Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 69


That is all the lost youth.

Seeing the chief of staff reminiscing, Chen Ming did not disturb him and turned around to continue looking out the window.

As the car drove into the city, more cars began to appear nearby and the streets became bustling.

There is only one month left until the Chinese New Year, and many shops on the street have started their year-end sales, with speakers and loudspeakers all on sale with endless discounts.

Chen Ming looked at the unfamiliar street and sighed.

For more than a month before joining the army, he had been exercising in the village, and after joining the army, he stayed in the barracks for nearly four months.

It has been almost half a year since I last went shopping properly.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Not long after the car entered the urban area, it drove into a sparsely populated area. It took nearly two hours to finally arrive at the military headquarters.

Tang Xinyi and the chief of staff walked in front, and Chen Ming followed them into the military meeting room.

This is a large conference room, which, like the brigade headquarters meeting hall, is built in the style of an amphitheater with a podium and a large blackboard at the front.

There is also a rolled-up curtain above the blackboard. You can put it down and use the projector to project pictures or videos.

After Chen Ming and the other two entered the conference room, quite a few people had already taken their seats.

The shoulder straps of these people were very diverse. They were worn by officers from various brigades or divisions, and all of them were at the colonel level.

Majors like Tang Xinyi are the lowest in rank here.

As for Chen Ming, there is no need to say more. As a private first class, he always feels out of tune with these officers.

Tang Xinyi patted Chen Ming's shoulder gently.

Chen Ming looked at her and saw encouragement in her eyes.

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Tang Xinyi had such an expression.

After thinking about it carefully, I understood it instantly.

There are a lot of officers here, and their ranks are not low. If ordinary soldiers came, they would be scared to death.

Tang Xinyi was encouraging him not to panic.

Chen Ming smiled lightly, shook his head and said: "I'm fine"

Who is he? He has lived two lives and his mind is much calmer than other recruits. He has not done anything illegal or disorderly, so it is natural that he is not at a disadvantage when facing these officers.

Hearing Chen Ming's words, Tang Xinyi nodded with relief.

The three of them followed the chief of staff and found a place to sit down.

Hundreds of military officers in the conference room couldn't help but look over and stare at Chen Ming with puzzled expressions.

This meeting was held by the military, and officers from all walks of life gathered there. How come a corporal showed up

Of course, although I was confused, I didn't ask any more questions and continued to wait for the conference to begin.

After that, many people came in one after another. Those who knew each other whispered in low voices, while those who had few acquaintances or were too far away sat quietly on the chairs, or simply closed their eyes and rested.

About twenty minutes later, with the arrival of the last officer, everyone was present.

After everyone arrived, the army commander Zhou Lijun and the army chief of staff Xu Zhihua walked in.

Both of them wore the rank of major general on their shoulders and sat on the podium right in front of the conference, facing the crowd.

Judging from Zhou Lijun's appearance, he should be in his forties or almost fifty years old. He had a resolute expression and his sharp eyes swept over everyone, appearing quite majestic.

The group army chief of staff, Xu Zhihua, looked younger than Zhou Lijun and was very thin.

But Chen Ming always felt that if this thin body exploded, it would definitely have unexpected power.

As soon as the two of them appeared on the stage, all the whispers in the conference disappeared immediately, and some people who had originally closed their eyes to rest also quickly opened their eyes.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the two people on the stage.

Although before the meeting, they all received news that this conference would revolve around the three words "information warfare".

But many people on the field still don't know exactly where to go.

Chen Ming also looked at the two major generals on the stage.

He was also curious about what kind of meeting this was.

Chapter 67: Who agrees and who opposes the informationization reform of the army? !

The two major generals of the army group looked at each other and nodded.

The army chief of staff Xu Zhihua was the first to speak: "Now that everyone is here, this military meeting will officially begin."

His voice was steady and rich, and every word could be clearly heard by all the officers present.

After he finished speaking, the group army commander Zhou Lijun quickly took over and said:

"In response to the call for military reform issued by the higher authorities, this meeting is held. The direction of military reform is to promote the transformation of the army from mechanization to informatization. Comrades, it is already the 21st century. We have all come into contact with computers and know how convenient they are. If we can promote informatization reform, the form of our war in the future will be completely changed. You can put forward any ideas you have, and then we will discuss a general implementation plan and implement it."

