not speak.

In addition to the commanders of the three recruit companies, there is also the commander of the fourth sharpshooter company, Ye Qingshan, and the commander of the seventh reconnaissance company, Hu Zhihu. In addition, there are also artillery companies, infantry companies...

A large group of company commanders with the rank of captain on their shoulder straps gathered here, staring at the screen intently, and there seemed to be a sense of incompatibility between them.

"Damn it, Chen Ming's individual qualities are so good, he should definitely join our reconnaissance company, why are you all just messing around!"

Hu Zhihu looked at the crowded monitoring room and was so angry that he burst into swearing.

"Also, Chief Tang, why are you here too? Chen Ming has good physical fitness, why are you from the Information Department joining in the fun?"

At this time, Tang Xinyi was also in the monitoring room, wearing casual clothes, standing in the corner, out of place with the group of men.

Tang Xinyi glanced at him and said, "Who says that people with good physical fitness can't join the information department? Besides, is Chen Ming just good physically? His hacking skills are not to be underestimated. If he wants to, he can use the computer to look at your information one by one!"

These platoon leaders don’t know yet that Chen Ming has broken through the military system.

Hearing Tang Xinyi's words, several company commanders' eyes lit up immediately:

"You still have this ability?!"

"Then I like it even more!"

"This soldier is mine. Don't try to steal it. It's mine. If anyone tries to steal it, I'll be angry!"

Although these units still use more physical energy, it would be better if they had professional skills in hacking.

Imagine that during an exercise, the other side just launched a drone reconnaissance, and we hacked into their system directly, not only turning the drone on its head, but also making the other side shoot itself in the foot.

Soldiers with this ability will be like a tiger with wings, whether in exercises or actual combat!

Tang Xinyi found that her words not only failed to dissuade them, but instead aroused their interest, and she gritted her teeth in anger.

In addition to them, the brigade commander with the rank of colonel on his shoulder straps was also here, sitting behind the monitoring desk, watching the new recruits taking the exam:

"Alright, stop making noise. I'm invigilating here. Anyone who makes noise again, get out!"

The brigade commander spoke and everyone shut up.

As the exam began, the new recruits started writing.

Looking at the footage on the surveillance camera, the commanders of the first and third recruit companies were shocked:

"Lao Lin, you two are cheating, right?"

"That's right, how could it be possible to pass the exam so quickly!"

In the examination room, many people started writing as soon as they got the test paper and finished answering the test paper quickly.

And these people, without exception, are from the second company of recruits.

As for the first and third companies, most of them were scratching their heads and biting their pens while looking at the test papers, with worried looks on their faces.

Seeing this scene, not only the two company commanders of the recruit company, but also other company commanders questioned:

"When I was leading the new recruits, the theoretical exams were the most difficult part. They were all poor students who couldn't memorize anything."

"Me too. Not to mention the recruit company, when I was a recruit, the regulations were my biggest headache."

"Lao Lin, did you leak the test questions?"

Everyone looked at Lin Changfeng questioningly, even the brigade commander turned around.

After all, theoretical exams are different from other exams and rely on your brain.

Even if you want to train your brain, it's hard to achieve results within three months.

Lin Changfeng looked at the questioning expressions of the other company commanders and smiled helplessly: "It's Chen Ming. This kid learned the Crazy English model and led the new recruits to read aloud and recite loudly every night in the company. After three months, he basically memorized it, so this exam is naturally no problem."

"It's Chen Ming again!"

After hearing this, the other company commanders couldn't help but speak out, and they became more determined to snatch Chen Ming's idea.

After listening to the explanation, the brigade commander nodded with satisfaction, turned around and continued looking at the screen.

Although the brigade commander looked calm at this moment, he was actually having a headache inside.

It is because Chen Ming is so outstanding that many company commanders want to snatch Chen Ming away.

At this time, his desk was already piled with documents, all sent by these company commanders, and the contents were all

"Chen Ming is a good fit for my company. I want him. Please approve him, Brigade Commander!"

