Let You Join the Army to Quit Internet Addiction, but You Create the Matrix

Chapter 83


The Great Hall is a large auditorium. At this moment, the hall is brightly lit, with strings of bright red lanterns hanging from the ceiling and the windows all around covered with stickers.

A prosperous New Year scene.

In the middle of the conference hall, there is a stage with all the lights and sound equipment, ready to go.

There were large round tables covered with red tablecloths under the stage, each of which could seat more than 20 people.

Because Chen Ming and the others just took the time to tidy up their clothes and appearance.

When they arrived, there were already quite a few people in the conference hall.

Tang Xinyi took Chen Ming and others to find a round table relatively close to the front and sat down.

There was a card in the middle of the round table with the words "Information Department" written on it.

After deciding to hold the New Year's Eve party, the brigade had already counted how many people from each unit would come.

When arranging the room, the chairs will be placed according to the number of people, neither too many nor too few, just right.

After Chen Ming sat down, he looked around and saw that many people had already taken their seats, waiting for the meal to start.

Most of the people in the field were soldiers, with only a few officers. Without the constraints of a leader, the soldiers chatted animatedly.

As for where the officers were going, Chen Ming also knew that most of them were standing guard outside.

The army has a tradition that on New Year's Eve, in order to allow the soldiers to enjoy this rare holiday, officers will take their place on duty.

From platoon leaders to brigade commanders, everyone will take over from the soldiers and stand on guard that night, guarding them through this military New Year's Eve.

Of course, not all officers have to go on duty.

Tang Xinyi, who was sitting next to Chen Ming, was an exception.

The brigade commander, brigade chief of staff, and political commissar would only send two people out to replace the soldiers on duty.

After all, one of them has to stay and take charge.

Besides, those who can rise to that position are basically in their forties or fifties, unless they are geniuses.

They are so old that which guard would be willing to let them stand guard

After all, this stop will last for several hours and you can't move.

Soon, everyone was seated and the party officially began.

Eight members of the kitchen team came together, each pushing a food cart filled with hot food.

As the delicious food was served, everyone quickly devoured it.

I don’t know if it’s because everyone is too tired today, or if tonight is a special night, but everyone’s appetite is surprisingly good.

Even Lin Guang, who normally had the smallest appetite, ate a lot.

Although their Information Technology Department is a technical team, they are a group of men after all, and they eat in a very aggressive manner.

Chen Ming couldn't help but smile as he looked at their appearance.

Tang Xinyi also covered her mouth with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

About an hour later, the brigade chief of staff, who was sitting at a table far away, came up to the stage with a microphone.

At the same time, the lights in the conference hall dimmed a lot, and the lights and sound systems on the stage started up at the same time.

The colorful lights reflected on the chief of staff.

The chief of staff looked around amiably, raised the microphone and said, "Good evening, comrades!"

Everyone in the audience shouted, "Hello, Chief!"

The Chief of Staff held up the microphone and continued:

"The New Year's bell is about to ring, I wish all my comrades a happy New Year!"

“New Year, New Atmosphere. Here, I hope that all comrades can sweep away all the dust of the past year and step into the new year with a brand new mentality!”

“I wish all comrades to break through themselves and create greater glories in the future!”

After the chief of staff gave a brief New Year's speech, he asked people from various units to come on stage to perform their talents.

There was an order for these units to go on stage, and the one before the Information Department was a military skit.

They must have rehearsed this show carefully many times. Both the expressions and the lines were impeccable and made everyone laugh continuously.

Chen Ming watched the show and smiled happily.

Tang Xinyi frowned, nudged Chen Ming with her elbow, and whispered:

"Stop grinning like an idiot. Our department is next. Have you rehearsed the program?"

It would be very embarrassing for 570 to make a fool of himself in such an occasion.

Chen Ming glanced at her and snorted, "Are you nervous now? You told us about the performance so late, you are deliberately trying to make a fool of yourself."

Tang Xinyi retorted: "I thought you all knew!"

This kind of evening party is usually held every year, and almost everyone understands the process of performances.

"I'm a new recruit!" Chen Ming also retorted.

How long has he been in the army? This is his first time to celebrate the New Year in the army.

How do people in the army spend their normal New Year holidays? How would he know

Tang Xinyi was speechless and glanced at everyone else coldly.

It’s understandable that Chen Ming doesn’t know since he’s a new recruit, but the others are veterans, how could they not know

No one dared to look Tang Xinyi in the eye, and they all complained bitterly.

You didn't tell us, we thought we would only celebrate the New Year in the Information Department...

Looking at Tang Xinyi's furious expression, Chen Ming chuckled and said:

"Don't worry, I'll go up and sing a song later, and I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

Tang Xinyi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Chen Ming in surprise, "You can sing?"

Chen Ming raised his chin and hummed, "Who doesn't know military songs?"

Tang Xinyi's face suddenly darkened.

You sang military songs in front of a group of veterans. Are you showing off your skills?!

At this moment, Tang Xinyi felt a little desperate. The reputation of the Information Department was about to be lost...

Chen Ming was delighted when he saw Tang Xinyi's appearance.

I told you to notify me so late, do you know I was wrong?!

What he said only made Tang Xinyi despair for a moment.

How could he possibly go up and sing a military song at the expense of the entire Information Department

Although military songs sound nice, people here are basically tired of listening to them, and no one will buy into them.

As for what song to sing, Chen Ming had already thought of it after thinking about it all night last night.

As the previous skit was about to end, Chen Ming quickly ran backstage, took out a USB flash drive and handed it to the comrade who was controlling the projection, asking him to play it later.

When the skit ended, Chen Ming came on stage and stood under the spotlight.

He looked at the people in the audience, especially glanced at Tang Xinyi who was looking down at the audience, ready to be embarrassed, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Happy New Year everyone, I am Chen Ming from the Information Department. Today I will sing a song for you to promote our Dragon Country culture, "Uncommon Characters"

Chen Ming held up the microphone and spoke to everyone.

Hearing Chen Ming's words, Tang Xinyi raised her head suddenly.

Not a military song?!

This kid is playing tricks on me!

Tang Xinyi's face showed half anger and half joy.

Many people in the audience looked confused when they heard the unfamiliar song title.

"Have you ever heard of rare characters?"

"No? A new song that just came out?"

“Can it sound good?”

Many people looked at Chen Ming on the stage and expressed their doubts.

Following the behind-the-scenes staff, he opened the USB flash drive that Chen Ming had just given him in the backstage.

An animated MV was played on the screen.

Chen Ming's singing voice also rang out clearly.

The entire auditorium exploded instantly! .

Chapter 75: On duty on the first day of the Lunar New Year, happy double-teaming with the section chief!
