Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 49


Listening to Chang Heng's words, Chen Ming felt relieved.

People who graduate from military academies are different. Unlike He Dong and the others, they do nothing but act servilely and make jokes.

Look at them, these words go straight to my heart, like a warm breeze blowing on my face, bringing a refreshing feeling.

Although Chen Ming felt relieved, he couldn't show it directly. He coughed twice and said, "Maybe it's because I'm handsome. I've always had good luck with women since I was a kid."

Chang Heng was stunned and couldn't help rolling his eyes, complaining in his heart, I praised you for being fat, but you really gasped!

The car was driving on the road, and the two chatted casually.

Chang Heng did not put on airs just because his military rank was higher than Chen Ming's, and he was very approachable along the way.

In the information department, they value technology more than military rank.

Chen Ming has good skills, so Chang Heng’s attitude is naturally good.

After chatting along the way, the two quickly became familiar with each other.

Nearly an hour later, the car arrived at the brigade information department building.

This is a brand new building. From the second floor upwards, there are floor-to-ceiling windows everywhere. When the sun shines on them, the reflected light is extremely bright.

In the center of the building, there is a big red five-pointed star hanging, with the words "August 1" written in golden font inside the five-pointed star.

Everyone coming and going was wearing the same casual clothes, and most of them were thin. It was obvious that they seldom trained, and they all exuded an artistic temperament.

More importantly, there are many female soldiers among the people coming and going!

In a place like the military, a female soldier is extremely precious. Many serving soldiers in a company may never have seen a female soldier until they retire.

But here, people come and go and can be seen everywhere!

Chang Heng found a parking space, parked the car, pointed at the building and said, "This is the Information Technology Building, but don't rush to report in. I'll take you to the dormitory first and arrange a place for you to sleep."

"Okay." Chen Ming followed Chang Heng with his bag on his back, looking around constantly.

It really is worthy of being called a retirement unit by the company commander and others. The greening here is particularly well done. The grass on the green belts on both sides is neatly trimmed, and the planted trees are tall and straight with lush branches and leaves.

If you walk here in summer, you won’t feel the heat at all.

The roads under your feet are paved with pebbles. Walking on such a road, it seems that all the bad things are diluted a lot.

Chen Ming took a deep breath, smelled the fresh air here, and felt relaxed all over.

"That's great." Chen Ming couldn't help but murmur.

Their dormitory is not far behind the Information Technology Building.

Compared to the Information Department Building, this place is a little old, but compared with the dormitory of the recruit company, it is definitely high-end.

It doesn't look like a dormitory building, but more like an apartment building.

Led by Chang Heng, the two walked into the dormitory.

The moment he entered the dormitory, Chen Ming was really stunned. He even couldn't believe that this was the treatment in a military dormitory.

Unlike the ten-person rooms in regular companies, the facilities in the government units are superior, like university dormitories, with four people in a room, a bed above and a desk below, as well as air conditioning and a single bathroom.

The balcony outside is very spacious, with excellent lighting and is bright.

The accommodation conditions are simply too comfortable!

There were four beds, three of which were already occupied. Chang Heng took Chen Ming to an empty bed.

"This is your bed."

Chang Heng pointed at the empty bed and said, "Clean it up. You may have to sleep here for a long time in the future."

Chen Ming nodded, put his backpack into the cabinet under the bed, climbed onto the bed, patted the mat and the blanket on the bed, and tidied them up a little.

After finishing tidying up, he jumped off the bed, looked at Chang Heng and asked, "Are you living with me?"

Chang Heng nodded. "Yes, there were originally three people in our dormitory. Now that you've moved in, it's exactly four people. The other two roommates are still on duty. I'll introduce you to each other when they come back."

As he said that, he walked to his cabinet, opened it, and took out a pack of cigarettes. Chen Ming handed him one and asked, "Do you want to smoke?"

Chen Ming couldn't help being a little surprised as he watched his skillful movements.

Although no one in his class of recruits smoked, he knew that cigarettes were strictly prohibited in the army. Some people with heavy smoking habits were caught smoking by the squad leader and ended up in a miserable situation.

It is said that each squad leader has a unified set of management principles for smoking.

Put a bucket over their heads and let them smoke inside. They can only come out when they finish a pack of cigarettes.

Because smoke is lighter than air, it cannot diffuse out due to the barrel cover, and will only push the heavier air downward, creating an oxygen-free environment.

Often after finishing a pack of cigarettes, everyone is almost choked by the smoke and never wants to smoke again in their life.