Although these company commanders are officials, they are just a bunch of rough guys and the contents of the documents are simple and crude.

The brigade commander also had a headache, after all, each company had its own advantages.

If Chen Ming is only unilaterally outstanding, you can just assign it yourself and find a company corresponding to him to send him down.

But, Chen Ming is a hexagonal warrior!

How do you want me to distribute this

Just as the brigade commander was feeling frustrated, Chen Ming had already finished answering the questions and came out.

He led the team in reciting every night, and while urging others to make progress, he himself was also making rapid progress.

I had almost memorized the contents of the regulations and knew how to answer the questions after just one look at the test paper.

In less than ten minutes, he handed in the paper and walked out of the examination room.

After a while, other students in the class came out one after another, all with happy faces.

Just by looking at their appearance, you can basically know what the result will be.

As the candidates for the exam gradually came out, the second company was mostly full of smiles, while the other companies had many sad faces...

Three-day summer promotion, top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

(Activity time: August 13 to August 15)

Chapter 49: Alarm the brigade commander and let Chen Ming make his own choice!

After the theoretical test, it is the physical test.

In the armed five-kilometer cross-country race, everyone was under the supervision of the examiner, with packed bags on their backs and Type 95 rifles hanging around their necks. At the command, they all started running.

Unlike running in circles on the training ground before, the five-kilometer cross-country run in the assessment is a real cross-country run.

They kept running along a road with trees on both sides. Some of the trees had surveillance cameras hanging on them, keeping an eye on them at all times to prevent them from taking shortcuts or something.

At the beginning, Chen Ming ran with the main group, but his speed was much faster than others. After running for a while, he could no longer see the main group behind him.

He was running alone on a quiet road, carrying a backpack and holding a gun. Occasionally, a breeze blew through the trees on both sides, causing the leaves to rustle.

I don’t know how long it took, but the trees on both sides of the road became fewer and fewer, and human figures gradually appeared in the distance.

There were two examiners holding timers.

The two of them stood lazily at the finish line. Seeing someone running over, they were stunned. One of them looked at the timer in his hand and exclaimed:

"Fuck, so fast?!"

"Fifteen minutes, this is a new recruit?!"

These two men were veterans of the brigade. They had never heard of Chen Ming's reputation. They were surprised to see that Chen Ming was about to finish the race so quickly.

In the five-kilometer armed cross-country race, if you can finish within 23 minutes, you are qualified; if you can finish within 20 minutes, you are of good quality; and if you can finish within 18 minutes, you can be considered a pioneer and a model.

As Chen Ming ran across the finish line, the timer was pressed and the time finally stopped at sixteen minutes and twenty-three seconds.

The two veterans looked at the result in astonishment, then looked at Chen Ming's calm face and heartbeat, and swallowed in fear.

Not to mention the new recruits, even the top veterans can’t achieve such a result!

And they were sure that Chen Ming did not cheat. After all, if he had cheated, the monitoring room would have discovered it long ago and informed them via the intercom that Chen Ming's score had failed.

However, there was no sound from the intercom, which meant that Chen Ming really ran over step by step!

"May I have your name?"

The two veterans opened the folder and asked Chen Ming.

"Chen Ming, second squad, second company, new recruit company."

One of them was recording, while the other one asked Chen Ming in surprise, "With your speed, you can almost participate in the elite competition."

The vanguard competition is a large-scale competition that gathers the best soldiers from various companies. If you can get a place in the competition, when you return to the company, the squad leader will have to listen to you!

Chen Ming smiled and waved his hands, "Normal speed, normal speed, nothing to worry about."

Nearly five minutes after Chen Ming finished running, the large group slowly came running over, each of them panting, and looking at Chen Ming as if he were a monster.

At the beginning, they saw a big green rat running out. Everyone was startled. When they looked closely, they found that it was Chen Ming!