Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 59


Some soldiers who originally had no plan to go to the computer room, after hearing that a particularly fun game had been updated, formed teams and went to the computer room.

The machine rooms in the two camps were almost overcrowded, and people even had to queue up.

On Chen Ming's side, the system kept making a ding-ding-ding sound and points were constantly being credited.

The day passed quickly, and at dinner time in the afternoon, everyone ended the game after agreeing to continue next week.

Chen Ming also quit the game, stretched himself, and let out a long breath comfortably.

Looking at the 5 points in the system, I suppressed my inner excitement.

Make a fortune!

Chang Heng in the dormitory saw Chen Ming finally quit the game and said bitterly: "Old Four, the game is fun, but you have to be careful."

Chen Ming played almost the entire day today. Except for lunch, his eyes never left the screen.

Chen Ming smiled awkwardly, "It's been a long time since I had such a good time."

After looking around, he found that Lin Guang was not in the dormitory, so he asked curiously, "Where is Lin Guang?"

"I went out of the camp and applied for half a day off." Chang Heng sat in his seat holding a book and a cigarette between his fingers.

As a lieutenant, you have a certain amount of leave every month to leave the barracks, as long as you apply in advance before going out.

Although Chen Ming was their team leader, he did not receive such treatment because he was just a private.

If a private wants to go out, he needs a very reasonable and effective excuse, and then report it to the higher authorities. He can only leave the barracks after it is approved.

"By the way, many colleagues came to see you just now, but since you were so engrossed in the game, no one disturbed you." Chang Heng mentioned this while holding a book.

"Looking for me?" Chen Ming was stunned. "What do you want to do with me?"

"They probably wanted to ask you some questions. After all, you're not from our group. Some people didn't dare to disturb you when they saw you were busy at work, thinking they could wait until you took a break before asking. But when they saw you playing games, they all left."

Chang Heng walked up and handed Chen Ming a cigarette.

Chen Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He looked at him and said, "Just come in and tell me. It's just a game. It's not important."

For Chen Ming, serious matters are always more important than games.

"They have only known you for two or three days, so they are not familiar with your personality. In addition, your profile says that you are an internet addict. They are afraid that they might disturb your gaming. It would be terrible if you get angry and put them on your blacklist."

Chang Heng explained as he helped Chen Ming light a cigarette.

Chen Ming was somewhat speechless. "Why don't you help me explain to them and let them come in directly, or remind me?"

It would be fine if those outside the group didn't understand Chen Ming's personality, but having been roommates with Chang Heng for several days, they should know that Chen Ming is definitely not the kind of person who throws around his temper.

Chang Heng shrugged, "I personally don't want them to come in, why should I explain to them?"

"Huh?" Chen Ming was puzzled.

Chang Heng said, "You were already busy enough in the computer room. You finally had two days off on the weekend to play games or something, but a group of them came to question you. So, aren't you forced to work overtime?"

Chen Ming immediately understood that Chang Heng was considering him.

It is understandable that those soldiers want to learn, but if someone comes to ask for advice on the weekend and Chen Ming agrees to open the door first, will others flock to him

By then, Chen Mingke won’t even have weekends.

Chen Ming thought about it and it seemed to be true, but Chen Ming didn't want to disappoint these soldiers who were eager to learn.

"Do all the people in our Information Department live in this building?" Chen Ming asked Xiang Changheng.

Chang Heng didn't know why Chen Mingwen suddenly asked this, so he said truthfully, "Most of them are here."

Chen Ming nodded. "Then please ask them to open their computers, find a software called WeChat, open it to register, and add my ID. If they have any questions, they can just ask me on WeChat."

"WeChat?" Chang Heng was a little confused when he heard this unfamiliar word.

"Is this something you made again?" he asked.

Chen Ming nodded. "It's QQ in the intranet. It's just a chat software modified from an email account. The method of use is the same as QQ."

Chang Heng understood immediately, "Are you planning to teach on WeChat?"

Chen Ming nodded. "After adding everyone, I will create a group and you can ask questions in the group. If you still don't understand after I explain it to you, come and find me."

Although teaching on WeChat may not be as good as face-to-face teaching, every word can be saved, so at least you won’t forget it.

Besides, Chen Ming will reply whenever he is free, and if he is not free, he will just leave it alone, and it won’t affect him.

Chang Heng went out and reminded everyone to register for WeChat and asked them to ask questions on WeChat. At the same time, Chen Ming thought about it, opened a document, and tried his best to explain the hacker knowledge in his mind.

He wanted to create a document to share as much of his knowledge as possible with the people in the information department.

But this is obviously difficult.

Because the contents are so vast, and they are not rigid knowledge like in professional textbooks, but flexible and changeable in reality.

If Chen Ming wanted to write down all this knowledge, it would be basically impossible.

But Chen Ming is trying his best to contribute his knowledge as much as possible, writing as much as he can, and they are learning as much as they can.

As a Dragon citizen, Chen Ming would not hide his incompetence when he saw such a group of warriors who loved Dragon and wanted to contribute to Dragon.

Soon, most people in the Information Department created their own WeChat accounts and added Chen Ming according to the ID given by Chang Heng.

Chen Ming created a large group and pulled them all in, so that when he answered one person, others would also learn the knowledge about the question.

Some people started asking questions, and Chen Ming sat in front of the computer and responded seriously.

Chang Heng looked at Chen Ming like this and had some thoughts in his mind.

Perhaps Chen Ming's arrival will bring the Information Department as a whole to a new level!

ps: I beg for subscriptions and rewards. If the subscription is high, I will update 100,000 words today.

Chapter 60: Intranet system upgrade completed, the world's number one firewall!

Chapter 60: Intranet system upgrade completed, the world's number one firewall!

As the fierce battle on the rest day was over, Chen Ming and others returned to their normal lives.

I work during the day, sign in and go to bed at night, and work in the computer room day after day.

This went on for five days.

"Lin Guang, have you finished that section?"

In the computer room, Chen Ming was adjusting things in front of his computer. He looked up and asked Lin Guang.

"It's almost done, wait a moment." Lin Guang replied to the computer without even looking up, his fingers continuously tapping on the keyboard.

"I've finished the section here, I'll send it to you right away." Chang Heng transferred the file he made to Chen Ming and stretched comfortably.

"Mine is healed too."

"Mine too."

"Mine will have to wait a little longer, but it will be here soon."

The ten people in the group reported their progress one after another.

Since deciding to upgrade the troop system, Chen Ming divided what needed to be done into ten sections and had everyone complete them in batches.

I was the one who modified and reinforced the overall system.

"Okay, let's try to complete the system upgrade today. Let's work hard." Chen Ming was sorting out the documents and making final preparations.

Over the past five days, everyone has been working hard and busy upgrading the Red Star Brigade's systems.

And today, it is finally time to reap the rewards.

As the last person transferred the file to Chen Ming, all preparations were completed.

Chen Ming immediately upgraded the system.

As the progress bar slowly moves, earth-shaking changes are taking place within the system.

All the members of the information security team gathered behind Chen Ming, nervously watching the progress of the reading.




Before they knew it, everyone was holding their breath.


The reading page disappeared, followed by four big words "Upgrade Completed"!

"Success!" Chang Heng clapped his hands vigorously.

All the work these days has not been in vain!

Everyone showed satisfied smiles and excitedly clapped each other in celebration.

"Very good!"

"Finally success has come."

Everyone was shouting loudly.