There, hiding a pack of cigarettes required a battle of wits and courage with the squad leader. In a regular company, someone like Chang Heng who casually stuffed it into the cabinet would never dare to think of doing it.

Seeing Chen Ming's expression, Chang Heng laughed and said, "Don't be surprised. We are not too strict about these things here. As long as it is not too blatant, it's fine."

Chen Ming couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the same military camp, but a different world.

Thinking about it, he took the cigarette handed to him by Chang Heng, put it in his mouth, and lit it with Chang Heng's lighter.

Chang Heng also smoked one, and soon the dormitory was filled with smoke.

Chen Ming was also a smoker before he was reborn. After he was reborn here, he was caught red-handed by his parents in an Internet cafe on the first day. He had no money on him and could not afford to buy cigarettes.

Later, when I joined the army, I had even less chance. Now that I see the cigarettes I haven’t smoked for a long time, I naturally won’t refuse them.

Blowing out a puff of smoke, Chen Ming asked, "I heard that government agencies are very relaxed and basically don't require training. Is that true?"

Chang Heng pondered for a while and replied, "I don't know about other units, but our information department is indeed quite relaxed. If you are on day shift, you will get up and do morning exercises on your own. If you are on night shift, you don't have to do exercises. After the shift change, you can come back to rest. The working hours are not long, eight hours a day, and you have weekends off. But you can't leave the barracks."

Although the Information Department is less busy, it is still a military-controlled unit and we can only stay in the barracks on weekends.

Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat when he heard his words. It really was a nursing home. Does that mean the daily training was just running exercises

Considering Chen Ming's physique, isn't this just a walk before breakfast? !

When the cigarette was almost finished, Chang Heng suddenly said, "Oh, I almost forgot, I need to equip you with a computer. When you finish smoking, I'll take you to the warehouse to get it."

Only then did Chen Ming notice that there was a computer quietly placed on the table under the other three beds.

"And it has a computer?"

Chen Ming was a little surprised. Although the Information Department was a retirement unit, Chen Ming had not expected that it would be provided in this way.

In the first three months, if we wanted to touch the computer, we had to sneak into the computer room, and we were very cautious and nervous every time.

That’s great! The computer will be delivered directly under your bed!

After smoking a cigarette, Chen Ming, under the guidance of Chang Heng, went to the warehouse to register, received work supplies such as computers and USB flash drives, and then returned to the dormitory again.

Chen Ming set up the computer and connected it to the military intranet.

After getting the new computer, he couldn't wait to try it out and sign in.

He said to Chang Heng: "I'll play games first, call me if you need anything."

"Okay." Chang Heng nodded. "But there's no way to connect to the external network. If you want to play, just download a few stand-alone games from the resource library of the internal server and play them. But don't use any method to penetrate the wall to connect to the external network. If the information is leaked, it will be a big deal."

He didn't know whether Chen Ming had the ability to penetrate the wall and connect to the outside world, but he still wanted to remind him.

If he really has some magical skills that he doesn't know about and connects to the external network, it is likely to lead to the leakage of troop information.

Chen Ming naturally knew the pros and cons of this. He nodded repeatedly and downloaded several stand-alone games from the resource library of the intranet server.

Fortunately, there are quite a few stand-alone games on the intranet, and some level-breaking games can be played by one person.

Chen Ming opened the game and started playing happily.

Soon, half an hour passed.


In my mind, the system's voice sounded:

"Host successfully signed in and obtained 30 points!"

The expectation on Chen Ming's face froze instantly. What the hell were these points? Aren't they directly rewarding physical fitness or various skills

"System, what are these 30 points? What is going on?"

Chen Ming quickly asked himself.

The system's cold voice sounded, answering without any warmth: "The host has passed the novice period. The system rules have changed. Signing in can only earn points."

Chen Ming was stunned and asked quickly: "What are the points for?"

The system replied in a cold voice: "The system mall is open. The host can use points to redeem any item in the mall."

The system then continued to talk on its own: "The new system function is opened, the host is rewarded with game production skills, and the game workshop is opened."

"Hmm?" Chen Ming frowned. Game Production Workshop? What is this

“Hosts can exchange any game source code and art files in the workshop.”

"Every time the host completes the production of a game and promotes it to other people, he can get multiple points."

After hearing a series of prompts from the system, Chen Ming wanted to curse.

This crappy system actually has a novice period.

He actually thought that as long as he kept signing in every day, he would be able to acquire various skills or gain physical benefits.