After listening to this, Chen Ming understood instantly.

The original intention of this meeting was to spread informationized warfare to all units and have all divisions and brigades develop informationized warfare models.

Chen Ming listened and nodded.

He was reborn, so he naturally knew the power of future information warfare. Basically, the whole world is developing it, and information warfare will be the mainstream.

Moreover, informationized warfare is more powerful, more effective, and causes less casualties than mechanized warfare.

Chen Ming was aware of the necessity of developing informationized warfare and fully agreed with the reforms proposed by Commander Zhou Lijun.

No, it’s more than just agreement. In Chen Ming’s mind, Longguo must develop informationized warfare.

Today, Longguo is still lagging behind Western countries in information development.

If we do not pay attention to the development of informationized warfare now, in a dozen years, Longguo's military strength will lag far behind that of Western countries.

This will be a huge disaster for the Dragon Kingdom.

Zhou Lijun's words not only made Chen Ming think a lot, but also caused an uproar among the officers.

The meeting notice they received was actually to discuss matters related to "information warfare".

What they didn't expect was that this meeting was actually about transforming the traditional mechanization of the troops into informatization.

Many officers frowned. They had become accustomed to the usual mechanized management and even regarded mechanization as a tradition.

Now, if they have to transform and turn to the information technology that they are not familiar with, there are many difficulties for them to overcome.

Moreover, in their eyes, informatization is not necessarily better than mechanization!

Judging from the current situation, many countries have buried the development of "information warfare" deep underground and rarely make it public.

As a result, many officers present were not aware of the power of information warfare.

Although they also brought officers from the information departments of each division and brigade.

But most of these officers are just like Tang Xinyi, who are only good in the computer field.

As for information warfare, it is a major topic that combines military warfare and information technology.

This is a very grand topic, and they couldn't figure out how to express it in a short period of time.

There was constant discussion at the scene.

Deng Chang, the chief of staff of the Red Star Brigade, turned his head to look at Tang Xinyi and Chen Ming, and asked, "What do you think of this transformation?"

Tang Xinyi frowned, still thinking.

Chen Ming blurted out: "We must transform!"

"Oh?" The chief of staff looked at Chen Ming in surprise.

In his eyes, although Chen Ming is strong in computers, his military service is only four months, and he may not even know what information warfare is.

But when faced with the issue of whether or not to transform, which has troubled many people, Chen Ming said firmly that transformation is necessary.

This puzzled the Chief of Staff.

Tang Xinyi also withdrew her mind from her thoughts and looked at Chen Ming in surprise.

"What do you mean?" the chief of staff asked, letting Chen Ming continue.

Chen Ming pondered for a while and said, "The times are developing, and technology is also advancing. The future will definitely be an era of the Internet and computers. This is beyond doubt."

The chief of staff nodded. He indeed agreed with Chen Ming's words.

He can be said to be a person who has witnessed the development of the times. The development of Internet technology has already been unstoppable and is about to enter thousands of households.

The future is indeed an information age.

Chen Ming continued, "Information warfare is a combination of informatization and warfare. It is an epoch-making development. If we want to be strong, we must keep up with the times and never lag behind in development. Only by standing at the forefront of the times can we stand at the top."

The chief of staff nodded. He also knew that informatization was a form of development, and if the army wanted to be strong, it could not stand still and must keep up with the times.

At the same time, he was also surprised that Chen Ming, at the age of eighteen, had such profound insights.

Chen Ming continued, "Informationized warfare is far superior to mechanized warfare in terms of flexibility and strike accuracy. Moreover, if informationization can be developed to a certain level, it can even achieve unmanned operation, which can greatly avoid casualties. Therefore, I believe that mechanization must transform towards informationization. Not only must we transform, but we must also work hard to develop and strive to make our information technology stand at the top of the world."

The chief of staff listened to Chen Ming's words and nodded with a smile, "Yes, your insights are very accurate, but transformation is not a simple matter."

Tang Xinyi also nodded in agreement, "At least in the eyes of many people, the dangers brought by transformation are far greater than the benefits brought by transformation."