Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 53


Did I dream last night? I don't remember!

Looking at Chen Ming's expression, Chang Heng said disappointedly: "Are you pretending to be stupid or do you really not remember?"

Chang Heng once learned that people dream every night, and more than one dream, but most of them are forgotten after waking up, and only a few will be remembered.

Chen Ming suddenly understood. It must be because he laughed unconsciously when he was looking at the system, and laughed very happily. They mistakenly thought that he had had a dream that was not suitable for children!

This has happened more than once...

When he first joined the army, he cursed the system in his heart on the train because the reward given by the system was not appropriate. His face was distorted, and Yu Jun and others thought he was sick.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming wiped his face vigorously with a towel.

Are the muscles on my face so difficult to control? !

Seeing Chen Ming's dazed state, several people thought that Chen Ming had really forgotten the dream. With a "whoosh", they continued to wash up.

After washing, they went downstairs wearing the camouflage vests issued by the army and started running exercises in the playground below the dormitory.

The rules require us to do drills from 7 to 8 o'clock, but as long as it doesn't exceed 8 o'clock, it's fine. Moreover, the drills are not strict at all, and there is no assembly or anything. There is only a soldier standing there in regular uniform with a sign-in book.

After several people signed in with the soldier, they started running, and they were all jogging. If they were any slower, it would be basically no different from walking.

And you only have to run one mile!

Traveling one kilometer with light luggage is a dream that other companies dare not even think about!

No wonder everyone envies the Information Department. Chen Ming looked at the pace of several people and smiled helplessly in his heart.

However, Chen Ming did not want to control his speed. He just ran with big strides and left everyone behind in an instant.

"What the hell? I really think I saw a camouflaged rat running by!"

The soldiers who were also doing drills here looked at Chen Ming who suddenly "flew" out with surprise on their faces.

These people are not all from the Information Department, most of them are civilian workers in the army.

They are used to these civilian positions. Apart from running exercises every day, they basically have no other training, and they are also used to the speed of jogging.

I was naturally surprised to suddenly see a large camouflaged mouse.

“So fast?!” Among the four-member group of the mountain village, the other three leaders looked at the brave fourth leader and praised him.

The unyielding boss rolled up his sleeves and said, "In our place, no one can outrun me!"

After saying that, he immediately chased after him...

After the running laps, everyone returned to the dormitory building. It was only half past seven.

Since it was December, it was already quite cool in the morning, so no one was sweating.

If it is summer, after running a lap and sweating, they will choose to take a shower before going to work.

I changed into casual clothes and leather shoes, went to the cafeteria to get some buns and soy milk, and leisurely went to the Information Department office.

Chen Ming walked while leisurely chewing on the juicy and meaty buns, and kept sighing in his heart:

The word for a retirement unit is just two words: leisure! .

Chapter 56: Hacker's blue domain skills, crazy and cool operations shocked everyone!

Chapter 56: Hacker's blue domain skills, crazy and cool operations shocked everyone!

The information department's computer room covers a large area, but most of the space is occupied by many instruments.

Densely packed wires act as a bridge between servers and computers.

When Chen Ming and others arrived at the computer room of the Information Department, Tang Xinyi was already sitting at her workstation, chewing a piece of bread with one hand, sliding the mouse with the other hand, and staring at the computer.

In addition to her, there were two staff members on night shift in the computer room. They sat at their workstations with blurry eyes and were obviously very sleepy.

Chang Heng and the others walked back to their workstations, while Chen Ming came to Tang Xinyi's desk alone, stood still, and saluted with his chest puffed out. "Reporting to Section Chief Tang, member of the Information Department, Chen Ming is here to report!"

Tang Xinyi raised her head, glanced at Chen Ming, and smiled, "Not bad, sit down."

Chen Ming pulled out the chair in front of his desk and sat down. Tang Xinyi looked at him and asked, "How is it? Have you gotten used to it after staying here for one night?"

Chen Ming nodded, then shook his head.

Tang Xinyi was startled and frowned, "Are you used to it or not?"

Chen Ming grinned: "It's a bit uncomfortable."

This is indeed true. The dormitory environment is good, you can stay in bed every day, the cafeteria has a variety of delicious food, and you only have to run one kilometer for exercise.

For Chen Ming, who had just graduated from the recruit company, this was so comfortable that he was at a loss.

After hearing what Chen Ming said, Tang Xinyi burst out laughing, "It's okay, you'll get used to it in the future."

After a pause, she continued, "Wait a moment. I have specially called everyone here today to introduce you properly."

Chen Ming looked a little surprised, "Is it necessary to be so grand?"

Tang Xinyi smiled and nodded, "I snatched you back personally, how can I not value you?"

"Rob..." Chen Ming listened to the word in silence, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the case.

If Tang Xinyi hadn't gone to the computer room to wait for him, then went to the assessment site to pick him up, and finally fought with a group of men in the brigade office for him.

Chen Ming might have already gone to the sharpshooter company or the reconnaissance company.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the word "抢", but it sounds weird.

I felt like a virgin daughter of a landlord, being picked up by a bandit, and then carried on his shoulders as his mistress...

When I think of Xiong Dahe and the others who always think they are the boss...

This really can’t be a bandit’s den!

Just when Chen Ming was lost in thought, Tang Xinyi waved her hand, "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and came back to his senses, "It's okay, please continue."

Tang Xinyi nodded, "Our department has to have someone guarding it 24 hours a day. Although there is usually nothing to worry about, we are just in case."

After a pause, she added: "Because it needs to be guarded 24 hours a day, I will tell you in detail the normal working hours."

"We have two days off a week in the information department, but they are all rotated. Since you have just arrived, you will work the full day shift for the first week and rest on weekends. After a week, if you are proficient in operating the system, you will be assigned to the mid-shift and night shift."

"The day shift is from 8am to 4pm, and you can take turns going out for lunch at noon. The day shift has the most people working, usually six or seven."

"For the mid-shift, I pick up the workers from 4pm to 12pm, then go home to rest for the whole day, and then work the night shift the next day."

"For night shifts, it's from midnight to eight in the morning. After the night shift, you can rest for two days."

Tang Xinyi explained the working rules, which was actually a shift system, and there had to be someone in the computer room at all times.

Tang Xinyi then said, "Except for the day shift, there are two people on the afternoon and night shifts. I have a rotation table here. If you don't know, just come and check it out when the time comes."

As she spoke, Tang Xinyi took out a folder from the table, with the words "shift schedule" written on the cover.

Chen Ming nodded. Many positions that cannot be short of staff basically adopt this kind of rotation work and rest method.

"In addition to preventing system failures, what we have to do every day is to find system loopholes as much as possible and then block them." Tang Xinyi then introduced the daily work tasks to Chen Ming.

"In addition, we also need to study some defense systems and attack methods. In the information age, you know, whoever gets the information first will win."

Tang Xinyi told the story in great detail.

Chen Ming nodded. This era is no longer an era where wars are fought by numbers. With the advancement of information technology, wars are often more about technology.

If our technology is much stronger than the enemy's, and we have intercepted the enemy's information as soon as the enemy makes deployment, and set up an ambush in advance, we can exchange the smallest loss for the greatest victory!

Vice versa, information warfare is more vicious than war relying on numbers!

While they were talking, all the staff from the Information Department finally arrived.

Tang Xinyi clapped her hands and asked them to line up.

As they lined up neatly in the computer room, Tang Xinyi stood up from her chair and introduced Chen Ming to everyone: "Chen Ming, our new colleague in the Information Department, my new treasure."


Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat. He carefully glanced at Tang Xinyi's calm face and heartbeat. He was immediately disappointed. He thought he was thinking too much...

People in this era are not so complicated, and Tang Xinyi's heart is not so deep. Her treasure simply means that Chen Ming is a rare master.

As she spoke, Tang Xinyi asked them all to introduce themselves briefly so that they could get to know each other.

After everyone had introduced themselves, Chen Ming saluted everyone and said, "I, Chen Ming, am new here, so please give me your guidance. If there is anything I did not do well, please forgive me!"

Upon seeing this, everyone quickly put away their usual casual expressions and quickly returned the greeting to Chen Ming.

After the ceremony, someone said with a smile: "What can we teach you? We have heard of your great name a long time ago. It should be you who teaches us."

The others quickly agreed, "Yes, your name is well-known, and you have to teach us."

These words were not false compliments, but came from the heart.

They had already been impressed by Chen Ming's skills.

Because not long after Chen Ming was caught by Tang Xinyi, Tang Xinyi simulated Chen Ming's invasion route and hacked into the system again, allowing them to find out the way and method of her invasion.

As a result, nothing was found. The section chief's face was gloomy for several days. Only after he was sure that Chen Ming had been found did his smile gradually return.

If Tang Xinyi hadn't been there, they might not have been able to catch Chen Ming now. Fortunately, Chen Ming was one of their own. If he was an enemy spy, it would have been dangerous.

With these previous experiences, they had long admired Chen Ming's skills.